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Without the Mistletoe Without the Mistletoe
By Encahnted Eevee.

Yep, it’s the day of Christmas Eve, and our heroes are getting ready for the occasion…
“It’s almost Christmas! Yippee!” James jumped up and down on his bed, yelling with joy. Jessie also smiled.
“Yes, we get the whole day off!”
“And tink of da presents!” Meowth added.
“And the food!” James squealed.
“And the day off!”
“And da presents!”
“And the food!”
“And the…”
Alright, alright, stop it already! <
Jessie frowned, “Hey, you’re writing this crap, aren’t ya?”
Oh, yeah. Anyway, let’s continue, shall we?
“So what are we going to do?”
“I guess we’ll go to that Rocket party, like each year.”
“I sure do remember last year,” James laughed, “The boss got so drunk he started singing ‘Oops I did it Again’ on the table!”
“You’re da one to talk! After dat I remember you and Jessie drinking so much ya… well, never mind.”
“What WAS that night Meowth?!” Jessie yelled in agony, “You didn’t tell us! Why does some of the agents keep calling me ‘Show girl’?”
Oh, is that the one with the… Meowth nodded. When he and she…he nodded again, grinning.
“What THE HELL HAPPENED?!” Jessie yelled, “I’ll hit you with my mallet!” She drew it out of thin air.
Hey, you don’t know where I am. I stick my tongue at her.
“But I sure as hell can find! Oh, there you are, why I oughta…”
OUCH!!!! Hey! You know, I didn’t want to do this. Well, I actually did…
James and Mewoth exchanged apprehensive looks.
“Uh oh” Mewoth said.
“What?” Jessie yelled, “What?!”
Hmmm…O.K, the show shall begin.

Jessie sat in her frilly pink dress, and knitted something.
What could that be? Oh, how cute, these are Pokeball warmers!
But for who? We’re about to find out!
Is that steps I hear outside the caravan’s door? Why yes they are! A knock on the steel door. Now who could that be?
Jessie is bouncing to the front door and opens it. Well, looky, it’s her lovely husband, Ash Ketchum!
Better give your husband a kiss, Jessie!
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” Jessie yelled, “get me out! I’ll be good, I promise, just let me out!”
Ummm…O.K, O.K, but one more peeps out of you…
“Please!!!!!” Jessie begged on the floor.
Oh, O.K, Jessie is back in the room, it’s all ordinary for our heroes…L I really wanted to do that scene!! Uh, never mind, maybe some other time. >;-)

Well, anyway, it’s a time lapse, and it’s all ready evening.
Cuz I said so.
“You’re not going to tell about all the food we ate?”
No, now shut up, you’re interrupting the story! Or do you to spend the rest of your life with Misty? Or better, Cassidy!
“No!” James whined. His eyes became watery. “I’ll be good!”
Good. So, anyway, our heroes dressed in their best clothes (yes, yes, their Rocket outfits) and went to shake their money makers (or at least drink so much until you throw up).
The place where the party took place looked great. Look at all those decorations… Hey! What’s a cow has to with Christmas? It’s just hanging there on the wall!
“Shh!” Jessie hissed. “It’s a reindeer! Giovanni likes to make the decoration with his own hands, but…as you can see…”
“See what?” Jessie jumped when she saw who the speaker was.
“Umm…” Jessie gulped, “I was just saying…that as you can see, this is just the best reindeer I have ever saw!”
“It is, isn’t it?” Giovanni smiled. “I really tried this year.”
After he walked away, Jessie breathed a sign of relief, but not for long. A Rocket agent passed by Jessie and James and yelled, “Another show this year? I hope this year you’ll finish the song before you’ll throw up!”
“Urgh!” Jessie yelled, “What the hell happened that night? And why the hell does nobody tells nothing to Giovanni about his perfect Britney Spears impression?! He even did the routine!”
“Well, so did you.” Meowth snickered. “But if you’ll say something to Gio, he’ll let you clean Persian’s litter box for a month!”
Whatever. Well looky there, here’s the real point of this pointless story, a mistletoe!
“Oh no you won’t! I’m tired of this!” Jessie got angry (yet again) “Every year, it’s the same thing! I mean, ‘cmon! There’s like, thousands of fics, telling about the exact same thing!”
James looked hurt. “You do like it when I kiss you?”
Jessie blushed, but ignored him. “It’s almost like Poke Porn or somethin’! Kids could be reading that?”
I laughed. So you think that this is an R material? Do you wanna take a look at that? I handed her a Hentai fic.
Jessie read it and her eyes bulged.
“What the…Oh my god! And with chocolate?! And…WOW!! I’m not that bendy! Who wrote this shit? How sick!”
“Lemme see Jessie, lemme see!” James tried to peak, but Jessie just smacked him in his face. “You’re too young to see it.”
“Hey! I’m older then you by 3 whole months!”
I took it back from Jessie, who looked enraged.
Yes Jessie, and that’s not the worst of it.
“O.K, you know what? This is a lawsuit material, but I’m talking about other stuff. The kisses under the mistletoe! How corny can thousands of people be?!"
“I thought you like my kisses!” James’ eyes became watery.
Jessie had a nice shade of crimson, but continued talking.
“I mean, it’s not like a few people do that, you can a form country with all of these people and call the country ‘I’m-a-Rocketshipper-and-I-have-no-ideas-so-I-write-about- stupid-mistletoes land!”
“You bought the mistletoe last year!” James whined.
Jessie became even redder, but still continued; “Don’t people have any ideas? And how about one Christmas fic without mistletoes and kissing?! Is that too much to ask?”
"You sure didn't mind it last year," James grumbled.
Jessie turned to him, the color of her face matching her hair.
"Look James, I'm trying to prove a point here, so please just butt out of this, O.K?"
"What is da point?" Meowth asked with a smirk on his face.
Yes Jessie, what is the point. People kissing? Mistletoes? People kissing under mistletoes? Writers maybe? Or what?
"My point is... well... it'ss just disgracing, O.K? I mean, tons of people writing about James, and me every year, kissing under the mistletoe, it's just..."
"So true?" Meowth suggested.
"I get it," James said sadly, "You don't want to kiss me, right? Don't make any excuses. You just don't."
"What?! No! I mean yes, I mean, NO! I mean... URGH!"
Jessie let a scream of frustration, ran to James, and kissed him on the lips.
Wow, we didn't have to use the mistletoe. Or the threats.
"Or da alcohol" Meowth added.
Well, let them carry on with their business shall we? Because they sure look preoccupied.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year everyone!


Author's Notes: Well, what can I say? I wrote this fic partly cuz of my friend Helen's X-mas fic, and cuz of the X-mas spirit surrounding da web, and cuz I just wanted too!
I wrote it very quickly, without almost any thought (as you can see), and I just wish us all a Rocketshippy year! (I'm sure J&J will have one...)