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A Baka's guide to Japanese...
Ii Kan-what?
The Site's Name and Other Great Foreign Words

Ii Kanjii. That's the site's name, hai? So what the heckles does it mean, eh? Why in the world would I name a Team Rocket site Ii Kanjii? Why? Why? I'll tell ya why!

*Er-hem* You see, our good Japanese Rockets will shout "Yana Kanjii," whenever they "blast off." Roughly translated, it means "Bad Feeling," and is generally said right before they get the poo beaten out of their cute little bodies. Likewise, whenever they're in a nice situation (which always happens at the end of the movies) they'll say, "Ii Kanjii," which means "Good Feeling." Therefore, my site simply means "Good Feeling." Not too hard, was it now?

Because of my little, er, "obsession" (to put it mildly) with Japan and everything about it, I'll use a lot of Japanese words around this page. Below is a little guide to what they mean, so you won't get too horribly confused. And yes, I'm aware some of you know all this junk already, but I'm just trying to help out the folks who don't.

Da Woids!
Baka- Idiot, moron, stupid... a.k.a, Ash ^_^;;
Kawaii- Cute. A.k.a, Team Rocket
Chibi- Erg, I think it sorta means "little."
-sama- Sama is a suffix that can be put on a name, and is roughly translated to "dear." Usually I use this when I talk about James, Kojiro-sama.
-chan- Chan is another suffix, used for people who you're close to, animals, and on little kids. Typically, I'll use this on people like Jessie, Musashi-chan, Meowth, Nyasu-chan, the other Rockets, and occasionally some random hot animé character. ^_^
Hai- Yes. That's about it. I don't use this one a whole lot, but sometimes I pop it in if I'm feeling really Japanese.
Namen jaa ne yo- Aheheh... if you ever hear these words uttered on my pages, it isn't nice. Not nice at all. We'll leave it at that.
Ne? or no da?- This are just things you might stick at the end of a sentence to mean, "isn't it?" or "you know?" Sort of like how Canadians say "eh?" ^_^
Bai bai, Jaa Mata, Jaa Ne, Sayonara, Dewa Mata- They're all just different ways of saying good-bye! Who'da thunk it!
Jari-Boy, or Gaki-boy- Brat boy. What TR calls Ash ^_^ Another common phrase is Jari-tachi, Brat&Co (Twerp troupe)
-tachi- A suffix that means "and company." I might say Ash-tachi, or if I'm feeling particularly against Ash, Brock-tachi ^_^
Itadakimasu-Thanks for the meal
Bishonen- the straight translation is "pretty boy," but let's just say cute guy, or James ^_^;
Bishojou- pretty girl, what James (and half the male Pokéfans) think of Jessie
Arigato- thanks
Koitsu- this one
Koitsu-ra- these ones
–kun- suffix used by a socially superior/personally distant person to a socially inferior/personally distant male. What James calls Mondo in the CD Drama. Sempai- senior. Like B&C to J&J
Dorama wa kore kara- This could have come from a drama!
Konnichiwa- Hello
Rocket-dan yo eien ni- Team Rocket forever! Amen!
Gomen nasai!- Sorry! You may here be shout this and grovel if I'm slow getting an update in ^_^;

I'll put more up when I think of 'em!

More Pointless Crap!