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The Road to Mandalay/ Enchanted Eevee

After yet another day of chasing after the twerps and blasting off, we went to our camp. It was cold, and rain started to drop. I saw Jessie shiver.

“Jess? Are you alright?” I asked,

“Of course I am” She answered, still shivering.

I chuckled slightly. Of course she’ll say that she’s fine. For some reason it was hard for her to trust people, and tell them how she really feels. I hope that she can trust me. I know I trust her. As we continued, I saw her hug herself. Poor thing. Why don’t they make uniforms for the winter? She has such a revealing outfit. Well, I kinda like looking at her, I mean, who wouldn’t? She’s so beautiful! Look at her, she tries to warm herself up. I wish I could go and wrap my arms around her, making her warm, but I knew that in that case Jessie will probably hit me with her trusty mallet, or just yell at me, and Meowth will torment me until next year. I signed. Why does it have to be so hard? Why can’t I just go there and tell her? Well, I know. Maybe she’ll hit me or yell at me for laughing at her, or just say that she doesn’t love me back? No, she couldn’t love me. Not as much as I love her. Here’s the camp. We crawl under our sleeping bags.

“Goodnight Jessie”

“Goodnight James”

Well, maybe there’s still hope. There always is. That was my last thought before I drifted to sleep.


I woke up to a chilly cloudy morning; Jessie made up for the chilliness, cuz when I saw her sleep a warm feeling spread around my body. She looked so peaceful when she was sleeping, like an angel. I hope one day she would be my angel. She stirred and opened her beautiful blue eyes.

“Morning Jessie”

“Morning James” she pulled her nose and then sneezed.

“Jess, are you alright?”

“Yeah, of course I am. It’s kinda cold here, don’t you think?”

Well, the weather was chilly, but not cold.

“Jessie, maybe you’re coming up with a cold”

“Nonsense. I’m feeling fine…a…aaa…PCHI!”

“What’s up?” Meowth woke up and went to our sleeping bags.

“Nothing” She was starting to get irritated.

“Jess, maybe we’ll find a cabin and stay there for the day. You could be coming up with something”

“No James I…. APCHU!”

“Ya sound like a Pikachu”

“Stop it! I’m feeling perfectly fine, and Pikachu is just what we’re gonna catch today, I just need a cup of coffee”

“Jess, James is right. Maybe ya should need ta rest taday”

Maybe Meowth is picking on us sometimes, but he really is a good friend.

“I said no! What don’t you two numbskulls don’t understand?! I’m not resting anywhere! All I need is a cup of coffee, and that’s it!”

“But…” I tried to protest.

“No but! So would you please make us some breakfast? I’m starving”

Hmm…Try standing against Jessie, I thought as I went to my backpack, there’s just no use.


“Okay, let’s go”

Jessie commended us. Now she didn’t just sneeze, she coughed. And not those little coughs, but it’s like something-is-stuck-in-her-throat kinda coughs.


“I said, No!”

Like I said, there’s just no use. Guess we better get going.

“Okay. By this time da twerps should be in route 34, but cuz I know dat last time Ash was wid da map, dey’re probably on route 26”

“Good thinking Meowth, let’s get going”

“Jessie, you’re shivering. Maybe we should take a blanket”

THUD! Ouch! Okay, that hurts!

“James, how many time do I have to tell you? ~cough~, I’m not ~cough~ sick! ~cough~”

Okay, is this denial or what? I mean, she’ll catch a cold! But, there’s no use messing with Jessie.

“Now let’s get going!”


“Prepare for trouble!”

“And make it double!”

“To protect the world from devastation!”

“To unite all people within our nations!”

“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”

“To extend our reach to the stars above!”



“Team Rocket, blast off with the speed of light!”

“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”

“Meowth! Dat’s right”

“Oh no! It’s Team Rocket!”

No, it’s the three stooges! ‘Cmon! We’re chasing after those brats for almost a year!

“Hand over the Pikachu ~cough~ kid!”

“No! You’ll never take my Pikachu! Pikachu, thunder shock!”


Why does it sound so painfully familiar?

“Team Rocket’s blasting off again!”

Yep folks, that’s what we do for living. Fun, huh? BANG! Ouch, that hurts, yet again. I look around for Jessie and Meowth. Meowth is over there, at the bushes, and Jessie…oh no, she hit a rock! I run to her.

“Jessie! Jess! Wake up!”

She’s not waking up…she has blood on her head. I start shaking her.

“Jessie! Come on! Wake up”

I feel Meowth’s paw on my shoulder.


“No Meowth…she’s alive…” Tears are dwelling up in my eyes. I can’t lose my best friend! I can’t lose the only girl I have ever loved…

“Jimmy, we gotta take her to da nearest hospital”

I pick her in my arms. Even then, she is so tragically beautiful.

“’Cmon Meowth, let’s find a hospital, quick”

The nearest hospital was the pokemon center, so we had to go there. I couldn’t watch her, just couldn’t. Blood drifted on her perfect face, and her eyes were closed. I’d give anything to see those eyes again open, looking at me. As I held her limp body in my arms I knew that there was not much time. She’s been hurt very badly. We came to the pokemon center, and when nurse Joy saw us, a look of terror spread on her face.

“Oh no, it’s Team Rocket!” She said and reached for her emergency button.

Oh, I didn’t have time for that. Jessie’s life is in danger!

“Look lady, spare your words. My friend’s life is in danger, so the least you can do is help us”

“But you’re Team Rocket”

“Look here nursey, dis is our friend. She’s a human being too, and if she won’t get help soon…” Meowth’s voice trailed off. God, I didn’t want to think about it.

“Alright, I’ll help you,” She said. “Wow, she’s in a pretty bad condition”

Some nurse, everyone could see that. She brought a stretcher, and as much as I didn’t want to let go of her, I had to. I sat in the waiting room, and watched at the red sign that said ‘Emergency Room’. I buried my head in my hands. All I had to do now is wait.


I couldn’t sit, so I just walked around. Meowth sat on one of the chairs, and started polishing his charm. I knew that he was as nervous as I was. I walked back and forth, back and forth, for like an hour. Every 5 seconds I looked at the red sign, but every time it was still on. God, I’m so worried. How is Jessie doing there? Will she be alright? I sat down. Then I heard three voices that I really didn’t want to hear.

“I’m hungry” a whiny boy said,

“Hold on Ash, Joy will give us some food” a whiny girl told him.

“Where is nurse Joy? I bet she’s as pretty as the other ones!” A teenager exclaimed.

I heard them coming around the corner, and then they saw us. Rage was building up inside of me.

“You!” I pointed at Ash.

My cheeks became red, and I could feel fire burning in my eyes.

“Me?” He looked confused, and kinda scared.

“It’s all because of you! If you didn’t blast us off Jessie would be here, and not in that damn emergency room, fighting for her life!”

I never felt so angry in my life. There he was, wearing a dumb look, like he doesn’t know what’s going on.


“You heard me, it’s all because of you!”

I picked him up by the collar, ready to punch him.

“No!” Misty yelled.

He had a look of pure horror in his eyes.

“James, what are ya doin’?”

“Meowth, it’s all because of him!”

I heard ringing in my ears, and got ready to punch him. Suddenly, the ‘emergency room’ light went out. As nurse Joy came out, I dropped Ash on the floor, forgetting about him.

“You may come in,” Nurse Joy said.


I couldn’t look at her. She lay in a white bed, and a lot of tubes were stuck in her mouth, and heavy pieces of machinery stood around her. Her beautiful mane of red hair spread around her, and her eyes were closed. She was pale. She looked so peaceful.

“How is she?” I asked Nurse Joy, afraid from the answer.

“Well, she had a pretty bad hit, and she had a flu, so it doesn’t look very good. Now she’s in a coma”


I looked at Meowth and he looked at me. I knew that he was as scared as I was.

“I’m afraid that it’s true. For now our hands are tied. All we have to do is wait” Joy said and left. Meowth left too, wanting to leave me with Jessie.

“Jessie, oh Jessie…” I choked on my tears. I didn’t want to be brave now; all I wanted was Jessie. My Jessie.

“It’s all my fault, not Ash’s. If I insisted on finding a cabin, and made you stay there; but don’t worry; you’ll be all right. I’ll be here with you”

Now the tears flooded freely on my face as I held her hand.


I cried in amazement. She stirred.


I woke up, but I didn’t want to open my eyes. I didn’t know where I was, but it was so quiet, and peaceful.

“What the…”

I opened my eyes, and found myself in a big white place. It wasn’t a hospital, it wasn’t even in a building, and it was just an open space with a lot of white. In fact, everything was white, expect a brown road that led straight and as far as I could see.

“James? Meowth?” I called, but nobody answered.

Okay, no panic, I’ll find my way out. I started walking, and then I noticed that I wasn’t wearing my uniform, I was wearing this long white dress. Quite comfortable. I walked and I walked and I walked, until I lost the sense of time, and the strangest thing is that I wasn’t even tired, not one bit. I stopped in the middle of the road, and called



“Is anybody here?”

Silence. Then, something broke the silence. It was a feeble voice that called my name.

“Jessie…” It called. It sounded so distant.

Then the whole place began to change. The white place was starting to turn into something else, and then it all disappeared as quickly at it appeared. Okay, that was defiantly weird. I didn’t have anything better to do, so I kept on walking.


“Meowth, I’m telling you, she moved!”

“Are ya sure?”

“Yes! I was just holding her hand, and talking to her, and then she moved!”

“Maybe dat’s the answer! Keep talking ta her”

I felt hope spread around my body. Maybe Meowth is right. If I’ll keep talking to her she’ll get out of this! I hope Meowth is right, I really do.


White, white, and more white. Where the hell am I? Maybe it’s this place of some pokemon, like Balbasaur’s Garden or something, though I don’t a pokemon that’s all white. Hey! Maybe, it’s a new pokemon! And the worst thing is that I can’t find Meowth and James. I miss them. Maybe when we blasted off we landed here, and got lost. I hope I can find them. They’re my best friends, especially James. God, I love James so much. Though he can’t love me back, I still love him. I’m just not that kind of girl that James would like. He needs someone who’s quiet and nice and all, but I’m not like that. I’m loud and noisy, and I’m always mean to him. Wow, I don’t know how much time I walked; I just lost the track of time. I wasn’t tired at all; I was just a little bit sleepy. I sat on the white ground. It was really soft and nice. The minute I put my head on the ground, warmness spread all over my body. Then I fell asleep.


I didn’t move from Jessie these couple of days; I even lost my (usually big) appetite. All I did was seating near Jessie, holding her hand, and talking to her.

“Come on Jessie, you can do it. Please”

“James, I think dat ya need ta get some sleep.”

“No Meowth, I’m not tired! I want to stay here next to Jessie!”

“Aren’t ya hungry?”

“It doesn’t matter. I have to stay here Meowth. I have to”

“C’mon James, just a sandwich, ya haven’t ate fer 3 days!”


“Look, I’ll stay wit her while you’ll eat, okay? Don’t ya trust me?”

I trusted Meowth; I just didn’t want to leave Jessie. But I didn’t want to hurt Meowth’s feelings, so I went out to eat something.


Is it me, or this white place was getting darker? I guess it’s just me. It’s been like a week, though I lost the track of time. I didn’t find Meowth or James anywhere. Oh, it’s so frustrating! Sometimes I hear small voices like,

“Hang in there Jess”


“Come on Jessie, don’t leave me!”

But I didn’t see anyone since I got here, so I was probably just imagining things. I walked for a week on that road, and though it led nowhere I knew that in the end it would lead somewhere. I just knew. Maybe it’ll lead me to James and Meowth.


It’s been a week! A week that she’s in that situation. Just lying there, not alert to the things around her. It just tore my heart. Jessie was always so energetic. I missed her wonderful sapphire eyes, her beautiful smile, her lovely voice, everything. Now she was pale, and white, almost as the…dead. No, no, no, no, no, no! This thought brought tears into my eyes. She’s not dead! She’ll get through this!

“Come on Jessie, wake up, please. You can yell at me and hit me, just do something!”

I said through tears. Did she move? No, it was probably just my imagination. I wanted her back so much…


Yep, this place was definitely getting darker. Now it was in this shade of gray. Maybe it’s a sign that I’m getting closer to the exit of this damn place.

“Come on Jessie, wake up, please. You can yell at me and hit me, just do something!”

What?! It sounded like…it sounded like James. Maybe he’s somewhere near! I didn’t know why he would say such a thing, but it didn’t matter now. I started running on the road. If I heard him…that means that he’s somewhere near!

“I’m coming James!” I yelled.


Two weeks. The two longest weeks in my life. All I could do now is blame myself. It was my entire fault; If I put my foot down on staying in the cabin, she would’ve been all right. I had to be strong. For Jessie. I know that she would go through this. I believe in her. Or at least I hope.


It was getting darker here. Maybe it means that I’m getting closer to the exit. But I didn’t see James or Meowth anywhere. I heard James once, but it was a week ago. Are they here? Are they all right? Are they looking for me, or did they just run away? I miss James. His beautiful green eyes, his silky blue hair, everything. I know that they didn’t abandon me. They’re my friends. Or at least I hope.


“That Rocket girl…”

“I know, she’s in a very serious situation”

“Yeah. Been in a deep coma for three weeks”

“That guy…is he her boyfriend?”

“Maybe. He told me a once or twice that he saw her move”

“Imagination. I’m telling you, she’ll die very soon. Her results show a critical downfall”

“I know. I just don’t have the heart to tell that guy”


I dropped the mug I was holding. I just went to get myself some coffee (after Meowth threatened me with fury swipes if won’t drink something), and I heard Nurse Joy and her assistant talking. I didn’t care if the sound of the breaking glass was loud, or if the hot coffee spilled on my feet. No. She couldn’t. She can’t. Jessie couldn’t die.


This place is almost pitch black. I think that that means that the exit is near. God, I want to leave this place so much! But I can’t help myself wondering, where are James and Meowth?


A month. The longest month in my life. Is she really going to die? No. No. NO! She’s NOT going to die! What can I do to make her move again? I searched the room with my eyes, and my eyes stopped on something. A guitar. The guitar that Jessie and Meowth gave to me, to be exact. They knew that I liked playing the guitar, and I even had one. I bought my first guitar with my first paycheck, and it meant to me very much. But after a really nasty blasting off with our balloon, it broke. I was depressed for days, because it meant to me so much; I was drowning in self-pity because my guitar broke, until Jessie screamed at me to snap out of it and hit me with her mallet. 2 months after that, on my birthday, they gave me a beautiful guitar, that meant so much more than the old one. I started crying again. I want Jessie. God, I miss her so much. Suddenly a thought came to mind. I picked up my guitar.


I miss them so much! I never was away so long from James and Meowth. Did they just leave me here? No, couldn’t be. They’re my friends! As I walked on the road, black surrounding me, I thought of something. A song to be exact.


Jessie loves that song! Since she bought that Robbie Williams CD, she said it was one of her favorite songs. Of course that I learned all of the chords of this song. I played the first chord, and started singing.

Save me from drowning in the sea Beat me up on the beach What a lovely holiday There’s nothing funny left to say This sombre song would drain the sun But it won’t shine until it sung No water running in the stream The saddest place we’ve ever seen


I started humming the song. It was one of my all-time favorites, and I knew the words by heart.

Save me from drowning in the sea Beat me up on the beach What a lovely holiday There’s nothing funny left to say This sombre song would drain the sun But it won’t shine until it sung No water running in the stream The saddest place we’ve ever been

WHAT THE…?! Someone was singing the song! The voice…It sounded familiar. JAMES?!


Tears welled up in my eyes. This song reminded me of Jessie so much. Only if she could hear it…


Everything I touched was golden Everything I loved got broken On the road to Mandalay Every mistake I’ve ever made Has been rehashed and the replayed As I got lost along the way

It’s James! I’m sure of it! I started running up the road as fast as I could, he was here, and he was singing my favorite song! I followed his voice; it sounded weak, but sure of himself.

There’s nothing left for you to give The truth is all that you’re left with Twenty paces then at dawn We will die and be reborn

“James! James! I’m here! Keep singing!”

I yelled to the black. Suddenly I stopped to a halt. I came to the end of the road. There was a door at the end.

I could see green grass, and blue skies that were on the other side of the door. I started running to the door. It’s the exit! Finally, I can get out of here! And then I thought of something. James. He was still trapped here. I couldn’t leave him! Suddenly a strong wind started blowing from the door. It was sucking me in.

“NO! NO! I don’t wanna go!” I yelled as I started fighting the wind. “James! I’ll find you!”

I stopped playing. My eyes widened in shock and my heart started beating very fast. Jessie was shaking uncontrollably. Is it what people do before they…die? I held her hand.

“No Jessie! No!”

I yelled.


“No Jessie! No!” I heard him yell as I fought the wind. I had to stay here. James was here, and he gave me a new hope.

“I won’t give up!” I yelled back at him.


Her heart monitor started slowing down. Her heartbeats were very slow. I became hysteric and held her by the waist, to stop her from shaking.

“NO! Jessie, don’t go! I love you!”


My powers almost drained. I was too tired. I almost gave up, as I heard him scream.

“NO! Jessie, don’t go! I love you!”

He loved me?! I fought for the last time against the wind. I succeeded to step outside of the wind’s range. My powers drained completely, and I fell to the floor.

“I love you too…” I whispered, as the black started swirling around me, and I knew no more.


I stopped screaming. She stopped shaking. Does it means that she’s…? And then I almost fainted. Jessie opened her eyes.


Where the hell am I? It’s not the black world. I’m in a hospital. I’m in a hospital bed. James is standing above me. He looks pale and sweaty, and he’s crying like a baby.

“She’s alive! She woke up!” he yells.

“I love you James” I whispered, as everything faded to black. Before I fainted (again) I heard screams, and someone saying,

“That’s a miracle!”


I woke up. Was it a dream? Am I still in the black place? I opened my eyes. James was seating next to my bed.

“Jessie…” His voice shook.

“James, what happened?”

“A month ago we blasted off, and you hit your head, and you got into a coma. You were in a coma for a month, and everybody gave up hope…” his voice trailed, “And today you started shaking, and I thought that that was it, and then you woke up.”

I told him my story, and he stared at me, amazed.

“So I think that the song led me back to you. I think that the door was heaven. But you saved me”

Now I started crying.

“I love you James. I love you so much!”

“I love you too Jessie. More than anything.”

Then he brought his lips to mine, and kissed me. Then I knew that I picked the right road.


Author’s Comments: So, didja like it? I’m proud of this fanfic cuz I think that it’s…cool. And if there were mistakes, I’m sorry, I’m from Israel, and I’m dumb! The song that James sang to Jessie is ‘The Road to Mandalay’, by Robbie Williams (the greatest). It’s the last song on his new album, ‘Sing When You’re Winning” (Ya’ll just GOT to buy it!) Wow, I’m starting to sound like a commercial, Robbie should pay me! Anyway, that’s it for now, so stay nice, Rocketshippy, and Robbie-Loving!!