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Black Eyes, Blue Tears
Black Eyes, Blue Tears
Disclaimer: The song “Black Eyes, Blue Tears” belongs to Shania Twain. The characters from Pokemon belong to Nintendo and 4Kids Entertainment.

A/N: This music video is set when James was a little boy growing up with Jessebelle and ran away from home. I thought this was a perfect James song without changing it, so I made it into a video. Most of it is young James, but if he’s with Jessie or says so, it’s the present-day James. I like this because it shows how strong James really is.

(Scene shows James running to his room with Growlie at his heels. He has a black eye, is crying, and Jessebelle is chasing him.)
Black eyes, I don’t need ‘em
Blue tears, gimme freedom

(James is running out across the grounds with the manor behind him. He refuses to look back.)
Positively never goin’ back
I won’t live where things are so out of whack
No more rollin’ with the punches (Scene changes to James dodging Jessebelle’s whip with Growlie barking in the background.)
No more usin’ or abusin’

I’d rather die standin’ (James and Jessie are leaning against each other mid-motto.)
Than live on my knees (James is on the floor pleading with Jessebelle not to whip him.)
Beggin’ please-no more

Black eyes, I don’t need ‘em (James yells at Jessebelle to leave him alone.)
Blue tears, gimme freedom (He cries as Jessebelle whips him and Growlie tries to attack her.)
Black eyes, all behind me
Blue tears’ll never find me now (Scene changes to Meowth, Jessie and James in the Meowth balloon, flying over Johto.)

Definitely found my self-esteem (James is preening in a hand mirror.)
Finally-I’m forever free to dream (James is dreaming about sitting on a pile of money.)
No more crying in the corner (Scene shows James crying as Jessebelle and Oddish [A/N: She hasn’t evolved it yet.] stand over him with a whip.)
No excuses-no more bruises

I’d rather die standin’ (James is giving an order to Weezing.)
Than live on my knees (Scene changes to Growlie trying to defend James, who is cowering in the corner, from Jessebelle.)
Beggin’ please-no more

Black eyes, I don’t need ‘em (James is holding an ice pack against his eye.)
Blue tears, gimme freedom (He is crying in his bed at night.)
Black eyes, all behind me (Scene becomes James fleeing through a field away from home.)
Blue tears’ll never find me now (He and Jessie are pedaling the Magikarp sub.)

I’d rather die standin’ (James screams at Jessebelle out of anger and tries to grab the whip.)
Than live on my knees (James sees himself begging Jessebelle not to whip him, but it is only a flashback and the present James looks disgusted at how weak he was.)
Beggin’ please…

Black eyes, I don’t need ‘em (James wrenches whip from Jessebelle and throws it away.)
Blue tears, gimme freedom (He is running away after a beating and tears are running down his cheeks.)
Black eyes, all behind me (James is kneeling in the field and telling Growlie to stay behind and protect his family.)
Blue tears’ll never find me now (The scene changes to Jessie and James in the balloon holding hands [End of “Holy Matrimony”].)

It’s all behind me, they’ll never find me now (Jessie and James fly off with Meowth running after the balloon.)

[Spoken by present James] Find your self-esteem and be forever free to dream.