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Parents, Meet the Parents
Meet the Parents
Parents... everybody has 'em... or do they? Let's take an in-depth look at Pokémon parents... and Poké-no parents.

Ash's Mystery Dad
Ash has a Mommy at home, dutifully playing housewife and Mr. Mime trainer. Where's papa? Well, wherever he is, he must be sending money, 'cause there's no way she could possibly pay for the house and the food when she's making squat.
So where is father?
He's either in Viridian City, busily trying to bail Team members out, checking all the stolen Pokémon to make sure they're in good order, and sending piles of money to the Ketchum residence... or he's Pallet's resident genius, making a truckload of cash off of his studies.

Poor, poor Ash and his mystery daddy.

Misty's Household Horror

Okay, where are the parents in this household, huh? As far as I can tell, she's got three horrible, abusive, and ditzy sisters, but no parents. They were probably driven insane by the constant "like" and "totally"'s from their old daughters.

And we always wondered why Misty was such a screw-up...

Brock- A Moment of Seriousness

Mark this on your calenders- it's one of the few times I'm actually going to get serious with you.
Brock's family had had several ups and downs- sadly, the downs cover much of the ups. His father left home to become a Pokémon Master... or at least a semi-decent trainer- and he failed. Beyond failed. He shamed the Harrison name. Or so I'm told. And he was scared to come back... or something. He sold rocks and watched his wife die. :*(
Then Brock raised his family of ten. A teenager with a family. That's harsh, man. But Flint came back. Eventually. And Brock went with Ash to begin a real life.
I hate Flint. I really hate him. He forced Brock to grow up too fast, and he just watched as all this crud happened.

I really, really, hate Flint. >:(

Jessie- One More Moment of Seriousness

Yaa, another time for me to quit joking around and give you the straight-up, hard-care, not-too-pretty facts. Jessie's mom was a member of Team Rocket, who was sent on a suicide mission by Madame Boss (Gio's Mama) and supposedly "died" in an avalanche. Jessie's dad? Little is known about him except that I believe he was an alcoholic, but somehow managed to get enough money to send Jess to college (Lord only knows how). Then, mysteriously, he dies a few years later.
I feel real bad for Jess- she's the only person on the show who (as far as we know) is an orphan. Everyone says she's all evil and mean, but she isn't! She's had some rough times.

Oh, and by the way, that pic of Jess and Miyamato I stole from this site.

James' Fortuneate Family

James' parents are the richest people this side of Indigo Plateau. I've given them the names Abigail and Edward, because they sound like rich names. These two are total snots. As his mother so nicely let's slip in Holy Matrimony- "We only want what's best for us- er, for you, of course."
Which leads me to wonder if perhaps Jessebelle's parents have more money than James'... but no, because ol' Jesse-B wouldn't keep chasing after Jim if he wasn't rollin' in it more than her. (For an in-depth look at Jessebelle, click here) I guess it all has to do with having their kid marry the most refined (and second-richest) chick in their Southern World.
And speaking of Southern... did anyone notice that James' dad is actually british, and his mom's southern? Which probably explains why James can sometimes sounds a little bit English in the episodes, but rarely ever sounds southern. But, he's still good with both accents! (I've seen him do a little bit of each ^_^)

I feel for him... he's just livin' in a stuck-up paradise!

Tracey's Unknown... Everything!

What's known about this mystery watcher? All I've been able to discover is that his last name is Sketchit and he draws Pokémon (and girls). Where did he come from? Where did he go? WHERE DID HE COME FROM COTTON-EYED JOE??
Ah-hem. Sorry.
Since, well, nothing is known about this funny little teen, I've done my best to think up a past for him. Here we go.
His family is filled with a bunch of hicks. Not southern gentlepeeps, like James. Hicks. We're talkin' Tennessee backwoods slack-jawed redneck yokels. His mother is a short, black-haired woman who wears a blue headband and runs a small business- The Sketchit Cottonpickers. So anyway, her name's Jiggalina. Please don't ask. My friend and I were hepped up on coca-cola when we made it up. Okay, now for his dad. His dad is Bob. He is a fat, drunken bald guy (with a red headband) who sits around the house drinking beer and watching Nascar racing all day ("Woman! Hey woman I betcha I can pull my unnerwear outta mah pants" *tear* "Woohoo! I done it! A'ight now quiet woman the race's on. Who dat in first place... Ah cain't tell... s'long as it ain't that... erg... Go Jeff Gordon.")
Tracey has 14 siblings- 7 brothers and 7 sisters, to be exact. His brothers are as follows, from oldet to youngest: Joe, Clavis, Cleetus, Clyde, Billy, Jimmy-Ray and Yumpto(Yumpto sleeps in a drawer). His sisters are as follows (oldest to youngest): Regina, Susie, Tammy-Fay, Gigi, Quincy, Sammy and Jemima. Regina is Tracey's twin sister. The only of the kids who's older than Tracey is Joe. All the others are younger. He has a grandma and a grandpa who talk like Chef's parents on South Park- "Dere befo' my eyes was da Loch Ness monstah. I ask him, 'what choo want monstah?' an' he said... 'bout tree fitty.' I said, 'tree fitty?? monstha, choo get on outta heya, I ain't got no tree fitty"
"I gave him a dollah"
"WHAT WOMAN!? You gave him a dollah??"
You get the idea. And I also think that Jessebelle's his cousin... VERY distant cousin, of course. Her family practically disowned Tracey's.

You can see why he escaped his house.

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