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Chibbi and Friends

Pictures galore! These are the pictures of Chibbi and her friends. Hopefully there will be more to come in the future.

This is Chibbi San. The first one is her Senior Picture. That one is about a year old (as I create the website), but still. The second one was taken about the same time period. I took that one. :) The third one was taken this summer. :) Dosn't she look so much better with red hair? I love her red hair.

These were all taken at her birthday/graduation/going away party over the summer. The people in the big group picture are (from left) Chibbi, Me, Ruki, Tiffany, Robbie, other...I can't remember her name for the life of me, and short dude. The first picture is of Ruki, Chibbi and Robbie. ANd the second picture is Ruki alone. She's a cutie. *model, artist, and a sweetie.*

This was taken on her last day of work at her former place of employment. Her friend Rob is Actually...She's short. :)

These are friends from My School. The first picture is Me (RiN) and Karl. The second is Jonny. Jonny went with Chibbi to her seinor Prom because he's a sweetie and a dear friend.