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Ahhh.... my friends..... the treasures of my life. I don't know what I would do without them... I don't know what I would be without them. Thanx all of you for putting up with me, I know I can be a handful... quite often, Kekekeke. I say it all that time, and I'll say it agian, "I luv ya all!!!" ^_^

And now to add to that... I'm in korea right now on my summer vacation... and.... wow..... it hasn't really sunk in yet that you are all gone.... what am I gonn do? I mean you all were the only things that kept me sane... your all my life.... what am I gonna do? Well for starters... I gotta redo this page.... it doesn't say nearly enought how much I love you guys... so.... in due time.... I'll try to show just how much you all mean to me... and how irreplacable you all are. I'm gonna miss you.

*~*Shout Outz*~*

Wassup?! ^_^ I'd like to make some shout outz to some of you ppls out there!! I'd like to first off like to thank Jenny for yelling at me enough to finally update this page!! You're the best, you've done so much for me (beyond belief), you've been there for me whenever I've need you, and I don't know how I am going to suvive my daily life without you! I'd also like to shout out to my other homegirls: Rachelle, Thuy, Diana, Sara, Sarah, Erica Unni, Jenn Unni, Yuko (my "sis" ^.^), Kaori (my other sis ^.^), Kelley (Unni), Taryn, Hannah, Kathleen, Tina, Kandi, Ami, Rhoda, Krista, Doris, Tracy, Mila, Kassidy, Lala, Tiff, my cuzs ChRiStInA and LaUrA, and all the other YuHjAhS!! Then to the guys (although you guys act like buttheads sometimes, you still have your good sides ^_^): Danny, Thien, Aaron, Drew, Dylan, Kyle, Martin, Bobby, Perry, Eliot oppa, Myung oppa, David, Lonny, Jeff L., Jeff M, Bryan I., Garriet, my cuzs EhUd and JoHn, and all you other NaMjAhS!

Miss you all with all my heart!!! Wish you were here with me now..... it's hard to breath without you.....

*~* Friend Survey*~*

Best Friends: Jenny, Rachelle, Thuy, Diana, Aaron, Tiffany, Sarah G., Drewcifer, Robert, Jenn-Unni, Eliot-oppa, Danny (oppa?), and "MoMo"

Best Online Friend:: Danny (but soon will be a lot closer), pplz from Ever-wett (my home-crew ^^), kendo pplz, and my cuz'

Who Understands You Best?: Jenny, Tiffany, Sarah, Thuy, Diana, and Rachelle (no need for talking to each other to understand stuff!!)... and of course the guyz... Danny.. and... Drew.... wow I'm losing guy friends here...

Who Knows Most About You?: Sarah, Jenny, Thuy, Rachelle, Diana, Danny, Drew, Antny, Eric... I'm forgetting someone

Who Did Yo Have The Best Memories With?: um... my kendo friends. The Steveston Taikia and the Obukan Kata Seminar were so much fun!! I love kendo.
wAiT!! ok that was all true and stuff.... but you don't FULLY understand how much you love someone until they're gone.... well.... I'd have to say.... my best memories are prolly with my skool friends. I've had a BLAST with kendo ppl.... but I'll never meet such... compassionate friends as I have met at skool (our lil "AzN cReW".... you guys have done SO MUCH for me and looking out for me.... you were the family that I lacked... you were my life... and will always be... thankie 4 everythang ^.^)
And of course my LA pplz (Cuzins and Danny ^^... every summer man... every summer...)

Who Do You Go To For Advice?: everyone goes to Jenny for mental help.. but I go to Tiffany for girly help.... and also advice.... Rachelle, Thuy, Diana... and now I find myself consoling in Danny and Drew a lot too...

Who's the Loudest?: Tiffany and myself ^.^ Is that really all that bad of a thing?? I'd like to say we are more... outspoken... ^^;;

Who's the Funniest?: Rachelle, Jenny, and I (when people aren't watching, we are usually crawling on the floor laughing *soooo hard* over the stupidest things ^_^ *LoL* Also... Danny seems to be cracking me up a lot lately... and Momo does too...

Who's the Shyest?: Thien and Danny has his moments too.... but usually ppl are pretty comfortable around me... still shy tho. *Note: did all ya all notice I really have a thing for shy ppl?? Like all my friends started off as really shy ppl when I first met them... but then... yah... ya all know how I am ^^;;

Friend Pages
JeNn UnNi'S pAgE
My CuZ's PaGe (Christina)
DaNnY'S pAgE
KeLLy'S pAgE
EiLeEn'S pAgE
LoNnY's PaGe
LoNnY's OtHeR PaGe
kAsSiDy'S pAgE
Di-EnG's "cRaPpY" pAgE
Hey, I don't have all of your guys' URLs so please give 'em to me (via email, at school, at kendo) Thanx!