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Artistical masterpieces
Pocket Monster Fanart
I never intended to make this part of the fic section, but my buddy ST asked if she could draw pictures for my story and this seemed like a great place to put them... and my own, even though they don't compare to hers! ST's pictures are amazing! I've got a couple of hers up at the moment, and hopefully more on the way. So amuse with these great drawings!

A picture of Ash and Misty- Sort of a character sketch-type thing
Character sketches of Tracey and Gary- Yes, I know Tracey looks a lot younger than 21! So sue me!
A cute little picture of Jessie and James- I draw them best since they're my favorite characters
My first PKMN 2K5 Picture- Jessie, James and Meowth... not too bad

A notebook paper sketch of Tracey sighing and Gary crying
Another notebook paper sketch, this time of Jess and Jim when they first meet
Ash and Pikachu's first appearance (notebook)
Tracey wakes up from a nightmare
Jess and Jim! Yay-chan!

SwimmingTrunks87 (ST)
The opening scene of the fic- I wonder if she plans on comic-booking the whole thing? O.o
The next page- I guess this is going all the way through! ^_^

Ash surveys Johto in living color! (plain paper)

Got a picture you want to send in? I'm open for any sketches, especially your own envisionments of how the characters would look. E-mail me any of your own drawings, and I'll stick them up when I get the chance.

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