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*A/N: Wah! Last author's note for several chapters, I promise (I'm going to make it a point not to write any for a few chapters, read on and you'll see why)! This one does include a somewhat important message, though, so read it if you haven't already skipped over this entire thing.
The first thing I wanted to say isn't too important, but I thought maybe explaining the new fairly long episode titles was in order. The first sentence (which is usually pretty short) is sort of like the Konan Warrior title; the second sentence (oftentimes longer) is a little like the Elemental episode title.
The second and most important thing I wanted to go over was that this is the first episode in a trilogy- in short, it ends with a cliffhanger. If you're like me and the very thought of having to wait a week or longer to find out what happens sends you into convulsions, then I'd advise that you just wait until Episode Eleven is posted before reading any further. If you don't mind cliffhangers, or you just CAN'T STAND waiting 3 mind-numbing weeks to read my fanfic (which, if that's the case, I feel horribly loved) then read on! Just remember... you've been warned.

*New Feature Announcement!* DeeChan here, coming to you live from my computer! Reviews are muy appreciated (and to Otaku Pitcher: I DO feel loved! ^^), and as they grow so do the special features! In this episode, I'll be introducing soundtrack action! It's really quite simple: when you see these ^^^ you can start playing "Mizu-Kagami," because it makes the scene better ^_^; If you've never heard of Mizu-Kagami (WHAT!? You haven't!? Are you sure you're an FY fan!?), or you don't know where to d-load it, you can find it on pretty much any music download thingy (a.k.a KaZaA, Morpheus, etc. etc.), or here: Okay, happy readin'!

~Episode Nine: The Fallen Seishi!?~
The Battle with Night and Day!

Keisuke yawned, waving the book at his companions. "This is getting good, isn't it..." both Tetsuya and Yui were sound asleep on each other's shoulders. Keisuke frowned. "Humph. Well if that's how it is then I won't wake you up when things get really interesting."

Later that evening, after everyone had been treated to dinner, the seven Konan warriors mapped out their battle plans.
"Okay, we've got a week to prepare, ya know," Chichiri explained. "Now it goes without saying that Kiori and Houki will remain at the palace, and Ritsuka-"
"I'm going," she said stubbornly. "And nothing you, Houki-sama, or the Queen of England can say will stop me."
"But Ritsuka-san, your arm-" Akai began.
"What, this?" the college girl touched her shoulder gingerly. "A scratch. I'll be fine."
Kiori smiled mischievously. "Really? That isn't what you said when I was bandaging it." She closed her eyes and did a passable impression of her redheaded friend. "Oooh ow Kiori! Not so hard with the wrapping! Owowowow, not alcohol, that's murder! Fiend, you're killing me! It's all over, everything's going black! Give Tasuki-chan a crack on the head for me, and you can have my Megumi Hayashibara CD! I die as a heroine in the hands of an evil nurse!" Kiori opened one eye, grinning. "Weren't those your exact words?"
Ritsuka frowned and grumbled into her teacup. Everyone chuckled at the embarassed girl- everyone, that is, except Tasuki. Chichiri shot the other seishi a concerned look; he'd been unusually quiet all evening.
"Very well, then," Houki continued once the laughter had subsided. "Ritsuka is going. I suppose you will be joining her, Akai?"
The girl grinned. "Rabid boars couldn't keep me away."
"Couldn't-a said it better myself," Koji agreed. "I ain't missin' a battle, especially since I'm the only one of us who ain't tasted a real fight yet."
Houki's eyes travelled across the group of volunteers. All three were very brave, and very tough- but also, very much normal humans for the most part.
"I'm going," Tasuki announced suddenly. "I can't let Koji get ahead of me in the death count, after all."
Ritsuka's eyes read concern. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather stay here? What if seeing those other Elements-"
Akai and Koji tackled her to the ground, but she'd said enough. Tasuki's face clouded over, a mixed look of anger and hurt in his golden eyes. He stood and quickly left the room, slamming the door.
Ritsuka blinked. "What'd I say?"
Koji went against his own words about never hitting girls and slammed Ritsuka quite forcefully into a wall. "Tactless baka!"
Kiori sighed. "I knew that whole thing was a lot harder on him then he let on. Maybe someone should go talk to him, like-"
"I'm already out the door, ya know," Chichiri interrupted. "After all, I'm the designated warrior-fetcher, ne?" He was out of the room in a moment.
"...Uh, I was going to say Koji, but hey, him or Chichiri," Kiori finished.
Akai nodded at Koji, who was being chased around the room by a very angry, metal tray-wielding Ritsuka. "I'd say Koji-san's a little preoccupied as it is."
Clang! Houki smiled slightly, putting a hand to her cheek. "Ritsuka certainly heals quickly. She slammed that tray into Koji's face as if her shoulder were perfectly fine. Quite amazing."
Akai and Kiori sweatdropped. "More like scary if ya ask me."

Chichiri found Tasuki not far from the dining area, leaning against a wooden bannister and looking up at the stars. The monk stood quietly next to him, following his gaze and waiting for Tasuki to speak.
"Tasuki... my constellation," the seishi finally said. "It means I was born as a Warrior of Suzaku, sworn to protect Konan and the Priestess..." he rolled down his sleeve, looking at his symbol. "See, got the mark to prove it. I'm a Celestial Warrior, not some Elemental slave t'that woman..." He seemed to be trying to convince himself instead of his friend.
"I know you are, ya know," Chichiri agreed.
Tasuki sighed. "So why did I almost submit to her, huh? I nearly joined her side, turned on you, Koji... minna..." he clenched a fist angrily, Suzaku symbol glowing dully. "It was like... like some part of me I didn't know I had tried t'take over. Some mindless will to follow that woman's every command, even if it was t'kill myself, even when it went against everything I believed... I almost did what she wanted!"
"You didn't though, ya know," Chichiri reminded him. "Because you ARE a Celestial Warrior, and a Konan Fighter too, ya know."
"That isn't why I beat her and you know it!" Tasuki snapped. "She had me roped, all she had t'do was pull me right in! Yer the one who snapped me out of it, reminded me who I was, really... Tasuki, Genrou, Kou Shun'u... Not Kaji, NEVER Kaji..." Tasuki slammed his fist into the railing. "What if you hadn't been able t'reach me, huh!? What if I'd turned on you an' the others and done what she'd wanted!?"
"But you didn't ya know," Chichiri said again, knowing that Tasuki just needed to get his frustrations out, and there wasn't anything he could say while he was ranting.
"But what if I had!?" Tasuki demanded. He slumped down dejectedly, not meeting his friend's eye. "What if I'd lost myself in that woman's eyes... an'... an'... forgot about everything, that I was ever a seishi, that you guys were my real friends... what if it'd come down t'you an' me, fightin' t'the death!? Did ya ever think-a that?"
"Then you would've had to kill me, because I wouldn't have forgotten, and I'm not killing another best friend, ya know," Chichiri said quietly. His hand gripped Tasuki's wrist; he held the arm with the symbol up in front of his friend's face. "But Tasuki, think about everything that's happened to you. You and I have been through more than people who lived to be a hundred. Koji's been your friend since you were a kid. Even Ritsuka-tachi... it isn't just the kind of thing you forget, ya know? Do you really think you would've switched sides that easily?" Tasuki said nothing. Chichiri dropped his friend's wrist, but the seishi kept the arm up, eyes on his symbol. The monk shrugged. "I think I know you better than that, and I think you do too, ya know."
Tasuki nodded slowly. "I s'pose. But what if..."
"Well Tasuki, IF I hadn't confronted Hikou I'd still have two eyes, and IF Ashitare had never been born Nuriko would still be alive, and IF Yui hadn't allowed Suzaku to be summoned we'd both be dead, and IF you say the word 'if' one more time you'll earn a staff to the head, ya know," Chichiri said none-too-gently.
Tasuki managed a faint grin. "Guess I can't argue with that." He sighed again. "Well, at least this way I'll never have to find out if I'm really that weak... though I wonder if that's a good thing..."
"Maybe," Chichiri said carefully. "Maybe you should say here. Not because we're fighting Elements," he added hastily, seeing the look in Tasuki's eyes, "you just seem really shaken up, ya know."
"I'm going," Tasuki said, almost as stubbornly as Ritsuka had. "If only to prove to the others- Setsuka and you guys- that I'm not one of her pets." He paused for a moment. "Hey Chichiri, I was thinkin'... what if- oh crap, I wasn't s'posed to say that," Chichiri held up his staff menacingly, but didn't strike his friend, "I mean, do you think that, what Setsuka did to me... d'you think she's doin' the same sorta thing to the other Elements? Manipulating them, and using that power of hers to get them to fight? They are just kids, after all..."
"She probably is, ya know," Chichiri agreed unhappily.
"Unfortunately," a voice behind them began. "That doesn't change nothin'. We still gotta fight 'em, an' win, too. Even if they are jus' kids..." Koji walked up to them, putting his hands behind his head. "Well, maybe if we're lucky we c'n take prisoners."
"Where'd you come from?" Tasuki asked.
Koji stammered, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, eh, I was jus' on my way t'bed an' I overheard ya..."
"Yer room's on th' other side of the palace," Tasuki said, one eyebrow raised.
"Uh, ah-hem, well... okay I was worried, so sue me!" Koji admitted. he put Tasuki in a headlock to cover his embarassment. "Gotta keep my eyes on my pal Genrou, don't I?"
Tasuki rubbed his neck. "Arigatou, you guys're real friends." He struggled in Koji's hold. "Agh, but y'won't have much to keep yer eyes on if ya strangle me first!"
Chichiri smiled; Koji always had a way of cheering Tasuki up. "So, in a week we've got a battle, ya know. Ritsuka, Akai, Koji, Tasuki and I will be going..."
"Stay here," Tasuki said suddenly. "Chichiri, I think you oughta stay behind."
The monk stared at his friend, looking hurt, almost betrayed. "Tasuki, nande-"
"It's nothin' personal. In all honesty you could prob'ly take out both-a those Elements single-handedly," Tasuki remarked, only partially lying to make his friend feel better. "But this could just be a diversion. What if the real tough guys attack Konan while we're gone? City'd be defenseless. One of us- seishi, I mean- should stay behind, just in case."
Chichiri was about to suggest that Tasuki be the one to stay back if he was that concerned about it, but saw the look in his golden eyes. The seishi had something he needed to prove- something he had to show his friends, enemies... and himself. "All right. If that's what you want, ya know."
Koji threw an arm around both his companions. "Hey, don't look so glum Chichiri! You'll have a chance to get an Element of yer own! Remember, jus' like the rhyme! It said: 'A golden eye for each-'" the bandit stopped short, realizing what he'd just said.
Tasuki stiffened under his friend's arm, moaning softly. "Oh, Suzaku..." He slumped down dejectedly, putting his head in his hands. "Dammit, dammit, no. Shit, I'm dead... Suzaku, I'm twenty..."
Koji and Chichiri shot each other worried looks. Chichiri put a hand on his friend's shoulder. "I don't think it's what you think it is, ya know."
"How can't it be!?" he demanded. "My bloody death sentence is written right on that scroll... plain as day..."
"Well, maybe not," Koji said, catching on to what Chichiri was thinking. "When ya think about it, Kaji died when you refused t'go with Setsuka. So technically, you already killed an Element."
"That's right ya know," Chichiri agreed, both trying to sound more confident than they felt.
Tasuki looked up. "You think so?" Two smiles and two nods. He sighed, looking out at the palace grounds. "I hope yer right."
"Listen, why don't you go get some rest, ya know?" Chichiri suggested. "It's been a tough day for everyone. We'll be along in a minute, ya know."
Tasuki gave a faint smile, a shadow of his usually light-hearted self. "Yeah, all right. Oyasumi."
Koji waited until his friend was around the corner and out of hearing distance before he kicked the rail angrily. "Ah, shit! Damn that legend an' Genrou's involvement! If I had that Setsuka woman in front-a me right now I'd..." Koji kicked the wooden post again, ignoring the jar of pain it sent up his leg and leaving his sentence unfinished. He sighed. "Well, maybe our theory'll be right. Maybe Kaji is already dead..."
"Koji," Chichiri said suddenly, voice dead serious. "You have to promise me something."
"Uh, yeah?"
"Don't let him die. When you're out there fighting those Elements- no matter what happens- don't let Tasuki die!" He drew a long breath, taking off his mask and touching his scar reflectively. "I'm not losing another one. I won't."

The week passed in what seemed like all to short a time for the Konan Warriors. Before they knew it the day of the battle had arrived.
Kiori, Houki, Aoi and Chichiri were gathered at the northern gate, ready to see their four companions off.
Tasuki checked the location of the sun, which was just beginning its descent below the horizon. "Well, it takes about twenty minutes on horseback t'get where they want t'fight. We oughta get there right at sundown."
"And if not, there's nothing wrong with being fashionably late," Ritsuka remarked, trying to lighten the grim atmosphere that seemed to hang over everyone.
Kiori looked up at her friend, smiling slightly. "Ganbare, Ritsuka, minna. Hurry back."
Koji gave her a careless smile and a thumbs-up. "Twenty minutes out, ten minutes t'finish the jerks off, twenty minutes back, an' three hours celebratin' in a Konan bar. We'll stagger home by midnight, don't you worry."
Kiori and Aoi laughed in spite of themselves, while Houki hid a grin behind her sleeve; Chichiri's mask was the only part of him smiling.
The monk clasped hands with Tasuki. "Be careful. Setsuka wouldn't have said we could send as many as we wanted against her two if they weren't powerful, ya know. If things get tough..."
"Relax, Chichiri, we'll handle everythin' fine," Tasuki assured him with a smirk. "An' if by some slim chance we get in trouble, I'll call y'right out."
Chichiri nodded, forced to accept that answer. He glanced at Koji for a second- the bandit nodded confidently.
Akai mounted her horse, touching the hilt of the Holy Sword that hung about her waist and murmuring a small prayer for victory. Once this was finished, she looked down at the monk. "What's that you always say, Chichiri-sama? Everything'll work out all right?" He nodded; she smiled. "Well, I'm sure they will! Tasuki-sama will let you know when the battle's over, so you won't have a worry in the world!"
"Ganbare, Akai!" Aoi called. "Bring me back a souveneir!" Akai chuckled at her friend's words.
"Take care," Houki said serenely. She waved as the four started off, kicking up small clouds of dust as their horses were steered to the north Konan plains. She and Aoi watched until the warriors had disappeared from view, then made her way back into the city.
Chichiri stood watching the horizion long after they'd been lost to sigh. He didn't know that Kiori was still there until she touched a hand lightly to his arm. "You wanted to go pretty badly, didn't you?"
He nodded, eye still fixed on the spot where Tasuki-tachi had gone. "Not so much to fight, ya know... It's because..."
"You're sort of like the seishi Onii-chan, right?" Kiori interrupted. "You look after everyone, keep 'em safe. Only now, Tasuki's off to fight without you, and you're afraid something will happen to him and you won't be there to help. Am I right?"
"You're a very good judge of character, ya know."
"Arigatou," she said with a small blush. "But you shouldn't worry so much. Tasuki can take care of himself."
"That's what we said about Nuriko and Hotohori," Chichiri murmured quietly. Louder, he told Kiori. "It's not just Tasuki, ya know. Akai's still young... Ritsuka's never done this sort of thing before... Koji can be so reckless sometimes..."
Kiori frowned, wishing she could do something to make him feel better. "Chichiri..."
The monk gripped his staff tightly, eye narrowing behind his mask. 'Suzaku, keep them safe. And if you can't... let there be some way for me to do the job.'

Tsuki watched the sun begin it's descent below the horizion. "Almost sunset. Do you think they decided not to come?"
"According to Setsuka-sama," Taiyou said, leaning back in the soft spring grass, "our enemies are cruel, evil cowards. But they believe we are only children, easy prey. They'll come."
Tsuki sat in silence for a moment, sharpening the edge of his weapon on a rock. "Onii-san? May I ask a favor? I'd like the seishi, the one we call Kaji, for my own."
Taiyou chuckled. "Going for the big boys, are we? Well, I don't suppose that would be much of a sacrifice on my part- just see that you make him suffer. He deserves it, after turning his back on us, his real allies." He stroked the round, golden globe on the end of his staff dangerously. "I want the monk, the other seishi, personally. I think he will be a good challenge, and his carcass will be quite a prize to give her Ladyship."
As the last shafts of sunlight began to slip below the horizon, Tsuki's sharp eyes picked out the shapes of four figures riding their way. "They have come. Four of them."
Taiyou stood up, squinting against the rays that stung his eyes. "Your sight's better than mine, Tsuki. Can you see who it is?"
The brother spotted two redheads, nodding confidently. "Kaji is here, along with one of the Earth Girls. And..." he paused, waiting for the travellers to draw closer. "A dark-haired man, the bandit I believe. The one Kaze said was called Koji."
Taiyou's golden eyes glinted with excitement. "And the fourth? The monk, right?"
Tsuki shook his head. "No, it's..." the Element's face was emotionless, as always, but his voice read mild surprise. "A girl. A child, no older than Tsuchi, if I'm not mistaken."
"Yer kiddin'?" A headshake. Taiyou threw back his head and laughed. "Do they really think that little of us!? Sending some common thief, a child, a woman and only one seishi to fight us? Brother, you may take Kaji all for yourself. I can handle the other three as if they were mere ants!"
"Don't get cocky, Taiyou," Tsuki said quietly. "They would not have been chosen as warriors if they didn't know how to fight. We should be ready for anything."
His brother only laughed. The Konan fighters stopped within twenty feet of the Two just as the moon began to rise in the night sky. Tasuki looked over his shoulder at the crescent-moon, turning back to the duo and grinning. "Sorry to keep ya waitin', but we got held up. Y'know how it is with all those blubberin' girls wishin' you a safe battle. Still, better late than never, ne?"
Taiyou smirked. "You're in unusually high spirits for someone who will not see the light of day. You won't be doing much laughing after this battle, I suppose."
"Well you won't be doing much of anything!" Ritsuka retorted irritably. "And if you keep up that cocky attitude Mr. Element, you'll find my sword shoved right up your-"
"My name is Taiyou," he interrupted. "This is my brother Tsuki. And who might we have the pleasure of killing this evening?"
"Four Konan warriors who're gettin' tired of yer big head!" Koji told him, dismounting. He quickly counted the number of blades on his belt- five throwing knives, plus his pair of daggers- and wondered for a moment if he should have packed more. "But, if we have ta do this th' traditional way, then I'm Koji, that's Tasuki, Ritsuka, and this is Akai."
"A pleasure," Tsuki said, quiet, emotionless voice barely reaching their ears. He held up his wicked, curved weapon- which, ironically enough, resembled the shape of the moon that evening. "Though introductions seem a bit useless, in my mind, seeing as how one of our sides will not be leaving this field alive."
"Hm, I was thinking the same thing," Akai remarked, unsheathing the Holy Sword and crouching into a fighter's stance. "Your brother's got some sense, Taiyou. Let's skip the sharing time and move on to the fight, shall we?"
Taiyou chuckled. "So commanding for such a small girl. All right then, how would you like to do this? Would you like to all take the two of us on at once, or would you prefer to die two at a time?"
"I don't work in tag teams," Tasuki told him. "And, for future reference, we aren't gonna be the ones dyin' today, buddy."
"I'm sick of talking," Ritsuka cut in. "Let's get this battle underway. I think I'll start off with you, cocky brat!"
The college girl charged her opponent, sword raised for a skillfull strike. Taiyou merely smiled, not even bothering to move. Ritsuka swung down, expecting to get her hit blocked by the boy's staff. She never even touched him. Rather, the redhead's sword was stopped in mid-air by a brightly shining honey-yellow shield. Ritsuka's eyes widened. "Nande kore wa!?"
Taiyou sneered. "You didn't really think I was some average fighter, did you? I'm afraid it doesn't take much work to block a pitiful little attempt by that weed-cutter you call a weapon." Ritsuka backed off, watching him warily. He held up his staff, the globe on the end glowing brightly. "Since you seem so hungry for blood, you'll be my first kill for the evening."
Ritsuka took several steps back, not liking the way the golden ball was glowing- it reminded her of Chichiri's staff right before he sent off one of those ki blasts...
Taiyou fired. Ritsuka managed to dive out of the way just in time, feeling the heat from the deadly blast as it created a small crater in the ground where her feet had been only seconds before. The redhead panted slightly, watching as the Element readied himself for another hit.
"Red, watch out!" Tasuki cried. He started to sprint to her side to help out, but was stopped by a crescent-shaped blade near his throat.
Two pale golden eyes stared into his impassively. "I will be the one you fight today, Kaji."
Tasuki took a step back, glaring at the other Element in open hatred. "My name is Tasuki, an' don't you ever ferget that!" He whipped out his tessen, taking a step back. "REKKA-"
Tsuki vanished completely, forcing Tasuki to stop mid-spell. Sensing something behind him, Tasuki turned around just in time to block a strike from Tsuki, who had teleported directly behind the seishi. Fan struck steel, sending shockwaves up both fighter's arms. They backed off, and Tasuki attempted to utter the spell he knew so well. "REKKA SHIN'EN!"
The Element smiled coldly and disappeared once more, forcing the seishi to pivot on his foot and block another backwards hit, speed the only thing saving him from the merciless, wicked blade.
Akai's mind raced. Ritsuka couldn't just keep dodging Taiyou's blasts forever; she was already showing signs of tiring. Akai thanked the stars that it took the Element a good ten seconds to power himself up for a good blast; it gave her time to think and Ritsuka a chance to get her wind back.
'I have to help her... but what can I do? Ordinary swords and daggers won't work against Taiyou's shields...' Akai's eyes widened. "Ordinary swords won't work, but maybe..."
She gripped the handle of the Holy Sword, the sacred Suzaku weapon that had once belonged to Hotohori, and, for a short time, Miaka, Suzaku no Miko. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Tasuki battling with the other Element- they were fairly well-matched, but help was always welcomed. "Koji-san, go give Tasuki-sama a hand, all right? I'm gonna see what I can do about this Taiyou fellow."
Koji, who had begun to think of Akai as an equal since their fight a week ago, nodded immediately. He turned on his heel to aid his friend, but stopped. "Hey, Akai?"
"You too Koji-san."
As the bandit leader raced to the other battle, Akai went into action. She stepped up next to Ritsuka, pointing her blade at Taiyou. The Element dropped his weapon long enough to chuckle dangerously. "How amusing. I am given a child and a woman to battle? You insult me."
"If you think we're helpless girls then you got another thing coming!" Ritsuka growled, trying not to show how winded she was from dodging the ki blasts.
Akai smirked, glancing for a moment at Tsuki, Tasuki and Koji. "You should never underestimate your opponents, especially when you give the seishi to your brother. Not tough enough to handle him? Or maybe you just like having people younger than you do the hard work?"
Taiyou frowned, bringing his staff up once more. "Children should be seen and not heard!"
"Ha! Two years ago you were still suckin' on a bottle yourself, Sunny!"
The Element's eyes and voice no longer read amusement- only anger. "You know, my original plan wasn't to kill little girls, but in your case, I think I can make an acception."
"I'm trembling," Akai said sarcastically, glad that her plan was working. Taiyou's attention was now focused solely on her, instead of Ritsuka. She readied herself, muttering orders to the redhead out of the corner of her mouth. "Ritsuka-san, sneak around to the back. I'm going to try a sword trick on this guy, and while he's busy blocking my attack he might not focus his shield on the back. Maybe you can sneak in and get a hit."
She nodded, and began edging her way around the Element. He barely seemed to notice. The end of his staff flared brightly, and with a short chant he sent the life force blast directly at Akai. The Palace Warrior readied herself, aiming her sword at the ki and concentrating on absorbing the energy into her blade.
Akai's hands burned as the raw power filled her weapon, sending little sparks of fire licking up the handle and tickling her palms. Using her strength and will-power, the warrior girl slashed with her sword, sending the energy blast straight back at Taiyou.
The Element had to admit he was caught by surprise. He threw up a hasty shield, feeling the heat from the ricocheted attack on his face. He didn't see or even sense the redheaded fighter charge him from behind until the last second. Taiyou felt the point of a sword dig into his back- instinctively he sent his power out in all directions, sending Ritsuka tumbling head over feet several yards away from him.
Akai dashed to her friend's side, offering her a hand up. "Are you all right, Ritsuka-san?"
She ignored the hand, standing shakily. "Yeah, I'm fine. Heh, even knicked the little brat, though I'm afraid it was only a scratch." She looked at her friend with a smile. "That thing you did, with the sword, it was amazing! I had no idea you could do that!"
"Yeah. neither did I," Akai smiled sweetly.
Ritsuka face-vaulted. "Suicidal idiot!"
The duo looked up just in time to see the ki blast heading their way; they dodged it not a moment too soon. Taiyou glared at them, golden eyes ablaze. "You will pay for that cheap trick, Konan Warriors! At first, my intent was just to kill you. But now... oh, now I'm going to make you suffer!"

Setsuka watched the battle from her throne room, the four other Elements viewing it as well through Mizu's seeing-crsytal. Setsuka smiled, pleasantly surprised by the battle pairings. "Only one seishi, and three normal people? I must admit I am shocked."
"Hai, you'd think they'd send out their real weapons," Sora agreed. "Perhaps I should have headed a direct attack on Konan, Setsuka-sama-"
"Perhaps... and perhaps you could have killed Kaji right," Setsuka said in a low, dangerous purr. "You are lucky that you were only mildly punished for your failure; do not provoke me by hinting that I made an incorrect move in this war, my dear."
Sora looked down at her tightly bandaged hand, remembering the painful lash Setsuka had given her for failing to kill Tasuki. Tsuchi glanced over, smoothing the bandage down slightly. "Is that salve I made helping?" A slight nod. The young healer smiled. "Good to know. I put a lot of my power into it- with luck it should be healed in a few days."
Kaze hushed him, watching the battle with excited golden eyes. His fists clenched and unclenched at his sides helplessly. "Oh man, oh man, what I wouldn't give t'be down there givin' those four a whippin' they wouldn't ferget..."
"Silence, Kaze," Setsuka said irritably. "You must learn the value of patience." The rebellious, battle-hungry boy frowned, but didn't argue. Her Ladyship actually chuckled softly. "This is quite the stroke of good luck for us, wouldn't you agree, Mizu-chan?"
"Hai, my Lady," the girl agreed, voice reading obvious relief. 'Thank Suzaku you stayed out of this, Houjun. If something were to happen to you at the hands of one of the people I consider allies, well... I just won't think about that.' "It's definitely one of the best things that's happened so far."
Setsuka misunderstood her young Element's relief, assuming she was happy that the Two would have- what they thought to be- a relatively simple battle. "Indeed, and it will be the first event in a string of victories that will win this war for me- I mean, us, of course- Mizu-chan."
Kiori wandered about the palace grounds aimlessly- or at least, she told herself she wasn't going anywhere in particular- looking for something to do and trying to keep her mind off her friends in battle. After nearly ten minutes of hemming and hawing near Chichiri's room, she finally admitted that she'd been going to see him from day one and knocked on his door.
"Come in, ya know," a familiar, friendly voice said from the other side.
She slid the door open, just barely able to make out the monk in the almost complete darkness of his room. A single candle placed on the nightstand was the only source of light. Kiori closed the door behind her, squinting through the shadows. She saw Chichiri sitting on his cloak in the middle of the room, cross-legged. "Have a seat, ya know."
"Thanks." She did as he'd offered, sitting in the same position the monk was. "Did I interrupt anything?"
"Oh, no, not really. I was just trying to relieve some stress ya know," he explained, gesturing to the darkened room, the lit candle and the lightly burning incense.
Kiori leaned back, breathing in the sweet, soothing odor of the incense. "Mm, this is relaxing. Even the thought of my math final doesn't worry me right now."
Chichiri sighed, leaning forward and taking a sip from a glass of light wine. "I wish it would work that easily on me, ya know."
Kiori wasn't quite sure what to say. Chichiri was obviously worried about the others, the same as she was, but what to say to help him lose some of that concern? "So, how do you relieve stress, hm? Junk food binge, rock music on full blast- oh, wait, you don't have that I guess- go out and get completely smashed? Heh, I've never done that one, but I knew some people..."
"I meditate, ya know," he said.
"Now there's one I've never heard before," she said, trying to cheer her friend up by being cheerful herself. "That must be the monk in you, right?"
"It helps clear your mind, keep things collected, orderly, ya know," Chichiri explained. He sighed. "Or at least, it's supposed to. I can't seem to focus today..."
"Wow, you're REALLY worried about Tasuki-tachi, aren't you?" Kiori asked.
The monk nodded, wondering how he could explain it to the college girl who he'd come to consider a confidant of sorts. "It's not just about them, ya know. It's like... This new seven, fighting an enemy seven and all... I dunno, it just brings back a lot of nostalgia, I suppose... I can't stand the thought of losing another seishi, another best friend..." Chichiri chuckled humorlessly. "I guess it's a little selfish of me, ya know."
"Selfish!?" Kiori looked at him curiously. "Chichiri, wanting to keep your friends safe is about the most unselfish thing I've ever heard in my life. Even if part of your reason is to keep yourself from getting hurt, well, it's still pretty damn noble, if you ask me." She looked down, smiling wryly. "Huh, if you want selfish, then you oughta talk to me."
Chichiri frowned; the last thing he'd wanted to do was remind Kiori of her darkened past. He reached around in the dark, searching for her hand, but couldn't find it. "Kiori..."
"Do you think you could teach me how to meditate?" she asked, swiftly changing the subject. "It sounds like it'd be a great skill to have, if only to help me calm down when I get worked up about something."
He smiled. "No problem, ya know. It's really not as hard as it seems- just listen to what I tell you to do and you'll catch on pretty quick. Okay, first I want you to try to clear your mind, just think of absolutely nothing, ya know. Or, if you have to think of something, make it the most relaxing thing you know. All right, now just breathe as I say, ya know? Breathe in, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven... hold it, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

The four Konan warriors were very quickly finding themselves in a lot of trouble. Akai had kept up her act of absorbing and attacking, but it never seemed to do any good- Taiyou simply blocked her blast as if it were as simple as breathing. The warrior girl's hands were blistered from the constant heat of her weapon, and she was slowly tiring. Ritsuka felt altogether useless, only being able to get in a couple good strikes before being forced to back up due to Taiyou's ki blasts.
Tasuki was holding his own against Tsuki, blocking everything that came his way and getting a couple strikes of his own, but things were slowly turning to favor the Element in that battle as well. Tsuki teleported back and forth without even breaking a sweat, while Tasuki had to constantly whirl on his heel to block and attack. The seishi was in excellent shape, but nearly a full hour of spinning, attacking and dodging were starting to take their tolls. Still, he fought doggedly on, a rapier in one hand and his tessen in the other, searching for an opening that seemed to vanish all at the blink of an eye.*

*A/N (Well, more like a complaint): I feel like I'm writing a damn Dragonball Z episode. Battle, battle, battle some more... for the record, battle episodes are NOT my favorites to write. I prefer dialogue WAY over all this fighting shtick. Alas and alack, tis important to the story though, so I must plod on, as you will as well. Are battle scenes more fun to read than write? I'd really appreciate some feedback on this, because I might cut a few out in the near future if people hate 'em...

Koji, like Ritsuka, felt as if there was little he could do. Whenever he had room for a good knife throw or a decent dagger strike, Tsuki would merely teleport away before the weapon was within two feet of him; the Element seemed to regard Koji as a temporary nuisance rather than an enemy, avoiding his attacks easily and focusing his real energy on defeating Tasuki.
Ritsuka took a step back from battle, fighting to catch her breath. Koji came up behind her, watching the battle between Tsuki and Tasuki intently, judging when would be a good time to try a dagger throw without injuring his friend. "How goes it?" he asked, panting lightly.
The redhead was breathing harder than the bandit- she was in good shape, but it was hard to compete with the day-in-day-out training routines of her three companions. "Not so hot. Akai's doing her best, and her best is more like a tickle to that guy than a real attack. I'm about as useless as a two-year old..."
"I know th' feelin'," Koji said with a sigh, fingering one of the throwing knives in his belt. "That Element treats me like I'm jus' some dirt on his shoe... but what c'n I do against some guy who's there an' gone so fast Genrou can barely keep up?"
Ritsuka held her blade out, ready to go back to battle. "Well, we'll just have to show them that just because we don't have Suzaku weapons we're no easy enemies, right Koji?"
He grinned dangerously. "Y'hit the nail on th' head, Red- eh, d'you mind if I call y'that?"
"Nah. Unlike Tasuki-chan, pet names don't bother me."
"I'm gonna tell him you call it a pet name."
"Good. It'll probably just annoy him even more."

~~Snowcapped, frosted mountains. A sense of dread, a sense that if they didn't hurry, they'd be too late... much, much too late...
Rounding a tall peak, and seeing a door, a boulder moved expertly out of its way. Single eye trailing to the limp figure of a courageous brother, held in the arms of a tear-eyed fellow fighter. The figure that was completely void of any life force whatsoever...
"Mitsukake, heal Nuriko already!" Tasuki, refusing to admit, to believe the truth... "You can do it, c'mon!" Silent bowed head. The painful knowledge. Tears springing to everyone's eyes. They were too late to help... nothing could be done, now...~~
Chichiri wrinkled his brow. "Concentrate," he murmured to himself. He hadn't been bothered by this in a while...
~~A demon. A demon controlled by one whom had been called a friend, but was now possessed by some strange, unnatural evil. The barrier had saved them, barely, but would it last? Would it hold against that...
The evil eyes wavering, returning to the innocence they once held. "Iie..."
The inner struggle. The spirit's device being forced into the heart of a young fighter, forced by the fighter himself, all to save the people he loved... "I AM A MEMBER OF THE SUZAKU SEVEN!"~~
'Come ON Chichiri... Clear your mind ya know...'
~~The palace. A place where safety was guaranteed, for the moment anyway, though friends were fighting to keep it that way. Another fellow fighter, a quiet, withdrawn sort, working through exhaustion and pain to continue doing what he'd done all his life.
The child, the sick child. The selfless sacrifice of his own ki, all to save the ungrateful lives of the dead and dying soldiers. "Mitsukake, don't do this!"
And the warriors... the fighters who didn't care... didn't even know what had happened, just kept mindlessly fighting...
Tears streaming from both eyes. "Mitsukake gave his life for you! There will be no more fighting here today!"~~
'What is wrong with me... I can't let this get to me, ya know...'
~~An Emperor in trouble. Off to fight an enemy he had no chance of beating. The fast pounding of horse's hooves, his and Tasuki's. They had to hurry... they had to help... without his Suzaku powers...
The young leader with a child on the way, attacking the cruel Kutou general. The inevitable ki blast from the Seiryuu seishi... skidding to a halt on the cliff, unable to stop the horrible event from happening...
Chichiri sighed. What was wrong with him today? He had to stop thinking about those dreadful events that had troubled his sleep for years. And the questions that came with the memories: Why couldn't he have gotten there sooner? What could he have done differently to save them? What, why, if, if...
~~Trodding down a riverbank, feet leaden with the dead weight only exhaustion can bring. Searching for something... hoping beyond hope... maybe he'd been washed up before being drowned, maybe there was still time to fix everything...~~
'No. Not this one. Anything but this one.'
~~His eye, or what used to be an eye, still flared with pain, though the blood had caked over an hour ago. He ignored the pain, knowing he must look like a monster and not caring. If HE were still alive, then it wouldn't matter... nothing would make any difference...~~
Chichiri frowned. Why this? Why this horrible memory? The one that hadn't plagued him in over a year, not since he'd settled everything with his old friend...
~~There. On the shore, a body that was too pale to be healthy. "Hikou!" Stumbling with exhausted feet to the shore, next to the person he'd once called his best friend, lying face down in the mud... no, he couldn't be dead... he had to live...
Too cold. No pulse. The painful, horrible realization. "Iie!" Throwing himself on the shore next to the body, sobbing as if his heart would break. Everything he ever cared about taken from him in one evening... his family... his beloved... and now... ~~

Tasuki was breathing hard, Tsuki standing lightly in front of him, watching with something near amusement. The seishi glared at him. "Yer a pretty cowardly kid, aren't ya? Can't even stay in one spot an' fight like a man!"
"Ah, yes, but remember, I'm not a man. I'm merely a silly little boy, easy prey. That is why you came out here to fight, isn't it? You thought I'd be a simple match-up?"
"What? You gotta be kidding me," Tasuki's eyes widened. "Who told ya that load of bull?"
He was ignored. "However, you are a man, and should fight as such." Tsuki teleported, too fast for Tasuki to see, and knocked the tessen out of his hand. "Which means no magical weapons, wouldn't you agree?"
Tasuki whirled, rapier clashing with the crescent blade. "If you think yer fightin' fair..."
"I never said I was," he said quietly, pale gold eyes watching Tasuki's evenly. "I am, however, getting bored of this battle. You are tired, and it would be useless to toy with you any longer than is necessary. I don't believe you could stop me, if I were to do this-" he teleported quickly, slamming the butt of his staff into Tasuki's back and knocking him into the grass.
The seishi let out a startled yell, flipping over just fast enough to block the downward swipe.
Tsuki's eyes lit with excitement. He could taste victory. "As I thought. Now, you die."

~~As the tears continued to roll freely down his cheeks, the young man kneeled next to his friend. He deserved a proper burial; it was the least his murderer could do for him, he thought bitterly. He flipped the dead man over, gasping in shock... "Iie..."~~
Kiori, who had dozed off slightly about halfway through meditation, was awakened roughly by the shout from the monk. "Chichiri!?" She peered through the dark to see him sitting straight up, breathing hard.
Still lost partially in his own mind, the monk jumped up, lashing out with a fist. "Not Tasuki, you hear me!? I won't lose him too!"
"Chichiri calm down!" Kiori gripped his shoulders with surprising strength, meeting his eye. She waited until the half-asleep look disappeared, then asked as calmly as possible. "What happened?"
He dropped his clenched fists slowly, shaking his head to clear it of the images. "I'm not sure... a dream, maybe? No... more like..." as Tasuki was struck in the back on the battlefield, Chichiri too grabbed his back, eye widening as he understood what had just happened. "A premonition."
"A what?"
Chichiri threw the door open, attempting to get some light. The crescent moon bathed the room in silvery shadows, allowing the monk to see as he started to grab his robe from the ground and his hat and staff from where they leaned against the wall. "I have to go to the battle. Tasuki... minna... they're in trouble. If I don't hurry, I think... no, I know they're going to die."
"You- you're leaving?" Kiori asked. "Because of a dream?"
"Not a dream, Kiori," he corrected, striding out of his room to the stables. "A premonition. A vision of the future. I know that's was what it was, and if I don't interfere it could become reality."
She followed him at a quick trot, trying to understand what was going on and desperately not wanting him to leave. She couldn't figure out why- some gut instinct just told her it was a bad idea. "But, but Chichiri, if you leave... how will I know what's going on at the battle? I'll go absolutely crazy sitting around here, wondering how everyone is doing... how you're doing..."
She shook her head hard. "Ah, listen to me! What am I saying!? Ritsuka-tachi's lives are in danger and here I am thinking about myself! Ignore me, I know you need to go... I'm just, I don't know..."
By now they had reached the stables. Chichiri turned around, look softening as he saw the amount of concern in Kiori's green eyes. "You're as concerned about them as I am, aren't you?"
She nodded helplessly. "I was trying to act like I wasn't earlier to make you feel better. And, it's weird, but when you're around, I don't feel like I have to worry as much. As if everything'll be all right, like you always say. But if you leave, it's one more person to think about, plus I don't have that assurance from before... ah, I sound like an idiot!"
Chichiri cupped her chin in his hand, smiling. "You make a lot more sense than you think, ya know. I understand. I'm like your security blanket, ya know."
"I guess that's one way to put it..." She lowered her eyes, blushing slightly. "I know you have to go... and I know if I went I'd just be dead weight... I wish there was some way I'd know what was going on..."
Chichiri let go of her chin. In one swift movement he lifted his robe over his head, spreading it out on a clean spot on the stable floor. "Well, we can fix that, ya know." He pulled a knife- which he carried mostly for cleaning fish and other practical purposes- from his belt and started to make a cut about five inches away from the edge.
Kiori put her hand on his. "Hey, wait a sec! You can't just slice that thing up, you need it teleport, and what good would it do me anyway?"
He shook his head at how naive she was. "I can still teleport even if a small part of it is missing- and I don't really need the kesa to do that, it just sort of makes the spell easier, ya know." He continued to slice the strip off, making sure to make it a clean, swift cut. "And see, if you hang onto this strip, and I wear the rest, it'll work like a medium. This way, you're connected directly to me, ya know."
Kiori held up the piece of cloth, tying it around her waist like a sash. "Like how you and Tasuki are with your symbols."
"Hai, and how Tamahome and Miaka were with their rings, ya know," he explained.
Kiori followed silently as he led his horse out of the stable and down through the city gates, fingering the soft material between her thumb and index finger. She didn't like this, something just inside her just screamed bad idea... "Chichiri?"
"Promise me... promise me you'll come back in one piece, all right?"
He smiled. "I'll come back with Tasuki, Ritsuka, Akai and Koji too, how's that?"
Kiori managed a faint grin. "Great. Ganbare!"
Chichiri kicked the animal into a dead sprint, smile dropping as soon as his back was to the college girl. He had to hurry... if he didn't... if he didn't... 'Well, I won't. Not this time... Not these four...'

Koji knew Tasuki was in trouble. Tsuki had him down, and in a position that would be hard to attack or defend from. He ran in the direction of his friend, ignoring his sore legs and burning lungs. He couldn't let this Element hurt, or, or- he couldn't think it- do that to his friend... he'd promised Chichiri, and himself...
Koji's foot hit the tessen that had been knocked from Tasuki's hands, nearly tripping him. The bandit leader picked the weapon up, a small smirk lighting his tired features.
Tsuki took a small step back, pulling his staff away from the seishi's rapier. He held his weapon up, ready to bring it down for a deadly blow.
Fortunately for the Element, his reflexes were fast and his peripheral vision was good. He caught the sight of the flames out of the corner of his eye, and managed to teleport away at the last second. Tasuki scrambled to his feet, blinking back purple spots from the fire's lights and trying to see who had used the weapon.
Koji waved, holding the fan up triumphantly. "Good thing this ain't yer gift from Suzaku, ne? I'm surprised I still know th' old spell, hah!"
Tasuki gave a tired smile. "Koji, yer like a second Chichiri, y'know that?"
The bandit smirked perilously, giving a thumbs-up. "Gotta look after my pal Genrou, don't I? I promised Chichiri I'd keep ya alive, and I ain't a man t'go back on my word. Besides, you think I'm gonna let you weasel outta that bottle-a sake yer gonna owe me when this war's o-"
Neither warrior had given much thought to where Tsuki had disappeared to, though they didn't have much time to wonder. The Element appeared quite suddenly behind Koji, cutting him off mid-sentence with a swift slice across the back.
"Koji!" Tasuki raced over to his friend on tired legs, crouching down next to the bandit leader. "Hey, Koji, you all right?" His golden orbs glanced over the rip in Koji's clothing, where blood was already starting to stain his friend's shirt.
He looked up through one eye, the other closed tightly in pain. "Never better, Gen-" he tried to get up, but fell back down immediately. "Damn. Shoulda been prepared fer that... didn't get me deep enough t'kill though... hurts like hell..."
"Jus' stay here, all right? Try not t'move too much, and once this is over we'll get ya fixed up at the palace," Tasuki stood and whirled to face Tsuki, who was waiting for him a few yards away.
"How is he?" the Element asked impassively. "I didn't kill him, did I?"
"Yer a pretty bad fighter, kid," Tasuki growled, "when ya can't even back-stab a person right!"
"Had my intention been to kill him, I assure you your friend would be dead," Tsuki stated simply. "But I did not come out here to do battle with common thieves- I came here to fight a real battle against a seishi. He was becoming a nuisance, though, so I had to keep him out of this."
"You got a lotta nerve, brat!" Tasuki snapped, attacking with a new-found energy that can only be spurred on by anger. "And I'll be sure t'fricasee every one-a them damn things t'night!"
Tsuki actually smiled, but said nothing as he fended off the rapier and tessen strikes easily.

Chichiri's horse's hooves pounded the soft earth of the north Konan plains hard, heading for the sight of battle. The monk knew his animal was tired, but couldn't afford to slow down... if he lost one second, one brief moment of time...
Chichiri urged him on with a few kind words. He could see the faint flares of ki blasts and "Rekka Shin'en"'s getting closer by the second. They were only a few minutes away from the battle sight, but would that be soon enough?
The monk took of his mask, tucking it into the folds of his kesa. He gripped the horse's reigns hard, a strange, determined fire sparking in his single eye.
'I was too late to save Nuriko and Hotohori... even when I was there I couldn't do anything to help Chiriko and Mitsukake... Oh Suzaku, don't let it happen again! Give me the strength and the speed to save the only brother I've got left...'

Akai was flat-out tired, plain and simple. As hard as she fought it never seemed to make a different to Taiyou- like she was some sort of pesky mosquito. The Element could sense her exhaustion, and pressed on harder. He took a few extra seconds to utter a particularly powerful spell that he was fond of, aiming the blast directly at the young warrior.
Akai raised her weapon to absorb the attack, but for the first time that night lost some of her control. She was thrown back onto the ground, spitting out mud. Akai tried to rise, but found her body too tired for the moment. If she could only get a couple minute's breather...
Taiyou lifted her chin up with the globe on the end of his staff, golden eyes glinting viciously. "Well well, now it comes. You've been quite a nuisance, little warrior, but a tough one nonetheless. It's almost sad to see such pitiful attempts die at such a young age..."
Ritsuka had seen her friend fall on the battlefield, and knew what was coming next. As tired as she was, she willed herself to sprint for Taiyou's unprotected back, ready to kill or be killed if it was necessary to save Akai.
"Leave her alone!"
Taiyou turned slightly at the sound of the enraged voice, which very well may have saved his life. The swordswipe, which was aimed for a spot in his upper back- a hit that would have killed him instantly- struck his shoulderblade instead. It cut deep into his muscle, wounding the Element but not killing him.
He swung his staff around and gave Ritsuka a hard crack in the side with the solid-metal weapon, sending her flying with a squeak of dismay. Taiyou's eyes were filled with rage as he clapped one hand to his shoulder to stop the bleeding. He had never been hurt this badly, and as the pain in his numbing shoulder grew, so did his anger. The Element's orange ki flared about his body. He swung out with his weapon again, knocking Ritsuka back a good two or three yards.
"You-" Crack! "Vile-" Smack! "Little-" Whack! "Pest!" Ritsuka gritted her teeth hard as Taiyou's last hit broke one of her ribs and sent her back a good several yards. "To think I almost considered letting you go free! Do you think you deserve mercy after a stunt like that!? Well, you stupid girl!?"
Ritsuka looked up, holding her side with one hand and her sword with the other. She managed to smile through her pain, knowing what was going to happen next regardless of her answer. "Kiss my ass."
Taiyou pointed his staff directly at her chest, muttering one of his most powerful- and painful- spells. Ritsuka attempted to rise, but collapsed immediately, too worn out and injured to avoid the deadly blast.

Chichiri rounded the hilltop just in time to see Ritsuka go down, struck by a vicious blow from Taiyou. He watched as the two exchanged a few words, then saw the Element raise a faintly glowing staff.
The monk's eye widened; he'd never seen the attack before, but he knew well enough what was going to happen. Letting instinct take over, he tossed his hat into the air and teleported to the battlefield, hoping that he wouldn't be too late.

The steady glow had risen to a near-blinding shine of light. Ritsuka squinted against the raw power, knowing she probably wouldn't even know what hit her. The college girl saw the ki take flight from its weapon; she threw up an arm in a hopeless attempt to protect herself, closing her eyes against the glare.
Ritsuka waited, yet never felt the blast. A thick, unpleasant heat washed over her, licking her cheeks and hands, but never actually touched her. Timidly, almost afraid to know what was going on, she opened one eye. The college girl's eyes travelled up a familiar pantleg to a blue-and-white robe and a familiar head of light blue hair. "Chichiri?"
"He's putting everything he's got into this one," the monk remarked more to himself than to her. "It's a good thing I got here when I did, or you could've been in a lot of trouble."
"I think being on the ground with a cracked rib and a million aches and pains counts as 'a lot of trouble', don't you think?" Ritsuka asked wryly.
"See you haven't lost your sense of humor," he said with a slight smile. He dropped one hand, leaving the other up to help strengthen his shield. With the free arm he grabbed his kasa and held it up. "Get in."
Ritsuka looked at the hat skeptically. "Beg pardon?"
"Get in," he repeated. "Listen, you'll be safe in here. I'm going to toss the hat out of the way of the battle. Once you feel it stop moving around you can come out. If you feel up to it, go check on Akai or Koji." He smiled, though it wasn't his usual, cheerful "daijoubu" smile- this one was dangerous. "I'll handle things from here."
Ritsuka frowned slightly. "I didn't need your help."
"I guess you didn't need it, if you wanted to die," he remarked cooly. "But I doubt that you did. Would you mind...?"
The college girl dove into the kasa, surprised to find that she fit in with room to spare. After she'd disappeared inside Chichiri tossed it out of harm's way. Once that was done, he turned to face Taiyou.
The Element smiled slightly. "So, the other seishi finally makes an appearance?"
"I like dramatic entrances," the monk replied easily. He readied his staff, putting his index and middle fingers to his lips and uttering a short incantation.
Taiyou blocked the blast easily. "If that's all you can do then you may as well just drop your weapon now and die."
Chichiri smiled. "That was just a warm-up."
Ritsuka, once the hat had ground to a somewhat bumpy stop, scrambled out of the kasa in a very undignified manner, grabbing her cracked rib. She winced, watching as Akai made her way over to the college girl. "Didja check on Koji?"
Akai nodded slightly. "He said he's all right. It's a good thing Chichiri got here when he did. Ritsuka-san, you have no idea how close you were to dying..."
The girl sighed, still a little angry at needing any help at all, but grateful nonetheless. "You have no idea, Akai."
The two female fighters watched the battle between Taiyou and Chichiri with wide eyes- the pair were well-matched, fierce warriors, both using powerful ki blasts and strong shields to attack and defend, respectively. After several experimental blasts and force fields- mostly to test each other's strengths- Chichiri and Taiyou went at each other in a dead charge. Taiyou threw up a barrier at the last minute, but was shocked to find that Chichiri's staff wasn't in the least bit affected by the golden shield; he just barely managed to bring up his own weapon for the block. "How... how can you...?"
Chichiri took a few steps back, leveling his staff with a slight jingle. "You're surprised? My staff- along with the Holy Sword and Tasuki's tessen- are weapons destined for the warriors of Suzaku. They're weapons of Suzaku, in a sense. An enemy's shield- especially that of some Element, not even one of the gods' seishi- wouldn't be able to hold against a direct attack from a Suzaku weapon."
Akai looked down at her sword. "So... if I'd attacked him straight on..." She sweatdropped, going chibi. "I might've killed that guy a long time ago?"
Ritsuka sighed. "Chichiri really should've told us that before we got here."
Taiyou frowned. "Impressive." He jumped backwards, aiming his staff at the monk. "But just because I'm not a direct pick from the gods doesn't mean I'm a pushover. Let's see how a great seishi," he said the words with visible contempt, "does against this!"
The boy muttered a quick chant, sending off a stream of quick, powerful ki blasts all in a row. Chichiri threw up a barrier, though it was taking most of his energy just to block. The Element was powerful, that was for sure...
Out of the corner of his eye, Chichiri saw Tasuki still struggling in a losing battle to the other brother. He was fighting with everything he had, but the seishi was tired- he only just managed to block Tsuki's relentless hits. The Night Warrior was actually smiling, sensing a victory that was close at hand.
Chichiri's mind raced. Tasuki wasn't going to be able to keep this up for much longer... in a few minutes Tsuki would have get him with a good hit, and the Element was too skilled to miss delivering a deadly blow.
'Tasuki's in trouble. I could hit Tsuki, if I time it right, and probably kill him in one shot too, but...' the monk thought hurriedly, 'But creating this barrier is already using everything I've got. If I drop the barrier, I can fire... but if I drop the barrier...' His eye snatched a glance at Taiyou, who was still sending off the strong fast blasts. His mind raced, trying to find a solution that would keep all the Konan Warrors alive. 'Suzaku, what can I do?' He asked helplessly.
Four images flashed quickly through the monk's mind...
...A courageous warrior, mortally wounded, snapping the neck of a dangerous enemy...
...A wise youth stabbing himself to save his friends from certain death...
...A quiet healer using the last of his life force to heal the dead and dying...
...A noble leader facing off against an enemy he had no chance of defeating...
Chichiri smiled- a perilous, suicidal smile with little hope of life- and touched two fingers to his knee. 'Tasuki!'
The other seishi glanced up, noticing the monk for the first time. Their eyes met across the battlefield. Chichiri nodded, and Tasuki smiled knowingly. He knew what his friend wanted without being told the instructions.
Using the last of his energy, Tasuki sprinted to a spot directly across from Chichiri, so that Tsuki was forced to keep his back to his brother and the monk in order to watch Tasuki. The Element turned, thoughts centered too much on killing Tasuki to worry about anything else that was going on.
Chichiri slammed the point of his staff into the ground and uttered a powerful spell as quickly as he could. The shaft of red ki shot out across the ground, creating a sizzling line as it went, and struck the unprepared Element head-on. Tsuki never knew what hit him; he was dead before he hit the ground.

The silver gem around Setsuka's neck shattered into several pieces. She grabbed at her heart, letting out an anguished cry of pain and shock.
"Setsuka-sama, what's wrong!?" Sora asked.
"What happened, are you all right!?" Kaze demanded.
"Are you hurt, do you need anything?" Tsuchi asked with concern.
"Tsuki is dead. That seishi killed him," Setsuka said, breathing hard. 'I never realized my connection to the Elements was this strong... I suppose it will be worth it though, if the legend is true...' "I should be fine in a moment."
The Elements crowded around their leader, inquiring on her health and asking if she needed anything- all but one. Mizu's eyes were still fixed intently on the battle scene in her crystal- namely, on the monk who had been at the receiving end of a powerful Taiyou life force blast...

^^^ Start playin "Mizu-Kagami" NOW (Preferably full-blast)

Chichiri's shield dropped at the same time he fired, allowing Taiyou's deadly ki blasts to strike the target they'd been seeking. Chichiri was thrown across the charred field, rolling to a halt nearly a hundred yards from where he'd been hit.

Kiori- who had been trying (and failing) to do a little bit of studying- felt the strip of cloth around her waist flare with pain. Her head snapped up fast, eyes widening. "Chichiri."

"Oh my God," Ritsuka whispered under her breath. Ignoring the pain in her side, she attempted to stand, scrabbling across the ground to where the monk lay. "Chichiri!"
Tasuki didn't see his friend get hit; all he could see from his angle was the red explosion that hit Tsuki, and a separate, golden one that struck a spot he knew was far too close to where the other seishi had been from comfort. He did, however, feel a sharp pain in his side and left arm- a pain that he knew belonged to someone else. "Please, no."
Exhaustion completely forgotten in his haste, Tasuki was up and running to where he'd seen a limp form hit the ground and come to a halt- a form he hoped beyond hope wasn't what he thought it was.
"Where do you think you're going!?" Tasuki just managed to jump out of the way of one of Taiyou's ki blasts, turning to face the Element. "We still have a battle to fight, seishi! Just because I hit that friend of yours..."
Akai stepped between the two warriors, Holy Sword held out, ready to fight. "Why bother with Tasuki? He's tired, while I've had a few good minutes of rest. As you know, I'm a tough little pest to fight off." She glanced over her shoulder at her fellow Konan fighter. "You go check on Chichiri. I can handle Element-boy."
Tasuki was too concerned about his friend to argue. Without another question he dashed to where Ritsuka was kneeling next to the battered body. Akai turned back to Taiyou. "If you'd like to check on your brother, be my guest. I'd let you do that, as long as you didn't try to get away."
Taiyou's voice was cold, but there were tears in his eyes. "He's already dead. I was sent here to kill you, and that still holds."
"Agreed." Akai launched herself at her opponent, trying to lose herself in battle and forget about what had just happened... and what might happen...

Back near Konan, Kiori was already off and running on an unsaddled stallion, medicine bag in one hand. "No more sitting around. Chichiri's hurt... badly... he needs my help... please, hang in there!"

Koji kept his eyes on the form that he knew to be Chichiri's. He tried to stand, wanting to make his way over to his hurt friend, but fell back down immediately. The slash across his back was worse than even he'd expected. The bandit leader had never been one for prayer, but he uttered a quick request to Suzaku that night to keep Chichiri alive, for the monk's sake, and for everyone else's.
Tasuki came upon his friend just in time to hear the end of Ritsuka's sentence. Blinking back several tears, Ritsuka berated the monk to hide her concern."Baka! Of all the stupid things to do... you must've known you couldn't attack AND defend at once!"
Chichiri smiled slightly, eye half-closed. "I'm the Onii-chan, right?... gotta protect everyone else..."
Tasuki took a seat on his friend's right side, taking in the damage of Taiyou's blast immediately. The monk had been hit in his left side; a deep gash- which Tasuki also felt to a certain degree- which was bleeding severely showed the exact spot where he'd been struck. Several other nasty cuts and bruises- including a slash across the right side of his forehead- also spelled danger for the monk. His left arm was sitting at an unnatural angle, and Tasuki knew immediately that it was broken.
Chichiri seemed to be reading his mind. "Not to mention internal injuries... think I've got a couple broken ribs, but s'hard to tell..."
Tasuki handed his coat over to Ritsuka, who used it to plug up the wound in Chichiri's side. "Hey, Chichiri, don't worry about all that. Yer gonna be okay, right? How are ya?"
He winced, looking at the other seishi through a misted eye. "That Taiyou's pretty powerful... hit me full on, a lot harder than even I guessed... had t'protect you and the others, though..."
"Don't try t'talk," Tasuki gripped his friend's hand. "Just, just hang on, okay? I'll go get one-a the horses, and Red'll take you back to the palace. Kiori'll fix ya up, and you'll be fine."
He started to stand, but Chichiri kept a surprisingly firm grip on his hand, bringing the seishi back to the ground. "Don't bother. Stay here, onegai? I want to die... with my friends nearby. Like the other seishi did, all right?"
"Don't talk like that Chichiri!" Ritsuka snapped, voice cracking in several places. "Don't even talk at all! You'll be all right, we'll see to that. You're a seishi, remember? You and Tasuki... you're an unbeatable team."
Chichiri smiled through his obvious pain. "We did make a good team, didn't we? You knew just wanted back there, at the end. I never had to say a word. We made a damn great team, Tasuki."
"We still do, we always will!" Tasuki told him in a choked voice. "Yer gonna live, you hear me Chichiri!? We're gonna beat these Elements, t'gether, an'..."
"Tasuki," Ritsuka stopped him from going on. Their eyes met for a moment, both blue and golden orbs reading denial of the inevitable. Ritsuka propped Chichiri's head up in her lap, wiping blood out of his face. "There, how's that? Comfortable?"
"Considering the circumstances, not bad," the monk said, managing a small chuckle. His eye closed for a moment, and he drew a long, shuddering breath.
Tasuki, terrified that it would be his last, squeezed his friend's hand so hard he almost thought he might break it. "Chichiri, wait! I..."
The monk opened his eye slowly, looking past Tasuki rather than at him. "Tasuki, can you promise me something?"
"Anything!" he said immediately. "I'll do anything you want, anything at all, just please don't die on me Chichiri!"
The monk clasped his friend's hand tightly. "Look after the others for me. Ritsuka, Koji, Akai, Houki-sama, Kiori... especially Kiori... Protect them from that woman and her Elements... like I would've done."
"Promise me, onegai?"
Two tears slid down Tasuki's cheeks, striking his friend's torn shirt. "Hai. I promise. But Chichiri, you won't, I mean, you can't..."
He sighed unhappily. "Gomen ne, Tasuki. I came out here meaning to keep everyone from a lot of pain, but it looks like all I did was hurt you even more in the process. Huh, maybe Ritsuka's right, maybe it was pretty dumb of me..."
"What!? No, Chichiri, I never meant that!" Ritsuka told him fiercely. "I never... I was just... Chichiri, you're one of the smartest, bravest people I know! You're the glue of our team, you know that!" She tried to blink back tears that refused to stay back. "Dakara... dakara... we need you, Chichiri! You can't just die on us, not like this..."
The monk coughed raggedly, silencing the college girl. "I wish I could stay, Ritsuka, but I don't think it's up to me anymore." His single eye turned to Tasuki's golden ones. "Tasuki, can you get my mask for me? It's in my kesa. I'd... I'd like to die with it on."
"Would you stop saying things like that!?" Tasuki cried. "If you die out here... if you leave me alone..."
"Tasuki, please," Ritsuka practically ordered. Her voice was completely void of emotion, as acceptance finally hit the girl.
With a growing sense of emptiness- Tasuki could feel the life force draining from his friend- the seishi rummaged around until he found what Chichiri had requested. He held up the piece of magical cloth nostalgically, memories of three unforgettable years running through his mind.
Tasuki placed the mask lightly on his friend's face, where it seemed to mold perfectly to his battered features. A forever smiling face, cat-eyed, kind...
Tasuki couldn't stand it anymore. As the painful realization finally sunk its way into the seishi's mind, tears began pouring freely. "Chichiri, wait! Don't leave me! Please Chichiri! You can't! You gotta pull through this, if you die..."
The monk smiled, mask making it look as if he hadn't a care in the world. "Nakanaide, Tasuki. I'm sure everything'll work out all right... ya know..."
Ritsuka felt his form go limp in her arms. Chichiri gave one final shuddering breath as his hand slipped out of Tasuki's, coming to rest at his side on the red, blood-stained earth.
"Chichiri?" Tasuki called, reluctant to believe the truth. "Chichiri!?"
No answer.
The seishi sat back on his heels, tears streaming down both cheeks helplessly. He stared at the body of his friend- the body which he could no longer sense a life force from- numbly, completely at a loss.
"He died the way he lived," Ritsuka said, not caring who saw her sobbing miserably. "He must have been in so much pain... but he smiled right through it... was only worried about us..." She slumped down, unable to continue.
Tasuki said nothing for what seemed like an eternity. He continued to watch his friend's face, still not quite able to believe it. His friend, the quiet protector, who always had a good word and a cheerful "ya know" to make everyone feel better... good-natured, helpful... how could such a good person be taken away, all in selfless action?
"Doushite?" he said, voice barely audible. Tasuki closed his eyes tightly, screaming out his anguish in one short word. "DOUSHITE!?"
Ritsuka looked up at the grief-stricken seishi. "Tasuki..."
Tasuki stared at the ground. Chichiri was dead, he thought numbly. The heart and soul of the Suzaku seven, the unnoticed leader... a true friend... was dead... 'I never thanked him, not really... I always just assumed he'd always be there... protecting me and everyone else... And now...'
"Arigatou," he whispered, knowing it was too late to say everything he wanted to. Tasuki pushed his friend's sweat-drenched hair back and wiped a trickle of blood away. There. Now he looked like himself- an eternally smiling fallen hero. Like he would've wanted. "Chichiri... forgive me..."
Koji turned his head away from the depressing scene, blinking hurriedly at tears that threatened to fall. He didn't have to hear to know what was going on. "Beware of repercussions... so this is what th' rhyme meant. Dammit, dammit all!"
Ritsuka watched her seishi friend sadly, seething inwardly at her utter helplessness. "Damn that Taiyou."
Tasuki's fists clenched tightly, as if hearing Ritsuka's words had brought him sharply back to reality. "Taiyou," he repeated, spitting the name as if it were poison. His Suzaku symbol flared a bright, angry red. "Taiyou..."
The seishi stood, gripping his tessen tightly in one hand and his rapier in the other. He walked slowly, deliberately, to where Akai and Taiyou were still battling. The tears in his golden eyes dried up as the sadness in his heart merged with another, just as powerful feeling- hatred.
"Akai!" Tasuki ordered, voice racked with grief. "Step aside!"
The warrior girl did as he said, knowing immediately what had happened. Tears sprung to her eyes as she glanced at the lifeless body of one of the seishi she so highly revered. The girl looked away immediately, back to where Tasuki was standing.
Tasuki growled dangerously, blind rage in his eyes. "C'mon Taiyou! You an' me, one-on-one, t'the death!" He crouched in a fighting stance, exhaustion forgotten in the midst of his sorrow and anger. He pointed his tessen at the Element. "You killed him, so now... so now I'm takin' you out!"

"'...The last remaining member of the Suzaku seven faced off against his deadly enemy, vowing to avenge the death of his beloved friend,'" Tears flowed unchecked down Keisuke's face. "End Chapter Nine." He sighed, putting his head in his hands. "God, not this again."

Tasuki: Chichiri... I can't believe it... all these years you've always been there, watching over us... I guess I took it for granted. But now, you're...
Taiyou! I won't let you get away with this! I don't care what happens to me, yer goin' down!
Next time on Fushigi Yuugi: The Next Chapter: "An Unexpected Hero! The Aid of Earth and Water!"
This can't be the end, Chichiri...