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What TV Teaches Us
Things Animé Has Taught Me

School!? Psh, who needs school when you got Animé!?

-Spontaneous Generation can only occur when the person is really, really pissed off This thereby results in the materialization of mallets, paper fans, cooking pans, etc.

-As soon as you become a parent, you stand a 90% chance of either dying, deserting, or becoming a complete jerk to your child Best case scenario: You are involved in no way, shape or form in the doings of your son or daughter; be they Pokémon Journeys, bloody battles, or saving/destroying the world.

-10,000 Volts of Electricity Charged Through Your System Result in Minor Injuries and a Black/Brown, Crispy Look This is also common with fire, magical spells, powerballs (see "Tenchi" and "Dragonball Z" for further details), as well as many others.

-Battles Done with Swords Always Result in One Final Motion of Both Persons Running at Each other and Slicing at the Same Time However, it is a simple fact that only one will ever be injured to the point of death.

-The Hero/Heroine ALWAYS Gets the Girl/Guy Unless, of course, the hero/heroine is gay; therefore the sex they receive will be reversed.

-Older Siblings are Either Evil or Sexy, Often Resulting in "Big Brother Complex" Unless you're Brock, where neither of these applies ^_^;;;

-If a Broken Bone Doesn't Fix Immediately, it Can be Fixed with Super Glue, Magic, or Healed Instantaneously When the Moment is Convenient

Your Favorite Character Will Always Get the Short End of the Stick This law has been proven beyond a doubt, simply because "nothing is good enough" for the favorite.

-Facial Hair is Nonexistent Unless You Are Old The minor exception to this law is the occasional "scruffy look," where a few chin hairs will be present.

-Little Boys Have Big Eyes and Short Shorts Not a theory; a fact.

-Anger can Cause Your Head to Expand to Ten Times it's Normal Size Fangs may also sprout on certain occasions.

-Different Emotions Create Varied Physical Reactions Anger produces anger veins; exhasperation, sweat-drops; a sense of dread or depression, a dark bluish background (a blue color to the skin is also possible); overwhelming happiness or admiration, wavering, "googly" eyes; and love, hearts replacing the eyes and brightly colored backdrops.

-Redheads Suffer From Eternal PMS Once again not a theory; a fact.

-Thirdwheelshippers' Animé Fact Well, it's really more like a rant... ^_^;;

-The Main Character Will Always Fall in Love with the First Girl/Guy They Meet Unless said girl/guy dies, then it will be the second girl/guy (i.e. Gene/Hilda turned into Gene/Melfina- "Outlaw Star")

Welp dat's all dis goil's got for now, but I'll think up more when my brain starts working again. If you have a nifty thing Animé taught you, sent it to me and I'll stick it up. Okiedokes bai bai!

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