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Ash SHOULD mean Ash-Hole...
The Name Game

So many names, so litle time! Oh yeah, and I'd like to thank Rocket Asylum for giving me this marvelous info! Thanks all!

Ash Ketchum
This is a funny one, 'cause Ash isn't technically a real name, so he's either Ashton or Ashley. I kinda hope its's Ashley, but if it's Ashton it means Ash Tree. His mom actually named him ASH TREE!! But, I guess that sorta makes sense... the kid is as stubborn and unmoving as a tree. And,as Silver11016 pointed out: "He's about as smart as one, too. If his IQ was 1/2 a point lower, he'd have to be watered." ^_^ That makes Dee laugh!

Misty ???
Well, we all knew this one would have something to do with water. Ding ding ding! It means "covered in mist!" We're so smart!! Which, I guess, Misty is, seeing how she's always swimming or training water Pokémon. But here's a question... DOES MISTY HAVE A LAST NAME?? Does anyone out there even know? I've started calling her Misty Honeycutt, 'cause her sisters are name after flowers, and some people think its Williams, but I have no clue what her REAL last name is.

Brock ???

Here's a good one... BROCK MEANS BADGER!!
Brock's a badger?
Ah-hem... well, I guess that does make sense. Don't badgers have squinty eyes? Oh, and about the last name: I saw on a website that it was Harrison, which sounds really good, but they may have just made that up

Jessie ???
Jessie (or Jessica... whichever you want it) has a whole buttload of meanings. Let's see here... "God's Grace"... well, she's definitely that to James ^_^... "Woman of wealth"- hmm... must be the people's weird sense of humor seeing as how Jessie was all poor and junk... "He beholds"... well, we all know who beholds HER!! And "God sees not he belongs though they are close." Okay... hmm... well J&J are close (I'm just grasping at straws on this one.) And Jessie's last name... I gave her Smitt, just 'cause it's simple and stuff. But in all honesty I don't know what it is.

James ???
Well, James means conquerer... BECAUSE LOVE CONQUERS ALL!!! Or something. It also means supplanter... which is like this replacement "especially by reason of superior excellence and power." Okay. Um... Giovanni is excellence and power?? And... James is gonna replace him... as TR leader?? It's a thought, anyway... and about his last name: This fanfic writer called him James Eric Rosewood, which sounds pretty good to me! It's supposed to be Morgan, but I have NO clue who started that one up; it's become sort of official, though... but I'll believe it when I hear it!

Tracey Sketchit
Okay, here's an odd one. Tracey means brave! Brave!? Tracey!? Well, I guess he was sorta brave to go after Nurse Joy in the storm, but then he hid behind Ash and Misty in Pokémon 2000... aw, heck, we'll just leave this one open! But at least he has a last name. Sketchit... everyone else get that? Sketch, like draw? And his first name... Tracey... Trace, as in tracing pictures? Ah, the crazy names our American Translators think up.

Giovanni ???
Okay... Giovanni means God is Gracious. Um... he's gracious 'cause he hasn't fired J&J yet... and his team is the only reason the show is good. Who cares if he's evil?! He still lives up to his name! And, um, last name thing... well, assuming he's Ash's dad... it would probably be Ketchum, but he might have changed it. So in other words I have no clue. It's probably something real mafia-Italien-like, like Papa Georgio. LOL...


Cassidy means clever! That totally works, 'cause I bet she is the brains between her and Butch (if their team is anything like J&J's... which it is). It also means descendant of someone-or-other, which I guess means that her mom was named "Caiside"... or something. And I gave her the last name of McCarter, just 'cause we needed some Irish folks here.

Pardon. I called him Butch Jenkins 'cause it sounds good. I popped the name out of my own head too! Ain't ya proud?

That's all the names I've found out (well, stolen). So until next time...

"What's in a name? That which we call a Rose by any other name would smell just as sweet (unless we named it 'rotting meat')"

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