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School: Trunks, Goten, and Mai are talking

Trunks: I dunno if I should invite Kini to meet my parents, I mean the last time Kini was over my house ya'll gave me a "Trunks' First Sleep-Over" party.

Goten and Mai laugh

Trunks: Which wasn't funny by the way!

Goten: We aren't laughing AT you, we're laughing WITH you.

Trunks: I'm not laughing.

Mai: Then we're laughing at you.

Trunks: uuuuuuuuugh…

Shinnosuke comes walking by "High as a Kite"

Shinnosuke: Wassup!!!!!!!

Trunks: Oh look, it's Mr. Half Baked.

Shinnosuke: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuup!

Sakura slaps Shinnboy

Sakura: Drink some coffee.

Ranma hops by

Ranma: I over heard your conversation.

Mai: You mean you were spying on us?

Ranma: Well if you wanna be a dick about it.

Mai: What do you want?

Ranma: Not you, though your heart may be broken from that.

Mai (holds her tummy): Whoa there stomach settle down.

Trunks: Anyway, (Stares at Ranma) why are you wearing a pink shirt?

Ranma: Pink is a manly colour, and it's Fuchsia for your information.

Akane, Ryouga, and Ukyou come walking by

Ranma (jealous voice): And where were YOU Akane!?

Akane: Making out with Ryouga and Ukyou.

Ranma: WHAT!?!

Akane: I hadda stay after school you monkey, I am not Whitney Houston, and you aren't Bruce Wills, so don't be my Bodyguard. You ain't my jailer-

Girls: SHUT UP!

Trunks: Can I say something?

Ukyou: (sighs) go ahead.

Trunks: Should I invite Kini over to meet my parents?

At the same time might I add.

Girls: No!

Guys: Yes!

Trunks: I'm going with my fellow men. (Turns to the girls) and YES if they all were jumping off MT. Fuji I'd do it to.

Sakura: I kinda knew you would, I bet you still think guys are better than girls are huh?

Ryouga: But we are.

Ukyou: Girls can do ANYTHING guys can do!

Shinnosuke: Pee standing up.

Ukyou…Fuck you.

Trunks: Well I'm going home then to Kini's to prepare her, see ya guys.

Sakura: …Persons…

Trunks: That just sounds stupid!

Capsule Corp. they all are sitting at the dinner table

Bulma: So Bra what did you do today?

Bra: Drew a moon, then some stars, then I coloured them in.

Bulma: That's great, Vegita- oh right you do nothing.

Vegita stares at her then back at his plate wondering why it is empty

Bulma: Trunks dear what did YOU do?

Trunks: School shi-

Vegita smacks him

Trunks (quivers): I mean…schoolwork.

Bulma: That's great.

Trunks: Can Kini come over for dinner tomorrow?

Vegita: HELL N-

Bulma smacks Vegita

Bulma: Of COURSE she can. I would love to FINALLY get to know that sweet young lady.

Trunks: Are you just permanently happy?

Bulma Well- *Cell phone rings * Hello Jonathan? Yea…yea…I DON'T CARE IF HIS GRANDMOTHER DIED! HE HAS 10,000 CAPSULES TO SELL AND IF HE DOESN'T GET IT DONE BY THURSDAY HIS ASS IS MIIIIINE! *Hangs up* Of course I'm happy. I have a great family and wonderful job- WHERE'S THE FOOD! (Turns to the kitchen) YEA SMOKE AND CHITCHAT IN THE KITCHEN! THAT'S WHAT I PAY YOU FOR!

Spanish Maid: Beach…


Trunks: Thanks Ma that's exactly what I wanted to hear.

Bulma: We'll take Kini out to eat, along with everyone!

Trunks: Everyone?

Bulma: Even Gokou and Chi-Chi.

Vegita (looks up): Hold up, what are we going to a Zoo so they can rome with their breed?

Bulma: Their breed is your breed, don't fuck with me I'll kick your ass I'm a businesswoman I take NO prisoners.

Trunks: oh…this will be a great dinner.

Everyone is at "Shefu Harold's" meaning: Chef Harold's

Waitress: Are you all together?

Bulma: Listen human mattress, table for 19 find one, if you can't find one, make one.

Waitress (pretty damn pissed right about now): Right this way…

They all sit down in a PRIVATE AREA for 19

Waitress(passes out the menu's): Shall I give the little one some crayons?

Bra: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cray Cray!

Everyone at the table: awwwwwwwwwwwwww.

Vegita: Don't gawk she's mine, only I can "aw".

Everyone: sorry Mr. Vegita

They all order

Bulma: Okay since we are WAITING for our food, how about we talk? Gokou what's on your mind?

Chi-Chi: Not much….

Gokou: I think Gohan is using drugs.

Goten: What?

Gokou(takes out a drug pamphlet): It says right here "You're happy, vibrant, and involved child can turn into a depressed lonely child."

Chi-Chi: Gohan was never happy, vibrant, or involved, besides he's a straight A student.

Gokou: That could be his cover! He could be selling Mary-Joe out of the rec. room.

Chi-Chi: It's Mary Jane and we don't have a rec. room.

Gokou: Pupils! We should check his pupils! While we're at it, we should check Goten.

Goten: Yes, I'm high right now…I'M SITTING WITH YOU PEOPLE!

Shinnosuke: YAY! Alright! (ready to give Goten a pound)

Goten: I'm only kidding dip-shit.

Shinnosuke: (sits back down) Dick…

Waitress comes by and gives Bra her crayons

Vegita: How come the crayons came before the food?

Waitress stares at Vegita

Waitress: We didn't have to make the crayons.

Vegita: My question is: Are you making the food?

Waitress: yes… (turns away and stomps off)

Bra makes a stupid drawing and shows it to Akane

Akane: Rent a brain.

Bra: mm… (turns away and keeps drawing)

Their food FINALLY comes!

Vegita: Can I get some water?

Waitress: sure. (leaves)

Bulma: Okay KINI! This is YOUR day so tell us about stuff.

#17: Yea! Whats your bra size?

Jewel: Will you marry me?

Kumon: Whats your panty size?

Kini: None of your business, hell no, and not even if you paid me.

Nabiki: Boys, did you forget about me?

#17, Kumon, Jewel: Of course not!

#17: You want a smoother glass for your drink?

Jewel: Would you like a new chair, I'll give you mine.

Kumon: You want me to fluff your shoelaces.

Nabiki: Well-

Bulma: KINI, please speak to us.

Kini: Okay, I am Kini, I came from another planet that blew up I'm the only surviour. I met your son, and now I'm here.

Gokou: We should check her pupils!

Chi-Chi: Shut up Gokou.

Vegita: God, what are they.. MAKING THE WATER!?

Waitress comes by

Waitress: How is everything here?

Vegita: I dunno, Still don't have my water!

Waitress: oh, sorry. (leaves to fetch his water)

Bra: How come Pan isn't here?

Gohan: Well Pan wanted to stay home with her mother, Videl.

Bra: Pan got to stay home and I didn't? (tilts her head) That's not fair!

Bulma: Well everyone came here, what were we supposed to do, leave you alone?

Bra: So everyone can come but me? (Tilts her head again) That's not fair!

Waiter comes by

Waiter: Since you are in the Private Area we thought you would like to watch some T.V (hands Vegita a remote control)

Vegita: (takes it) That's great, I get T.V before I get water. I WANNA SEE HAROLD!

Waiter(shakes): I'll get you your water sir!

Vegita turns on the T.V

Announcer on the T.V: Here at FOX we want you to enjoy your FOX entertainment. Now back to our FOX sport entertainment here on FOX. Oh and we want you to remember that you are watching FOX, for your FOX entertainment!

Vegita: No, I'm watching "CBS" for my FOX entertainment! (turns off the T.V) I only like FOX when it's on a plate with a side of mashed potatoes and a coke!

Everyone has a disgusting look on their faces

Waiter comes by with his water

Waiter: Here sir…

Vegita (takes it): Finally, what'd ya do, run to the Sahara and chop open a cactus?

Waiter looks at Vegita sternly

Waiter: So sorry sir. (leaves)

Waitress comes and hands Vegita water

Vegita: I already have some water but I'll take this one anyway. Oh and by the way, what did YOU do? Run to the ends of the Earth and back for this?

Akane: By the way, can I get some Apple Juice?

Waitress: Right away ma'am.

Vegita: Wait just a minute!

Waitress: What is it?

Vegita: What took you so long to get this water?

Waitress: We had to find it.

Vegita: WHAT THE FUCK YOU MEAN "FIND IT"!? What'd you have to do find a treasure map to search for this missing water, and you hadda scuba dive to the ocean in a sunken ship to find the treasure chest that contains this magical water? Or did you go and forget about us?

Waitress: (lowers her head) I forgot about you sir.

Vegita: I have a good mind to slit your throat!

Bra: Don't be MAD daddy! They have to make the water.

Vegita (looks up and then at Bra smiling): How honey?

Bra: They get ice from the Eskimos.

Vegita (smiles then turns back to the waitress): YOUR STILL HERE! GET LOST, DON'T YOU HAVE ANOTHER TABLE TO IGNORE!?

Akane: APPLE JUICE!!!!

Waitress leaves

Bulma's cell phone rings

Bulma (picks it up): Hello-what! I could be there in 20 minutes!

Vegita: Talk about up-tight. You can't leave, your paying!

Bulma (sweat-drop): (talks in the phone) um, mellow out man, it's the weekend! Get some rest, this project could wait ''til Monday! (hangs up) Um, I'm just gonna go to the little girls room (gets up and leaves)

Shinnosuke: Okay then….Who wants to pull my finger?

Sakura: Not now!

Gokou(sadly): But I wanted to pull his finger!

Chi-Chi: Gokou!

Gokou lowers his head

Bulma in the bathroom

Bulma (takes out her cell phone and speed dials her last call): Jonathan! … Of COURSE I was kidding!

Back to the other people

Ranma: Um, nobody touched their food.

Mai: I wonder why, and Bulma has been gone for a long time… maybe it's the food.

Everyone smells their food

Bulma comes back

Bulma: Sorry I took so long- (looks at everyone sniffing their food)

Everyone looks up and drops their plates

Everyone: We ain't doin nothing!

Waitress comes by and hands Akane her Apple Juice

Akane(takes it): What did you do, try to squeeze the apple!

Waitress: Sorry ma'am!

Akane: Damn right sorry, no tip for you!

Bulma: Who's paying? I'm paying, ME I decide who gets a tip and who doesn't.

Waitress (happy): Thankyou ma'am!

Bulma: What YOU happy about? I ain't giving you a tip! You messed up twice!

Waitress (mad): Thankyou ma'am (walks away)

Sakura: Hmm, I would ask for Lemonade but you know they might chop down a lemon tree and try to grow some sugar. What the Hell. (stands up and yells to the waitress) Can I get some LEMONADE please! Make it SNAPPY! (snaps her fingers then sits back down)

Everyone starts eating

Waiter comes by

Waiter: Anyone want something else to drink?

Shinnosuke: Coke with lemon.

Ranma: Pepsi.

Goten: Chocolate Milk.

Bra: SAME!

Mai: Dr. Pepper.

Trunks: Poison.

Kini: Trunks…

Trunks: okay, Sprite.

Kini: I'll have Mountain Dew.

Sakura: Chocolate Milk shake.

Goten: Oooh.. Change mine!

Bra: Me too! (smiles at Goten and winks)

Mai: hussy…

Gokou: Birch Beer!

Chi-chi: What?

Gokou: I haven't had birch beer in a long time! Make it in a frosty cold glass!

Chi-Chi: martini.

Ryouga: Milk.

Ukyou: Coke.

Gohan: Milk… (looks around) and make it, Chocolate.

#17: Oil

Waitress: What?

#17: I mean… coke.

Jewel: White wine.

Kumon: B-B-Q sauce.

Waitress: WHAT!?

Kumon: Are you hard of hearin', B-B-Q sauce! I KNOW you heard me!

Nabiki: Strawberry Daiquiri.

Vegita: Gin and tonic.

Bulma: Coffee! Lots of it!

Akane: Diet Pepsi….

Everyone looks at her "uuugh"

10 minutes passes by and their drinks come

Sakura: I'm still waiting for my Lemonade… Is the lemon tree in full bloom yet?

Waitress runs by with lemonade

Waitress: Here you go ma'am. (hands it to her)

Sakura (takes it): Come closer…

Waitress: …ok… (moves closer to Sakura) yes?

Sakura: Closer…

Waitress moves closer

Sakura: Closer…

Waitress: Moves even closer

Sakura (yells in the waitress' ear): DIDJA GROW THE CONTENTS IN THIS GLASS! DAMNIT!!!!

Waitress leaves

After dinner they are ready for dessert (my favourite part!)

Waiter comes by

Ryouga: Didn't we have a waitress?

Waiter: She is crying in the kitchen planning her suicide so, I'm gonna take the rest of your orders.

Goten: I want some chocolate cake.

Waiter: One piece?


Waiter: But sir, they are 10 inches tall.

Goten: This is me not giving a shit, I want the whole damn cake!

Waiter: okay sir, anyone else?

Trunks: 1 Eskimo Pie (looks to Kini) and we'll meet in the middle.

Kini giggles

Vegita (smacks trunks): Don't show your sweet love at the table.

Akane: Um, some Non-fat yogurt, with chopped granola and a banana.

Sakura (rolls her eyes): I'm gonna slap you in a minute!

Mai: I wanna sundae, and I'm not talking about any sundae, I want every flavour you have and super size it!

Sakura: Same mutha fucka the same shit!

Mai: oh and bring the can of Whipped cream.

Bulma: Cappuccino.

Vegita: Bloody Mary and make it REAL strong.

Bulma: Real great Vegita, get drunk, you're driving us home you know.

Vegita: all the more reason to get drunk.

Bra (stares at Goten): I want chocolate cake too!

Mai twitches her eye "ooooooh"

Ranma: Cheesecake! Whole thing baby!

Ukyou: Banana Split.

Ryouga: Apple.

Waiter: that's it?

Ryouga: yea.

Chi-Chi: Iced Coffee

Gokou: Birch beer!

Everyone gives Gokou a "what the fuck" kinda look

Shinnosuke: Um, Pickle and Pepper juice mixed together in a glass.

Everyone: ewwwwwwww

Shinnosuke: hey! Don't knock ''til you tried it! It gives your mouth a party.

Gohan: I'm fine.

#17: That's what you think.

Gohan: hey look! I ain't do shit fuck to you so don't talk to me!

#17: No need to get nasty.

Nabiki: Us four don't need anything.

Jewel: We're gonna get our dessert later.

Bra: Daddy what do they mean?

Vegita (thinks for a bit): They have sweets at home.

Kumon: Damn right!

After dessert the waiter brings them little papers to rate the restaurant

Akane: This is gonna be fun.

Everyone rates the restaurant a BAD rating, of course, except for Bra, she draws pictures on the paper.

Everyone leaves while Bulma throws the money on the table

Waiter and Waitress comes by

Waitress (picks up Bra's drawing): Does a Waiter and a Waitress with arrow through their heads mean "good"?

Everyone is in Vegita's van, not car…van.

Vegita (driving): I love my van…I love it more than, well of course Trunks and the rest of you pathetic kids!

Ranma (stomping his feet): We're not kids!!! Akane!

Vegita: Of course I hate Gokou.

Gokou: What?

Chi-Chi: Don't speak until we get home.

Gokou: Okay!

Chi-Chi rolls her eyes

Vegita drops Ryouga and Ukyou and "Uchans"

Vegita: Get out now!

Ryouga and Ukyou hop out and run into the house

Vegita: Whose next?

Ranma: Me…

Vegita: Ah, the fag.

Ranma: AKANE!

Akane: shut up! You think I'm gonna stand up to Vegita, you outta your mind!

Vegita drives over to the Tendou Dojo

Vegita: This bothers me, this is Akane's house but you live their and she doesn't.

Akane: Cuz I had the brains to move out.

Ranma: Nabiki, arent you coming?

Nabiki: I'm sleeping over (points to Jewel, #17, & Kumon) their house.

Ranma hops out of the van and runs inside.

Vegita drive to Shinnosuke and Sakura's house.

Vegita: Okay, get out. And the foursome can follow since you're right next door.

They all leave

Vegita drives to Mai's house.

Vegita: Mai!! Hurry and get out or we'll all go to hell!!!

Mai: Ohhhh!!!

Vegita Drives to Akane's house

Vegita: Get out.

Akane: Thanks for the-( he drives off) Ohhh!!

Vegita drops off the Son family

Vegita: Now get out get out never return!!!

They get out

Gokou: What do you wanna do now Chi Chi?

Chi Chi: (sarcastically) Trial separation.

Vegita drives home and brings Kini along

At home

Bulma: Well that was a lovely evening. I have an idea. Lets show Kini some pictures of Trunks when he was little!!

Trunks: Mom don't show her any pictures.

Bulma: My GOD Trunks, I want her to see pictures of you. What do you have a pickle up your ass?!?!

Trunks goes over to Kini.

Trunks: I'm just gonna go to that wash room. Apparently I have a pickle up my ass.

Trunks goes.

Vegita: Don't clog the toilet!! And Trunks!!! Light a match!!

Trunks mumbles curse words

Vegita: Hey Bulma, show Kini the picture of Trunks when he shit in his pants when we went on vacation!!

After about 10 minutes Vegita walks to the Bathroom door

Vegita: Hey Trunks, didja fall in?

Trunks is mumbling curse words again and comes out.

Kini: Well I'm tired, I think I better go.

Trunks: Take me with you.

Bulma: Nonsense, stay here Kini. It's late and too dark to fly. You can sleep in Trunks' room.

Trunks: I can't believe you.

Vegita: If I hear any noise, I'm throwin' ya both out.

Trunks: Well don't you guys go having loud sex!

Vegita: It's my house I get to do whatever I want!

Bulma: It's my house… remember? I'm the one with the job.

Vegita: Rub it in why don't you. ( Vegita brings bra upstairs and puts her to bed)

Bulma: I need sleep, I have to work tomorrow.

Everyone goes to sleep

In Akane's house, she is playing video games with Darian (who lives next door)

In Mai's house she is playing with her Spice Girl dolls with her sister.

In the Son house, Goten , Gohan, Videl and Pan are watching Gokou and Chi Chi fight.

In Shinnosuke and Sakura's house they're smoking weed.

At Ucchans Ryoga and Ukyo are sleeping like babies.

In Kumon, #17, and Jewel's house they are all in "bed" with Nabiki

At the Tendou Dojo Ranma is going to sleep listening to New Kids On The Block.

The End

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