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name: Jang Woo-hyuk
age: 20 nickname: "hammer"
he is the vice-leader and the second oldest in the group H.O.T
born in May 8th, 1978
blood type: O
height: 176cm
weight: 60kg
shoe size: 270mm where he came from: Gum-ee(that's why woo-hyuk started out with his "sah-tur-ee" accent, but he doesn't really have it anymore
He enjoys wearing comfortable hip hop clothes.
complex: none
habbits: lost them cuz he was so busy
he relieves stress by playing sports and exercising
goal: to become a talented musician
hobbies: playing ping pong, basketball(and many other sports), singing, dancing, listening to music, and taking picures!
ideal type of girl: someone who's quiet, has long hair and is "lady like"
values: his straw doll, his parents and his fans
what he would do for his girlfriend: he'd take her hand, look straight into her eyes while having her rest her head on his shoulder, and say "I love you"
something he doesn't want a girl to see: him taking off his socks
talents: skateboarding
respects: Yoo Young Jin and Micheal Jackson
He likes the quiet but fun mood.
Woo-hyuk has bad sleeping habits. He sleepwalks and talks in his sleep
He hates it when people think of him as a cold-hearted person cuz he's so quiet but really he's a nice person and can act like "himself". His laugh is the greatest!
instrument: a "dahn soh" it's like this old fashion korean drums thing where people use on special occasions
religion: buddhist
number: 35

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