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Faith/Enchanted Eevee

Part 3

Life went smoothly for the next three months. James started finishing work earlier, Meowth became an excellent cooker, and Jessie started to look more like a pregnant woman. The wedding date was due to after the birth, because Jessie didn't want to look fat in the wedding dress.


"Yeah James, what is it?"

"I don't think you should go to work today"


"Well, you look so...pregnant"

"What's that supposed to mean?"




"Well what? What's wrong with being pregnant? Oh wait until I get you…"


"Yeah Jess"

"Help me get up..."


After a month...

"Here Jessie, take this for a present"

"Oh Joy, you shouldn't have...What's in that pokeball? Oh my god, Joy, it's beautiful!"

She tried with all of her might and will (and she had a LOT of it), but she just couldn't go to work anymore, it was hard. So she had to quit the pokemon center. As a farewell present, Joy gave Jessie a pokemon.

"I found her near the pokemon center, and since you took such good care of her, so I'm giving it to you".

"Oh Joy! A pink Butterfree! I've seen only one like this in my life! Thank you!"

"Well, I'm glad you're happy! Tell me when your baby will be born!"

"Oh, I will! Thank you again Joy!"


After 2 months...

"Jessie, look!"


"Team Rocket broke up!"

"No way! Let me see!"

"Meowth wants too!"

"Wow, Team Rocket is REALLY slippin'! And they wanna arrest all of the members! Glad we quit!"

"You're right Meowth, we're in luck!"

"We would be in more luck if you'll help me get up from this chair!"


Later that day...

"It's such a beautiful afternoon!"

"Yeah, glad we went for a walk!"

It was a warm and sunny afternoon, the Pidgeys flew, the Caterpies crawled, the Rattatas searched for food… Jessie and James decided to take a walk. They walked in a sunny park, and then James' beeper beeped.

"Oh Jess, it's Dr. Stonewall. I'll be back in a while, just sit here, O.K?"

"Yeah, okay. On your way back, can you please buy me a hot dog or something? I'm feeling a little bit hungry"

"Sure, whatever you want"

James kissed Jessie, and walked away. Jessie sat on the nearest bench. She was amused by a pair of Rattata's that were chasing each other, when she heard a boy's voice, it was annoyingly familiar;

"Look! It's Team Rocket!"

Where? Where? Jessie turned her head. What were team Rocket agents doing here?

"Where?" a girl's voice said,


Then Jessie saw it, team twerp. Oh yeah, that would be fun, Jessie thought sarcastically.

"You'll never take my Pikachu Team Rocket!"

This twerp is getting dumber every second, Jessie thought and answered "Look kid, I'm not Team Rocket. I'm Jessie. Get it?"

"Ehh...yeah, of course I do!" Ash didn't looked that he understood it at all. Brock looked at some newspaper, and showed it to Ash, he read it and a wicked smile spread over his face.

"Uh...Jessie, where do you live?"

"42 Bulbasaur street, why?"

"Uh, no reason. Well gotta run! By the way, you look fat!" Ash said and ran with his friends. He's mental, Jessie thought.

"Hey Jess, I'm back and I brought you a hot dog!"A cheerful voice called behind her.

"Oh thanks James, you're such a sweetheart! What was the emergency?"

"Oh, something to do with the computers. Who were you talking you?"

"Team twerp. That dumb kid asked where we live, and he said I look fat!"

"The nerve of that kid..."


In the evening...

"Bye Jess, I gotta go!" James said as he pulled his lab robes,

"What? Why?"

"Well, there's problems with some evolved Golbats, I just gotta go!"

"Meowth is gone too! I hate being alone in the house! Can't you stay?"

"Sorry honey. I'll be back soon!" James said as he kissed her and closed the door.

Jessie went to the baby's room. It was colored in shades of blue; a baby bed stood in one corner of the room, and a rocking chair that looked on the wall near it. Jessie stood over the bed and warm feelings wrapped her, "Soon you'll be there little one" She said warmly to her big stomach. She thought she saw something lurking in the hall, but dismissed the thought immediately. Jessie sat on the rocking chair, deep in thought; she searched in her pocket for her pokeballs. She took out 2 when a hard hand clapped on her mouth. She stifled a scream. "Don't try to move, rocket!" a manly voice said as Jessie tried to struggle. A wet cloth slumped on her mouth and she knew no more.


"Meowth? What's wrong? What's so urgent?" James asked worriedly as he entered the door. Meowth called him half an hour ago, sounding panicked. Now he looked white.

"James...Jessie...gone..." he mumbled.

"What, what do you mean?" James asked worriedly, he knew he didn't wanted Meowth to say what he meant.

"'s room..." Meowth was out of words; James ran to the baby's room and gasped. The room was a mess. 2 pokeballs and a piece of paper lay on the floor. Those were Jessie's pokeballs, he knew it, And on the piece of paper was written: "42 Bulbasaur street, dangerous rocket, red hair, fat." Who could it be? James thought in horror, and then it came to him.

"Mewoth, let's go!"

"What? Where?" Meowth's face were still white, but he looked confused too.

"You'll see"


Half an hour later at the pokemon center...

James stormed to the pokemon center, Meowth at his heels. He found exactly what he was looking for. A black haired boy that talked with his friends; He grabbed him by the collar.

"Okay brat, where is she?" James said through gritted teeth,

"What? Who? Where?" Ash looked surprised and panicked,

"Jessie! Where is she? What have you done to her?" James fastened his hold on Ash's collar.

"Why would I know?" Ash mumbled,

"WHY? You ask me why?" James said in a loud hiss, "Meowth read him that piece of paper" he commended.

"42 Bulbasaur street, dangerous rocket, red hair, fat." Meowth read, still confused.

"Wwwel...what does that have to do with me?" Ash mumbled his face very white.

"What, you ask me WHAT?" James hissed in a threatening tone, "I spoke to Jessie this afternoon. She said that she bumped into you. You asked for her address and remarked how fat she is…"

"You little..." Meowth fury-swiped Ash. He understood what was happening.

"I...Well..." Ash freed himself out of James' hold and said in a more confident voice, "She's in Team Rocket, it was my duty to report her. She's in some kind of top-secret prison somewhere. And she did look fat"

James grabbed him again, "1.She's not in team rocket. We quit 8 months ago. 2. She's not fat, she's pregnant. You put an innocent 8 months pregnant woman in jail!" he yelled and punched Ash in the stomach. Hard. And stormed out of the room with Meowth.


"Uh...where am I?" Jessie stirred, she found herself lying on the floor in some kind of dungeon.

"James? Mewoth?" She said frantically as she looked around. There was a little bed, and a small window. She remembered what happened last night. The man that called her a rocket, the wet clothe, everything. Tears were coming to her eyes, I was kidnapped, she thought. And now I don't know where I am or where's James and Meowth…what am I gonna do?


After a week...

A week passed. 7 long days that each seemed like an eternity. Jessie got 3 meals a day through a small crack at the wooden door. She remembered what Meowth had said to her, You're eating for two now, he said. But she ate for one. For the baby. She had lost any appetite she had; she ate just to keep the baby alive. Once she looked out of the window, she saw an ocean spreading from all of the sides and small islands somewhere far. She figured out she was somewhere in the orange islands. One day she went through her pockets and found a sign for hope. A pokeball. Her eyes lit up and she called the pokemon out. It was the pink butterfree. "Butterfree! I'm so happy to see you!" Jessie called as she hugged the surprised pokemon. "Look, I'm somewhere in the orange islands. Fly through that window and find Meowth. Tell him where I" She said. Butterfree flew out of the window, but not before he sprinkled some sleep powder over Jessie and sent her to a dreamless sleep. A sleep she didn't had for a long time.


Days passed and Jessie was starting to loose hope. Butterfree hadn't came back. Days started to become longer. It was harder to get up every time. Jessie did only a few things every day. Feeling if the baby was kicking, if he was alive, waiting for Butterfree, looking at her engagement ring, and thinking. Thinking how long it was from the day that James said he loved her, the day she discovered she was pregnant, the day they quit team rocket, even the day James proposed to her. It looked so far away. She started thinking if she'll have to have the baby in the dungeon. The desperation was getting into her. But she thought, she hoped that someone will let her free. She had faith. One night loud sounds were coming from near the dungeon. Jessie woke up and tried to listen. She heard voices of men, shouting, a voice of some pokemon, and then silence. Suddenly the large wooden door of the dungeon broke down with a huge THUD; Wheezing was floating there and next to him, James. Jessie never saw him like that. His eyes were blazing with anger; he looked so furious, so strong, so…powerful. But as he looked at Jessie, his eyes softened. He came running to her.

"Jessie...what have they done to you?"

Jessie's hair was dirty and hung flatly on her back. Jessie looked dirty and tired. Her sapphire eyes lost their depth and shininess.

" came..." Jessie managed to say.

His lips mat hers and locked in a long, passionate kiss. After a few minutes they broke the kiss and James gazed lovingly in her eyes.

"'re fine"


"'Cmon, let's get you out of here".

It was hard. Jessie hadn't walked much for a month, and her legs felt like jelly. But somehow she managed to get to the car. James helped her get in the front seat, and started driving.


James told Jessie the whole story while they drove.

"And then I found about this top-secret prison in this island, and I knew that you'll have to be there!"

"Uh huh"

"Honey, are you alright?"

Jessie's face were screwed up with pain, and she was clutching her stomach.

"" Jessie said through gritted teeth, "as a matter of fact I think that I'm about to have the baby."

"James, WATCH OUT!" she screamed as a car almost hit them.

"Excuse me, you're WHAT?!" James had a look of terror on his face,

"I'm about to have the baby, you know, that little thing that was in my stomach for 9 months!"

"But...but...It's not the time..."

"James, dear, the baby isn't asking you. Now get me to a hospital, because…Ohhhh…IT HURTS!"

James drove as quickly as possible and got to the nearest hospital. After forgetting Jessie in the car, forgetting his name at the registration forms, and forgetting anything possible, they managed to get to the delivery room.

"O.K Jessie, very good. Now 1,2,3, push" a nurse said to Jessie that were clutching James' hand.

"James...honey...remind me not to sleep with you at the same bed…EVER!" Jessie said through gritted teeth; the delivery was not getting the best of her.


After a few hours...

"She's so beautiful" James said as Jessie held the little baby in her arms. It was sleeping.

"James, look what we had brought to the world. WE"

"Yeah. She looks just like you"

"You know what I like most about her?" Jessie said,

"No, what?"

"Well...she has a little bit of me, and most important, a little bit of you"

"Every time I look at her, I see you. I don't regret eating that rare candy a bit. Look what it had gave to us…"

"I always had faith in you James. I never thought for a second that you'll do something wrong to me. I trust you"

"I always had faith that I'll find you. No matter what"

"What I said earlier, it isn't true. I want to have more kids with you. I want to spend my life with you. It wasn't the rare candy that brought us together, it was our faith in each other."

"Jessie, let's call her Faith"

"Yes. Hey little one, you're Faith Rosewood"

"Look Jessie, it's snowing"

"Happy Christmas honey, I love you"

"I love you too. And I've got you for Christmas exactly what you wanted".



"Next!" a voice called, and a teenager with black hair walked into the big white room.

"Excuse me, is this the Rosewood estate?" He asked.

"Yes" a black haired secretary looked at him from the computer.

"Did you came to see Dr. Rosewood?"


"What for?"

"Well, people are saying that he can enter ambitious pokemon trainers in the pokemon league"

"Yes, it's true"

"So, can you please let me in?"

"Yes, in a second" she dialed a number and said "Dr. Rosewood, another pokemon trainer is here to see you"

"What's his name?" a manly voice asked,

"What's you're name?" the secretary asked the boy, and when he answered her, she said to Pr. Rosewood,

"It's Mr. Ash Ketchum. Why are you laughing sir?" a quizzical look appeared on the secretary's face.

"Okay, he can let you in" she said, "the first door to the right"


Ash came to a big room that looked like a lab and in the middle of the table a young man, maybe 21 sat behind a big desk, rolling with laughter. Ash came closer and saw who he was, he almost fell to the floor. "JAMES?" Ash asked suprisingly,

"T...that's right" James said between laughs.

"What are you doing here? Where's Dr. Rosewood? Did you kidnapped him?"

"As a matter of fact, I AM Dr. Rosewood" James said, still chuckling.


"Well, that's easy. I worked as an assistant to Dr. Stonewall. And when he retired, he left me to fill his place, and here I am"

"This little...Oh I wish I..." a muttering sounded from one of the doors, and a fried Meowth came in.

"What's the matter? The oven blew up in your face?"

James asked with a smirk, but before he could answer, a little 3-year-old girl came into the room. She had a red shoulder length hair, and deep green eyes, a cute little Pichu walked behind her.

"Daddy, look what Meowth did to Pichu!"

"What honey?" James asked in warm tone,

"I did nothin'! It's that little Pichu! He shocked me, AGAIN! Oh this little..."

"Meowth..." James glared at him.

"Oh, I'll get ya this time!" Meowth cried as he started chasing Pichu around the lab, and ran through an open door.

"Pi!" Pichu cried joyfully as they ran out of the room. The little girl sat on James' lap and started laughing as James chuckled appreciatively.

"Ahem, James, who is this girl? Have you stole her and that Pichu?"

James' face became serious at once.

"As a matter of fact, no. This is my little daughter, Faith. And that Pichu is a sick Pichu that I found and cured".

"But..." Ash started saying, when a voice cut him off.

"No Ms. McBeal. I don't care if that dancing baby kept you up all night, we have a trial to do, and I'm a very busy woman!" Jessie said and shut her cell phone.

"Mummy! Mummy!" Faith yelled, as Jessie picked her up,

"Oh, another pokemon trainer" she said and gave Ash something, not even looking at him.

"Here's my visiting card. I'm Mrs. Rosewood, and I'm a licensed lawyer. Take it, maybe you'll need this."

"Umm...honey, look up" James said,

"Yeah, what...Oh my god! Look what the wind had brought!" Jessie said with a grimace on her face.

"Team Rocket! What have you done now? Where's Dr. Rosewood? And why is this girl calling Jessie 'mummy'?"

"How dumb can you get?" James yelled at Ash. It was starting to be annoying.

"Look kid, I AM Dr. Rosewood, Jessie is a famous lawyer and my wife, and this is OUR daughter Faith. Do you understand?"

"Umm...kinda...What's about the kid?"

"Okay, remember when I came to the pokemon center once with Meowth, yelled some stuff about someone kidnapped Jessie and then hitting you?"

"Oh yeah, I remember that clearly..."

"Well, Jessie was pregnant at this time with Faith. She spent the last month before having Faith in some creepy dungeon. A few hours after I freed her, she had Faith. Get it?"

"Err...yeah" Ash seemed he didn't understand a thing.

"James, honey, I have a free afternoon..." Jessie said with a seductive smile.

"Oh, then I'll be there" James answered with the same smile.

"Faith, honey, go play with Meowth and Pichu, okay?" Jessie said,

"Okay, bye mummy and daddy! Bye strange boy!" Faith said as she ran out of the room.

"Joanne, I'm taking the afternoon off. You can take the afternoon off too if you want" James said to the phone.

"Okay Jess, let's go get" He turned to Jessie and smiled.

"Hey, what about me?" Ash said with despair,

"What about you?" James asked, annoyed.

"Well, if you can get me into the pokemon league"



"Well, remember that story about the kidnapped Jessie earlier?"


"That's why"

"But it's not fair!" Ash started whining,

"So, sue me" James answered and walked out of the room with Jessie.