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Fushigi Yuugi: The Next Chapter A/N: Okay, I lied, another author's note for everyone. The end of this chapter marks the end of Part One in the FY:NC saga. (Which, in case you were wondering, is just a way to change up the episode titles 'cause I'm tired of naming every chapter "New" something) There'll be a few new features in Part-2 (which I briefly considered withholding from the audience for a couple months just to make you squirm, but changed my mind) including "Next Episode Previews" done by the characters themselves, and MAYBE some omake if I can think up some good ones. ^_^ And I sorta introduce the preview thingy at the end of this episode. Okay that's all for now! Off to the reading!

~Episode Eight: A New Challenge

Keisuke looked at Yui, sleeping quietly, and frowned. "How can she sleep? This is just getting good."
Tetsuya yawned and leaned against his girlfriend. "Easy. Ya just close your eyes and drift into dreamland. Hey, if I doze off wake me up when things get really interesting, all right?"
"You don't think this is interesting?"
"I want fight scenes and heroic deeds of daring," Tetsuya told him with a smile. "You know, the good stuff."
Keisuke sighed. "Action movie buff." He ran his finger down the page. "Ookay, here we are. 'Before long, the rain had subsided a bit. The four Konan travellers stood from their makeshift tent, stretching and shivering...'"

While her companions stood around her rubbing their hands together to get warm, Houki was making her way towards the wet horses and urging her companions to continue. "We have already lost time, and I would hate to return to the palace one second later that possible."
Ritsuka frowned at the nasty sprinkles of rain that still plagued the earth and any unlucky travellers caught in the storm. She shivered in her thin blouse. "Ah, Highness, I'm sure Chichiri's got everything under control. Besides, this weather is miserable. What if it starts raining again? My clothes are still damp," she put a hand to her mouth and said in a stage whisper, "and Tasuki and Koji have been staring at my blouse."
The two bandits turned chibi, jumping up and loudly declaring that the wet, thin white blouse was the last thing on their minds.
"Ach! I'd never do that! I don't even like girls!"
"I got someone back home! Women ain't even on my mind!"
Tasuki and Koji both tossed their jackets at her to show that they had no desire to look at her womanly features. Ritsuka snuggled into the warm garments, which had dried quicker than her clothes since the boys had taken them off and dried them over the fire. "Ooh, how cozy. Okay, I'm ready to ride now if everyone else is."
Tasuki sweatdropped. "I think we just got tricked."
Koji shivered in his thin shirt. "Damn it's cold without that jacket!"
Five minutes later a pair of very miserable bandits were riding by their relatively comfortable female companions. Tasuki frowned as a drop of water dripped off a branch over him and landed on his head. "Eek! Majesty can't you order Ritsuka to give us our jackets back!? I'm not much use in this war if I freeze t'death!"
"I am sorry about your predicament, Tasuki, but you did give them to her," Houki reminded him.
Ritsuka nodded, grinning triumphantly. "Give it up Tasuki-chan, I outsmarted you. To the victor go the spoils, as the saying goes."
"Yeah? Well, I got a saying too," Koji told her dejectedly.
"Which is?"

The sun was sinking and night was coming on when the four travellers arrived at Konan's southern gate. Chichiri, Akai and Kiori were outside to greet their fellow warriors.
Tasuki pulled up, somewhat air-dried from the fast ride home, though his clothes were still a little damp. He grinned at his seishi friend. "Looks like we finally got the seven together, ne? Told ya I'd get Koji here safely."
"Like I couldn't take care-a myself," the bandit leader remarked with a smile.
Ritsuka jumped off her horse and ran up to her friend. "Kiori, great t'see ya! Man you missed out on a lot- you should have come along! There were two fights, a party, Houki kicked some ketsu, and Tasuki got outsmarted by me again- big surprise there right? I'll have to tell you everything later, though I can't remember the party too well if you know what I mean, eheh."
Kiori forced a smile. "Sounds like a blast. Hopefully your hangover wasn't too bad?"
Ritsuka seemed oblivious to her friend's distant attitude. "Ah, no worse for the wear. If it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger, as my track coach used to say. First though, you gotta meet our new pal Koji-"
Ritsuka glanced over to see Chichiri struggling with a headlock the bandit leader had him quite tightly locked in. She sweatdropped. "Maybe in a minute..."
"How's my favorite monk, ah? What, too busy t'take a trip with Genrou up t'see me? I'm hurt!"
"I had to play Emperess, ya know," Chichiri explained. "Otherwise I'd have loved to visit the Reikaku gang. I hate missing those famous Genrou-home parties ya know."
"Ah ya know I'm just teasin' ya!" Koji said, rubbing the monk's head with a fist and tightening his arm around Chichiri's neck. "You'll have ta come back when the war's over so you can meet my girl Hareya..."
"Koji. Ack. Windpipe. Ya know," Chichiri gasped, turning a color somewhere between purple and blue.
"Uh? Whazzat?" Koji let go of him; Chichiri promptly slid to the ground.
"Oops," Koji sweatdropped, rubbing the back of his head in embarassment. "Guess I got caught up in the moment. You'll be okay in a couple minutes, won't ya?"
Ritsuka grinned, dragging Kiori up to the bandit leader. "Uh, Koji, I'd like you to meet my friend Kiori. She's one of the fellow Konan warriors."
Koji grinned, sticking out a hand. "Hajimemashite. If yer as looney as Ritsuka this should be a fun trip."
"I taught him about handshakes," Ritsuka whispered. "Before long we're gonna have this country eating with forks and driving on the wrong side of the wrong, heh."
Kiori took the hand. "Uh, hi Koji. Nice to meet you, I'm sure," she looked down, eyes widening, "Is Chichiri all right?"
The monk attempted to stand up, but was literally jumped on by the enthusiastic Akai. She didn't seem to notice that she was standing on the seishi warrior; Akai's eyes were focused completely on the new Konan warrior. "You're Tasuki-sama's friend, right?"
"Yeah, me 'n' Genrou go way back."
"Tasuki's nickname."
"Oh," Akai grinned. "That's so cool that you knew Tasuki-sama before he was a famous seishi! I bet you know all sorts of cool things about him! Like how brave and noble he was even before he knew about his super-cool powers! You've gotta-"
Akai looked down, blushing. "Oh, dear! Chichiri-sama, gomen ne, I didn't see you laying there." She hopped off, touching her head to the ground and apologizing every inch of the way.
Chichiri dusted his chibi self off, straightening his robe and flipping his hair out of his eyes. "And I thought Tasuki was the seishi who got beat up, ya know." He smiled at Koji. "I guess you've met Kiori and Akai, the other warriors, ya know."
"Akai's the one who calls Genrou 'sama'?" A nod. "Huh, I didn't expect t'see a kid fightin' in this thing."
Koji found a swordpoint in his face, a very angry teenager holding the weapon. "Never call me a kid. If you think I am one, you got another thing coming. Young, yes, but I could whip you in a swordfight right now. C'mon, draw your weapon and I'll prove it!"
Koji blinked, pushing the blade out of his way with one hand. He grinned, patting Akai on the head. "Yer a tough kid, all right."
She face-vaulted. "What don't you understand about 'never call me a kid'?"
Houki interrupted before Akai challenged Koji to another battle and he unintentionally insulted her again. "Perhaps you can go to the training ring tomorrow and show Koji your talent, Akai. Do you suppose that, for tonight, we could have a quiet meal and read over the scrolls? I am anxious to see what they had to say."
Akai sheathed her sword. "Of course, Houki-sama. Right behind you." She shot a look at Koji. "But tomorrow I'll show you what a palace warrior can do."
"Naturally," Koji said. It was meant to sound sincere, but all it sounded like was that he was humoring her. "I would never miss fighting such a strong warrior like yourself."
"Stop with the patronizing," Akai growled.
"Hey, that's a mighty big word," Koji said, patting her head again. "They teach you that in gradeschool?"
Akai's eyes narrowed, but before she could commence the severe butt-whooping that was sure to take place, Houki put an arm around the girl's shoulder and dragged her through the gates. The two were followed closely by Ritsuka and Kiori.
The bandit leader fell into step with Tasuki and Chichiri. He chuckled. "Smart kid, but she doesn't know who she's pickin' a fight with."
Tasuki sweatdropped. "I think the one who doesn't know is you, Koji."
"Eh, whazzat?"
Chichir sighed. "I'm sure you'll find out tomorrow, ya know. In the meantime, let's eat. We held dinner off until you got back and I'm starving ya know."

Koji sipped a glass of palace wine later that evening, watching wide-eyed as Kiori and Ritsuka inhaled several plates of food. He blinked loudly* when they finally finished, leaning back and smiling happily. "Another great meal!" both declared.

*A/N: You know, that "doink" noise. The description sounds odder than it really is.

"Wow," Koji murmured. "I think I jus' witnessed one-a the seven wonders of the world."
Tasuki sweatdropped. "The saddest thing about that is yer prob'ly right."
Houki smiled, setting down her teacup. "Well, now that everyone has finished, I believe it is time to get down to business, wouldn't you agree?"
Everyone did, so Houki reached for the single scroll that had been brought to the dining area at her request.
Tasuki scratched his head. "Er, only one scroll? Y'made it sound like there was one for each of us earlier."
"Oh, there is," Houki assured him. "We arrived a bit later than I had expected, you see, and I thought perhaps we could open the individual parchments tomorrow, after a good night of sleep."
"Tomorrow?" Kiori asked. She looked at the table. "I... I don't know if I'll be able to come tomorrow."
"How come?" Tasuki wanted to know.
"I just... I just might need to be alone, is all..."
"It's that time of the month, isn't it!?" Ritsuka blurted out. "I know how that can be 'cause when I start I get the worst cramps! I'm a total witch, I never wanna see anybody..." She noticed that the boys were all looking at her with surprised, seriously disturbed looks. Ritsuka blushed. "I mean, er... shutting up."
"I'm sure whatever it is Kiori has a perfectly good reason for it, ya know," Chichiri said, rescuing a good portion of his companions from an incredibly awkward situation. "Go ahead and open the scroll, Houki-sama."
Houki did as he said, no one noticing the grateful smile Kiori gave Chichiri or the chibi victory sign he gave back. The Emperess' eyes trailed down the parchment. "Strange."
"What's up?" Akai asked.
Houki looked up, a small, thoughtful frown on her lips. "The scroll is written in a very odd fashion. No rhymes until the very bottom, thankfully, however..." she spread it out on the table in front of her comrades.
Chichiri's eyes skimmed across the paper. The scroll was written unusually. Across the top were written seven somewhat simple kanji symbols, all displaying some element of nature. Underneath each were a few symbols. To the left of that were numbers, 1-7, all with something written under that, and on the left side of those were a few short verses.
Koji sighed. "This sorta stuff really ain't my thing."
"Oh, it ain't so hard," Tasuki said. "Look, the top seven symbols are obviously the Elements. Tsuki, Taiyou, Kaze, Sora, Tsuchi, Kaji and Mizu."
"Moon, sun, wind, sky, soil, fire and water!" Kiori chirped in English. All eyes turned to her; the girl blushed. "Sorry, I was studying for my English test earlier and now I wanna translate everything."
Ritsuka sweatdropped, though secretly she was glad that her friend was acting more like her usual chipper self. "Right. So, under each are a few words. Lessee... Tsuki: There and Gone. Taiyou: Unbreakable Wall. Kaze: Pill Spells... hey Tasuki-chan, isn't that the one we met earlier?"
"Yeah, an' the 'pill spells' sounds about right," he agreed, before hastily adding, "and don't CALL me that!"
"Two points," Koji remarked, not forgetting their conversation from earlier. He picked up where Ritsuka had left off. "Sora: Sharp and Agile. Tsuchi: Heartfelt Healer. Kaji: Flames on the Wind. Mizu: Master Ki."
"Key or ki?" Kiori asked. "If it's 'key' it could mean they're the answer to everything. If it's 'ki,' it could just mean they're the most powerful."
"Could be both, ya know," Chichiri agreed. "We should keep an eye out for other puns- they might be the most important thing, ya know."
Akai ran a finger across the scroll. "Okay, and then there're these numbers and more words: Ichi: When the cold night strikes, selfless power is all that can win. Ni: A firy temper can defeat the darkest light."
"See? None-a this makes sense," Koji complained.
"If it made sense then it would not be a riddle," Houki reminded him. "Please continue."
Kiori picked up the reading. "San: Tender hearts can freeze a raging river. Shi: The victor is determined by both fighters."
"Okay, now I'm confused too," Tasuki grumbled. "Tender hearts meltin' determined fighters..."
"Maybe it'll be cleared up further down, ya know," Chichiri remarked. "Go: A requested death is no easier than one that is unwelcomed. Roku: Honor and skill will defeat the blackened air. And finally: Shichi: When the chill gale blows, courage will be valued over power." Chichiri sighed. "This is going to take a LOT of work ya know. Near as I can understand, the clues under the names are the Element's powers, and the numbered stuff is advice on how to kill them. It doesn't seem to be in any order though, ya know..."
Houki picked up the scroll. "Wait, there are a few lines at the bottom. These seem to be the most useful:
A goldeneye for each
If Konan is to be saved
Beware of repercussions
Or Hero and Enemy could share a grave.
" Everyone shivered at the last cryptic line. "That is all."
Koji frowned. "I can't make sense of any of it. Huh, a goldeneye fer each, at least I get that much. We'll each be killin' one-a them Elements, an' they all got golden eyes." He chuckled. "Well that ain't too common, right? Shouldn't bee too hard t'look out fer that."
Ritsuka put a hand to her forehead, pretending to scan the room for Elements. She looked at Tasuki and screamed, hiding behind Kiori. "AH! Golden eyes! Save me from the ee-vil!"
Tasuki frowned. "Haha, very funny Red. My eyes ain't even really pure gold..."
"Hai, sometimes they change to pink, ya know," Chichiri added. "Like to fit his mood ya know."
A ripple of laughter went through the room, though Tasuki didn't seem to find it very amusing. "At least my eyes don't look like a cats." He countered.
Chichiri frowned- the jab was obviously made at him. "That's was uncalled for, ya know."
Ritsuka grabbed the sleeping Tama from the table and held him next to Chichiri. She laughed. "I see the resemblance. Now all we gotta do is teach Tama-neko to say 'ya know.'"
"Nya," Tama mewed sleepily, as if he was trying to do what Ritsuka asked.
Houki laughed into her sleeve; even Kiori managed a tired chuckle. The Emperess rolled the scroll back up and tucked it under her arm. "I should say we have had enough 'hard work' for one evening. It is getting a bit late- I will see you all at breakfast to read the other scrolls. Oh, Chichiri, please stay for a moment. I would like to hear what went on while I was away."
The other five took this as a sign to leave and slowly began heading to their rooms. Tasuki put an arm around Koji's shoulders, leading him out. "I'll get ya fixed up with the nicest room ya ever saw, Koji. Ever slept in a palace bed? It's like sleepin' on air."
Koji laughed. "Can't say I have, but I get the feelin' I'll enjoy it. Lead the way!"
Chichiri waited until everyone had left before turning to Houki. "Everything went great while you were gone, ya know. Thankfully, Takkan seems to have had enough for now ya know."
"That is good to know. Try as I might, I could not rest easily at night on my journey. I worry about Boshin-chan and his future so much these days... I suppose it is maternal instinct. Perhaps this caged bird should not leave her home anymore." Houki smiled sadly. "The peace will be short-lived, don't you agree? I suppose your key words were 'for now.' They will not give up quite so easily, I fear."
"Not yet," Chichiri agreed. "And I get the feeling the next time we'll have a bit more to face than some well-armed soldiers, ya know." Houki nodded unhappily. "Oh, don't worry Houki-sama. Everything'll work out all right, ya know."
"Chichiri, do you really believe that? I would like to think so, only there is so much that could happen," Houki sighed, somewhat wistfully. "The servants, the civilians... Boshin-chan... so much depends on winning this horrid war. I want my son to grow up in a peaceful country as the beloved Emperor, not in a war-torn place where he is scorned as the fallen leader of a once-great nation..."
The Emperess trailed off, running a hand along the beautiful tapestry that hung upon the east wall of the dining room. It was a large, cunningly crafted picture of Suzaku, with the seven seishi symbols interwoven into the bird's feathers. She rubbed her thumb against the gold-embroidered kanjii: Hotohori. "If only you were still here, Highness... I should have no reason to worry about our son or this country..."
The Emperess turned to see Chichiri, mask off, looking at her with more determination then she had seen in a long time.
"Houki-sama," he said again. "I swear that as long as there's a breath of life in my body, Konan will not be taken. For as long as Suzaku allows, I'll keep Boshin-chan safe." He looked down. "I owe it to his Majesty." His eye flicked back up to meet hers. "No matter what happens, as long as I'm alive you'll never have to worry about Boshin-chan being harmed. You have my word on that."
Houki smiled through tear-filled eyes at the heartfelt promise. "Arigatou gozaimasu. You are a truly wonderful person, Chichiri... all the Konan warriors are... how could I ever doubt our success?"

Setsuka sat up in bed, staring straight ahead. She had been awakened from a nightmarish dream, though now she couldn't remember anything from it. The Lady of Takkan frowned, feeling as if she had come out of sleep for more than one reason.
She trotted down the hallway to her throne room, where the legend upon the wall had been carved. Something told her the answer to her question was in there.
Setsuka sat upon her throne, gazing across at the carved legend. Her eyes trailed to a line that she knew hadn't been there before. The Lady smiled dangerously, touching the red gem on her neck. There you are, Kaji. The decision will be yours, tomorrow."

Ritsuka stretched leisurely, throwing on her school uniform with a yawn. The sun shone brightly through the window in the room she and Kiori shared. The rain from the night before glistened lightly on the tree branches; all other signs of yesterday's storm seemed to have vanished completely.
"Another great day in Ancient China," she remarked contentedly. "Doncha think Kiori?" There was no answer. "Hm. Well, I guess we oughta get down to breakfast and start reading those scrolls. I wonder what 'advice' mine'll give? Hah, probably something confusing like, 'the rolling stone can sometimes devour a lion whole.'" Ritsuka snickered.
"I'm not coming to breakfast," Kiori said quietly. "Tell them to start without me. I should be in later."
Kiori walked by her friend, opening the door to their room. Ritsuka frowned. "What's the big problem, anyway? Why're you so gloomy?"
The redhead's friend looked at her with sad green eyes. "It's been six months since it happened. I need to be alone. Please."
Ritsuka's eyes widened; she nodded vigorously. "Ooh, right, right. So, see you later at the meeting?"
"Maybe," Kiori said uncertainly. "Jaa."
"Jaa," Ritsuka replied, concerned eyes watching her friend depart. "Don't wander outside the gates."
The redhead was still thinking hard about Kiori when she sat down to breakfast. She made no attempt to hide her unusual quiet thoughtfulness, though it didn't seem to affect her appetite- Ritsuka wolfed down three plates full of food almost without taking a breath.
"Y'know, it's more fun t'watch when there's two of 'em downin' all that food," Koji remarked. "Kinda borin' when there's only one. Where is Kiori anyway?"
Ritsuka gulped down the rest of her drink before answering. "She needs some alone time. She said she'd be back eventually and not to wait up."
Chichiri frowned thoughtfully, but the others seemed to accept that and finished breakfast without prying into the college girl's private life. As soon as the last pair of chopsticks were set down Houki signalled for a group of scrolls to be laid on the table. Each was rolled up and tied with a different colored ribbon; each ribbon had a few kanji symbols on it.
"There are six scrolls there, one for each of you," Houki explained. "I have already opened mine, as you know." She picked up one, reading the symbols. "Face of the Monk." Chichiri took the scroll. "Fan of Fire." Tasuki grabbed it. "Bandit Leader..."
The scrolls were dispersed evenly among the five, until only Kiori's was left on the table. Akai held hers up. "So, now we just open them in front of everyone, or is this private?"
"I don't suppose it matters," Houki told her. "There are no specific directions given. Read them out loud, if you like, or keep the advice private."
Ritsuka chuckled, clapping her hands in mock excitement. "Yay! Sharing time!" She pulled the red ribbon off her scroll, unrolling it and reading aloud, "You will have many hard decisions to make. Follow your heart."
"When did you get a heart?" Tasuki teased, earning a fist to the head for his remark.
"Two points," Koji commented. He pulled the white ribbon off his. "Sheer power isn't the only valuable weapon. Hear that Genrou? I'm gonna kick ketsu without seishi abilities. And yer gonna owe me a bottle-a sake when this is over with." "Yeah right," Tasuki chuckled. Off went the orange ribbon. "Don't get drowned in the silver pools. Gee, I love how LITTLE sense mine makes," he grumbled sarcastically.
Chichiri pulled off his silver ribbon at the same time Akai removed her midnight blue one. The monk read his silently, while Akai announced: "Heroes come from many molds. Huh, that's a bit of a compliment, I guess."
"Sounds like it," Ritsuka agreed. She and the others looked to Chichiri expectantly. "Okay Chichiri, your turn. Wow, it looks like yours is longer than ours. C'mon, let's hear it!"
The monk rolled his back up and tucked it in his robe. "Houki-sama didn't say we had to read them aloud, ya know."
Tasuki frowned, poking his friend's shoulder. "Aw, Chichiri, be a sport. We all read ours, an' mine didn't even make sense. Onegai, buddy?"
"Now, Tasuki, Chichiri has the right to his privacy. We should respect that," Houki told him. She looked at the lone scroll on the breakfast table. "Oh dear. Kiori still has not returned. I hope she is all right."
"From the sounds of it she ain't," Koji remarked. "Maybe someone should go find her."
All eyes turned to the monk as six voices declared, "Chichiri should do it."
He did a comical doubletake. "Nani!? What IS it with you sending me after people, ya know?"
"You can find people easier," Tasuki told him. "Plus, Kiori's obviously not feelin' too great about somethin', and you happen t'be an excellent listener."
"Besides," Akai added accusingly. "You wouldn't read us your scroll. So, as punishment, you have to run around the palace while we go to the training rings."
"Sorry Chichiri, but the people have spoken," Koji told him. "Off ya go!"

Chichiri was out the door a few moments later, Kiori's scroll tucked in his robe- along with Tama, of course. The monk sensed Kiori's troubled life force on the northern wall. He headed in that direction.
It didn't take him long to find her. Chichiri snuck up behind the college girl, who seemed too wrapped in her own thoughts to hear him coming. Chichiri coughed. "Um, Kiori?"
Kiori's back went rigid. "What do you want?" her voice cracked on the last word.
Chichiri coughed again, embarassed at catching her crying. "We were a little worried that you skipped breakfast, ya know. I brought you your scroll. Is, um, everything all right, ya know?"
"You have an uncanny ability for showing up just when a person wants to be left alone, you know that!?" She snapped angrily, whirling on him with red eyes. "I'm fine, okay!?"
Chichiri flinched, the look of hurt showing through his mask. "A-all right, ya know. If that's how you feel." He set the scroll down, managing the barest hint of a cheerful "daijoubu" smile. "I'll just leave these here, for later, ya know. Uh, gomen."
The monk turned to go, when Kiori's voice made him stop. "No, wait. I... I didn't mean it. I'm the one who should be sorry. I just-"
"Daijoubu. Wakatta, ya know," Chichiri interrupted, letting Tama jump out of his robe and into Kiori's arms. "Sometimes you just need to be alone, with your own thoughts and problems, and you feel as if telling someone else will dump a load on them that they don't need. I'll leave if you want-"
She sighed, looking out at the northern Konan plains. "Stay, please. I need to talk to someone."
'Someone who understands,' she added silently. 'Could Chichiri be that one? Kamisama, I hope so...'
Chichiri took a seat next to her, following her gaze to where they both knew the Takkan warriors were camped out. "So what's the problem, ya know? What's on your mind?"
She ran one hand along the purring Tama's back. Kiori sighed again, heavier this time. "Six months," she said quietly. "Half a year, today, since... since the car crash." Chichiri didn't want to interrupt, but... "Car?"
"Oh, right," Kiori managed a small smile. "Sometimes I forget we're not in my world. A car is sorta... well it's like a fast cart without a horse or anything to pull it. Really fast. Sometimes people abuse that speed..." she sniffed, blinking hard. "Gomen, I told myself I wasn't going to get all weepy when I talked about it, and I hate crying in front of people..."
"Daijoubu," he said again, kindly. "Sometimes, crying is the only thing that helps, and you just have to get it out ya know. I don't mind."
"Thanks," Kiori sniffed again. "Anyway... like I said, it happened six months ago, assuming your calendar works the same as ours. I had won this Kyoto journalism award- that was where I lived at the time- and needed to go into the heart of the city to get it. My parents, and Onee-san, they were all busy that day and told me to just drive down by myself to get the award..."

~~"What!? You mean you aren't even going to come with me!?"
"Oh honey, we'd love to but you know Sakuya has that softball game today..."
"It's always about Onee-san, isn't it? Or your job, or Dad's! I bust my butt to get this award, and Sakuya plays some stupid regular-season game and she's the one you choose!?"
"Sweetheart, please calm down."
"Sometimes I hate you so much, Mom! I really do! I just... Kamisama I hate all of you!"~~

"I hate you," Kiori repeated quietly. "Then I turned, slammed the door and left for the award." She brought a sleeve up to wipe away her tears, but stopped at the last moment, remembering Chichiri's words. She let them run freely, now. "Last words I ever said to her. I hate you."
"I came home that evening to find them all gone. Called my mom's cell phone; all I got was static," Chichiri didn't even bother asking what a cell phone was. "Checked the answering machine to see where they were... I got a call from the hospital telling me to call them..."

~~"Is this the Kiori Sakamoto?"
"Hai, that's me. I'm returning a call I got earlier. What's wrong?"
"Ma'am, there was a car accident involving your family."
"My... my what!?"
"Takeshi, Rei, and Sakuya Sakamoto. I'm afraid their car was totalled, and-"
"How are they!? Are they all right!?"
"Sakamoto-san, I'm sorry to tell you, but..."~~

"...Dead," she said miserably, voice cracking on the word. "On the way out to watch me get my damn award, some idiot ran into them head on going over a hundred. Never had a chance."
Tama mewed sadly, rubbing his head against her leg in an effort to make the college girl feel better. Chichiri seemed to be in deep thought, expression unreadable. Kiori rolled up the sleeve of her shirt, running a finger along the scar on her elbow. "I... went a little crazy, for a while after that. I blamed myself for everything. I told myself I'd killed them. A lot of people thought the same thing, though they'd never say it out loud. I hated myself, and I wanted other people to hate me too.
"I decided to do something to myself, something so horrible that others would have no choice but to hate me. I tried to kill myself, but I never had the guts to go the full distance. One time, though, I tried to drive my car right off the edge of a bridge. I couldn't do it, though. I turned at the last second. I ran into a pole, and the glass from the windshield left this scar in my arm."
She snorted, remembering every painful detail with perfect accuracy. "Nobody hated me, even after that. Everyone just felt sorry for me, which hurt a lot worse than hatred. When I... when I finally came to terms with everything and I was able to live with myself, I moved to Tokyo. I didn't have any family ties to keep me in Kyoto, and what with everyone knowing about the crash... and everything reminding me of the crash... anyway, that's when I met Ritsuka. There were rumors about me by then, of course, but even after I told Ritsuka the story, none of it mattered to her. She didn't pity me, she just accepted me. Maybe that's why I like her so much."
"Do you still hate yourself?" Chichiri asked quietly.
She shook her head sadly. "No. And I don't blame myself for it either, not really." She sighed, wrapping her knees to her chest. "It just hurts. A lot. Especially on the anniversary, and all..." Kiori rubbed away the fast-flowing tears. "I know that's my punishment. And I wouldn't want to forget it. But... I'm waiting for the day when it finally stops hurting."
She turned away from the monk, scratching Tama's ears and watching the grass sway gently in the spring breeze. A single tear ran gently down her cheek, hitting the stone floor below without a sound. 'Kamisama, don't let him hate me for it, or pity me. Not Chichiri...'
"It'll never stop hurting," he said suddenly. Kiori turned to look at Chichiri, surprised by the deep note of sadness in his voice, and another feeling... was it understanding?
The monk had taken his mask off, fingering it in one hand reminiscently. His single mahogany eye glistened slightly with the threat of a tear. He seemed to be looking somewhere that Kiori could never visit, a place deep inside himself.
He turned to look at her, though it was in many ways as if he was looking through her. "Kiori, let me tell you a story about a man named Houjun..."

Tasuki and Ritsuka watched Koji and Akai enter the training ring, cheering on both friends.
"C'mon Koji, show her what Reikaku bandits can do!"
"Let's go Akai, beat him down like I whipped Tasuki-chan!"
"Do ya have to bring that up again? And don't CALL me that!"
"I always have to bring it up, and that's two more points for me."
Akai grabbed one of the practice swords, gesturing towards the barrel of blunt-tipped weapons. "Go ahead, Koji-san, take a sword. Now you'll see exactly what kind of a kid I am."
The bandit leader sifted through the barrel until he came up with two light-weight daggers. Koji grinned, holding the blades skillfully. "I don't need a sword, kid. All I gotta have is one-a these in each hand t'do the damage you do with one-a those big boys. Now let's get this over with- and remember, I don't mean t'hurt ya if I do."
"Likewise," Akai smirked. "But talk's cheap. Tasuki-sama, when you're ready."
The seishi hit the gong, and the match began.
Akai didn't fool around by testing out her opponent's strengths and weaknesses- she went straight at him, sword held in a striking position. Koji was almost caught off-guard by the fierce attack; he managed to bring up his blades to block. "Hey, you really are pretty good at this, huh?"
"Thanks for finally noticing," Akai took a step back, readying herself for another hit.
Koji twirled his twin blades in each hand, grinning dangerously. "Yeah, it's a shame..." his hazel eyes flashed dangerously, and he went at Akai with one dagger, stopping her sword from hitting his left side with the other. "That I got experience on my side!"
Akai jumped back, surprised for a moment by the speed and skill of Koji- it'd been a while since she'd fought someone who knew how to use daggers. It was only for a moment, though, as the warrior girl came back with an offensive move of her own, twirling down and slicing back up, attempting to get her blade at Koji's throat.
The bandit leader blocked the attack well, though he had to use both daggers to do it, and used his superior strength to knock her off-balance. Akai teetered on one foot for only half a second- it was all the time Koji needed. With his right hand he slashed the sword from her hand; it clattered against the ground with an ominous thud.
Koji brought both blades up to place on either side of her neck in victory, but had underestimated the girl. She flipped the dagger from his left hand with a clever swordsmen's trick, catching it in her own right hand and laying it at Koji's throat at the same moment his dagger found hers. They found themselves at a stand-still, breathing hard and smiling.
Tasuki banged the gong again. "Tie!"
The duo dropped their weapons, wiping sweat from their foreheads and laughing. Koji patted Akai on the back, leading her over to their other friends. "Hey, nice job, kid- oh, wait, can't call y'that anymore I guess. Akai, then. Great fight. You gotta lotta talent."
"Arigatou, Koji-san. I admit at first I thought you might be one of those cocky guys full of hot air, but you proved me wrong. Next time, though, I'll get you."
"I wouldn't count too much on that, Akai. I hate losing about as much as Genrou hates women."
"There's one more thing we have in common, then."
Ritsuka frowned. "Well I'm glad you two enjoyed yourselves, but this puts us in a tough position. I had my money on Akai, and Tasuki had his on Kouji. So who wins?"
"Me!" Tasuki announced greedily.
"How so?"
"'Cause Akai tied using Koji's weapon. So that'll be one silver piece, Red-" the seishi froze, head snapping up and eyes widening.
"Tasuki-chan, what's wrong? You okay? Hey if you want my money that bad then take it."
"Kaji... It's time."
"Tasuki-sama, what happened? Tasuki-sama?"
"Choose wisely, Kaji, your life just may depend on it."
"Genrou! Genrou! GENROU!"
Tasuki squeezed his eyes shut tight, shaking his head from side to side. "Damn, what was that?"
"Tasuki-chan, are you all right?" Ritsuka asked anxiously. She coughed, looking away. "Not that I was worried about you or anything, but... ah-hem, yeah. You look like you just saw a ghost."
He looked at his three friends, almost through a haze. "I think I mighta. There was this woman... beautiful... evil... how can someone be so much of both at once?" He sighed. "Too weird. She kept callin' me somethin'... what was it now? Aw, hell, I can't think of it."
"Do you think it was a premonition of some kind, Tasuki-sama?" Akai asked. "Or maybe a call of some sort from somebody in danger?"
The seishi shook off the ominous feeling and laughed. "Who knows? I doubt any of that junk, though. Probably just some bad food I ate. Let's go see if we can find Chichiri and Kiori, all right?"
Akai and Ritsuka accepted his answer and turned to go, chatting about the battle that had just been fought. Koji looked at his friend strangely. "You sure you all right, Genrou? You look... I dunno, different. Somethin' about yer eyes..."
"Kaji, you have a legend to fulfill. Don't let petty emotions get in your way."
Tasuki shook his head, clearing the strange voice. He rubbed the back of his head, laughing at his friend. "Don't worry so much Koji. If I say I'm fine then I'm fine, all right? You go on with the girls, I'll be there in a second."
He frowned. "Yeah. All right."
Once his friend was out of hearing distance, Tasuki sighed. "What WAS that? I ain't goin' crazy, am I?" he asked the blue sky above. Naturally, there was no answer. "Ah, just stress'r somethin' I guess."
He turned to follow his friends, but that same vicious face flashed in front of him, grinning in a both soothing and dangerous manner. "Be ready... Kaji."

Sora crouched in front of her Lady, head touched to the floor respectfully. Tsuki and Taiyou bowed next to her. "What is the reason for calling us here, my Lady?" she asked solemnly.
Setsuka fingered the red gem on her neck. "Sora, my dear, I have a job for you and these Two. It's a very important job, and you must do what I tell you or I will be most disappointed."
"Of course," Sora agreed. She hesitated, then asked, "May I ask what this task is, my Lady?"
Setsuka's silver eyes glinted. "We're going to fetch the Seventh."
"The Seventh? Fire?" Sora asked, forgetting her place for a moment and bringing her head up to watch Setsuka's face. "Finally, the seven will be together?"
"Perhaps, perhaps." Setsuka smiled. "We are in a tricky position, and I cannot be assured that we will have a seven at all when this is over. If not, then we will have to make sure that there are no groups of seven anywhere, and that is what you are here for..."

Kiori had listened breathlessly as Chichiri's story slowly unwound, paying attention to every detail with a passionate interest. The love of two teenagers, the covetous best friend, the heart-breaking discovery of treachery, the confrontation, and finally...

~~"Houjun, don't let go... please..."
"I won't! Hang on Hikou, I'll pull you up..."
Crack! The treebranch neither had seen propelled itself into Houjun's eye. He shouted in pain, hand unclasping his friend's for only a moment. It was all that was needed.
"Houjun, tasukete-" the water enveloped the man's head, and he went under.

Chichiri touched his scar, allowing a single tear to run down his cheek. Kiori sat for a moment, letting everything digest slowly. The story... everything about it was so amazing she would have thought it was nothing but a story, if not for the obvious look of pain in the seishi's single eye.
"That was nine years ago," he said quietly. "Still hurts. Not so much as it did at first, but... it'll always ache, as long as I remember it... and I'll never forget it. I can't, even if I tried. Everytime I look in a mirror... that's why I wear this," he nodded towards the magical piece of cloth in his hand. "As much as it hurts, I don't want other people to have to share that pain. So I don't talk about it, and I don't let people see it. If they knew of that dark side... well, they just don't."
< 'He understands,' Kiori thought suddenly. 'He's the first person... he doesn't pity me, or hate me, or like Ritsuka just accept me... he knows. He knows everything. The pain, the guilt, the emptiness...'
"Chichiri," she said, but couldn't think of anything to add. The college girl watched him with wonder-filled eyes. It was the first time she'd ever seen the monk like this... like he was allowing her a glimpse into his soul. Kiori wasn't sure what possessed her to, but without thinking she curled her fingers around his hand, giving him a small, reassuring squeeze. "Daijoubu."
For a long while they just sat there, hand-in-hand, watching the trees sway on the horizon without a word. Kiori felt at extreme peace, just sitting here, with Tama in her lap and Chichiri by her side... she felt better than she had since the accident.
Chichiri looked up suddenly, tensing. His hand dropped from hers, much to her disappointment. He watched the horizon expectantly. "Someone's coming."
Kiori followed his gaze. In a few moments she saw the outlines of a small group of people marching their way. As they got closer, she was able to distinguish a cart of some kind that held a person inside it. "Hm. Someone important's come to call."
Chichiri pressed his mask back into place, suddenly his usual, cheerful self. "We better get the others, ya know. I think they're by the training ring..."
"I'll get them," Kiori volunteered. "Won't be a moment."
She trotted down the steps, sighing once her back was to the monk. She'd been enjoying their moment together so much it was sad to see it end. Kiori found a smile creeping to her lips, though she wasn't sure why. Suddenly, she felt content and light-hearted. The girl whistled Masami Okui's "Risky Gamble" down the rest of the stairs, nearly running into her four Konan companions coming up. "Oh! There you are."
"And there you are," Ritsuka greeted. "Where ya been?"
She pointed upwards. "On the wall with Chichiri. There's some Takkan soldiers and someone pretty important on their way here. I came to find you. Lucky for me it didn't take too long."
Ritsuka looked at her strangely. "You all right? You're awfully chipper for someone who just this morning wanted to be left alone."
"I'm fine. Really." Kiori smiled- was Ritsuka mistaken, or was the sadness that occupied her smile not quite so apparent today? "Come on. I want to see who these people are and exactly what they want."
Ritsuka, Akai and Kiori started up the stairs; Kiori soon had Ritsuka whistling as well. Tasuki lagged back a little bit, watching the top of the wall with a feeling of dread, though he wasn't sure why.
"Be ready, Kaji."
"Kaji," he said quietly. "Who the hell..."
"Genrou?" Tasuki looked up, to see Koji watching him with concern. "You been in yer own world since we left the ring. What's up? C'mon, you can tell yer pal Koji, right?"
"You don't need these friends, Kaji. They're inferior. I'm coming to bring you to better company."
Tasuki smiled and chuckled. "You worry too much. Like some old mother or somethin'. If I say I'm fine-"
"Then yer fine," Koji quoted. "Well, all right then. Let's head on up with the girls, see what them Takkan bastards want."
"Takkan what?" Tasuki said viciously. Koji took a step back, wincing at the tone in his friends voice. Tasuki shook his head. "Sorry 'bout that. Dunno what possessed me t'get all offended by that. Gomen."
"Yeah, yeah, no problem," Koji said, still watching him out of the corner of his eye. Something was bothering his friend... something important, too... but what?

Setsuka watched Konan come into view through the silks that covered her cart's door. She was flanked on either side by about two score soldiers, including General Hataku. He watched her from the corner of his eye, fingering one of his many weapons- a throwing knife- and wondering if he could somehow get it between her shoulderblades before the day was out...
"Your eyes betray your thoughts," Tsuki told him quietly, putting a hand to the hilt of his crescent-shaped weapon. "If you do what I believe you want to do, it shall be the last action you ever perform."
Hataku swore under his breath, dropping his hand. Setsuka knew him far too well- of course she would place the Element near him.
Her Ladyship spoke to Sora quietly, directing the girl in what she was to do. "If I give you the signal, fire without a second thought. If he remains faithful to the enemy, then there is really nothing else for it but to sacrifice an Element. You understand."
Sora touched the bow in her hand, nodding. "Of course, my Lady."
"And Sora?"
"I am counting on you," Setsuka said in a low growl. "Do not fail me."
Sora lowered her golden eyes to the ground, brushing a piece of midnight blue hair out of her face. "I will do all that is in my power to complete this task, my Lady."
"See that you do."

Hataku hailed the solitary monk upon the wall- the other warriors were crouched down watching, Koji with one hand on the throwing knife he always had ready. Tasuki's eyes watched Setsuka step out into the sunlight, feeling every muscle in his body tighten and his breath catch in his throat. "It's Her."
"Hm?" Ritsuka heard him. "Who's who? The woman? Man, she's beautiful, ain't she? Scares the hell outta me for some reason, though."
Tasuki said nothing; managing only the smallest nod. Koji watched him with concern, frowning.
"We came to speak to you, Seishi," Hataku shouted upwards. He noticed the staff in the monk's hand. "Not to fight. Drop your weapon or there will be no discussion."
Chichiri let the staff lean against the wall, smiling dangerously behind his mask. If they thought that was his only weapon, then they were idiots. "All right then, General, let's hear it, ya know."
He shook his head. "Not from me, Seishi. The Lady herself wishes to speak with you."
"I'm honored ya know," Chichiri said, though the sarcasm was easily read. "What can I do for you, Setsuka-san, ya know?"
The Lady of Takkan fingered her necklace absent-mindedly. "You are the one called Chichiri, correct?" A nod. "In that case, there is nothing you can do for me."
"Then who can do something for you, ya know?" Chichiri asked, a note of impatience in his cheerful voice.
She looked at him, trying to penetrate the mask with her stare and finding it impossible. "I wish to speak to the one you call Tasuki. I don't suppose he's around?"
"Say he isn't," Koji hissed to Chichiri, having a bad feeling about the whole ordeal.
Tasuki stood up, ignoring his friend's calls to stay hidden. "Yeah, I'm here. Whadda ya want?"
"Blunt one, aren't we Tasuki?" She fingered the red gem on her neck viciously. "Or, shall I say... Kaji?"
Akai looked at Chichiri, who had taken a crouched seat next to her. "Kaji. Fire. The Element. But what-"
Tasuki's eyes widened. "That name..." he whispered. Louder, so she could hear, he shouted rebelliously. "Who th' hell is that!? I don't know anyone by that name!"
"Is that so?" Setsuka's silver eyes met Tasuki's golden ones. "Oh, I believe you know him quite well, Kaji. Maybe you just don't know it yet. Haven't you heard my calls? I've been telling you to prepare since this morning."
"That was you?" he demanded. The seishi tried to look away but found it impossible. "Why d'you keep calling me Kaji, and what does that have to do with anything?"
"You really don't know? Ah, well, let me explain it as plainly as possible. Kaji, you, my boy are the seventh Element. Yes, don't give me that disbelieving look, I think you know, deep down, that it is true. I have come to bring you back with me to the palace, where you shall meet the others and help us fight these so-called friends of yours."
"You gotta be kiddin' me! Like I'd ever turn on Chichiri-tachi!" Tasuki snapped, though there was a note of visible doubt in his voice. "Get lost, my Lady!" He stopped short, realizing what he'd said.
The Konan Warriors look from one to the other. He'd referred to her as 'my Lady.'
Setsuka grinned. Maybe she could break him after all. "Oh, dear, I don't believe you understand the situation, then." Her silver eyes bore into Tasuki's, penetrating deep into his soul. "I didn't word it right. You see, this isn't a matter of choice. You are coming with me back to the palace, where you will aid me in the fight against these pitiful excuses for Konan warriors. Your will is my will, my dear Element, and what I want is what you want. And I want you at my side, fighting hand-in-hand with the other Elements. They are your real allies, not like this scum." Setsuka's could feel him breaking. "As a matter of fact, before you join me, why not kill one of theirs while you're at it? I'm sure it would be a simple task for you, Kaji."
Tasuki's hands gripped the edge of the rampart so hard his knuckles turned white. He tried to close his eyes against that stare, but couldn't. He couldn't keep his eyes away from those vicious silver ones. The seishi was torn in half, fighting an inner battle that no one else could witness. Half of him wanted to tell her to go to hell- the other half wanted to turn on the people he had called friends for so long... to kill them all, just like her Lady wished... to turn his tessen against Koji, Chichiri, Ritsuka...
"The silver pools," Koji whispered to himself. "Like th' rhyme said. Tasuki's fighting it, but..." He jerked his head in the other seishi's direction. "Chichiri!"
The monk turned his attention from the inner battle. "What?"
"Tasuki can't swim. He'll drown if we don't do somethin'. You've gotta try and snap him out of it!" He saw one of Tasuki's hands stray from the wall and towards his tessen- could the Lady's will be beating his own? "Hurry! Yer the only one who can reach him!"
Chichiri nodded, putting a hand to his seishi symbol. "Suzaku, let this work."
"That's right, Kaji, you're making the right decision."
"Am I? I don't..."
"Never question your Lady. That's rule number one. Now, take a couple of those Konan warriors out, right now. They are not all so powerful. The young girl, and that rugged man look like easy prey..."
"They do? But..."
A voice cut through the soothing purr of Setsuka's like a whip.'SNAP OUT OF IT YA KNOW!'
Tasuki's hand fell back to the wall, much to Setsuka's dismay. 'That voice... I know it...'
'You've got to break free from her eyes! I know you don't really want to turn on us ya know! Do it, Tasuki! Snap her hold on you ya know! You're stronger than that, I know you are! Do it, Tasuki!'
'Tasuki... Chichiri...?'
The unsure not in his voice was quickly turning into anger.
"Kill them! They are not your real allies! Kill them Kaji!"
"Iie..." The seishi closed his eyes hard, shaking his head. "IIE!"
Setsuka felt something- a strand of power- snap forever between she and the seventh. Her eyes widened, showing surprise for the first time. "He fought it and won?"
"Get the hell away from me you evil bitch!" Tasuki shouted. "How dare you try to turn me on my friends! I should roast you right now! Get outta my sight!"
The other five Konan warriors breathed sighs of relief; Koji and Chichiri giving each other thumbs-ups.
Setsuka quickly recovered from her shock. She met Tasuki's eyes again, though this time neither felt a hold nor a pull on them. The obedience link was truly broken forever. She sighed. "Very well, then, if that's how you feel. That is, however, not the only reason I came out here. I wished to offer you a challenge."
"What kinda challenge?" Tasuki asked, regaining his composure as quickly as she had.
"A battle between a couple of my Elements. In one week, on the northern plains of Konan near the city of Ikou at sunset. You may send out as many of your warriors as you feel is necessary."
Tasuki looked towards Chichiri, who nodded. "All right we accept. Anythin' else ya wanna waste our time on?"
"Nothing," Setsuka said dangerously. Her eyes glinted as she touched the red gem on her neck. "My Elements will be waiting for your warriors- I expect that the remaining seishi will be there as well?"
"Remaining? What's that supposed ta-" Setsuka squeezed her fingers against the red gem, drawing power from within it. Tasuki doubled over in pain, not finishing his sentence.
Setsuka's other hand touched the midnight blue gem. "Now, Sora!"
Sora, hidden from view by a line of soldiers, took aim at the seishi's head and fired.
Ritsuka, who had jumped up when Tasuki had doubled over, saw the flying arrow almost too late. "Tasuki-chan, down!" She dove for the seishi, knocking him down to the stone floor and taking the arrow through her shoulder. She screamed, grabbing the spot with one hand.
"Red!" Tasuki gritted his teeth, hatred for the Lady burning in his golden eyes. He hopped up and pulled out his tessen, aiming straight for the woman. "REKKA SHIN'EN!"
The Lady's eyelashes flickered only briefly as the fire came within a millimeter of her, before being repelled by a hasty shield. She sighed in relief, touching the orange gem. "That was too close, Taiyou."
"My apologies, Setsuka-sama."

She looked up at the angry seishi, smiling sadly. "Tch, tch, such a temper. Well, I suppose it's time that I make my exit. My warriors will be waiting on the plains in one week. Sayonara."
Tsuki put a hand on her and his brother's arm. "Should we wait for Sora?"
"Get her later. She failed," Setsuka said coldly.
The brother nodded, and they disappeared.
Tasuki leaned down next to Ritsuka. "Geez, you okay? Here, lemme help you up..."
Ritsuka slapped his hand away, eyes burning. "I don't need your help or anyone else's! How many times to I have to tell you that baka!?" She ripped the arrow out, wincing only slightly. "I'm fine. Nothing that won't heal in time for the battle next week."
Koji and the others came up, watching the army disperse. Tasuki was glad that none of them mentioned his moment of weakness. "Looks like th' time's finally come, eh? The Elements are showin' themselves, and we're gonna have to take 'em out!"
"'Chichiri's eye followed the soldiers' retreat. Talking to Kiori that afternoon had brought up a lot of memories, and a lot of questions. The hardest part of the war was just beginning. The seven were together, but could they stay that way? Chichiri gripped his staff, remembering what he and Tasuki had promised on the first day of the war: We lose no one.
"And we won't. No matter what that woman tries... I'll keep them safe. This time, I'll keep them safe."'
" Keisuke stretched, leaning back against the couch. "End Chapter Eight and Part One."

Houki: So ends Part One in the new series Fushigi Yuugi: The Next Chapter. The seven have been gathered together to fight the Lady and her Elements, but will they succeed?
Tasuki: What a silly question! Like I'm gonna get beat by that witch 'n' her gang?
Koji: Don't get cocky Genrou, this ain't some easy battle against some idiot soldiers, ya know.
Chichiri: That's my line ya know!
Kiori: Anyway, things really heat up in the next part, as the Elements and the Konan warriors meet head on in a series of battles that'll determine the victor of the war!
Akai: Miss it and Tasuki'll fry you like well-cooked shrimp!
Ritsuka: Hey, now I'm hungry!