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Naming pages after song title is fun!
Isn't It Ironic?

It's like rain... on your wedding day. It's a free ride... when you've already paid. It's the good advice... that you just didn't take. And who woulda thought?
It figures.

Ironies fill the Pokémon world. Let's take a look, shall we?

You leave a home filled with ten kids who need your help, only to wind up with two kids who need even more help.
Now that's Ironic.

You run away from three terror sisters, and end up getting stuck with a terror boyfriend.
Now that's Ironic

You train to become a Nurse Joy, but end up being a Pokémon theif- exactly what Joys hate.
Now that's Ironic

You run away from a home piled high with money, and end up being one of the poorest guys in society.
Now that's Ironic

You learn to talk- making you the only one of your kind- and get even more abuse than before you learned to speak.
Now that's Ironic

You father is the head of the organization that you can't stand.
Now that's Ironic

Your arch rival is the son of your Grandpa's girlfriend.
Now that's Ironic

You're the most respected Professor in Kanto(and the Orange Islands), yet you get made fun of by the Professors in Johto.
Now that's Ironic

You're a police officer who never arrives on the scene of the crime in time, you never arrest anyone, and you usually don't seem to care much about catching the "bad guys"... and yet, men adore you and everyone respects you.
Now that's Ironic.

You're kind and tender to all Pokémon... but you diss Brock like he was a pile of poo.
Now that's Ironic.

Remember that successful Rocket girl that you sent to her doom? Well, now her daughter's joined your team and she's completely incompetent, but you can't fire her 'cause you feel guilty about her mom.
Now that's Ironic.

You're one of the most successful TR teams... but you get beaten everytime by the worst team.
Now that's Ironic.

You can't stand a red-headed Kentucky-fried terror, but immediately fall in love with a red-headed non-southern terror.
That's not Ironic... it's true love, baby!

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Cut the Crap!