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And I said, "Let them be open!"
Speculations on Brock's Eyes

Seeing as how my site buddy Haley is in love with Brock, it therefore becomes my sworn duty to make fun of the gym leader at every available opportunity. And one of my favorite things to poke fun at are Brock's squinty little eyes. Perhaps the artists are making fun of the way we draw Oriental people, as is the rumor; or maybe Brock just really needs glasses. OR MAYBE HE'S HIDING A SECRET HE'S EMBARASSED TO TELL!

At any rate, I've drawn some little doodles speculating on what Brock's eyes might look like. I'd appreciate it if you didn't steal my piccies- though I'm not really sure why you'd WANT to- without asking me first, and if you do then make sure to give me my credit, okiedokes?
And now, on to the drawings!

Springy Eyes!

I could almost stick Brocko in the Evils of Pokémon if his eyes looked like this...

Definitely not what you'd expect (My personal favorite)

No Need to get Catty! (BAD PUN!)

Keepin' His Eye on You (The girl in the pic is the animated version of me)

Someone get the swatter! Thanks to ST for givin' me the idea!

While everyone's laughin' at your eyes, Brocko (they're just bigger slits ~_~) you can also laugh at my crappy handwriting!

Now, I'm sure I'm not the only person who wonders about Senor Squinty's mysterious eyeballses. If you've got a picture, or an idea, go ahead and e-mail the thing to me!

More Pointless Crap!
Cut the Crap!