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Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, end of story.

Rating: PG, not too sad.

Other: Welcome to part two of Love and Loss. This one's less tragic, not much to cry about. Sorry to those of you who like a good cry! I must say though, I really like the ending on this one. It always makes me smile. Well, even if it doesn't make you smile, write me at

the sequel to Love and Loss
by Jayhawkfan13

It's been nearly five years since Jessie died, and James is still trying to cope. Luckily, he's gotten a lot of help from Meowth and Brock, his closest friends. Now, James visits the grave of his dead friend, hoping to finally make peace...

James sits down in front of the tombstone, brushing snow off the top. He fingers a rose in his hand thoughtfully. Finally, he speaks.

"Sorry I haven't visited in a year, but things have been busy. Brock finally proposed to Kate, and they had their wedding last March. Can you believe Brock wanted me to be his best man? I guess we're closer friends than I thought.

"Working on Brock's breeding farm has been tiring work, especially since I'm the second-in-command. I hardly get a moment of privacy! It's a good thing Brock gave Meowth and me a cabin all to ourselves, or I might go insane.

"I started working on a novel recently. Brock and Kate say I've got a real knack for writing. I don't know what they mean- it's just an autobiography. Don't worry, you'll be in it plenty. Who knows? Your name could be read in every household in Japan someday," he laughs. "In my dreams maybe.

"I'm sure you've got some kind of heaven newspaper or something, so you probably already know this, but Giovanni died a couple months ago. Strangely enough, his son, none other than Ash Ketchum, took over. Ash is trying his hardest to turn it around, and Misty and his new friend Tracey are doing their best to help. I just know someday there's going to be a monument named after him.

"Here's a bit of weird news- Meowth married a Meowth named Rita, and they've already had ten kittens. He's actually a pretty good dad... never so much as lays a claw on them. He's teaching them how to speak Japanese too. Just what I need, eleven motormouths."

James pauses, as if trying to decide something. Finally he sighs. "I have something else I guess I should tell you too. At the wedding, there was this one girl- Kate's friend, Terri- who I got to talking to. We sorta, well, hit if off. I was this close to asking her out on a date, but I thought of you. Not five years since you died, and already I'm thinking about new women. Is it just me, or does that seem disloyal or something?

"I wish I knew what you'd say in this situation, but the truth is I have no idea. Something like this never happened to us before. So, I excused myself and didn't speak to her for the rest of the night. She comes over to Brock's house sometimes, and Kate desperately tries to get us together. She seems to think I need someone, that I'm lonely. Sad thing is, she may be right.

"I wish you were here, then this whole thing wouldn't have even come up. But... you're not. And I guess I'm gonna need to accept that," he remembers something suddenly, and reaches into his coat. "I, well, I sorta brought something for you. A little decoration to spruce up this place. I know how much you hate drab things."

James places a small object in front of the tombstone, then puts the rose down next to it. He wipes away a tear that threatens to fall.

"I miss you Jess. A lot. If only there was someway to know if you were doing okay, having fun..."

Suddenly, a bright red cardinal perches on the tombstone. It carries a holly leaf in its mouth. Dropping the holly branch on top of the tomb, it chirps happily.

James smiles. "Nice, Jessie. Very creative."

Sensing a presence, James turns around. Brock is standing against a tree, watching silently.

"You didn't have to wait," James tells him.

Brock shrugs. "I didn't want to interrupt you. I finished visiting my mom. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," James says, then realizes he isn't lying this time. He feels as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He is finally at peace with himself. "Really, I am."

James gives one parting look at where his friend lies forever, then turns to go with Brock. As they leave, the cardinal hops off the tombstone and down to where James has left his tokens. The bird cocks it's head, studying the gift. It is a red, heart-shaped piece of wood, with two words inscribed in white lettering: "Love Always".

Somewhere in heaven, Jessie sees the gift through the messenger bird's eyes.

And smiles.