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Whose Turn to Blast ‘Em Off?
-----By Denise

Team Rocket jumps from out of the sky and lands in front of the twerps.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Make it-

Ash: Yeah, yeah. Let’s hurry it up. Pikachu, just blast ‘em off.

Pikachu: (charging up) Pikaaaa Pika----

Misty: Hold it right there, Ashie!!!

(Team Rocket stands there clueless)

Pikachu: Pi?

Ash: ASHIE?!?!

Misty: I think it is MY turn to blast Team Rocket off! I NEVER get to do it.

Brock: (whips out book and puts on glasses) Actually Misty, you HAVE blasted them off a total of…

Misty: (head blows up to 10 times its normal size) WHO ASKED YOU???

Brock: *whimper*

Misty: Anyway, I believe it is MY turn.

Ash: Oh, really? (whips out contract) This legal document states that as lead character of the show, I get full rights to blast off Team Rocket in 99% of the episodes.

Misty: (head blows up again) Well, it’s time for the 1%!!!!!!

Ash: uh, heh...

Brock: Actually...

(Everyone turns and looks at Brock. Misty is about ready to kill something)

Brock: Umm, let’s remember how many times that I have blasted them off...

Misty: Aw, shaddup, Squinty! (conks him over the head with frying pan)

Brock: uh, ow. (drops to the ground)

Misty: (grips frying pan) Okay, Ash. This can be done the easy way or this can be done the hard way…

Ash: Uh, heh...

James: (mumbles to Jessie and Meowth) Doesn’t it feel like we’re being sentenced or something?

Misty: It’s your call, Ash.

Ash: Well, um, Mist, er-

Female Voice: Actually, it’s NOT his choice.

(Cassidy jumps from out of the sky, followed by Butch)

Butch: I believe WE deserve a turn to blast off those two.

Misty: You and what army?

(about a million Rocket Dan’in appear behind B&C)

Butch: That army.

(Misty shrinks back)

Cassidy: You see Missy-

Misty: It’s Misty.

Cassidy: Whatever. We have appeared in 3 episodes, and have blasted them off ONCE. We don’t feel that that is fair.

Jessie: (mumbles) Look who’s talking about being fair-

Cassidy: I heard that.

Butch: You will be the first to fly!

(Primeape comes out of Pokeball and charges at Jessie, but a black tulip shoots at it, electrocutes it, and it keels over.)

Butch: Wa?

(Domino appears)

Domino: If you don’t mind, I will be the one to blast them off. I need some practice for my debut.

Dan’in: Aye! Domino! (all run from behind B&C to behind Domino)


Domino: I’m The Boss’s right-hand Rocket. Oh, by the way Cass...The Boss is sick of bailing you two out of jail.

Jessie: Justice is served!!!

Domino: (eyes Jessie) Justice? You, a Rocket, talk of justice?

James: She was using a figure of speech.

Domino: Whatever. Time for practice! (hurls tulips at Jessie, James, and Meowth)

Pikachu: Pika! (shocks the tulips down)

Ash: Are you all forgetting my contract?

Misty: WILL YOU SHUT UP?!?!?

Domino: Dan’in, you may kill that kid later.

Ash: *gulp*

Brock: (revives) Why don’t we settle this with a competition.

Domino: Kill him, too, while you’re at it.

Brock: Ehehe... *gulps*

(Tracey falls from the sky)

Tracey: I agree with Brock. Let’s solve this dispute with a non-violent, friendly game. May I suggest Bingo?

Meowth: BINGO?!?

Ash: I agree fully with Tracey, since we have the same IQ.

Brock: Which is also the same as a rock’s...

Tracey: (hands out bingo boards and chips) Okay... (pulls number) B-21!


Misty: You can’t win! He only called one number!

Ash: But it’s on the board...

Brock: (sweatdrops) Just pull another one Tracey!

Tracey: G-17. O-19. O-6. N-71-

Cassidy: This is ridiculous. I don’t have a single number!

Tracey: B-44. I-2, G-5-

Domino: Argh! I don’t have any numbers either! (hurls tulip at Tracey and vaporizes him)

Ash: You killed Tracey!!!

Butch: Uh, duh?

Ash: But I only needed one more number to win!!

Misty: Shut up, Ash! (conks his head with frying pan)

Brock: It is my turn to blast them off. I get one time a season, and now is my turn!

(Misty knocks him out too.)

Cassidy: Now, Missy...

Misty: MISTY!!! (knocks out Cassidy)

Butch: Can’t I get one thing in this world? I have a raspy voice, stuck being a criminal, and am made out to be a nasty guy in fanficts. Can’t you just give me one thing?

Misty: Aww... (becomes stern) No. (knocks him out)

Domino: Well, well. It’s just you and me, lil red head. Get her, Dan’in!

Dan’in: Charge!

Misty: Hi-yaaa! (goes through a series of karate moves and manages to knock out the entire Dan’in.)

Domino: How is that possible?!

Misty: Denise must not like you much, because she certainly hates me.

Domino: Go figure. (Misty knocks her out.)

Misty: YES! Now I may go in glory to blast off Team Rocket! (Gets Pokeball of choice and looks around) Team Rocket? (Jessie, James, and Meowth are nowhere to be seen) Team Rocket?

Annoying Narrator: That’s right, Misty! Team Rocket snuck away while you were busy arguing!


The End.

Author’s Note: I know that that was... odd. And stupid. It is based on an odd and stupid dream I had. So it’s not my fault. It’s the dream’s fault. Maybe the dumbness can be passed off as humor...