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In the End, We're All Fulla Ship
The Ship List
Written by Silver11016 (with some help from Dee ^_^)

This is a little reference I made in my spare time to help fic writers. I don't own Pokemon. So don't sue me, capish (or however you spell it.)? In parentheses (these things) are my little comments on the ships. And if you know of other ships for the list email me, Silver11016 or Dee to have them added.

Pokeshipping/Twerpshipping/AAML = Ash/Misty (Gag me with a spoon. This is so cliche. The "hero" {Notice the quotation marks.} always gets the girl.
Rocketshipping = Jessie/James (The classic ship, believed to have the most followers. One of my personal favorites.)
Neoshipping = Butch/Cassidy
Kittyshipping = Meowth/James
Dittoshipping = Mondo/Duplica (They both have Dittos.)
Copyshipping = Todd/Duplica
Palletshipping/Rivalshipping = Ash/Gary
Brocketshipping = Jessie/Brock
Jarishipping/Gymshipping = Misty/Brock (Jari is Japanese slang for brat.)
Whipshipping/Moneyshipping/Rumishipping = Jessebelle/James (Believed to have the least followers and also the most-likely-to-get-flamed-by-Rocketshippers.)
Sissyshipping = Brock/Wilhelmina (Well, she is the only girl who sorta liked him.)
Chikashipping/Jealousyshipping = Ash/Chikorita
Leagueshipping = Ash/Richie
Imiteshipping = Ash/Duplica
Eldershipping/Ketchumshipping = Delia
Ketchum/Professor Oak
Koishipping = Brock/James
Kokoshipping = Butch/James
Bouldershipping = Ash/Brock
Egoshipping = Misty/Gary
Electashipping = Ash/Casey (I wasn't sure what to call it, so I made the name up.)
Dragonshipping = Lance/Clair (Clair is the Blackthorn City Gym Leader.)
Dramashipping = Mondo/Jessie
Freakyshipping = Cassidy/James
Sketchshipping = Misty/Tracey
Blendershipping/Freakyshipping = Jessie/Butch
Dadshipping/Diamondshipping = Giovanni/Delia Ketchum
Professorshipping = Professor Ivy/Professor Oak
Evilshipping = Giovanni/Professor Ivy
Fantasyshipping = Giovanni/Miyamoto (This is impossible because Gio was a little kid when Miyamoto was sent off on her suicide mission to the Andes. Read the Birth of Mewtwo translation if you want to argue with me about it. Dee would like to make a quick comment, since she likes hearing herself talk *ah-hem* You'll notice that I support this in my Shipping Section. Ah, not so since I read the CD Drama translation. Giovanni isn't a "little kid" perse, but he IS at the oldest 15 or so... it'd still be icky if they got it on)
Piketshipping = Pikachu/ketchup (?)
Succubushipping = Brock/Professor Ivy (I highly doubt it.)
Nevergonnahappenshipping/Freakyshipping/Greeneyeshipping: (Gee, the name Freakyshipping gets used a lot.) = James/Misty (I just don't see it. Jessie would kick the crap outta Misty for this. Dee's Note: Um... Greeneye? I don't get it. Misty's eyes are sort of a turquoise... and James' are emerald... ^_^ I love being a perfectionist!)
Kayakshipping = Tracey/Tan Nurse Joy from the Orange Islands
2000shipping = Ash/Lugia
Dogashipping = Arbok/Weezing (Like trainer, like Pokemon is what I say...)
LicknVicshipping = Lickitung and Victreebel (Personally, I think the only thing Victreebel is interested in is James's head. But you never know. Dee's Comment: Also, unless Lickitung magically returns, this relationship is dead. I smell a WobnVicshipping coming on... ^_^;)
Venoshippy: Koga/Sabrina (I personally don't see this one...I think Koga's a little old for her.)
Hauntershippy: Morty/Sabrina (I think they'd be a cute couple. And Morty's closer to Sabrina's age than Koga.)
Yamushipping: Jessie/Cassidy (Are. You. Kidding? No. Freakin. Way.)
Sakashipping: Ash/Giovanni (I thought Gio was Ash's dad, so this scares me a little. The name is from Giovanni's Japanese name- Sakaki. Dee's Note: *Splutter, gag* WHA!? *Dies*)
Artistshipping: Duplica/Brock (It's possible... Note from Dee: Does this make sense to anyone? Why would Brock/Duplica be called Artistshipping? Maybe they meant Tracey? But that still wouldn't make sense, 'cause Duplica isn't an artist! *Eyes spin; passes out*)
Zenshipping: Lorelei/Koga
Hellshipping: Gary/Brock (No comment; I might rant. I'm a Gymshipper. Dee's Note: *Falls over laughing* Is there a spark here, 'cause I missed it! If ANY guy was gonna go with Gary, it'd be Ash... possibly Tracey ^_^;... but Brock!? But I do love the title. Haha, Hellshipping. Maybe I'll become one just so I can say "I'm a Hellshipper!")
Firstshipping/Viridianshipping = Mewtwo/Ash (Because Mewtwo was a fighter for Viridian Gym [Gio beat Gary with it] and the movie about it was Pokemon: The First Movie. Dee's Note: A friend of mine once accidentally looked up Poké-hentai and found a pic of Mewtwo and Misty... *watches as everyone throws up*)
Trovitashipping = Misty/Rudy (Rudy is the Trovita Gym Leader. However, one li'l blockade- BROCK! Dee's Note: I think they should call it Dandruffshipping! Everytime Rudy did that flicky thing with his hair this white stuff fell off! Clean your hair and fight Brock for her, Danceboy!)
Plantshipping = Heracross/Bulbasaur (Don't get the name...Heracross is a bug-type.)
Copshipping = Brock/Officer Jenny (Highly doubtful...unless we could find a Jenny who didn't treat him like dirt... *thinks back over every Jenny she's ever seen* Nope.)

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