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Just Friends? Part 3
Just Friends?
Enchanted Eevee
Part 3

Jessie pinched herself. Was this an illusion? And maybe that guy wasn’t even James; maybe he’s just a guy that looks like him. Jessie prayed that that was the reason, but the guy waved at her- it WAS James.
“Hi Jess!” he said happily when he and that girl walked to where Jessie stood.
“Hi…James” Jessie’s mind worked fast. What? Who? When? Where? WHY?
“I want you to meet Lindsey. Lindsey, this is Jessie, my best friend. Jessie, this is my new girlfriend, Lindsey.”
“Hi” Lindsey said awkwardly. She had a melodic voice.
“Hi” Jessie said and her eyes flashed angrily.
“So…let’s all head to the HQ, OK?”
“Yeah James, that would be good. The flight made me SO tired!”
“Yeah, whatever” Jessie grumbled and wished that something heavy would fall on Lindsey. ‘How could he?! He loves me!’ Jessie thought, ‘or maybe he loved me?’
Jessie burst through the door. (Of course) Jennifer, Jeremy and Meowth sat in the living room, waiting for Jessie and James.
“So, is James a good kisser?” Jennifer asked with a smirk.
Jessie growled. She ran all the way from the parking lot to tell the guys what she just saw, and she was very out of breath.
“James…” she gasped for air, “James…Lindsey…kiss…airport…coming now…”
As on cue, the door opened and James walked in, holding hands with Lindsey.
“Hi guys, what’s up?”
An awkward silence spread around the room.
“Uh…Erm…Okay” Jennifer answered at last, still shocked.
“I want you to meet Lindsey, she’s my new girlfriend. Lindsey, I want you to meet Jeremy, Jennifer, and Meowth”
“Hiya” Meowth said awkwardly.
“Wow! He can talk?! You’re so cute!” Lindsey exclaimed and scratched behind Meowth’s ears and he purred.
“Well, I AM kinda cute” he said.
“So, how did you meet Lindsey?”
“Well, we were together in the mission, and the boss paired us as a temporary team. And then we hit it off”
More uneasy silence.
“You won’t believe what happened when we drove to the airport!” James broke the silence.
“Yeah”, Lindsey chimed in, “We were on our way to the airport, and we were in this really crowded bus, and…”
“And the Ditto fell on her head!” Jessie interrupted, laughing. “What? Did I ruin the story? Sorry!”
“Never mind, I need to go to my place. I need the rest.”
“Okay. Bye Lindsey” James said and kissed her. Jessie made puking noises.
“Jess, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m…fine”
After a Month…
“Ugh! I can’t stand it! It makes me sick!”
Jessie, Jennifer, Jeremy, and Meowth sat in the kitchen and watched James and Lindsey, who were in the living room and were…busy.
“Calm down Jess”
“How could I? I mean, it’s like, get a room!”
“She’s kinda nice ya know”
“One scratch behind the ears and you’re suddenly Lindsey’s number one fan!”
“Okay, okay. Jeez, ya can at least be nice ta her”
“Meowth is right you know”
“Jen, how could I? She’s the only thing that stopping me from being with James!”
“Look, all I mean is…my beeper just beeped”
“You can use the phone in my room”
“Okay, thanks.”
“So Jeremy, what should I do?”
It took Jeremy several minutes to think of an answer. “Well, I think that…”
Jennifer who came out of Jessie’s room interrupted him.
“Bad news Jer. The boss wants us on a mission and he wants us in his office now. You too Meowth.”
“Are you going to be alright Jess?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about me, I’ll just try and kill myself quietly in my room”
James and Lindsey went to the movies. It was nearly 11 P.M and Jessie couldn’t sit around anymore, so she walked out to take out the trash. She was on her way back and she stopped to look at the moon.
“It’s SO unfair!” She mumbled to herself, “I should be with James, not that bitch!”
Suddenly she heard faint footsteps behind her. Her body tensed.
The footsteps came nearer and someone laid a hand on Jessie’s shoulder. As a reflex, she took the hand with her own and twisted it, while punching the person’s stomach with her other hand.
“Ouch!” someone cried. It was a familiar voice. She turned around and saw…James.
“James! What are you doing here? Ow! I’m so sorry!”
“I…I…” he panted, clutching his stomach, “I…was coming back from Lindsey’s and…and I saw you”
“Sorry, it was a reflex”
She helped him straighten up and found herself inches from his face.
“Jessie, I wanted to ask you something”
Jessie’s heart leaped. Is it what she thinks it is? “Yeah?”
“Lindsey and I are celebrating our one month anniversary, and I don’t know what to buy for a girl, and, well…you’re a girl”
Jessie’s heart sank very fast. She became angry and stepped away from him.
“Well…” suddenly an idea came to her head, and she smiled unpleasantly. “I think that the best thing you could buy for your anniversary is…well, first you need to give her dried up flowers.”
“Yeah, the driest you can find. Girls LOVE that, they…smell good”
“Okay…what else?”
“Well…a very good present would be a Dr.Seuss book”
“WHAT?! Is that what girls like?!”
“Yeah, yeah, sure!”
“Okay, I can trust you. I’ll NEVER understand girls!”
James came in the door and Jessie, who was in the living room, saw him. She smiled to herself. ‘After my advises That little whore should break up with him by now’, she thought.
“How did the anniversary went?”
“Oh, it was…great!”
Jessie’s eyes widened. “Yeah? Did she like the presents?”
“Yes, she LOVED them! She said that she thought that dried up flowers smelled good, and that ‘Dr.Seuss’ was her favorite book as a kid”
“Yeah! Thank you Jess, you’re the best!”
He hugged her and went to his room, leaving her alone.
“You did WHAT?!” Jennifer yelled. She and Jessie went to a coffeehouse near the HQ and Jessie told her about what happened with James.
“It certainly was MY worst idea of a present! Ugh, why does his girlfriend has to be such a weirdo?”
“Jessie, calm down”
“You’re always telling me to calm down, but I can’t! I need to be with him, ME! Not that little slut!”
“No, it’s so annoying! I see her ugly face almost every day, and when I don’t see her James is always going on about her: ‘ooh, Lindey’s so pretty, Lindsey’s so special, Lindsey’s so smart, Lindsey’s so funny!’ I had enough of it!”
“Jess, they have no future! They started going out after like a week, they don’t know anything about each other! I’m telling you, it’ll end up soon”
“But what if it won’t?” Jessie voice broke, “What if…if…they’re going to get married or somethin’? What will happen then? You know what I realized? I realized that I don’t have a crush on James, I love him. I really really love him. I automatically hated his girlfriends, even if they were my friends, and I always liked being close to him. I love him, and he loved me. What can I do?”
“Jess, he loved you like crazy, but he got over you. I think it’s time for you to get over him”
After a Month and a Half…
“Jess, don’t look”
The gang sat in the kitchen, and saw James kissing Lindsey in the balcony.
“What? C'mon you guys, I don't care, I have a date tonight.”
Jeremy’s spoon missed his open mouth.“What?”
“Yeah, Jennifer is settin' me up.”
“But uh, uh, what about uh, James and uh... “
“Oh what, my whole insane jealousy thing? Well, y'know, as much fun as that was, I've decided to go for sanity.”
“So you really OK about all this?”
“Oh yeah, c'mon, I'm movin' on. He can press her up against that door as much as he wants. For all I care, he can throw her through the damn thing.”
James and Lindsey came through the door.
“Hey, do you know a good pet store?”
“Why do you ask James?”
“We're getting a dog.”
Jessie’s mouth opened, “Together?”
“Uh huh.”
“Both of you?”
“Yeah, we figure it'll live with Lindsey half the time, and with me half the time."
“Ohh, well, isn't that just lovely. That's something the two of you will be able to enjoy for a really, really, really, really, really long time.”
“Well...Woah, look at that! I gotta go, I gotta date. With a guy. Um, OK, you guys have a really…uh…have a really good night and you two have a…uh…have a…uh…really good dog.”
Jessie and her date, Tom sat in a fancy restaurant.
“I don't know if Jennifer told you but this is the first date I've gone on since I broke up with my girlfriend. So, if I seem a little nervous, I am.”
“How long do dogs live?”
“I'm sorry?”
“Dogs, how long do they live figuring you don't... y'know, throw 'em under a bus or something?”
“Um, maybe 15, 16 years”.
“That's just great.”
Jessie picked up her champanage glass, “Um, cheers.” Tom said awkwardly and picked up his glass too.
“Oh, right, clink.” Jessie said mindlessly and drank it with one gulp.
“Jennifer told you I was cuter that this, didn't she?”
“Oh, no, Tom, it's not you. I'm sorry, it's just, it's this thing. It's probably not as bad as it sounds but this friend of mine is, is getting a dog with his girlfriend.”
“Oh, that does sound . . .Ahh.”
“I mean, he just started going out with her.”
“ Is this guy, uhh, an old boyfriend?”
“Ah, hah-hah-hah-ho, yeah, he wishes. Oh, I'm sorry, look at me. OK, Tom, let's talk about you.”
“OK, OK. So, did you ever get a pet with a girlfriend?”
Later That Evening…
Jessie was obviously drunk. “I mean, it's a dog, y'know, it's a dog. Why can't they get one of those bugs, y'know, one of those fruitflies, those things that live for like a day or something? What're they called, what're they called, what're they called?”
“Yes! Thank you.”
A waiter came to their table “ So, would you like any dessert?”
“No! No dessert, just a check, please.”
“Oh, you're not having fun, are you?”
“No, no, I am, but only because for the last hour and a half I've been playing the movie Diner in my head.”
“Oh, look at me, look at me. Oh, I'm on a date with a really great guy, all I can think about is James and his dog and his... Lindsey. I just want to get over him. Gosh, why can't I do that?”
“Oy. Look, I've been through a breakup, trust me you're gonna be fine. You just can't see it now because you haven't had any closure.”
“Yeah! Closure. That's what it is, that's what I need. God, you're brilliant! Why didn't I think of that? How do I get that?”
“Well, you know, there's no one way really, it's just, you know, whatever it takes so that you can finally say to him, ‘I'm over you’.”
Jessie turned around to a girl that sat behind her and snatched her cellular phone.
“I’ll give it back in a minute” she said. She dialed the number and waited. “No one’s home, I’ll live a message…I’m just waiting for the beep…James, hi, it's Jessie. I'm just calling to say that um, everything's fine and I'm really happy for you and your dog who, by the way, I think you should name Tom. And, you know, ya see that there I'm thinking of names. So obviously, I am over you. I am over you and that, my friend, is what they call closure.” Jessie hung up the phone with triumph.
In the Morning…
Jessie crawled out of her bed and dragged herself to the kitchen. James stood there and ate breakfast.
“How was the date?”
“Well, I think there was a restaurant…I KNOW there was wine”
“Wow, well uh, uh, actually, Lindsey’s downstairs getting a cab, I’ll just eat my breakfast, did you see the . . . What? Why, why are you looking at me like that?
“I don't know, I, I feel like I had a dream about you last night but I, I don't remember.”
“Uh. I came late from the movies with Lindsey and heard the phone ring but I didn’t answer cuz I was tired. I’ll check the messages.”
“Okay.” Jessie went to the fridge to pour herself some milk.
“Jess, you left a message…who’s Tom?”
Then it hit Jessie. “Oh no…oh my god…James hang up the phone. Hang up the phone!” Jessie jumped on James’ back, grabbed the phone and threw it on the floor. She climbed down from James’ back, leaving him stunned.
“You’re over me? How can you be over me? When were you…under me?”
“Ohh, OK, OK, OK, well, basically, I've uh…I've uh…sort of had feelings for you.”
“You've had feelings for me?”
“Yeah, what, so? You had feelings for me first!”
“Whoa. Huh. You know about my, I mean, you know I had... you know?”
“Jeremy told me.”
“Jeremy. When did he... when did he... when did he?”
“When you were in Saffron.”
“Meeting Lindsey.”
“Lindsey. Lindsey. That. Oh God. Lindsey, right. OK, I need to lie down. No, ya know, I'm gonna stand. I'm gonna stand, I'm gonna walk, I'm walkin' and I am standing. OK so you uh, and now wha... and now, now, now you're over me?”
“Are you over me?”
There was a very tensed silence. Suddenly the doorbell rang.
”That's, that's Lindsey. Lin... Lindsey, Lindsey.”
“Wait, so, you're going?”
“Well, OK, I uh, I have to. I can't deal with this right now. I mean, I've uh, y'know, I've got a cab, I've got a girlfriend, I'm... I'm gonna go get a dog.”
“OK, OK.”
And with that he left.
At the Evening…
Jessie watched Ricky Lake, the topic was ‘I have an overweight problem and I’m very sad’ (how VERY surprising, cuz, you know, it’s never on the show). Suddenly James came in. he looked very confused and kinda angry. Jessie looked at him, not knowing what to do.
“I didn’t get a dog”
“No, it’s not O.K, it’s definitely not O.K. It’s 200 percent the opposite of O.K, it’s…”
“James, I get it”
“You had NO right to tell me you love me!”
Jessie’s mind pounded. How DARE he say that?! She never felt so angry in her life. Well, and sad.
“I did perfectly good with Lindsey before I found about you!”
“Well, I did perfectly great before I found out about you. You think it’s easy for me to see you with Lindsey?!”
“Well how come you didn’t tell me before?”
“Because I didn’t know you loved me! Why didn’t you tell me you loved me?”
“Because…cuz there was never a good time!”
“What?! We hung out every day and night for years!”
“Not…not every day and night…And…and…Jess, it’s not like I didn’t try. But someone was always in the way. Y’know, like French guys, and ex-boyfriends, and…and French guys…”
“There was one French guy! And anyway, what’s your point?”
“My point is that…that I don’t need this right now, this ship has sailed”
“And what do you except me to do? To just keep hiding my feelings?!”
“I’ve been doing this for years, I’ve gotten pretty damn good at it!”
“Well, it was like that for me too! I thought you didn’t love me. In fact, I thought that you hated me! Because I was so mean and hit you and Meowth all the time! I hid my feelings too, and I did it for years until I found out that you loved me too!”
“It was like that for me too! You know what?! I probably still love you! I’m probably dating Lindsey so I could forget about you! I thought I had no chance with you!”
“Well, you think too much! Couldn’t you just say it?!”
“You know what?! O.K! Jessie, I love you! Here, I said it. I LOVE YOU!!!!”
“Well, in that case, James, I LOVE YOU TOO!!! DID YOU HEAR THAT?! I LOVE YOU TOO!”
And he did.

It’s not The End, it’s just the beginning.

Author’s Note: Tah-Dum! The trilogy is finished, and who knows, maybe I’ll do a sequel.
Hope u liked it!