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*~* Miscellaneous Kendo Pics *~*

I miss Jennifer... here's Jen and her bro

A nice lil pic of Bryan laughing...

hehehehe, looky!! We finally got a pic of Jeff L.!! Hey Kelley... how did you get this pic??

another pic from Lonny (front row, very left) and then there's Jon!! (front row very right)

*LoL* Lonny and Jeff... yah these guys look so smooth don't they? Hahaha.... and their still single for any girlz out there!! *giggle*

David always looks so happy ^.^

Ciji's Dad and Ciji.... and Masumi jumped in the pic too ^.^

Ciji and Masumi again...

And once again our happy David ^.^

CJ folding up his hakima, wassup CJ?! Hehehe...

I don't know where these pics are from... most look like they are from a shinsa or something... I don't know... maybe the highline taikai....... no clue ^.^ but I do know they were taken sometime in '99 or '00