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Just Friends? Part 2
Just Friends?
Enchanted Eevee
Part 2

“Mark?!” Jessie cried with shock.
“Yes. Jessie, I’m back”
Now James remembered. Mark was with them is the bike gang, she broke up with him just before they joined Team Rocket. She broke up with him because… he cheated on her with someone else from the gang.
“What are you doing here?” Jessie asked, surprised.
“I still love you.”
“What? How? When? Why? We…we were a couple like two years ago”
“I know, but after you left I suddenly realized that you were the only girl I have ever loved.”
“Well, you certainly didn’t show it when you cheated on me with Cindy. And suddenly I’m the only girl you have ever loved?”
Jessie’s voice was mixed with venom and sadness.
“I know I was a jerk. I was a fool, but now I see, you’re the only one for me. Please Jessie, please take me back”
“I…I don’t know Mark. I can’t just forget what you did to me”
“Let’s take a walk tomorrow. Just a walk, that’s all. If after that you still wouldn’t want me, I’ll accept that. But please, give me just one more chance."
‘Please say no, please say no, please say no’ James prayed silently, ‘please say no, please say no, please say no, please say…’
“Okay, but just one walk. Meet me here tomorrow at 12 A.M”
“Okay, you won’t regret it” Mark said and closed the door.
Jessie looked at the door for a few minutes, and then walked to her room, forgetting completely that James had to tell her something.
James, Jeremy, and Jennifer sat in the living on a shiny afternoon, waiting for Jessie.
“James, don’t look now out of the window” Jeremy whispered to James. Of course, James looked.
“Ohhh nooooooo” he moaned. Jessie and Mark were kissing near the door to the apartment. After a minute or so they broke the kiss and Jessie walked into the apartment, a dreamy look on her face.
“What was that?” James asked her, “Did you forget what he did to you?”
“I know, I know. I know it’s wrong and I should’ve dumped him, but it was so good and so familiar. It felt so good! It’s like the old times. The good old times”
“So, what are you going to do now?” Jennifer asked.
“I’ll stick with him. I think he’s changed”
“Hey, what can you do against bad luck?” James asked,
“I don’t know” Jessie answered, “Why are you asking?”
“Oh, I had some bad luck lately”
“It’s probably in your head” Jessie said,
“I wish”, James whispered to himself.
“What did you say?”
“I said…erm…I love fish.”
After a week and a half…
“Guys, guys, I need to tell you something”
Jennifer rushed in the living room, where the guys and Meowth sat and ate (how surprising).
“What’s wrong?” Jeremy asked,
“Mark made a pass on me”
James choked on a peanut.
“WHAT?!” James yelled in unison.
“What, what’s wrong?” Jessie came out of her room.
“Err…we just found out that something sad happened in ‘Days of Our Lives’. How surprising!” James made a lame excuse.
“Okay, whatever. I’m going to take a shower now”
They all waited until they heard the water running in the shower, and then stared at Jennifer.
“How?” Jeremy asked,
“Well, I was just in waiting in the line in the grocery and I felt something on my butt. At first I thought it was because of the crowded line. Then I turned around and saw that the line wasn’t crowded and that Mark’s hand was on my butt. I told him to knock it off. Then he asked me if I wanted to go with him to dinner, and I answered that no, because he’s dating Jessie. He said that he wouldn’t miss a catch like me cuz I have a great butt and a great front. So I threw a watermelon at him and ran off.”
“I told Jessie that he was goof for nothing!” James said. “What are we going to do now?”
“Well, I think dat we need ta tell her, ya moron!”
Later that evening…
“Hi Jessie”
“Hi Jennifer. Where is everybody?”
“They went to buy some more food”
“Figures. Listen, can you help me with this zipper? Mark is going to be here soon”
“Look Jessie, I need to tell you something”
“O.K. I have three things that describe me the most.
One, my friends are the most important thing to me.
Two, I always tell the truth to my friends.
Three, I make the best oatmeal cookies”
“Okay…what were you drinking?”
“Just listen, please”
Jennifer took a cookie out of her pocket and gave it to Jessie.
“Oh my god!” Jessie said after she tasted the cookie, “It’s the best oatmeal cookie I have ever had!”
“That shows that I always tell the truth to my friends and that I make the best oatmeal cookies. Jessie it’s very hard for me, but I need to tell you something.”
“You can tell me”
“Okay…Mark made a move on me”
There was a stunned silence.
“Are you okay?” Jennifer asked,
“No... Oh! I feel so stupid! Oh, I think about the other day with you guys and I was all ‘Oh, Mark, he's so great, he makes me feel so...’ Oh, God, I'm so embarrassed!”
“I'm so embarrassed, I'm the one he hit on!”
“Jen, if I had never met him this never would have happened!”
“I'm so sorry!”
“No I'm sorry!”
“No I'm sorry!”
“No I'm sorry!”
“No, wait, oh, what are we sorry about?”
“I don't know...right, he's the pig!”
“Such a pig!”
“Oh, God, he's such a pig,”
“Oh he's like a...”
“He's like a big disgusting...”
“Like a...”
”Pig...pig man!”
“Yes, good! Ok...”
“Oh, but he was my pig did I not see this?”
“Oh! I know! It's because... he's gorgeous, and he's charming, and when he looks at you...”
“OK, OK, Jen...”
”The end.”
“Oh, God…”
“Should I not have told you?”
“No, no, trust, me, it's…it's…it's…much better that I know.”
“It’s not you fault Jess, it’s all his fault” Jennifer hugged Jessie,
“Uh, I just liked it better before it was better...”
“So, how did it go?” James asked Jennifer. They were in Jeremy and Jennifer’s apartment, not far from Jessie and James’.
“I think she took it pretty well. You know Mark over there right now, so...we should get over there and see if she's okay.”
“What are you still doing here?” Jeremy hissed to James,” She just broke up with the guy, it's time for you to swoop in!”
“What, now?”
“Yes, now is when you swoop! You gotta make sure that when Mark walks out of there, the first guy Jessie sees is you, She's gotta know that you're everything he's not! You're like, like the anti-Mark!
She's distraught. You're there for her. You pick up the pieces, and then you usher in the age of James!”
They went out of Jeremy and Jennifer’s apartment and entered Jessie and James’ apartment. Jessie and Mark were at the balcony. Everybody could see what was going on, because the balcony had a glass door.
“How's it going?” James asked,
“Don't stare.” Jennifer looked at the balcony door, ”Now there's just a lot of gesturing and arm waving, Now Jessie is gesturing with hands in front of her chest. Ok, that is either ‘how could you?’ Or ‘enormous breasts!’ Here he comes!”
Mark came out of to the living room and approached the door.
“Well, bye” Mark said awkwardly,
“Oh, ok bye-bye.” Jennifer answered coldly.
“Mark, I-I just want to tell you and I think I speak for everyone when I say...” James slammed the door in Mark’s face.
“Oh, look at her.” Jennifer stared at the balcony.
“I think that somebody should go there. You know, be here for her” Jeremy said and glared at James.
“Oh, you're right.”
“And I really think it should be me.” James said and went to the balcony door.
“Hey.” James greeted Jessie awkwardly.
“You all right?”
“Ooh, I've been better...”
“Come here.” James hugged Jessie. ”Listen, you deserve so much better than know, I mean, you, you, you should be with a guy who knows what he has when he has you. Someone like…”
“Oh, James...”
“I am so sick of guys. I don't want to look at another guy, I don't want to think about another guy, I don't even want to be near another guy.”
“See, Jess, uh, see, I don't think that swearing off guys altogether is the answer. I really don't. I think that what you need is to develop a more sophisticated screening process.”
“No. I just need to be by myself for a while, you know? I just got to figure out what I want.”
“Uh, no, no, see, because not...not all guys are going to be a Mark”
“I know. I just need a little break”
“Uhh…If that’s what you want”
“Thank you James. You’re always there for me.”
A Month Later…
It was Jessie’s birthday, everybody except Jeremy were in the kitchen in Jessie and James’ apartment and James entered from his room carrying a suitcase.
“How long did ya think dis party was gonna last?” Meowth snickered.
“I’m going to Saffron” James said.
“Jeez, you say one thing and…”
“No, the boss sent me and a couple of other members to a mission in Saffron. There’s nothing I can do”
“Ugh. That’s such a shame!”
“Yeah, I know. Where’s Jessie? I wanna wish her happy birthday before I’ll go”
“She’s having drinks with Theodore”
“Who’s Theodore?”
“He’s this guy that she met at the coffeehouse near the HQ”
“Uh…okay. Where’s Jeremy?”
“He’s in the living room, watching TV and NOT helping us”
“Okay. Well, bye”
James went to Jeremy and turned the TV off so Jeremy could look at him.
“Jessie is seeing a guy named Theodore”
“How could she do that when she doesn’t show any interest in you?! I’m telling you James, it’s never going to work. You tried, it didn’t work, it’s time to move on”
“I’m going to Saffron”
“You don’t have to take it THAT hard!”
“No, the boss is sending me and a couple of other members to a mission. I’ll come back in like a week. Give my present to Jessie and wish her happy birthday from me, okay?”
“Bye. I’m almost missing my plane”
At the Evening…
“Okay, who wants the salad I made?” Jennifer asked, “Meowth, it’s not going to be like last year! The tomatoes are fresh!”
“Okay, okay, food later. Presents first!” Jessie said and they all sat on the couch.
“Okay, this one is from Meowth.” Jessie opened the present and her face fell; “It’s a…lot of cat food. Why did you buy me this?”
“So I can have it!”
“Well, that’ll be instead of your birthday present. Don’t give me that look, I was only kidding! For your birthday I’ll buy a dress…
O.K, this one’s from Jennifer. Wow! That’s a great shirt! Thank you! Meowth, you should take some notes about presents.
And that one’s from Jeremy…a…food mixer?!”
“Yeah, cuz I…broke your old one”
“You’ll be getting a new set of makeup for your birthday. And what’s that present?”
“That’s the present from James. The boss sent him to a mission in Saffron and he’ll be there for about a week”
“Uh…” Jessie opened the small present, and her eyes widened, “Oh my god…oh my god…” she mumbled.
“What’s wrong?”
“It was like, months ago, and we were passing by this jewelry store, and I said how much I loved that necklace that I saw there. I can’t believe he remembered! It probably cost him a fortune”
“C’mon! If love was measured by jewelry, you’d be having the whole store here!”
“What did you say?”
Jeremy suddenly realized what he was saying.
“Before that?”
“James loves me?!”
“Oh no…no, no, no, no…”
“’Course he loves ya! Every fool can see dat! I mean, he’s always gawking at ya and doesn’t miss a chance ta be close ta you! And I never saw you object either”
“Well, I always had this crush on him, but I thought that it would never work, cuz you know, he’s gentle and caring and sweet, and I’m…well, not. And he loves me too…when will he be coming back?”
“Next week”
“I’m going to meet him”
After a Week…
Jessie was waiting for James at the airport. She felt butterflies in her stomach, and she was very nervous. She stretched her neck and saw him walk to the lobby talking to a girl with black hair and brown eyes. Then…Jessie couldn’t believe her eyes. James kissed that girl.

To Be Continued…

Author’s Comments: Bet ya didn’t expect that, now did ya?
James’ remark about Mark- ‘goof for nothing’ needs to be ‘goof’ and not ‘good’, it’s a pun!
Well, I’ll finish the 3rd and the final part soon (I don’t have THAT much to write!)
Anyway, I wanna apologize for the spelling and/or grammar mistakes for all of the chapters, cuz I know there are mistakes!
Okay, bye!
Yeah, and Jessie and James are over 18 in this chapter- you’ll find out why in the next part.