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Faith/Enchanted Eevee

Author's note: You're probably wondering why Jessie is pregnant at 17. Well, it's not normal at "our" world, but at the pokeworld it makes a perfect sense. For example: what 10-year-old boy you know who goes to travel around the world with his friends? And what about teenage girls who are working as police officers and doctors as a full time job? And teenagers who are working in an evil organization? So it's clear that the pokeworld it would make perfect sense! And by the way, I don't really have anything against Ash, he just can get really dumb sometimes, and I needed a bad guy. Well, enough of this! Read the second part!

Part 2

"What is it? I have a lot of work to do" Giovanni answered.

"Well..." Jessie started,

"We want to give you a pokemon that we have caught" James finished the sentence.

"Yes, what is it?"

"It's a Dratini"

"A DRATINI? Well, looks like you fools did a good job for a change! I must reward you"

"Sir, we wanted to talk about that too" Jessie began,

"Yes. Sir, we...quit" James said in a muffled voice.

"You WHAT?!" Giovanni straightened in his chair.

"We...We quit" James said, in a more confident voice.

"You fools...just when you're starting to get better..." Giovanni said,

"And may I ask you why are you quitting?"

Jessie and James exchanged glances,

"Well sir, it's kind of personal..."

"ANSWER ME!" Giovanni barked.

"I'm...I'm pregnant" Jessie said in a shaky voice as James put a reassuring arm around her shoulder.

"Well, Well, I see. You had a bright feature Jessie. Well, you may go. GO!"

Jessie and James left the room.


After a while...

"Well, I guess that was a wise decision" Meowth said after Jessie and James told him the news.

"But, I have a question. How would we get money?"

"Well Meowth, that's a good question".

"Let's see the 'wanted' ads" Jessie suggested.

"Hmmm...I can help Nurse Joy in the pokemon center"

"No Jessie! I don't want you to work!"

"Oh, James, I can do that. Besides, working with pokemon will make me happy."

"Oh, O.k. Hey! Here's something I can do! A pokemon research assistant!"

"How would ya do that?" Meowth asked curiously,

"Well, we've been hit by all of the pokemon types! We all learned something, now didn't we?"

"Sorry I asked" Meowth said.


After 2 months...

"Mewoth, have you seen James?"

"No, I haven't seen him for years, he's always at work".

"Oh, I'm worried. It's 11 O'clock!" Jessie said,

Since James got this research job, he was at work all day long, she never really saw him since then. He got up at 6 O'clock when she was still asleep, and came back late at night. for the last 2 months all she caught only glimpses of him, and she started to get tired of this.

"Jessie, dinner!" Meowth called.

Because of the fact that he stayed at home all day, he became a mini-maid. He cleaned, washed, and cooked, when Jessie and James were at work, and became a really good cooker.

"I'm not hungry"

"Of course ya are! Just yesterday ya wanted ice cream with pickles! You're eating for two now!"

"No, I'm going to bed" Jessie said gloomily.

She went to their room and closed the door; she changed to her nightgown and lay beneath the covers. After what seemed like 2 hours, she heard the room's door opening.


"Yeah Jess?"

"Are you back?"

"No, I'm just here to take something. I have a night research about Zubats."

"James, I'm getting tired of this. You're never home. I don't see you anymore!" Jessie straightened in the bed.

"Well, I have work to do"

"You were never a working type! When we were in Team Rocket you always were the lazy one! What happened?"

"Nothing! As you can see we're not in Team Rocket anymore. And besides, I have to work for living now! I have responsibilities, I have rent, debts, it's different!"

"And don't I have a work? I'm working too, and I come home in a decent time!"

"Well, you just don't see it from my point of view" James said and closed the door. Jessie heard the entrance door closing, and cried herself to sleep.


After 2 weeks...

Since that talk with James, Jessie started to be quieter. She didn't want James to get angry with her and leave. She couldn't even bear the thought of it.

"Joy, what should I give to that sick Rattata?"

"Jessie, you have a visitor."

"What? Who could be visiting me?" Jessie's head poked out of the door, Who the hell could it be? She thought.

She saw James standing in front of her, not in his work clothes, but in an impressive tuxedo.

"James, what are you doing here? And why are you wearing a tux?" Jessie asked in a surprised tone.

"Joy, can Jessie go home earlier today?" James asked Joy,

"Of course", she said. "She needed a break anyway".

"Come Jess" James told her. She followed him.

It was a lovely afternoon, the walked silently until they reached a nearby lake. The sun was starting to set, and Jessie sat on a trunk.

"What a beautiful sunset" Jessie said,

"Not as beautiful as you",

"Oh James..." Jessie blushed.

"Jessie..." James said in a nervous voice,

"What James?"

He took a deep breath and kneeled in front of her. He took something out of his pocket.

"Jessica, you're the best thing that ever happened to me. You're the light of my life, the air that I breathe, you're everything for me. And now you're carrying our baby. Every time I look at you, all I see is pure beauty, inside and outside. Jessica, would you marry me?"

"Oh James..." Jessie sniffled, "of course I will!"

James opened the box that he held, and took a ring. It was the most beautiful ring ever. Blue and red stones were shaped in a shape of a heart. It was the most beautiful ring ever.

"Oh James..." Jessie repeated as he put the ring on her finger. She was speechless.

"How did you bought it? It probably cost you a fortune"

"Well, all the extra hours in the office finally paid off"

"And I was so mad at you for being so busy! I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, you had every right to do that", he said.

Then he brought his lips to hers, and kissed her gently. Suddenly Jessie broke the kiss; she had a surprised look on her face.

"Jessie, what is it?" James asked worriedly.

"James...the kicked".