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Pocket Monsters 2005

Disclaimer: Oddly enough, I actually own more than I don't own. So, instead of naming what belongs to me, I'll say what didn't come from my own imagination.
Obviously Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessie, James, Tracey, Gary, Meowth and any friends and relatives of the above all are under copyrighted trademark of Nintendo and others. The Elite Members aren't mine either. None of the cities in Kanto are mine, except for the town of Silver. Mount Silver itself belongs to other companies.
Though the Pokémon world isn't mine, the name of the planet (Nomékop) is, and so are the names of any countries aside from Kanto, Johto and the Orange Islands. Brock's siblings aren't mine, but their names are. Anyone's welcome to use this stuff, but please just e-mail me first. Hopefully that's all, and if I missed anything please don't sue me.

Rating: Despite being a somewhat dark fic, since we're using the American Rating System the story stays PG-13.

A Word of Explanation: The fanfic you're about to read is set on the planet Nomékop, in the year 2005 during World War Two. Please keep in mind that, even though Nomékop's world is very similar to ours, it isn't identical. Their calendars are a few years behind ours, their technology is slightly more advanced, and they have only experienced one other world war before this time.
The story takes place between seven and eight years after Ash began his Pokémon Journey. This makes Ash eighteen, Misty twenty, Brock twenty-two, Tracey twenty- one, Gary twenty-three, and Jessie and James twenty-five. If I make any mistakes in the fic and put the wrong age, bear with me and try to ignore it.

Author's Note: I know that at some points the things I say may not make scientific sense (i.e., nuclear weaponry and viral warfare), but keep in mind that I'm only a teenager and didn't have the time to do any extensive research. Thanks for your help and support. It's the fans that make fics worth writing! ~Dee

Chapter One: Meetings
Chapter Two: The Gathering
Chapter Three: The Decision
Chapter Four: The Assassin
Chapter Five: Challenges
Chapter Six: Secrets
Chapter Seven: Final Steps

Pocket Monster Chronicles- The Prequel to PKMN 2K5!
Pocket Monsters 2005 Fanart

*Special Announcement* A friend of mine over the internet asked if he could write a sequel-type story based on Pocket Monsters 2005 (of course I said yes) and it inspired me to try and start a section of stories written by the fans... sort of a "fanfic of a fanfic," if you will. Any and every story would be greatly welcomed, but I do have one tiny rule- if it's crap, I'm not going to put it up. ^_^; I hope that didn't sound too mean. Anyway, please send it to me!

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