*~* MeeT tHe CrEw *~*
These are all my friends from Obukan (the Portland Dojo) hanging at the mall. ^_^ They seem to always have a lot of fun...... kinda makes me wish I lived down there too. Oh well. ^_^ Anyways, I thought it would be cool to show you guys what some of my friends from kendo look like. ^_^
Myung and Lonny. Eliot's the one pulling on Lonny's face. You can see half of Kelly's head. ^_^
Myung, Kelly, Eileen, Eliot, and Lonny hanging out
Lonny, Erika, and Kelly...
Koari and Erika... hehe aren't they so cute? ^_^
Yuko-chan!! ^.^ My "sis" now.... isn't she so cute?!?! ^.^
Nice lil pic of Lonny... hehehe.. he looks surprised..
Go Kelley!! Go Kaori!! Kick her butt!!
some pic lonny gave me to put up. (In the back, the teens, from left to right) Eliot oppa, Scott, and Lonny
the younger boyz are Gegima, James, and Allen
isn't this so cute?!?! Chill'n @ Lonny's crib are: Lonny, and he's holding his girl Kaori (I love her too!!) while Eliot and Eileen are playing the dreamcast
the dojo on New Year's Day practice at too early in the morning as everyone was freezing ^_^
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