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Character Bios: Butch, Cass, and Gio
Character Bios:
Butch, Cassidy, and Giovanni
Here we are, some more TR members. So what if I'm lazy? It's info over, um... prettiness? I don't know. Hope you like it!


I went ahead and put these two together because it saves a little time and space. Plus, they're always together, so it makes sense!

Names: Butch and Cassidy
Japanese names: Yamato(Cassidy),Kosaburo (Butch)
Age: Both are around 19 or 20, a couple years older than Jessie and James.
Height: Both are about 5'11", Cassidy being a couple inches shorter than Butch
Eye color: Cassidy- Purple. Butch-Brown
Hair color: Cassidy- Golden. Butch-Teal
Best friends: Each other
Mortal enemies: Ash'n'buds, Jessie and James
Pokémon: I forget which, but they have a Raticate and a Primeape, and at one point had a Drowzee
Voice actors: Cassidy- Lisa Ortiz. Butch- Eric Stuart
Seiyuu: NO IDEA! *Cries* Someone tell me!

Not much is known about the two not-so-famous TR members. Cassidy and Jessie used to be friends, but according to Jessie, Cassidy was jealous because Jessie was prettier than her. Hmm... the two were on Giovanni's good side, but now that they've been thrown in jail three times, they're probably down on the crappy list. *Sighs* Is anyone in Team Rocket on the good list?

Since they've only been in three episodes, I don't really know, but I can say that Cassidy's pretty cocky, and does most of them talking (like Jessie), and Butch is pretty quiet (unlike James) cuz his vocals sound like they went through a lawnmower. Still, Butch is one of the cutest Pokémon characters, so I guess that makes up for it.


Meet the brains behind the evil! Giovanni, the one we love to hate! Still, you gotta respect the guy. Not everyone could hire Jessie, James, Meowth, Butch,and Cassidy and not go crazy. Of course, he probably has long conversations with his Persian, so who's to say he's not insane...?

Name: Giovanni Ketchum (I've always suspected him to be Ash's daddy)
Japanese name: Sakaki
Age: Probably in his early forties
Height: If I had to take a guess I'd say around 6'4" or something
Eye color: Black
Hair color: Black
Best friends: Persian (poor guy)
Mortal enemies: The police
People that annoy the crap out of him: Jessie, James, Meowth, etc. etc...
Pokémon: Persian, Kingler, Machamp, Rhydon, a bunch of others, and he had a Mewtwo at one time
Voice Actor: Ted Lewis
Seiyuu: Suzuoki Hirotaka

Giovanni is the head of an evil organization with aspirations of world domination (No, they're not ripping off Austin Powers at all...). He's also the Viridian Gym Leader and the owner of the Earth Badge. Giovanni's mom, Madame Boss, was the head of Team Rocket, but she gave the title to him when she got too old. As far as I know she's dead. Also, I learned from another website that Giovanni's married. In "The Battle of the Badge" he's stroking Persian and he's got a ring on his left hand's ring finger. If ya ask me, that's even more evidence that Ash is his baby boy!

When he's not conning Mewtwos or screaming at his team members, Giovanni likes to kick back with a cold can of beer, stroke Persian and enjoy a little quality programming on the tube ("Jerry Springer"). Ok, so maybe they never tell you he does that, but I'd bet money he does! Giovanni's actually a pretty stressed out guy in my opinion. Running Team Rocket would really suck, I think. Staying a step in front of the police, making sure your Team Members aren't having wild make-out parties behind your back... that'd get tiring.

Did I forget anything? Do you think I should add something? E-mail me!

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