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Pokémon: The Finality
Le Grande Finale!

Pokémon. How in the world is it going to end? And when, would be another good question. Me? Sorry, but I don't have the answers to that. I do, however, have some speculations, and well, since I'm just so dang bored, I'll share them with you!

Like it or not, Misty and Ash are getting the hook-up. I shiver to think it, but it's true. Brock's gonna be left out in the cold, but somehow or another Misty will choose Ash over Brock The only question I have is: WHY!? Why the freak would anyone pick Ash over Brock!? Hell, why would you pick Ash over a retarded monkey?! An answer I myself may never know. Maybe it's a Water Pokémon Trainer thing. Maybe.
Also, Jessie and James will more-than-likely in some way declare their love. On that day, the band will be called, the beer ordered, and the confetti will fly. Of course, I'LL be drinking Pepsi... but enough of that! I can't wait for this episode, because I'm almost positive it will happen. How, is the thing I wanna know. I expect... well, that's a story for another part of the site.
I always had this hunch that Brock'd go with Suzi, since they're both breeders *giggle* and seemed to have a lot in common. I could be wrong, but ya never know. I don't have a single clue about Tracey. Maybe that Nurse Joy from the Orange Islands. The tan one. They'd make a cute couple, though I'm not sure why.
Or, since we're pairing everyone up with regulars, why not have Tracey and Brock get together? *Flinches under Haley's menacing glare* I'm only joking, of course!
Now, as for the adults... hm. Delia (Mom Ketchum) and Sam Oak will probably end up getting married, or something along that line, simply because it'd be funny to have Ash and Gary related. Can you imagine the reaction!? *Laughs hysterically* I also think, just maybe, Delia will tell Ash who is father is, and it'll be Giovanni. Then there'll be some huge thing over it, or something. Or, maybe not. Maybe we'll never know...

Plots and Answers
I think, after Johto, Ash'll go back to the Indigo Plateau and do really well, then in the match for Pokémon Master he and Gary will face off and Ash will win. This'll probably be the last or second-to-last episode. I also think most of this Pokémon he gave away will come back, so he'll have a strong fighting force for the battle. I hate seeing Ash *shudder* succeed, but it's inevitable. Then, I think they'll have one of those prologue things, where they tell you what happened to everyone, that way it sorta gets wrapped up. Misty'll probably be a water trainer, Brock will be a famous breeder or maybe a vet (or, both? Well, why the heck not?), Tracey will be this pimpin' artist, and Gary, in my opinion, will become a professor. Or, if the Gameboy game has any meaning, he'll end up being a bitter gym leader. I kinda hope that don't happen- Gary's too cool for that!
We'd better find out what happened between Brock and Ivy, too, or I'm gonna blast my TV set out of it's stand! Seriously, though, if they tell us nothing I'll probably do something... *gets deranged look in eye* Not healthy for WB and TV Tokyo. We'll probably find out after the Johto League; like, they go back to Pallet and Ivy's sitting with Professor Oak having tea, and Brock freaks out and the whole story comes forward (FINALLY!). Which means we have a LOOOONG wait!
I'm almost convinced that Jessie, James and Meowth will get fired, or maybe Team Rocket will get broken up. Wouldn't it suck if the series ended with them all in prison!? I'd hurt someone, really badly. I think the team won't last mainly because "bad guys" never prevail. Plus, J, J and M aren't real villains... it'd be like having Harry McDougal stay with Ron. Oh, wait... BAD EXAMPLE!

My Two Yen
Though I'm not happy with all my predictions, I think most of them are pretty realistic. In a perfect world, Ash would get massacred by Gary; Pikachu would die along with Togepi; Misty and Brock would get married; Tracey would... um, get a hot chick; Jessie and James would become successful Bill Gates Rich millionaires and get married; and Mrs. Ketchum would tell Ash Giovanni was his dad, but marry an old fart named Professor Oak. Sadly, this isn't a perfect world, and only so many of the above things will happen. Sigh.

The future is a hazy thing...
who knows what it will bring?
Love, death, or victory?
Or maybe infinite glory?
Will the series end within two years?
Or go on until we're old enough to drink beers?
If five hundred Pokémon they're destined to be,
I'd shoot myself in insanity!
~My Own Work, So No One Better Steal it Or I'm Sueing!

Cut the Crap!
More Crap!