Here come the Chics in Reign! This is Chibbi San and I. We are the CiR. I am the Queen of Everything (besides God, but that's besides the point). She is the co ruler of everything (etc). But there are many other people in this hierarchy of people. So, here are the stats.
First of all, I must tell you the hierarchy of titles.
- Queens -- the most powerful. They Keep everything in order. Kings answer to Queens.
- Kings -- next on the ladder. They hold full rule of thier planet as long as there is no Queen of that planet.
- Co-Rulers -- those people who are dating the Queen or King hold this title. Co-rulers are below Kings in the rung, but basically have the same power if there is a Queen in reign.
- Princesses abd Barons -- Below Co-rulers. Barons are what a prince would be.
- There are various titles between Barons and Plebeans, but there are too many to mention.
- Plebeans -- are just basic common people walking around. they are the Citizens. Plebean in this sense does not have the negative connotation that the Romans had.
- Ameobeas -- the bottommost rung. They are the scum of the universe and are not allowed to reproduce.
So, here are the current title holders
- RiN - Queen of Everything (besides God But that's besides the point) and Queen of Saturn
- Chibbi RoE - Queen of Venus, Queen of Neptune, Queen of Mercury, Queen of Mars, and the Moon Queen
- Peabbles (aka Natalie) - Queen of the Klingon Homeworld
- Jackie - Queen of Jakala
- Miguel - King of Miguelia
- Robbie - the Sun King
- Christopher - King of Dune
- Brian - King of Vinusker
- Roy - King of Drek
- Deamon (aka Matt) - King of the Deamon World (that's DeAmon. It's the Good kind.)
Other Titles
- RiN - Princess of Venus, Neptune, the Moon, the Sun, Vinusker, Pluto, Dune and The Ominous Land Sharks.
- Chibbi RoE - Princess of Saturn, Miguelia, Vinusker, the Sun, and Dune
- Nora - Aphrodite the Princess of Saturn
- Kimberly - Sister who is immortal and of the perfect race, and Co-ruler of Dune
- Brenden - Govornor of Montague on Neptune
- Will - Billy Boy, the court Jester of everything
- Deamon - High Commander of everything, and head council of the Ominous Land Sharks
- Robbie - Pretty Boy of everything
- Krystyn - Princess Lita of Jupiter, the Warped little Fairy friend.
- Miguel - Baron of Neptune, the Moon, and Venus
- Marcelo - Cartman Marsh-The courtly Scribe of the Halls of Saturn