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Pay Day/ Enchanted Eevee

Author's Note: Okay, for the ones who's reading my first fanfic (I have wrote 4) I have a few things to say.
1. Read my others fanfics! I wrote 'Tears', and 'Faith' 1,2 and 3.
2. Sorry if I have any language mistakes. I'm from Israel, and I can get some things wrong (but we keep rolling along...;-) )
3. It's just a thing I wanted to share with you. Meowth doesn't have he's totally cute accent in Hebrew! Sure, he has quite a cute voice, but he doesn't have that cute Jersey accent! And Jessebelle doesn't have her southern accent too, and that bugs!
And now, read my fanfic, I think it's the best I made so far!

"James, are ya okay?" I asked. For dose few days James hasn't been acting normally. He was tired, and winced a lot. Now he looked terrible. His hair was a mess, and he was shaking.

"Yeah. I just couldn't get some sleep, that's all"

Yeah right, dis guy couldn't hide anything from me.

"Yeah right. Now come on, spill da beans. I know somethin' is wrong"

"There's nothing to it Meowth. I just couldn't sleep at night, that's all. It's kinda chilly here, don't you think?"

"James, what's wrong?"

Jessie overheard our conversation.

"Nothing! I haven't slept at night and I'm cold. What's wrong with that?"

"Well, for one thing, it's June! There's probably 30 Celsius degrees here! We're going to the doctor!"

"Uh-uh! I'm not going anywhere!"

I knew that James was afraid of doctors. Hell knows why.

"Oh yes you do! Cuz I'm taking you there!"

I knew Jess meant business. She loved dis guy more then anything else. I remember seeing dem kissin' one night, and a few days afta dat, James came to me and explained the situation. He looked so embarrassed when he talked about him and Jess being lovers that I said dat I knew and it was okay. He looked so happy with her. Dey were soul mates.

"Nooooo. Jessie, I don't wanna go! It's probably just a tiny cold"

"Oh, okay! But if it doesn't get better in a few days, I'm dragging you over there!"


Anoda day, anoda plan, anoda shocking, anoda blasting off. Kinda boring when you think of it. How about catching dat Pikachu for a change? Well anyway, we went back to our cabin and James prepared dinner. He's such a good cooker! He can make conservatories...eatable...Well anyway, Jess was sad for some kind of a reason.

"Jess, what's up?" I hopped next to her and put a paw on her shoulder.

"Leave me alone!" she snapped at me and went to her room.

"James, Jess is upset," I said to him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, eyes full with concern.

Jess is a very lucky gal to have a guy like James.


"Well, let's go and check on her"

"Okay, but let's do it cautiously. I had enof of her mallet for one day"

So we went to her room, she was looking at the stars.

"Jessie..." James put a hand on her shoulder.

She turned around, probably didn't noticed us. Her eyes were swollen.

"Jess..what's wrong?" I asked. Dis was not the Jessie I knew.

"I..I thought about this morning, and I...I..." she started cryin' again. "Oh,I thought that what if James have a serious disease! What would happen to him.." she started sobbing.

"Jess..." James hugged her.

"If it means to you that much I'll go to the doctor tomorrow"

"Oh..James...I love you so much...I don't want anything bad happening to you..."

"Jessie, I love you too, and I'll always be with you"

James brushed her tears away and kissed her gently on the lips. When the kiss was starting to get more serious I said loudly "Ohh! It's hot here!" and walked away.


In da mornin' I woke up to the sound of James making coffee. "Well, I guess ya didn't get much sleep at night" I smirked at him; He became as red as Jessie's hair.

"It's none of your business Meowth!"

"It maybe is, but I'm not death ya know"

"Who's death?"

Jessie entered the kitchen

"Not me, dat's for sure! Though I wish I were sometimes," I said, "Like last night, for example" I added.

Her face became as red as James' did,

"Shut up furball!"

"Hope I could say it about you!" I said and dodged her mallet.

Can a person's face become so red? God I love doing that, and I deserve it! In dose few months I took unnecessary walks, went out of rooms because it was 'hot', or disappearing to places when Jessie and James were taggeda. I deserve my fun!

"Shut up or I'll..."

"Okay, okay. Yer face would've blow up if I won't stop" I sniggered as I dodged anoda mallet.

"Okay, what plan are we using today?" James tried to change the subject,

"We're using a plan named 'James goes to the doctor'"

"Oh...Okay. But I'm doing it just for you!"

"Yeah, okay. Now 'cmon. Let's eat. I'm starving!"

"Had a lotta action last night?"


"Ouch! That hoited! I'll stop! Promise!"

Boy, this mallet can hoit!


Well, Jessie and me sat in this big white room, outside some doctor's office.

"Jess...It's going to be okay"

I put a paw on her shoulder; she was so worried. Den da doctor came with James, who looked worried. "Well, I need to be honest with you. James is having a rare disease and he needs the operation. The operation will cost 10,000 dollars" He said and walked away.

"James..." Jessie said in a muffled voice, and fainted.


Afta we all came back to da cabin, Jessie and James went to deir room and closed da door. I could hear dem talking.

"James, what are we gonna do?"

"Sh...Jessie, don't cry. It's all gonna be okay"

"No it's not! How would we get 10,000 dollars?!"

"We'll try"

"If only this mangy alley cat would know how to use his pay day attack!"

"Jess, it's not Meowth's fault. And besides, even if he could…it's just too much money for him to produce"

"You're right..."

I couldn't listen anymore, because I was starting to cry too. She was right…If I had known how to use da pay day attack I could've produce da money. As I ran out of the cabin, I had only one thought in my head. Learn da attack.


As I ran, tears blurred my eyes. I don't cry very often, but I thought about what Jess said. She was right. I had ta help Jimmy. I had ta learn da attack. I stopped in front of a kinder garden. It looked familiar. Think Meowth, think...and den it came to me; It was lil' Timmy's kinder garden, with dat wild Meowth. Maybe I can ask him to teach me da pay day attack! I ran into da kinder garden, and searched for Timmy; He was dere, in da corner of da room stood his wild Meowth. I walked dere, and stood behind dat Meowth. "Yo! Meowth!" I called; dat Meowth jumped like a Ghastly stood behind him.

"You scared me!" He said (it sounded "Meowth, meow!", but I understand dose kinda stuff)

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Listen, I need a BIG favor"


"Well, I need ya to teach me da pay day attack"

Dat lil' smelly cat started laughing! I resisted da STRONG urge ta fury swipe him (So what, I'm a short tempered Meowth. Try and go at least one shocking a day; It burnt my fuse).

"What's so funny?"

"Well, every Meowth knows how to do that"

"Well, I don't. But I can talk human!"

"Yeah, big deal"

"You try and do dat!"

I hate when people don't appreciate my abilities. I worked like a 100 Dugritos every day for half a year ta speak and walk like a human!

"Why should I?"

Okay. Meowth, count ta 10...100...1000...Okay, take deep breaths...Okay, I'm fine now.

"Nevermind. Teach me da attack"


"Well, I don't know! I don't know da attack. Just show me how ya do it"

"Okay, let's go somewhere"


We went to a grassy area, not far from da kinder garden.

"Now watch me"

The Meowth said, and den he did it. He threw his charm in da ground, and money came from it!


"That's easy, now you try"

Well, I tried. I threw my charm on da ground, and nothin' came from it. I tried again, and again, and again. I wasted da whole afternoon on dat. When da sun started setting down, da Meowth told me,

"Ya just don't have it, it a waste of time. I'm going home"

"Watch yer mouth!" I said and fury swiped him. He ran away like a scared kitten. Oh, I'll have it; I promised myself. I'll do it.


After a Month...

I tried. I tried wid all my might. I tried every day, until da sunset. My beautiful charm became filthy and full wid scratches. But I kept on tryin'. I just couldn't let Jimmy down. He felt worse every day. Some days he just stayed in bed. Jessie cried her eyes out on a daily basis. I couldn't do anything. It made me feel worse every day. I couldn't even do a stinkin' attack. I didn't eat much. I was depressed. One day, when I came back from training (dat yet again, failed), I saw dat Jess and James' door was slightly open. I peeked. James was lying dere, all quivering and shaking; His hair was a mess; he looked pale and sweaty.

"James...come on...snap out of it..." Jessie sobbed.

"Jess..." he whispered. God, he looked so weak.


"'s okay. I'll be fine"

" would we know for sure?"

"Because I know"

"Oh James...I love you so much"

"Jessica...I love you too"

I couldn't see dem like dat.I ran out of da house. If only I could do da damn attack! I was so angry wid myself dat moment. James needed me. Jess needed me too. And I failed dem. I wanted ta do da attack, but I couldn't. I threw da charm in anger.

"It's cuz of you, stupid charm! I wish..."

I stopped in da middle. I was shocked. Money came of it.


Afta da money came; I tried a lil more. At foist it was just a dolla at a time, but I tried. At da end of da day, I could produce 3 dollas. I tried, and I tried, and I tried. After 5 days, I could produce 10 whole dollas! But it was hard. Every throw drained more powa from me. At my foist day I produed somethin' like 200 dollas. Afta a week I had somehtin' like 1400 dollas. I hoped James would hang on dere.


After a month...

Afta a really hard day, I came ta eat at da cabin. I heard voices in James' room.

"If the operation wouldn't be done soon, I'm afraid it's going to be too late"

"But...we don't have da money...I couldn't leave him"

"I'm sorry miss"

Dat doctor walked out of da room, and left da cabin, leavin' Jess cryin' harda den eva. Dat son of a bitch! How could he say dat?! I locked myself in da closet; it was da best place for thinkin'. I had ta produce da money for Jimmy, I just had ta do it, and quick. See, I love Jess and Jim. Maybe I don't show it, but I dunno what I would do widout dem. Dey saved me from da cat gang at Hollywood, and from dose crazy people who thought I was dere god. Maybe I give dem a hard time, but I don't mean too. I like teasing dem, but it's all in good measure. I made up my mind; I'll produce da money, no matta what. I got out of da closet and brought my big bag of money. I locked myself in da closet again, not ta make noise. And den I did it, I threw da charm hard every time, and collected da money. I got so good dat I could aim at da bag. I dunno how many time I was in da closet, and how many times I threw. Every time I felt weak, I thought of Jimmy, lying dere, almost dead, I just had ta produce da money. I was his only chance. At da end I just couldn't do it. My aiming became bad, and it was just too hard ta throw da charm. I got out of da closet, and dragged da bag to Jess and Jimmy's room. Although I walked somehtin' like 2 meters, I felt so weak, and da bag didn't help. I felt like I'll collapse every minute. Dis was hard work, and everything became kinda swirly. I knocked on da door, and Jess opened it, wid her swollen eyes, and a look of surprise.

"Meowth, what?"

"Jess...Money..." dat was all I managed ta say, in a suprisingly small voice and my world went black.


When I woke up, I had da most terrible headache in da world! And I felt bad; not bad like oh-give-me-an-aspirin bad, but BAD!

"What's wrong with him?"

"Well, the charm on his head reflects his condition. To judge by the charm he's in a pretty bad condition"

"What should I do?"

It was Jessie's voice. I opened my eyes, and light shot into dem so hard, I closed dem. Den I opened dem one more time, but slightly. It all was in a blur. I coild see a very blurred Jessie and Joy standing above me.

"Jess...Money..." I tried ta say, but my voice came so wied (weird), dat I shut my mouth. It was almost a whisper. What happened to me?

"Jessie...I got da money...leave me...James...operation..."

I managed ta say and da world went black again.


I dunno how many time I slept, but when I woke up, I felt a lil bit betta. I managed ta open my eyes, and I saw a white ceiling. I tried to get up and oohh… bad idea! Too much headache! Okay, I waited, and I waited, and I waited, until I felt a lil bit betta, And lifted my head. I was in a big white room, wid all otha pokemon lying around in otha beds; I was in da pokemon center. And den it came ta me; I can't be here! I need ta be wid Jess & Jim, for his operation! So I tried ta get up; it hoited like hell, but it's all I could do. I got up in my bed. It was pretty high, y'know. Den I jumped, landed wid a thud, and for my annoyance, everythin' went black again.


When I woke up again, I was laying on somethin' soft n cozy. Man! It felt nice! And den I heard da voices.

"When will he wake up?"

"He's been like that for 3 days"

"Meowth, Meowth? Can you hear us?"

It was Jessie and James!

"I'm here y'know, and I'm still not death!"

I felt a lot of weight on my body. Someone was hugging me! I opened my eyes, and I saw Jess hugging me, tears in her eyes. Tears started dwelling up in my eyes; Dey REALLY did care!

"Meowth...You're alive..." Jess sobbed

"I wouldn't be if ya won't stop choking me!"

"Uh...Sorry" Jess loosend her grip.

"Where's James?"

"I'm here"

James sat on a nearby chair and looked pale.

"Jimmy, are ya okay? Did ya did da operation?"

I ran ta him and hugged him. He was alive!

"Thanks to you, yes"

"How did ya did it Meowth?" Jess asked me, and I told da whole story. After I finished, Jess was sobbing in James' shoulder, who looked quite touched too.

"Your charm was so badly scratched, that Joy thought you wouldn't make it. We were so worried" Jess explained.

"Leave me. What's about James?"

"Well, thanks to you, I went through the operation, and it succeeded"

"How da ya feel?"

"Fine. The question is how do YOU feel"

"Dat's not important"

"Yes it is! Meowth, three days ago you saved my life by risking your own! You slept for three days, hanging between life and death!"

"Meowth, we care about you. You're one of us!"

Here were dose damn tears again. Dis time, I couldn't stop dem.

"I care about youse guys too! James, all I ever wanted was dat you and Jess would be happy!"

Dis time Jess and James hugged me taggeda.


At the evening...

Da afternoon went in a blur; it was already evening. I thought about all of da events of da last few days. I loved Jess and Jimmy. I really did. And dey loved me too! James made da biggest dinner eva! I was so stuffed!

"James, are you okay?" Jess asked worriedly as she saw James taking a rest on da couch. He still looked pale.

"Of course Jessie"

"Oh James, I don't know what I would do if I'd loose you! I love you so much!"

"I told you that everything would be alright. I love you too. I'll never ever leave you"

Wid dat James kissed her. Afta a few minutes I got da impression dat it was starting ta get quite serious.

"Ohh! It's hot here!" I said, though I knew dat dey didn't hear it anyway.

I went out and looked at da starry night; It was so beautiful. Da moon was full tonite, wid all of dose stars twinkling friendly at me, like day were laughing; At dat moment I knew dat it was all gonna be aright.