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-->Author's Note: This story is based on the scenario from Pokémon Gold/Silver. For those of you who haven't had a chance to play this game, I'll give you a little TR history.
Apparently Team Rocket was broken up 3 years ago (by guess who? The little man from Red/Blue/Yellow). Giovanni goes off on his own- Lord only knows where- to train and the team members are abandoned. If you recall, when you beat Giovanni in Viridian City on the video game, he says something about how, "Team Rocket is no more... I hope we meet again" then he disappears, along with the Rockets. So I guess that's what this is! Anyway, no one can break up Team Rocket (duh) and several of them still stuck together and worked kind of like an underground, building Team Rocket up again in hopes that Gio would come back. Now they've got enough members and are ready to start their empire...

by Dee ~_^

They say there's a certain magnitude around Team Rocket. Once a Rocket, always a Rocket, a the saying goes. No matter what happens- whether you get fired, or quit, you're never quite away from the team. A part of it stays with you forever. And eventually you'll find yourself back at their doorstop, by choice or by force, to stay for good.
My name is James, and I, like so many other unsuspecting teens, was pulled into the crime ring of Team Rocket. Once and never again, I had sworn to myself those three fateful years ago.
And yet, here I was.
I surveyed the slum-like area that Team Rocket had been forced to establish it's new empire in. The building itself was in shambles, but that was to be expected. The old "Gym Leader" disguise was no longer an option, and they had to be cautious.
I pulled up the collar of my coat, hoping that if I made myself as scarce as possible that maybe I would be overlooked. It was a pitiful hope, but I hung onto it nevertheless. Digging my hands into my pockets, I ran a finger over the letter that had been delivered to the local Pokémon Center for me. I'd read it over a thousand times, and the words were imprinted in my mind.
"To Whom it May Concern,
Calling all ex-Rockets! You are required to attend a meeting that shall take place on January 17, 2003, 8:00 PM; at 1225 Darktree Lane, Ecruteak City. Those who fail to show shall be sorry... Mr. Thilar."
Why had I come here in the first place? Curiosity? For lack of a better thing to do? Because of the idle threat, "those who fail to show will be sorry"? Or was I actually interested in rejoining? Even I didn't know what had possessed me to come back to this damn organization.
And yet, here I was.
I ducked under the awning and entered the crumbling building, unknowing of how big a decision that would end up being.
My name is James, and I'm just a pawn in the ultimate scheme of things.

They call me a lot of things. I was and still am Jessie, for the most part, but because of my job I've had to be many different things, too. Sometimes I'm under my alias', Terri or Kit. Once I was even Kali Zealor, Italian crack smuggler. I've been called, "The Disguise Queen" and "Detective Mastermind." Some even call me a bitch. I get that a lot.
But today I was just plain Jessie, ex-Rocket looking to make it rich. Arrogant, vain and moody were some of my finer characteristics, not that those were hard to act out. All-in-all I thought this was my best case yet, and my easiest.
Welcome to the world of an undercover detective. My mission: to find out who the leaders of Team Rocket's new "force" were, what their strengths were, and how to stop them before they got out of hand. Simple, right? That's what I thought.
I pulled my jacket up tighter around my thin body. It was the dead of winter, and here I was in a paper-thin dress with a skirt that barely reached half-way between my knee and ass. By all rights I should have been in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, relaxing by the fireplace in my cabin and waiting for my next mission.
But someone as qualified as myself has learned to suck it up and deal with it; I could only pray they had some kind of heater in the condemned building I was about to enter.
I walked through the narrow door, my breath blowing out in white smoke in front of me. No heater. I'd live. Down a hallway, around a corner, and past a rat-infested chamber, I finally reached the waiting room. What a sight met my eyes.
Shady figures of all shapes and sizes lounged around in the big room, smoking and gossiping about the Lord only knew what. I recognized a few of them as some crack junkies who had managed to escape the police, and another few as drug smugglers. My hand instinctively flew to the concealed gun under my jacket.
Several big guys whistled in my direction; I answered with a rude gesture. True, it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but if I had to be my character I had to play my character. I searched the crowd for a familiar face. Any familiar face. I spotted a young man at the far end of the room by himself, reading some kind of magazine. His head was covered by a hat, and his collar was pulled up too high for me to recognize any facial features. Still roving the room, ever on guard, I noticed a blonde woman, maybe a year older than myself, chatting amiably with a teal-haired man. Cassidy and Butch, just my luck.
Oh well, this was no time to be choosy. I strolled over to their seats.
"It's been a while," I said coolly.
Cassidy jumped- I'd caught her off guard. "Oh!" She saw who I was. "It's you."
"Really Cass, you get bitchier everyday."
Butch's hand roved around under his jacket. So, I wasn't the only one who was carrying a weapon. "Jessie, maybe you should get out of here. This isn't the time or the place."
"Who died and made you God?" I countered. Stone cold looks were all I got. "Fine, I'm going." I turned, then stopped. I couldn't resist one last remark. "Oh, and Butch, a single pistol is a lot less conspicuous then an Uzi, and if you're a good mark it's just as deadly."
And I wonder why I'm called a bitch so much.

I saw her right away. Red hair, blue eyes. It was so obvious who she was, and she made it a point to let everyone know exactly what she was about. Jessie was just as gorgeous as ever, not that that was a surprise, of course. She turned in my direction, but her eyes passed right over me. It seemed like my plan had worked. I was nonexistent, even to the person I'd spent half my life with.
I stared at the ten-year old copy of People Magazine, but I didn't read a word of it. My thoughts were moving too quickly. I knew that whatever was about to happen was going to be big, but I couldn't begin to guess how. Try as I might, my thoughts kept turning back to my old partner and long-time best friend. There was something different about her today, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what. She had a sense of authority about her, but that didn't seem too unusual. It was at the tip of my tongue...
"Excuse me? May I have your attention, please?"
I looked up. Cassidy had her arms raised, as did Butch. The company immediately quieted down.
"Our superior, Roger Thilar, is ready to begin the meeting," Cassidy began. "Would you all please enter the door to your left and take a seat in the board room?"
Something told me that the board room would be nothing more than a dilapidated old ballroom with a large table and some rickety chairs in it. I was right.
As I walked through the entrance. Butch plucked my hat off and grabbed my jacket.
"The board room has a heater," he explained. Quietly he added. "And no one gets out of here without being identified. Nice try, Jimmy."
So much for inconspicuous, I thought grimly.
As luck would have it, I ended up being positioned as far away from Jessie as possible. Her head was turned towards the front of the room, where a 30-something man stood waiting for everyone to be seated.
A big man to my left elbowed me hard in the ribs. "Move over you stupid prick; I need some space to sit down."
I turned to tell him exactly where he could stick that idea, but thought better of it. His neck was thicker than my head, and I knew he wouldn't hesitate to snap me like a twig. I moved over to the far end of the table, pulling up a chair to sit in.
The man at the front of the room- who must have been Roger Thilar- smiled at the group. It was a vicious, humorless smile that reminded me of a snake. Even Giovanni hadn't had such a nasty smile. "Welcome, Rockets of the past, to our humble home. I apologize for the building's condition; I'm sure you realize that finding a worthy abode for our beloved team was practically impossible. We believe that before long we shall be able to change our location to a more comforting environment."
He was an intelligent man, like our old boss, but he used that to gain superiority. By using the best grammar possible he hoped to confuse them, maybe trick them into doing something they wouldn't normally do. I almost laughed; his little plan wouldn't work on me.
"I'm sure you're all curious as to why we- that is to say, myself and my wonderful cohorts Butch and Cassidy- have called you here," he continued. "You see, my friends, we have been building Team Rocket from the ground up. It has taken a lot of hard work and patience, but we're finally ready to begin anew! With your help I will be able to get Team Rocket the world power it so richly deserves!"
Someone I didn't recognize spoke up. "Just what are you saying, Mr. Thilar?"
"What am I saying?" Roger asked rhetorically. "Young man, I am proposing that we reunite this beautiful team for world conquest! That all of you come back to begin a new Rocket era!"
"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard."
It came out before I could stop myself. All eyes were on me in an instant. Jessie's face read recognition and surprise, as did many others.
'Yes, folks, the lenient James just contradicted a powerful leader,' I thought dryly.
"Mr. Rosewood, do you have something you would like to say?" Roger asked.
"Only that this is insane," I stated.
"Go on. Please explain," he urged.
"What you're saying is absolute bullshit. This team was disbanded three years ago, and I was under the impression that Giovanni had no intention of re-opening it."
"And Giovanni didn't re-open it," Butch muttered irritably.
"He must have had a damn good reason to end his life's work, so why would you want to start it all over again?" I questioned.
I had gotten through to the group. More than half of them nodded in agreement. Jessie's face read nothing but mild amusement.
"Giovanni disbanded the team because he believed there was no passion left in it's members. But this will prove that wrong and show him Team Rocket's still worth it," Roger explained.
"Then where is he?" I argued. "Where is this boss who disappeared three years ago without a trace?"
Roger must have predicted this. He had an answer for everything, it seemed. "He won't be convinced until we come together and begin our new conquest."
"Oh, I take it you've spoken to him then. I guess you told him about your little plan to bring back people with their own lives to totally screw with their worlds and tell them to just-" I began.
"I have not spoken to Giovanni in years, but I was a very close friend of his and I believe that he would back me up on this-" Roger interrupted.
I was on a roll and he was not about to stop me. "May I finish?!"
Someone smothered a giggle. It was Jessie.
"Ms. Smitt, do you have an opinion too?" Roger asked tensely. I was getting to him.
Jessie shrugged. "I don't really care either way."
Roger straightened his tie. "Yes, yes... you were saying, Mr. Rosewood?"
"You can't just call us all in and expect us to drop our lives and come running back to this team. You may find this hard to believe, seeing as how you worship this place religiously, but some of us didn't like it that much anyway. All it ever did for me was make it a hell of a lot harder to get a job, must less get into a college.
"Now I'm finally doing something good for a change, and you just expect me to throw that away and become a wanted criminal again?"
Roger's teeth glinted in a deadly smile. "I don't expect anything. I know for a fact that each and every one of you will embrace our renewed empire with open arms- whether you like it or not."
"What's that supposed to mean?" someone asked.
"You mean you don't remember the contract?" Roger wondered innocently. "Ah, I shouldn't have expected you to. It was a while ago."
"Cut the crap and tell us what the hell you're talking about," Jessie said sharply.
Nice, Jess. You're making as great a first impression as I am.
Roger pulled out a legal-looking document. "Look familiar? It's the contract you first signed when you joined Team Rocket. Ring a bell?"
It did, but I couldn't figure out what he was getting at.
"If you recall, the contract clearly states that 'You are in service of this team until your contract is destroyed.' When the team disbanded we all assumed Giovanni had torn them up or burned them. One day I was searching some abandoned rooms at Viridian Gym and stumbled across these." Roger slapped the paper for emphasis. "This is even further proof that Giovanni had every intention of coming back, or passing the title on to someone else." He looked right at me. "Not only that, Mr. Rosewood, but it also means that I own you and your life as long as this document exists."
"Then get rid of it, because I don't want any part of this," I informed him.
"You don't have that choice. Until our good boss returns I have full control of these papers. And I'm not tearing any of them up," Roger explained. He rolled the contract back up. "Am I understood?"
A murmur of protest rippled through the room.
"I don't think they're too happy about that," Jessie commented dryly.
"It's not their choice, is it?" Cassidy snapped. "And it isn't yours either, so shut up."
"Oh, I'm hurt," Jessie said sarcastically.
Roger leaned over next to Butch and Cassidy. He whispered something I couldn't hear; luckily, I can read lips.
"Watch how I work these assholes," were his exact words. Roger turned back to the arguing group. "My friends! Please, calm down! I cannot keep you all here if you really want to leave. But think about what you would be leaving! We have what Giovanni did not! Perfect timing! The police are lazy- they think we are gone for good-" why did Jessie bristle at that comment?-"We have the moment of surprise and the cleverness to pull it off! What's more, we have experience! All of you are veteran Rockets, and you know what you're doing. Think about it, my friends! Riches and power beyond your imagination! Worldwide fear and respect! The time is right and the time is now! Who's with me?"
The cheer shook the building. Even Jessie whistled her appreciation for the speech.
It really was ingenious. Roger mentioned their greatest motives: money, power, fear and respect. "Every" Rocket's dream.
I looked up. Roger had his eyes on me, teeth glinting in a venomous smirk. He mouthed the word, "Your move."
"It's not over yet," I retorted.
Just because he'd captured the first pawn didn't mean he'd win the game.

My mind turned over the meeting's events as Roger calmed everyone down and started to finish up.
Roger was a criminal mastermind, and a smooth-talker to boot. I'd have to watch him- he might be one of the trickiest enemies I'd ever had. No matter. I could handle him.
James, now... I needed to talk to him later. Whatever had happened over the last three years must have been big. Damn, had he matured!
"...this meeting is over. You may exit out the door you came in. We will meet back here tomorrow at noon. Thank you for your time," Roger dismissed us, then turned and disappeared into a back room.
Butch and Cassidy got everyone into something of a line and we proceeded to the door. There was still one thing bothering me. It involved my safety on this mission. As I came up to Butch, I said casually. "I guess you did a background check on everyone."
Butch's eyes narrowed. "Why do you ask?"
"Oh, you know. Some of these people might be serial killers or something. Can't trust anyone these days," I commented.
"Nah, we didn't bother," Butch shrugged. "Roger figured if we didn't check if they hurt someone we could honestly say we didn't know anything... but why the hell am I telling you this? Get going."
I strolled off, but I'd gotten what I needed. No background check meant they didn't know I was a detective. I was safe- for now.
I pushed my way through the crowd of people, trying to get a little breathing space. I felt him on my left before he spoke.
"You're overacting."
James' voice was so low I hardly heard it. I tried to look only mildly interested at what he had said. Glancing at him slightly, I greeted him like nothing more than an old friend.
"And what does that mean?" I wondered.
"Later," James' lips barely moved as he spoke. "The walls have ears and lip-reading eyes."
He shoved a piece of paper in my hand, then walked off. I slipped the note into my pocket and waited for a safer place to read it.
So, James didn't trust anyone either. Smart. But if that was true, then why did he come to me? And what did he mean by "you're overacting"?
Once outside of the building I walked the block to my hotel. I decided I was safe inside my hotel room and grabbed the note James had given me.
"We need to talk tonight. 10 PM at the local McDonalds- James."
Instead of clearing things up, it only made them more confusing. Did he just want to catch up? Didn't seem likely. He could be a detective too... no, too far-fetched.
My heart caught in my throat. Could he be working for Roger? What if the fight was staged? Did he know who I was? Suddenly even my best friend couldn't be trusted. I had no way of knowing if this was an ambush.
"No," I thought aloud. "It can't be."
James was the only person I'd ever been able to get close too. I had friends at work, of course, but no one who really knew me. Even my ex-boyfriends didn't know as much about me as James. True, he had changed, but all the time I'd known him he'd been honest and loyal. He wouldn't do that to me- would he?
As a safety precaution I slipped a gun into my coat, then checked my wristwatch. 9:45, time to go. It only took a couple minutes to get to the McDonalds James had mentioned; before long I was there. I opened the door cautiously, looking around.
Sure enough, there he was. The same old James sitting in the corner. He looked over and smiled. With one hand on my gun I made my way over to his table.
James gestured for me to sit down. When I hesitated, he smiled dryly. "Roger's not going to burst out of the back door, and I'm not going to shoot you either."
"When did you get ESP?" I asked, holding back a laugh and taking a seat across from him. "What's this all about anyway?"
James got right to the point. "Why are you really here?"
"I missed you too," I said sarcastically. "I guess I'm here outta curiosity- the promise of money is pretty nice also."
"Bullshit. What are you, a cop or something?"
I weighed my options. I could play dumb, and get interrogated all night, or I could tell him the truth and maybe get an ally out of this. I took the second one. "Try undercover detective."
"Ah, well, they're so completely different-"
"I liked you better as an ass-kissing wuss," I teased.
For the first time that day James' smile had humor in it. "Yeah, you and every other Rocket on this damn team."
"That was quite a speech today. Even Roger was having trouble," I complimented. "I didn't know you had the balls to say that."
"'Balls' are something you get when- uh, nevermind," he stopped short. "So tell me about your little CIA work. What got you into the law?"
I wanted to know why he had stopped mid-sentence, but let it slide for the moment. "It's actually kind of funny. I was caught shop-lifting three weeks after the team break-up. I ended up having to spend a little time, but got out on probation for the last two months of it. I made friends with my officer, and he recognized some potential. He gave me a chance to clean up my act by getting me a job at the local police station. One thing led to another and before I could blink I was an undercover detective for the Goldenrod police force." I paused to prepare my next question. "There's my little story- now what about you?"
"It's better if you don't know," he advised. "If you did you'd have to arrest me or something."
I raised an eyebrow. "James, you could easily rat me out to Roger, raise points for yourself and get me killed. You actually think that I would send you to prison? Besides that, you're my best friend. You know me better than that. C'mon... what's the story?"
James sighed. "I'm not proud of it... but here goes nothing. After the team got disbanded I tried getting a job, but no one would hire me. I guess my record was worse than I thought. Then I tried to get accepted into a college, but they wouldn't even let me take the practice tests. Things were getting rough- I had no money, no job, and nothing but a backpack full of clothes and my Pokémon.
"One day I stumbled upon an add in the newspaper that told about someone who could help you clear your record and start over. I decided to try my luck- after all, things couldn't get much worse than they were right then. The guy ended up being a computer hacking genius who could literally delete everything off your personal record and create a new one for you. I was desperate, so I took the offer."
"Oh my God, James," I breathed. "That's a huge offense."
"Don't I know it," he muttered.
"What does it say now?" I wondered.
"My birth and early childhood are about the same. I got sent to Pokémon Tech where they excepted me, graduated from the school and currently have no criminal offenses. Total bullshit, of course, but no one would know any better. The guy was so good that he even added my name to the list of graduates on the Pokétech computers. You're probably the only person who could remember that all being fake."
When he stayed silent, I urged him to go on. "There has to be more than that."
"Unfortunately, there is," he said. "All that work was pricey- and I didn't have any money. He understood my problem, so he hooked me up with some of his friends. His 'friends' were drug smugglers."
"You didn't."
"I had no choice. I was in too deep to get out now. I managed to get accepted into a small college within the next week, and got a job soon after. My job paid for apartment rent, but not for my other fees, like tuition and the little crime. For a while I was leading a double life- college kid by day, personal assistant to a smuggling leader by night. That's where my 'don't trust anyone' attitude came from. I also learned how to lip read, and the 'balls' came with the package too.
"I worked like a dog and aced the final exams in my Freshman year. The next year they gave me an actual scholarship. By the end of my Sophomore year I had paid back all the money I owed, and was finally out of crime for good. I thought, anyway. But here I am, halfway through my Junior year, and this stupid team calls me back to fuck my life up even more." James looked up. "Still so sure you don't want to turn me in?"
"Compared to you I had it easy. But at least your trying to turn everything around," I told him. "What's your major?"
He shrugged. "Law. I'm not sure what in law, though."
"After all that shit you did?"
"I figure I should try to give some back, you know? Stop the real assholes who don't care what they do to people," he said. His eyes flashed anger. "People like Roger."
"What do you have against him?" I wondered. "Sure, he's a cocky jackass, but you really hate this guy."
"I vowed I would never turn back to this stuff. I thought that maybe- crazy as it sounds- that I, James, could actually do something right for once. Get out of the crime ring that is my life. But this is me we're talking about. Sooner or later I'm bound to get screwed over again. Roger just happens to be the one who did it this time." There was a bitterness in his voice that I'd never heard before. James stood to go. "Thanks for coming out here. It's good to know I've got a friend in all this shit."
I stood up with him. As he turned, I grabbed his arm. "Hey James... you wanna come back to my hotel room for a while?"
He opened his mouth, then stopped. Finally he answered. "I better not. With both of us against him Roger might think we were planning something."
"Aren't we?"
He didn't have an answer for that.
"Oh, come on. I've got some champagne and we can order-up. I'm not about to touch any of the greasy shit they serve here." Without waiting for an answer I pulled him towards the door. He sighed in resignation, then followed.
Just like old times, I thought with a smile.

I took the drink Jessie offered, looking around at her room. It was nice- but compared to my low-rate motel, anything was nice.
"Do you mind if I throw on something a little more comfortable? This dress really isn't me," Jessie said more as a statement then a question.
"Go ahead," I conceded.
Was she trying to tempt me? Good Lord, the woman was beautiful enough. Now I was in her apartment, under stress, and she was about to put on something comfortable??
A couple minutes later Jessie was in a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. She must have seen my relieved look, because she said, "You didn't really think I was gonna come out in lingerie, did you?"
I couldn't help but laugh.
She poured a glass of champagne for herself and took a seat across from me. I stifled a yawn. Jessie looked in my direction. "You can't actually be tired."
"Well, it is midnight," I reminded her.
Jessie glanced at her watch. "God, I didn't know it was that late. But you shouldn't be tired, not after working the late shift..." she saw my look. "Nevermind."
"If it's all the same to you I'd prefer not to talk about it," I said a little tensely. "Those're two years of hell I'd like to forget."
"Hm," was all she said.
I remembered something. "You know, back in the restaurant, you never actually said if you'd turn me in or not."
She thought for a moment. "Well now, that depends."
"Depends? On what?" I questioned, starting to wonder if telling her the truth had been such a good idea.
Jessie laughed. "Relax James, I'm not going to ask you to sell your soul to me or anything. I just want to make a little deal."
I tried to count how many steps it would take me to reach the door. "Deal?"
"Exactly. Now, usually I work alone, but this case is pretty big, even for me. You yourself said you wanted to get into law. I'm giving both of us a chance to get what we need."
I shot her an odd look. What was she getting at? "I'm listening."
"I could use your help. The fact is there's too many involved, and I can only be in so many places at once. An ally, someone I can trust, would be perfect," Jessie began. "That ally is you. You're the only person in this hellhole I know won't rat me out; number one because I've got that little piece of blackmail, and number two you're my closest friend. Now, if you could just keep your ears open, remember even the tiniest bit of information, and keep those beautiful lip-reading eyes on Roger, I'd be eternally grateful. Who knows? Maybe I can win you a spot on our detective squad."
I understood why Jessie made such a great detective. She always kept her eye on what was important- at this moment it was completing her case. Also, she knew she couldn't do it alone, so she made it sound as if I'd be getting something out of the deal too. The only thing I was getting was her silence. But with the kind of things I've done, that's plenty to get.
Besides, I never could resist Jessie.
"So, do you agree? Partners again?" Jessie asked expectantly.
I smiled. "As if I could ever say no." We clinked champagne glasses regally, downing our cups in one gulp. "You know, you didn't have to wait to ask me this. You could have said it in the McDonalds."
"And miss seeing your face when I told you I was changing? Never."


It was the next day. Noon had come faster than I'd expected, and I was forced to go back to the condemned building where I had fought last night. At least there was one good thing coming out of this meeting- I'd get to see Jessie again.
She waved me over the minute I got into the waiting room.
"Do you think we should be standing together like this?" I wondered quietly.
"Why not? We've got plenty to catch up on," Jessie said cheerfully.
Silly me. Jessie was back in character; I wouldn't be able to get much conversation out of her until we were alone again. That was okay, though, because I had plenty to think about as it was. The atmosphere in the room was different today, I noticed. Tense anticipation was the general feeling- I wondered if something was happening. I glanced over at Jessie to tell her my thoughts, but remembered she wasn't the same person she'd been last night. I only meant to look her way for a second, but my eyes held. Today she was back in her tight dress look. Though it gave her a somewhat slutty appeal, she still had that aura of charm, intelligence, and authority about her that I loved so much. Jessie caught my look. "What's with you?"
"I just never realized how beautiful you are." Oh shit. I hadn't meant to say that out loud.
A flash of surprise, then Jessie had that same cocky smirk pasted on her face. "Easy, slick. We haven't talked in three years."
Smooth, James. Real smooth. I wondered if you could see my face glowing red from across the room.
I didn't have time to worry about that because Butch and Cassidy appeared out of nowhere and quieted everyone down. Once that was done, Cassidy made a quick announcement:
"Mr. Thilar has found a better place for you to stay for the time being. We will be going to Mahogany Town to stay for a while. The address you will be staying at is 1478 Birch Street. Go home, pack, and meet us in Mahogany Town in three hours. We'll see you there." Then they were gone.
"That's it?" I questioned. "I thought this was supposed to be a fucking meeting!"
No answer. Jessie had already moved with the crowd towards the door. Well, that was fine. I needed to get back to my motel, pack, check out and still get to Mahogany Town. I hoped there was a bus or something- it was at least thirty miles to the next city.

And here I was, 1478 Birch Street. The building in front of me didn't look like a headquarters for a 4-H club, much less Team Rocket. In fact, it was more like a Pokémart!
I was just about to check the address for the fifth time, when suddenly Roger was in front of me. Where he had come from only God knew, but I figured he was either here to kill me or bribe me. My second thought wasn't completely wrong. "Mr. Rosewood, I've been waiting for you."
"Lucky me," I grumbled.
"Would you like to come with me for a moment," he said.
"Actually, no."
"It wasn't a question, it was a statement," he smirked. I hated that smirk. "Follow me. You need me to show you the entrance to our little hideout as it is."
I couldn't argue with that, so I reluctantly trotted after the middle-aged man and into the Pokémart-like building.
I viewed my surroundings. "This does look like a Pokémart!"
"You're not far from the truth, my clever friend. This is a store run by an older couple. Though not as well-stocked as a Pokémart, it serves as a good place for the local trainers to buy items. It also makes a wonderful place for the team to stay for a while," Roger told me.
"I don't see what makes it so great. There's barely enough room in here to fit half of them."
Roger chuckled. It was almost as deadly as his smile. "That's where you're wrong James- do you mind if I call you James."
"That wasn't a question either," he growled. Roger pointed to a poster on the wall of all the gym leaders in Johto. "You see that?" Without waiting for an answer, he strode over to the simple-looking picture and rapped a hand on the photo of Jasmine. To my surprise, a shelf swung outward, revealing a hidden staircase leading downwards. "Before the elderly couple took over here, it was a part of the mafia crime ring."
"I don't even want to know what you did with poor couple," I muttered under my breath.
"Oh, they're quite safe, actually," he assured me. As he entered the staircase, his teeth glinted dangerously. "They're meeting their maker as we speak."
I shuddered involuntarily. My hunch had been right- this wasn't a man to be messed with. Even as I questioned my own judgment, I found myself following him down the winding stairs and into an underground hallway.
"I wouldn't think such an old building would be in this good of shape," I commented.
"The old owners kept it up, and we recently came in and re-decorated-"
"That wasn't a question," I said smugly.
Roger looked at me like he was going to pull out a 9-Millimeter and kill me right there, but thought better of it. "Come with me. I want to talk to you for a moment."
Your move, Thilar.
He walked down the corridor until we reached a set of mahogany doors. Roger pulled out a set of keys and unlocked them, then led me inside. He took a seat behind a desk, then gestured for me to sit down in the chair in front of him. Not having a better option, I did as I was told.
"I have a few things I would like to ask you, James," he began.
Play it cool. Not like you did back in Ecruteak. "Go for it."
"First of all, when was the last time you spoke to Jessie? I mean, before we all met yesterday," he wondered.
This was leading up to something, I could tell. "The day the team broke up. Why?"
"You seemed to be on close terms last night, though. She even invited you into her apartment," he remarked.
"What are you talking about?" I asked nervously.
"It's funny, don't you think? I happened to be staying in the same hotel Jessie was. Two doors down, actually. I thought I heard your voice, so I took a look and sure enough, there you were. Ironic, isn't it?"
"So, we needed to catch up on a few things. Big deal."
"A few things? You had to have been in there for an hour and a half, at least," he argued.
"What were you doing? Spying on us?" I countered.
Roger looked down as if to straighten his jacket. "I take it upon myself to look out for my team members- make sure they aren't doing anything uncalled for. You know what I mean?"
"What are you getting at?" I asked warily.
"I demand to know what you were so engrossed in back there! What is it now, James? A plot, a scheme, to kill me? I know you can't stand the sight of me, and there was something funny about her yesterday..." he smiled his nastiest. "I'm sure it wasn't your idea, of course. Jessie pulled you in to something, didn't she? Come now, all you have to do is tell me what she's planning, and I'll take care of the rest. Maybe even make you my partner."
I did the last thing Roger expected me to do. I laughed. "You are one of the most paranoid men I've ever met. Did it ever cross your mind that maybe we were just talking like old friends, watching a little Jay Leno, and having a drink? Not everyone is as twisted as you, you know."
"Jay Leno?" he snapped. Roger jerked his hand out, as if to hit me, then pulled away slowly. "No, I suppose I am a little tense. It's not easy, all this work. I hope you can forgive me."
"It's like it never happened."
Roger stood. He led me out the door and back down the long hall. Soon we came to another set of stairs leading downward. Once at the bottom Roger handed me a key with the number 122 on it. "Here's your room key. Since we have enough room everyone will be staying here. Down the hall and to the left, I believe." He started to go, then stopped. Turning, he shot me daggers. "Oh, and James. If you ever get it in your head to start something, you should know that rarely anything escapes my eye. You'd have to be a fucking detective to get by me."
"Point taken, Roger- you don't mind if I call you Roger."
His smile dropped. Awkwardly he backed up the staircase and out of sight.
He'd caught a couple pawns today. But I just snagged a Bishop.

Either fate plays odd tricks on people, or Roger was trying to start something, because "coincidentally" Jessie's room was right next to mine. Roger held a short meeting that night, to explain what was going on, and I met up with her right away.
"Room 121," she said. "What do you think? God trying to pull us together or something?"
I didn't respond. There really wasn't anything I could say to that without sounding like an idiot. Oh, wait, I'd already done that today.
This meeting room was amazingly different then our little "board room" back in Ecruteak. Obviously made for these purposes, there were several rows of chairs and a stage, complete with podium, at the front. Like a Presidential office, only sleazier.
Soon Roger appeared on the stage, clearing his throat continuously. He coughed twice, then said in as raspy a voice as possible. "My apologies, my Rocket allies, but I've come down with something and am not fit to speak to you tonight." Bullshit. What was he trying to pull? "Therefore, I will have a friend of mine say what needs to be said." Three fake coughs, then, "I'm sorry, but I really need to get some rest. Here to give you a briefing is my colleague and- oddly enough- Pokémon friend, Meowth."
Jessie and I passed a look of equal surprise to each other. Meowth was involved in this?? That only brought on more questions. Why had Roger faked a cold? Did he not want to be around after the news was said? That seemed likely, I guessed. And what the hell was Meowth doing around Roger?
The cat Pokémon trotted daintily out onto the stage. He lifted himself onto the podium, tapping the microphone a couple times to make sure it was on. It was impossible to tell what was going through his head- even after all these years I still couldn't figure out that cat.
"Ah-hem... Roger has asked me t'tell you about dese arrangements, so listen up. I'm only gonna say it once." Immediate silence. "First of all, dis isn't just a little hideout- Roger an' some of his scientist friends are gonna rig up a radio signal dat makes Pokémon go nuts. While everyone's under panic, dey're gonna send some guys in ta infiltrate the radio station in Goldenrod. Once dere we'll have control of da radio messages dat go out through Johto. Maybe den we can get ahold of da bo- Giovanni." I smuggled a laugh. Giovanni would always be "da boss" to Meowth.
"Secondly, because of dis undercover work, no one is allowed outside da building. Da outer entrance has been locked from inside, and only Roger has da key. He expects ya to cooperate while dis is going on."
"You mean we can't leave this place until Thilar says so?" someone shouted.
Meowth gulped, nodding nervously.
The reaction was just what Roger had predicted- loud and angry. I didn't see a single person in that room who wasn't enraged at the thought. I wasn't too happy either. I got his plan now; Roger didn't want to have to face this, so he sent up Meowth to do the work. These men were all dangerous, and not strangers to violence; if they got angry enough they just might kill someone. No doubt Roger would have been that someone.
"Meowth might be in trouble," Jessie hissed in my ear. "Let's get out of here and take him with us while this is still trying to sink in."
I nodded; wordlessly we inched our way along the wall to where Meowth was standing. He was now off the podium, trying to figure out his best way of escape.
"Hey!" Jessie whispered loudly. "Cat!"
Meowth looked in our direction. Recognition and surprise traced his face. I was getting those looks a lot lately.
"Come with us before a fight breaks out," Jessie advised.
Meowth hesitated, looking between us and the double doors on the far side of the room that led to private (aka Roger's) quarters.
"Do you wanna save your ass or not?" I snapped. "Get over here! We can stay in Jess' room til they calm down!"
Surprised by my sudden outburst, Meowth followed us dumbly back down the wall and out the door that led to our "dorms." Once we were safely in Jessie's room we started questioning our old Pokémon friend.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"About da same ting you are," he replied smoothly. "Tryin' ta save my neck in dis group of crackhead fuck-ups."
"What he means is," Jessie began, "why are you hanging out with Roger?"
"Cuz I ain't got nowhere else ta go. After da team broke up I was pretty much screwed. I hung out around da gym cuz I didn't have nothin' bettah. Den Roger came along sayin' he wanted ta build da team back up- said he was a friend of da boss' or somethin'. I didn't have nothin' else, so I came along for da ride. I guess youse could say we're friends now," he explained.
"He put you up there knowing you could get killed," I pointed out. "Some friend."
"Yeah, well, I kinda got a duty ta him, ya know? He saved my ass before, I oughta save his once," Meowth glanced at the clock. "Damn, I bettah go. Roger figgered I be back soon."
"All right," Jessie consented. "Maybe we'll see you later?"
There was utter sorrow in the cat's eyes as he turned to us. It was only there for a second- I thought maybe I'd imagined it- but it was still there. "Yaa, sure. Hey, tanks for helpin' me back dere- if I can evah return da favor I will."
I was about to say something, but he was already gone.
"He knows more than he acts like he does," Jessie said after a moment. "I'm sure of it."
"And did you see the way he looked at us?" I asked, taking a seat on her bed. "It was... weird. I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this, Jess. First Roger, now this."
"Roger?" Jessie was next to me in an instant. "What about him?"
I quickly told her about our confrontation earlier that day. "He has a hunch; I don't think it's anymore than a hunch, but still..." I trailed off.
"You think I should call my superior and tell him where we are?" Jessie wondered.
I shook my head no. "The phone lines could be tapped, and it's not like we're in danger at the moment. If things get worse, than maybe. Just wait a while."
"Right, tapped. I almost forgot about that," she agreed.
I stood up, ready to leave. "I should go. If we keep holding these meetings people might start to wonder what's going on."
She seemed about ready to object, but waved a hand at the door. "Okay, that's fine. I need to get some sleep as it is. Let's lay low for a couple of days- I'll sneak around, see what I can find. Try to keep your eyes open. If something really important happens, talk to me. Otherwise, we should probably stay apart and greet each other like nothing more than friends who have little to nothing in common anymore. Got that?"
I couldn't resist a little bit of teasing. I saluted smartly. "Aye aye, El Capitan!"
Jessie threw a pillow at me as I slid out the door, her laughs ringing in my ears. It was good to smile again. Through all this, one of the only things that would keep us going would be a little laughter now and then.

Things went by calmly enough for a couple days. The Rockets had settled down after a while- the thought of money was stronger than their need for freedom, I guess. Roger rarely ever made an appearance, though I saw Butch and Cassidy roaming the halls a lot, and there hadn't been any meetings either. It was a little too quiet for me- something was definitely going on.
One day, about three days since we'd first arrived in Mahogany Town, I was walking down the halls trying to get a little exercise when I heard Butch and Cassidy talking behind a closed door. Remembering my spying duties, and being naturally nosy, I leaned closer to the door to hear what they were talking about.
"Don't you think Roger's acting kinda weird?" Butch wondered. "He's been really quiet for a while, and he hasn't even talked to us that much."
"That's just because he's thinking about his next move," Cassidy explained like it all made perfect sense. "You know- about his new plans."
"Oh, you mean the-" Butch never finished his sentence. I could only guess that Cassidy had slapped a hand over his mouth.
"Shut up! What if someone hears you?"
"Like who?"
"Anyone! If so much as one word of this gets out there our asses will be toast! Have you been yapping about this?"
"No, of course not. I know better than to mention it when we're not in private!"
"Don't say anything when we're alone, either! You never know who might be listening through the cracks in the door."
I decided this would be a good time to make my escape. I'd learned enough; now I needed to talk to Jessie.
Down the hall, down a flight of stairs, straight and then a left. I knew my way around this building way too well. I rapped sharply on Jessie's door. In seconds it was opened.
"Yes-" she saw that it was me. "James?"
"Let me in."
She did as I said. I made sure the door was locked tightly, then turned back to Jessie. "Something is going on."
I explained my spying job in the hallway. She nodded, her face etched in thought. After a minute or so, she decided, "I'm going to call the chief. If things are getting so secret that Butch and Cassidy are afraid to even talk in private, it must be bad."
"But the phone lines-"
"I'm willing to take that risk if I can still get out of this alive," she said. There was no use changing her mind now; besides, I thought it was the best idea too.
Jessie walked over to the phone. She picked it up, but stopped. She frowned, then pushed several keys. She hung it up, then picked it back up. Finally, she hung it up again, her eyes reading panic and fear. I knew what it was before she even said it. "The line's dead."
"That's it, then," I said blankly. "We're totally and completely alone in this."

Don't panic, Jess. I kept saying that to myself over and over. It wasn't like I hadn't been in this kind of situation before. Several times I'd been cut off from my chief, and I'd always made it out without getting killed. Barely, but I did it. The question was, could I get myself and James out alive?
I glanced over at my temporary partner. He leaned against the wall not half a foot away, thoughtful but unafraid, no doubt trying to sort a clear solution out of all of this. I knew that if I asked him, he would stay by me until the end. But with the end possibly drawing near, I couldn't ask him to do that. And I wasn't going to risk his life if there was a chance of survival.
"James?" I began. He turned to face me. I took a deep breath; this wouldn't be easy. "I want you to stay out of this case from now on. It's getting too complicated, and the fact of the matter is-"
"You don't have to explain," he interrupted. "I understand perfectly."
"You do?"
James' voice tone was icy. "Of course. The fact of the matter is that you don't need me anymore- I've given you enough information, and now as soon as you figure out a way to escape you can take the info back to your superior. Mission completed, end of story."
I stared at him in complete disbelief. "You really believe that?"
James shrugged. "I had a feeling from the very beginning. People use you, then they lose you; it's that simple."
"My God James, you have been hanging around with criminals too long," I told him. "I guess it never occurred to you that maybe I actually wanted to help you too. That I had every intention of trying to get you a job on the squad. That maybe, just maybe, I wanted to spend more time with you and the only way I knew how was to blackmail you and get you to help me out? Crazy as it may sound, but could it be that I liked you as more than a tool?" Somehow we'd moved closer together, so that there was very little space between us. "That I was attracted to you?"
I think I made the first move, but it was pretty much simultaneous. James and I had locked lips in an instant, arms around the other. I hadn't realized it until now how much I wanted him. Everything about him- from his newly developed mysterious quality to his natural friendly charm and good looks- screamed desirable .
We moved as one towards the bed, angling away from the wall. I had just about gotten his shirt unbuttoned when James pulled away.
"Jessie, Jessie," he repeated, holding me back. "This isn't right."
"What are you talking about?" I questioned. "We're two horny adults in love, so what's the harm?"
"Both of us are stressed and under a lot of pressure from this whole thing. We're trying to use sex as a way out of our problems," James explained.
James put his shirt back on. "I'm leaving."
"James..." I started to persuade.
He flung open the door. "If I find out anything else I'll talk to you." As he turned to go, he added one last stinging comment. "I do love you, Jessie, but I'm not so sure if you feel the same way."
Then he was gone, leaving me alone with my own thoughts.
The veteran detectives down at the station used to talk about how everyone had a moment of weakness in their career. Under pressure, in a desperate situation, they would grab at anything they could find to ease the stress off a little. I had used my moment of weakness on the one person I truly cared about, and now he might be gone for good.
"Dammit Jessie, you are such a fucking idiot!" I scolded myself. "You did exactly what he accused you of: using him. Dammit! I really am a stupid bitch!"
I slammed my hand into the wooden door in frustration. I started to do it again, but stopped. James' last words hit me hard.
"I do love you, but I'm not sure if you feel the same about me."
Did I love him? I'd made a promise to myself back when my mother died that I would never get close to someone again- but hadn't I done just that?
And this was James, of all people. My best friend since I was eight, my punching bag, and the person I'd never even glanced at twice before. So why should I suddenly feel like this? Maturity? His new personality? Even I didn't know the answer to my own feelings.
"And why the fuck am I worrying about this now?" I asked myself.
Like it or not, I did have a mission to carry out; James or no James. I picked up my room key and walked out the door for my daily spying mission, trying my hardest to focus my mind on everything but him.


The next few days were the most stressful and awkward I had ever gone through. It seemed as if James made it a point to avoid me- not once did I see him roaming the halls or in the cafeteria. Not that I was actually trying to find him either; I focused my mind on the case and tried to think of little else. I spent a lot of time hanging around Roger's quarters, trying to catch a conversation or something that would help me figure out what he was planning. I got my talk soon enough.
I was walking by the office, as I usually did every morning, when I heard the distinct voice of Cassidy, followed shortly by Roger's. I leaned down to listen.
"So Roger, what's the deal?" Cassidy wondered.
"Do we strike tonight or wait until morning?" Butch asked.
"Tonight. That way we'll have her before we move everyone into the radio tower. I'd like to start that part of the mission first thing tomorrow morning." That came from Roger. "You have everything ready for tomorrow, I assume."
"Naturally," Cassidy agreed. "We've already got the truck waiting out back- we'll have everyone loaded in and gone before they'll have time to wake up completely." Cassidy paused, then went on to ask, "What time do we get Jess?"
I stiffened, but kept my post to hear the rest.
"Soon, my friend, very soon," Roger assured her.
Butch chuckled menacingly. "That'll show that spying bitch that she can't hide anything from us. I'm glad I suggested looking up her personal information."
I bolted. I knew I didn't have much time until they came for me. It was too late by now, I knew I was dead... James! I had to tell James! Maybe somehow he could relay the information back to someone at headquarters. I didn't have a minute to lose!
I banged my fist on his door- hard.
"Please be home, please please-"
James answered. He stared at me in genuine surprise. "Uh, Jess? What are you-"
I didn't bother closing the door behind me. "They know, James! Roger knows who I am! He- he's coming to kill me or something!"
"He's what? When? How did you find out?"
"Just now... I was spying... he's coming soon. Look, there's nothing I can do anymore. My life is worthless. Here-" I shoved a gun into his hand, "just in case you need it. Try to find a way to get our information back to the chief."
James put the gun in his jacket. "But Jessie, can't you escape or-"
"There's no way. He's probably got half the building on the alert now," I glanced at the clock. "I've gotta go back to my room, where he expects me."
"No need to, my young nosy Rocket."
I knew who it was before I turned around. Roger, Butch and Cassidy were in the doorway, each carrying two weapons.
"Roger!" James exclaimed.
"Correct," Roger agreed. He swaggered over to the two of us. "It's so much easier, having you grouped together like this."
"How did you know I was here?" I questioned. If I was going to die, I wanted some answers first.
"Oh, that." Roger smiled. He walked to the mirror that hung on the left wall of every room in the building. Using the butt of his gun, Roger shattered the glass, revealing a small, circular lens. "Smile- you're on candid camera."
"One of Roger's private rooms has a whole wall of televisions. He sees everything," Cassidy explained.
"And she does mean everything," he added. "It began as a safety precaution, but ended up being one of my best ideas ever. There's even one outside of my office- to catch certain spies, of course."
Everything was falling into place now. "That conversation I heard- it was planned, wasn't it? You waited until you saw me outside then acted out the whole thing."
"And I've never heard a better monologue," Roger said maliciously.
He turned to me. I instinctively took a step backward. Someone's arm wrapped around me, holding me in place.
"Well, this has been a great game, but I believe it's time that I collect my winnings and move on." Roger snapped his fingers, focusing his stare on James. "Checkmate."
Something hit me hard in the back of the head, and I blacked out.

Butch caught Jessie, throwing her limp figure over one shoulder. There was blood in her hair, and it was impossible to tell if she was alive or not.
I whirled to lash out at Roger, but found my own arms pinned to my sides. While I had been in shock, he'd snuck up behind me and put me in much the same hold Jessie had been in. As I began to struggle, Cassidy stuck a gun to the side of my head.
"Don't even try it."
"So now what?" I asked, accepting the fact that my life was over.
"Now, James?" Roger hissed. "Team Rocket's reign begins again. We take over the radio tower and no one stands in our way."
"The police will stop you, just like they did to Giovanni," I told him.
"Those pigs don't have a clue, now that their precious spy is gone," Roger insisted. "You know, it's a real shame you didn't join with me. I could have used a mastermind like yourself... but that's life."
He covered my face with a damp rag. Things started to haze out within milliseconds. My knees collapsed underneath me; I was out before I hit the ground.

I woke up draped over a couch in a completely different room than I had just been in. The furniture was first-class, but there was something odd about it. Then it hit me: there was radio equipment lining the walls. I was in Goldenrod's radio station. I sat up, but had to lean back almost immediately. The pain in my head was horrible; I imagined Jessie couldn't be much better. My heart started racing. Jessie!
I made myself stand, then started to work out the stiffness in my legs while I tried to sort this out. I was in the radio tower, in a production room. Checking my jacket, I found my gun still there. Now I knew something was up. Roger had taken the pains to drag me to the station when he could have easily killed me on the spot, and I had a weapon too.
More games? That had to be it. Roger wanted a little sport before he got rid of me- or us, if Jessie still lived. I was sick and tired of his tricks; all I wanted to do was get Jessie and get out.
But chances were that wouldn't be an option.
I tried the door to the office. It opened easily. Stepping out into the hallway, I took a look at my surroundings. The walls were completely void of windows or doors- in fact, the only exits were on either side of the long hall. I tried the door nearest to me. Locked. Which meant that I only had one option, and more than likely it would lead me straight to Roger and Jessie.
Still, it was better than sitting around waiting for death to creep up around the corner. I opened the big paneled door and entered what had to be the producer's office. And behind the desk stood the one man I hated with every molecule of my body.
"Ah, James. So good of you to come. We were getting impatient," Roger said calmly.
My eyes took in the scene at once. About five feet away from Roger sat Jessie, held down my Butch. Both Butch and Cassidy had their guns pointed directly at her head.
"I thought about killing you," Roger said, as if reading my thoughts, "but first I thought I might have a little fun."
"What's the point? What're you trying to prove?" I demanded.
"Nothing except the simple fact that you and those like you are fools. To think you could actually escape the deadly crime web? You were born a delinquent and you will die one. Prove, James? I only want to show you how much of a idiot you really are."
"You'll kill me in vain, then, because I'll die knowing I did everything I could to stop a jackass like you!"
Roger chuckled darkly. "We'll see about that." He pulled out a 9millimeter and cocked it directly at Jessie. "The way I see it, there's about two ways you can get out of here alive." He paused for emphasis, then continued. "The first way is out that door. If you put down your gun and walk out, we'll let you go back to your own meaningless life. We will always be keeping an eye on you, but you'll be able to escape part of the crime ring. The other way out is by joining our side. I've told you many a time that having an ally like you would have its rewards. You pledge your allegiance to this team and your life is spared... for the moment, anyway."
There was more to it than that. There had to be. "What's the catch?"
"Either way," Roger jerked his head towards Jessie, "we kill her."
"You sick, twisted bastard," Jessie growled.
"You're too kind," Roger said viciously. He spoke to me, but kept his eyes and weapon on Jessie. "There is, of course, one other quick solution to this problem."
"You turn this into a suicide case and try to save Ms. Smitt yourself. You might be able to kill me, or Butch, or Cassidy, but there's three guns aimed at her and one of us is bound to pull the trigger. And then it's only a matter of time before you get yourself shot too. A noble death, some might say, but a stupid one nevertheless." He shrugged carelessly. "The choice is yours- you should consider yourself lucky to even have options."
"James, don't worry about me," Jessie said suddenly. "Get the hell out of here while you still can-"
Butch strengthened his hold, cutting her off.
"Do you have an answer?" Roger asked.
I looked around, trying to find a simple way out of all of this. I wasn't about to run off, but what was the point of trying to save Jessie if it was hopeless anyway? There had to be a something...
A golden flash caught my eye. Glancing down casually, I saw someone I hadn't thought to see ever again. Meowth was crouched underneath plush chair, seated in what I knew was a cat's attack position. He mouthed something I understood perfectly. "I've got a diversion plan- just wait a sec."
I gave the slightest bit of a nod, indicating that I'd gotten the message.
Roger sighed. "I grow tired of your unsureness. Give me an answer soon or I'll kill you on the spot."
Suddenly a white blur streaked through the air to latch on to the closest thing it could find. Meowth had attached himself to Cassidy's head.
She yelped, dropping her gun and trying frantically to get his claws out of her hair. This was the only chance I was going to get. Debating quickly, I decided that I would try to take Butch out first. He had a better range than Roger and was more likely to get Jessie. I began to pull on the trigger...
I heard two quick shots from Roger's nine mill. He'd shot Meowth and Cassidy point-blank in one hit, but I felt the second bullet before I saw it.
There was a splitting pain in my chest. Unwillingly I crumpled to the ground. I tried to stand, but my own body wasn't obeying me. The pain wasn't so bad anymore; it was numbing faster by the second. In fact, everything was numbing. I couldn't keep my eyes open.
No, too tired.
But she...
Just rest...
Game over.

Everything happened so quickly it was like a giant blur. I saw James hit the floor, I heard Cassidy's scream. There was a thump behind me, and I knew both she and Meowth were down. Were any of them alive? It didn't matter anyway, I was about to join them as it was.
Or so I thought.
Roger spat contemptuously. "Stupid, noble idiot." He turned to Butch. "Go ahead and kill her."
I realized Butch had released his hold on me. "You- you shot her! Cassidy wasn't even doing anything and you-"
"She got in the way, just like that idiotic cat," Roger said, no pity in his voice. "That bitch wasn't good for anything anyway."
Butch glared at his former colleague. "You self-centered, mother fucking asshole! She backed you up even when you had nothing but a dream of re-building this damned team! And you can just shoot her like she's your arch enemy?"
"Ruthlessness is a virtue. Now, kill the spying bitch or I'll do it myself," Roger ordered.
Butch must have fired five times, though he probably only need two. Roger was dead before he hit the ground.
I heard the sound of a gun clatter to the floor. I didn't bother looking over to see what had happened to Butch, or Cassidy- the only thing I was worried about was James.
I raced over to him, desperately seeking a pulse. My trembling hands moved down his wrist until I found it. The slightest bit of a beat, but he wasn't gone. Yet.
Next I needed to find a bullet hole. That wouldn't be easy; there was blood everywhere. It had been hard to tell, but I was almost positive that Roger had shot him in the chest. Carefully I flipped the limp figure over, feeling around for a mark of some kind. I could only pray it hadn't hit an organ. There! I pulled off my coat and tried to stop some of the flow. It was next to impossible- the bullet must have hit an artery or something. I didn't know much about medicine, but I'd seen enough bullet wounds that I knew this was bad. I had to get him to a hospital.
"Butch, help me-" I turned, but stopped short.
Butch was slumped down on the floor next to Cassidy, head between knees. Making sure I had done what I could for James, I made my way over to him.
"Butch?" I said gently.
He looked up, a deep sadness in his eyes.
Realization hit me. "You've never killed anyone before, have you?"
He shook his head.
I didn't know what to do. Killing someone was never easy, but the first time was definitely the most mentally damaging. I turned my attention to Cassidy and Meowth. Cassidy's head had been grazed by the bullet- she was alive, and probably would be okay if we got her to a doctor in time.
The cat was lying a few feet away from her. I didn't have to find a pulse to know he was dead, the bullet hole in his head was enough proof. I cradled the cat Pokémon in my arms. He'd given his own life to save us; Meowth had stuck by us until the end. He was a better friend than I ever could have imagined.
"Is James alive?" Butch asked shakily. Apparently he'd recovered from his moment of shock.
I nodded. "For now. It doesn't look good, though. Cassidy should be all right." I stood up. "Come on, I need to call 911 and you're the only one who knows where the phones are."
Butch didn't move. Sighing, I offered him my hand. He snapped out of his trance, taking my hand and allowing me to help him up.
"Phones?" I reminded, getting impatient.
Butch nodded. "Yeah, over here."
He led me into a back room where the phone sat. Quickly I picked it up and dialed the number. "Yes... we have two seriously injured victims... the radio tower... Yes, I know damn well Team Rocket took over! This is first-class detective Jessica Smitt, I was sent here to... you know who I am? Then get the fuck over here!... Fifth floor, producer's board room... hurry.... thanks." I hung up. To Butch I added, "They're on their way."
"What should we do 'til they get here?" he wondered.
"Not a damn thing," I told him. "Pray that they make it, I guess."
Butch fumbled with a pack of cigarettes. He pulled one out and started to light it up. As an afterthought, he added, "You want one?"
Some of the guys back at the station had gotten me hooked on them a while ago. I'd quit for the most part; I only smoked when I was under a lot of pressure. This qualified.
"Thanks," I replied, taking the one he handed me and lighting it.
We waited for what seemed like hours, but it couldn't have been more than five minutes. Finally an ambulance arrived, along with a shitload of police cars. Six surgeons, or whatever they're called, came into the room soon, accompanied by two of my closer cop friends, Tyler and Dena.
"Jessie?" Tyler questioned. "You're alive? I can't believe it-"
"You don't have to," I cut him off. "Just get these two back to the hospital."
The doctors had brought up stretchers, thankfully. They eased James and Cassidy onto separate ones, two people to a stretcher. The remaining duo looked from Meowth to Roger.
"What about-" one began.
"They're both dead," I said holding back a sob for the cat. "Take Meowth, please. I don't give a shit what you do with Roger; he's the team leader."
Dena jerked her head at Butch. "Who's he?"
"An ally," I lied. "All of them were. Butch over there killed Roger."
Tyler went up to him. "Thanks pal, you did the world a favor." Butch nodded absentmindedly. Tyler glanced at me. "What's his problem?"
"First kill," I explained simply.
Dena nodded. She put a hand on Butch's back and led him to the door. "Poor guy. I'll take him down to the station and let him get some rest..."
Butch pulled back. "No, I- I wanna stay with Cass. She's the girl who, who got shot."
I exchanged looks with my friend. "Let him. It might be better to let him stay with her as it is." I reeled back suddenly, caught by a wave of nausea and dizziness. Tyler and Dena rushed over to see what was wrong.
"You okay Jess?" Dena questioned.
I put a hand on her shoulder to steady myself. "Yeah... I'm all right now. I don't know what happened."
Tyler, who was standing behind me, announced, "I do. You must have gotten quite a blow to the head- the back of your skull's a mess. Probably a small concussion. Come on Jess, you're riding in the ambulance with Butch. We'll take care of the mess here."
I didn't try to protest. I wanted to be nearer to James anyway. All this time I'd managed to keep cool, letting my natural emergency instincts take over. Once inside the ambulance I just about broke down. It took every ounce of my remaining strength to keep something of a straight face. If I freaked out Butch would have some kind of nervous break down or something, and I couldn't let that happen.
By the time we reached Goldenrod hospital I was emotionally and physically exhausted. All I wanted to do was collapse in a chair, but of course that was impossible. I had to fill out some dumbass forms, get myself cleaned up, and even then I couldn't sleep. I was too nervous for Cassidy and James to do anything but sit by James' bed.
In a couple hours the doctors (I didn't bother getting any names) had decided that Cassidy would definitely live, but it was hard to tell if there would be any permanent damage; they wouldn't be able to tell until she woke up.
James, on the other hand, had a bleak diagnosis. Luckily the bullet had missed his heart, but had struck an artery. They'd had a time getting the blood to stop flowing, and by the time they were able to stitch it up James had lost an unbelievable amount of blood. No one knew if he'd make it through the night, and even if he did they needed to find a blood donor.
Naturally that meant I didn't sleep for an instant all night. I doubt if Butch did either.
The next morning he still lived, and step two came into play.
"We have to find someone who will donate, and fast," a male doctor explained.
I spoke without hesitation. "James and I are the same blood type. I'll gladly volunteer."
They were skeptical about my decision. I'd lost some blood in the past days too and losing more wouldn't do any good.
"I'm not going to die if I lose a little," I snapped. "He will."
No one could argue with that. The process was quick and painless- but at that point I was so exhausted you probably could have cut off my arm and I wouldn't have noticed. A day and a half of no sleep is too much, and a transfusion doesn't help. Despite my protests, my body just was too tired to stay awake anymore. I drifted off to sleep around noon, hoping that when I awoke this would all have been some terrible nightmare.


I must have slept for a good 15 hours, because by the time I woke the sun was just beginning to rise. I looked hopefully over at James, but he was just the same as he had been yesterday. I found Butch asleep out in the lobby, curled up in a chair. He'd been through a lot the past couple of days- more so than me, since I was used to hectic situations. Nothing quite like this, of course, but still...
Butch stirred. He opened one brown eye sleepily. Seeing me, he asked. "How's James?"
"No better, but no worse," I said. "Cass?"
Butch stretched. "Haven't seen her yet this morning. They moved her up to the regular hospital rooms, you know. Stable status and everything."
"That's a good sign," I agreed, but I had trouble feeling cheerful for Cass when James was still in intensive care and showing no signs of getting better. I started to walk over to the snack machine and get something that would qualify as a breakfast, but Butch grabbed my arm.
"Hey, Jess," he said quietly. "Thanks."
"For what?" I wondered.
"Everything. Keeping me from breaking down, handling that shit back at the radio tower, and for saying that I was an ally. You could have dumped my ass in prison and you didn't. After all we did to you too..."
"You saved my ass back there too, you know," I interrupted. "The way I figure, one good deed deserves another."
Butch began to speak, but a doctor appeared out of Cassidy's room and walked up to us. "Your friend Cassidy has just woken up. She's a little confused, and maybe-"
He never finished his sentence. Butch was gone in an instant.
I smiled slightly, but didn't go to Cassidy's room. I figured Butch might want a little alone time with her. My smile dropped. If only James had had the same luck Cassidy had been given.
I grabbed a snack, then headed back to James' room. Being in there was in one way comforting but at the same time frustrating. I felt so helpless; I was used to being able to do something.
I'd heard somewhere that even when people were out of it that could still hear you. What the hell, I thought. Maybe it would help me feel better.
"James, you probably can't hear a word of this," I began, suddenly having trouble holding back tears. "But I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm such a conniving bitch, and I'm sorry that I dragged you into this mess. You know, you said you weren't sure if I loved you in return. I guess I must not if I did this to you." I tear ran down my cheek without me wanting it to. "But the problem is, I do care about you. I care for you more than I care for anyone else, and just the thought of you dying is unbearable. James, if you die I'll never forgive myself.
"So, in answer to your question, yes, I do love you. And I would without a doubt trade places with you if I could."
I just sat there for a moment, as if expecting James to magically awaken after hearing my words. Stupid. This was reality, and people didn't just spring out of a hospital bed in the real world. James stayed in his coma-like state, and I finally broke down and cried my heart out.

I was in complete and absolute darkness. That was my first and only thought for several seconds. Then, slowly, I noticed that something- it was impossible to see anything- was pulling at me. Without thinking I fought back, wondering who and what was going on.
Was I dreaming? No, this was deeper than even the deepest sleep. I had no idea what was going on outside of the small part of my mind that was thinking straight. But I couldn't be dead; death wasn't an eternal struggle in pitch black.
It hit me like a thunderbolt. I was still alive, thankfully, but clinging onto the barest strands of life. And what was fighting me? It could only be death itself. I'd heard once that even in your last moments your body struggles valiantly for life; that's what was happening to me.
I fought with all my heart and soul, but the strength was being drained from me all too quickly. At first I had been determined to survive, but soon I was too exhausted to really care either way. I felt myself slipping on the threshold of the netherworld... suddenly, energy! Sweet beautiful energy! I think, deep in my subconscious, I was thinking "blood donor" but most of me was so out of it I really couldn't say. All I knew was that I was gaining the upper hand in my battle; soon there was only the slightest bit of a tug. Then it stopped all-together. I'd won.
Exhausted but not weakened, I settled back down into the depths of a regular and dreamless sleep.


My eyelids fluttered open. It was dark inside the room- whatever room it was- but there was the smallest bit of fluorescent light coming from a dimly lit lamp. Propping myself up on an elbow and trying to get my bearings, I finally figured out that I was in a hospital room. And next to my bed slept Jessie herself, tucked up in a chair with her head resting on the bed.
Without thinking I reached over and tucked a strand of loose hair behind her ear. Slowly, almost reluctantly Jessie opened her eyes an inch.
"James?" she asked sleepily. Her eyes widened. "James!"
"Hey Jess."
"Oh my God," she whispered. "You're- you're awake! I, I didn't think-"
"Nothing beats us, remember? Not even death."
I leaned over and kissed her. This wasn't the same lust-filled kiss like our last encounter- there was tender love from both of us.
Jessie smiled. "I love you, James."
I returned the smile. "I don't know how I ever doubted it."

The police headquarters in Goldenrod were positioned about a block from the mall, in one of the nicest buildings I'd ever seen. I myself had never been to Goldenrod, so this was a totally new experience for me.
"Come on James," Jessie urged, grabbing my arm. "You don't want to keep the chief waiting."
I held back as we neared the doors of the building. "I don't know about this Jess. What if he finds out about my history..."
"He won't. Trust me," she insisted.
I followed her inside the building, glancing around nervously. It's an old, nasty habit of mine- whenever I'm around police officers I get jumpy. Jessie put a hand on my shoulder, and I involuntarily jumped.
"Good God, boy," she teased. "You more nervous than a whore at church."
I smiled weakly. A big, 40-ish man with jet-black hair noticed us and started to make his way over.
"The chief?" I wondered.
Jessie nodded. No time to turn back now.
"Good to see you again Jess," he greeted. "We were starting to worry that there'd be an empty spot on the team."
"Angry Beedrills couldn't keep me away," Jessie joked.
The chief turned his hazel eyes to me. "So, this is the brave young man who helped to bring our detective back in one piece?"
Jessie nodded. "James, this is Frank. Frank, James."
Frank stuck out a hand. "Great to meet you."
I couldn't help smiling at the friendly man as I took his hand. "Likewise."
"Where are your two other friends, Butch and Cassidy?" Frank asked Jessie.
"Butch has a place in Cianwood where the two are staying. Butch and I keepin moderate touch," Jessie explained. "I think they'll both be okay after a little mental healing."
Frank nodded. "Good to know. I would've hated for that team to destroy them like it did so many others."
Amen to that, I thought.
"Now, Jessie tells me you're looking to make it on a force, am I right?" Without waiting for an answer, he continued. "It just so happens that I know a certain detective who's looking for a certain partner, and they'd be glad to have you by their side."
"I'd be glad to be on their side," I agreed. "Who is it?"
Frank and Jessie both started laughing.
"No one else is getting that lucky," Jessie chuckled. She planted a kiss on my cheek. "I'm keeping you all to myself."
I blushed. "Thanks, both of you."
Frank walked towards his desk and took a seat behind his computer. "I'll just do a quick record check, make sure everything's in order, put your new occupation on, etcetera. This'll only take a second."
I shot Jessie a look. Frank actually knew about my Team Rocket background- he'd find out that my files had been messed with.
Jessie smiled, taking my hand. "Shall we go too?"
I couldn't figure out what was going on. I knew Jessie wouldn't turn me in, so what was up with her devil-may-care attitude?
I looked over Frank's shoulder at the glowing computer screen.
"Let's see," he began. "Born into rich, southern family... Pokémon Tech... flunked exam... several small felonies while in gang... jailed, but bailed out... well-known Team Rocket member... yep, everything seems to be up to par. Just give me a sec to add some things, and... there we go, totally updated." Frank stood up, slapping me on the back. "Welcome to the squad James!"
I winced; my little bullet wound still hadn't totally healed up. Frank didn't seem to notice.
"Why don't you two go back to Jessie's place and relax? I doubt if I'll stick either of you in any mission for a while- it's high time our little heroes got a break." Frank announced. "Now I gotta go tend to some work. I'll see you around."
Once he had left, I focused my attention on Jessie. "What happened to my fake file?"
Jessie winked. "I know people. We did a little work on it."
"I thought that was a serious crime," I commented.
The love of my life slipped an arm around my waist and walked with me to the headquarter doors. "Just righting a little wrong. Like I said to Butch: one good deed deserves another."

Author's note: Good? Bad? Too long? Etc? Whatever you wanna say you can send to