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The Rift
The Rift
A Fic By Dee ^_^

Disclaimer: I own Alana, and my odd ideas about a "Rift." As far as I know I own Silver Falls. The song "Hikari no Naka e" is a real Japanese song sung by Maaya Sakamoto: I suggest you download it Here, tis beautiful. Everything else is TV Tokyo's.

Rating: PG, except for some minor swearing

Other: I use everyone's Japanese names, because it fit the story and sometimes I get tired of writing Meowth's accent. ^_^; For those of you who don't know... Musashi=Jessie, Kojiro=James, Nyasu=Meowth, and Sakaki=Giovanni. I also use some Japanese words here and there; most are common things, but if you've never even heard of the country "Japan," then here's some words I use... Arigatou=Thank you. Onegai=Please. Ganbare=Good luck. Doo Itashimashite=Don't mention it. Hai=Yes. Osaki ni=Good night (leaving a room). Oyasuminasai=Good night (going to bed). Aishiteru=I love you. Sayonara=Goodbye. Konnichi wa=Good afternoon/hello. Nani=What. That should be everything, I hope...

Author's Note: Y'know how some authors classify their stories as comedies, or tragedies, or romances? I classify mine as weird. It's 1/3 odd dream, 1/3 crazy imagination, and 1/3 too many ghost episodes of "Secrets" on the Travel Channel. To be honest, I'm not quite sure how this one's going to go over; I don't hate it or I wouldn't have posted it, but I don't particularly love it either. At any rate, here it is: the story I wrote in the span of two days, most of it between the hours of 11:00 PM and 3:00 AM. ^_^; Enjoy!

Musashi sat back on her sleeping bag, looking out through the window of the small cabin she and her partners were living in for the moment. It really was a beautiful day: the sun was peeking through the bare boughs of the winter trees, making the spindly branches seem almost majestic; small tufts of clouds, cotton balls on the breeze, flitted across the sky; while several Spearow floated lazily through the air, on the lookout for an easy meal.
The Rocket member watched the serene beauty of Japan through half-closed lids... and decided she wanted to take a blow-torch to the entire thing. The sun was right in her eyes, the tree branches were scratching the top of the cabin, and Spearows had never been very friendly to her. "It really would be a beautiful day," she muttered to herself, "if only I wasn't in such a bad mood."
She and Kojiro had gotten into one of their infamous fights; today's had been unusually worse, though. "We need to get a move on and find that Jari-boy and his friends," Musashi had remarked, opening up her bag to pack her things back in.
"Why?" Kojiro wondered drearily. "We'll only get beat up again." He'd sighed. "Sometimes I think we were destined to fail."
"Oh, shut up, and don't talk like that," Musashi snapped. She didn't like thinking about their list of unsuccessful missions, and when Kojiro said that sort of thing they came to mind all too clearly. "That's half our problem; as long as we think pessimistically we'll NEVER do anything right. You have to say to yourself, 'Today is the day we catch Pikachu and get our raise.'"
Most of the time their fights would end there, but today Kojiro seemed to want to take it another step. "How long have we been thinking that way, Musashi? Three years? All we've got to show for it are a lot of old wounds and some new ones to match them."
"Stop saying that sort of thing," Musashi growled back, turning on her friend and ready for a fight. "Persistence pays, and if we keep at it we're bound to do something right."
Kojiro snorted. "Your dilusions of grandeur are nice to dream about, but they don't pay us or keep our stomachs full."
"Your one to talk! Who's the one who always thinks up the plans while her partners are busy daydreaming about things we COULD be having!?"
"I do just as much work as you do- if not more- and you know it!"
"All you ever do is lose our money on ripoff 'bargains' and collect your stupid bottlecaps!"
"I've only done that TWICE, and you're the one who wastes our money on spur-of-the-moment shopping sprees and mechas that don't even work! And I only collect caps as a hobby for a little fun! Don't I deserve a little happiness in this otherwise stupid and meaningless job?"
"This job is NOT stupid or meaningless!" Musashi argued, angry at the insult to the team she'd always adored "My mother worked here half her life, are you calling HER life stupid and meaningless?"
"Maybe I am. I'm sick of this stupid team!"
"Yeah? Well I'm sick of you!"
Kojiro's face softened for a moment into a look of hurt; the two fought often, but neither had ever said anything borderlining hatred to the other. His eyes narrowed defiantly. "Then I guess I should make myself scarce, huh!?" And with that he had turned on his heel and slammed the door to their bedroom, leaving Musashi alone.
Now she turned her eyes upward to the ceiling of the three-room cabin, sighing. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that... but he had no right to insult my mother like that. I'm glad I hurt his feelings, yeah, and I hope it cuts him really deep. He deserved it, after all." Even as she said it she knew she didn't mean it, but it made her naggy conscience feel better.
Closing her eyes to the sunlight drifting through the window and rolling over onto her stomach, Musashi was soon dozing fitfully, trying to ignore the bit of guilt in her stomach.

She woke up a couple hours later, groggily pushing herself into a sitting position. The sun had sunk below the top boughs of the treetops. "It must be about 2," she concluded, standing and stretching.
Musashi opened the door to the bedroom, feeling better than she had earlier. "Kojiro, you ready to get started? I'm not mad anymore."
Nyasu was the only one to greet her, though. "Kojiro isn't here, Musashi. He went to the mall about ten minutes ago."
"What for? Our supplies are as stocked as we can get them without spending all our cash."
The cat shrugged. "When I asked him he said, 'To use our money on some worthless ripoff bargains.' Wonder what he meant by that?"
Musashi sighed. "Only ten minutes ago?" A nod. "Guess he's still mad at me, then- we had a fight earlier. Did he take the jeep?"
"Nyah, he used that mo-ped thing we bought for our next plan."
Musashi went to the back room to throw on something other than her Rocket Dan uniform- no reason to get arrested, after all. "Then I'd better take the jeep out and go find him. We need to get going, and if he really does spend the rest of our money we could be in a lot of trouble."
"Yana kanjii," Nyasu muttered at the thought. "Well, good luck finding him- the mall in Blackthorn is pretty big, you know."
"Hai, see you in a few."
Musashi grabbed the keys and her license, hopped into the jeep and was soon driving down the dirt road that led to their cabin. "Let's see, mo-peds don't go nearly as fast as cars... Blackthorn mall is about twenty minutes away from our hideout... maybe I'll catch him before he even gets in! That'd make my job a lot easier."
Musashi pulled off the dirt road about five minutes later, and before long was out on the main highway leading into Blackthorn City. She hadn't gone very far, however, before blinking police lights and a roadblock pulled her to an undiginified halt. "Hey! What's the holdup?"
Not liking to wait, the female Rocket pulled her jeep over to the side and jumped out. She stalked up to the roadblock, wanting to see what the problem was.
Musashi's eyes widened. It looked like there'd been some accident with an awful lot of vehicles; a truck sat, tipped over on the side of the road, while several totaled cars were scattered down the sloping hill and on the road itself. Her eyes whipped over the accident, and for a heart-wrenching second she wondered if Kojiro had gotten into this nasty wreck too.
Ignoring the block and picking her way through the ambulances and police cars, Musashi found a paremedic giving out orders to some others. "Excuse me, sir. Um, pardon me, but what happened?"
The man turned on her. "Who're you? Are you another one of the medics?" He looked her up and down. "No, not that. An officer? Out of uniform?"
Musashi decided to lie. "Yes. I saw the block and came to see if I could help out. What's going on?"
He sighed. "Some idiot drunk driver slammed into that truck. The truck went out of control- the driver'd just gotten his license, plus the roads are slick this time of year- and crashed into a couple of other cars; like a domino effect. What a mess. We just got out here a little while ago, so we haven't done much yet." "What's the complete count of vehicles?"
"Hm," he paused to tic them off on his fingers. "The truck, four, no, five cars... oh, yeah, and some poor guy on a mo-ped. You okay? You like white as a ghost. Something wrong?"
"Where's Ko- I mean, the person on the mo-ped?" Musashi demanded.
The paramedic pointed down the hill. "He got flung pretty far off the road- I think he's down there, behind the truck. Why? Sound like someone you know?"
"Er, maybe," Musashi was already taking off the way he'd gone. "I'll see if I can give him some, uh, medical service..."
"Wait, ma'am! We had a doctor check on everyone! We're helping the ones who had a chance to survive first..." he realized she hadn't been able to hear a word he said over the noise. "Oh, nevermind. Maybe it'll do him good; no one should be alone during a time like this, after all."
The female Rocket made her way between other vehicles, ignoring calls from police officers and medics. She made sure not to look at any of the wrecked cars, afraid of something she might see. Skirting the truck by a good four feet- she could see some people inside, and the two didn't look very healthy- Musashi finally got to where the paramedic had gestured.
The mo-ped- now nothing but pile of metal and some twisted rubber that may have once been wheels- was lying on its side, still smoking slightly. Musashi scanned the area for her partner, wondering if he'd been thrown off as far as the forest... there! Her sharp blue eyes caught a flash of lavender hair lying in a ditch not too far from where the mo-ped sat. Scrambling down the hill and ignoring the cuts and bruises she was getting, Musashi slid to a stop next to her partner.
She sighed in relief; his chest was rising and falling steadily, though his breathing was a bit ragged. As her eyes roved over him, the female Rocket winced: Kojiro looked pretty beat up. She brushed some blood out of his eyes, not liking the look of the cut on his forehead. She ripped off part of her skirt and gingerly dabbed at the blood, not wanting to hurt him. "I can't believe those doctors didn't even try to patch him up a little." His hand was held over his stomach, but Musashi could see blood seeping around the edges; she didn't dare lift up his shirt to find out how bad it was. Holding back a gag, she wondered if right legs were allowed to bend that direction. "Koji? Kojiro?"
One green eye opened partially, looking a bit misty. "Musa?"
"Hey, how are you? You gonna be good, right? Hang on for a second, I'll go get one of those medic guys and we'll get you to the hospital. Nice idea, yeah?" she realized she was babbling like a little kid, but couldn't help it. "I wonder why no one's come yet, anyway?"
Reluctant to leave him but knowing she needed to, Musashi stood to go. Kojiro caught her arm with what must have been his last reserves of strength. "They don't waste valuable time and stretchers on people who don't have a chance."
"Hm?" Musashi turned back to face him, not liking the sound of that.
"Some... some guy came around to everyone, you know, to see who was alive and who wasn't, and who might live past a couple hours. Since there's so many people, they have to get the ones who have a chance to turn out okay first, then they come back for the dead or hopelessly still alive after that."
"Yeah, okay, but, but why haven't they gotten to you yet? Probably 'cause you're behind the truck, they probably forgot about you, ne? The nerve, well, I'll go find someone and remind them..."
Kojiro chuckled a little bit at his partner's anxiety. "The medic said I don't have a chance in hell."
Musashi stopped her nervous monologue, sitting down hard. He hadn't... he hadn't REALLY just said what she thought he said, had he? "Nani ten da ka!?"
"It's not a good idea to get in a wreck while riding something as flimsy as," he waved a tired hand in the direction of the mo-ped, "that. Slamming into the truck wasn't fatal; even taking roll down this hill wouldn't have killed me... it was when the bike hit a stump and I got flung off and hit that rock," Musashi winced at the one he gestured to; it had a nasty, jagged edge to it, "that the real damage was done."
"What's wrong? Can't they fix it? Isn't there anything...?"
"Busted some ribs and ruptured a lung, not to mention whatever happened to my stomach," Kojiro explained. "Even if they'd loaded me onto a stretcher at that exact moment and drove me to the hospital going one-hundred kilos..." he gave a ragged cough; Musashi really hoped she hadn't seen blood come up with that. "Anyway, I don't have a chance in hell."
"Oh," she managed to choke out. "Do you need anything..." she remembered that she'd taken her bag with her; it was still hooked on her shoulders. Musashi slung it off and grabbed a bottle of water. "Want some?" A nod.
Kojiro managed to choke some of it down, smiling weakly. "Thanks, Musa. I'm glad you're here; I couldn't have stood it, being alone when I-"
"Yeah, all right, no problem," she interrupted uneasily. Musashi blinked fast; she refused to cry. "Does it really hurt?"
He shrugged. "A little. Not too bad, though." It was obviously a lie.
"Are you all right?"
For a second she saw in his misted eyes true terror. "I'm a little scared," he admitted.
Musashi nodded in understanding; of course he'd be scared- who wouldn't be? If only there was something she could do for him... "Is there anything I can do? To, to help or something?"
His question came out in a frightened, weak whisper. "Do you think... you think you could just hold my hand?" Musashi's fingers curled around his hand, giving him a quick, reassuring squeeze. "I lied," he said after a moment. "I'm really scared. I wanna be tough but I can't when I'm this terrified."
"I know," she agreed miserably. "I'm here though, so you don't have to be tough. I'll be the strong one, Koji-chan."
He smiled a little. "You haven't called me that since we were kids." Kojiro's half-closed eyes turned upwards, watching the wisps of clouds dart in and out of tree branches. "You know, it really is a beautiful day."
Musashi followed his gaze into the sky, nodding in silent agreement. Remembering their fight earlier that day, she was compelled with a sudden urge to blurt out an apology- the first time she would have ever said she was sorry for any of their fights. She tried to get the words out, but everytime she attempted they got stuck in her throat.
The female Rocket bit her lip until it bled; she couldn't speak without crying, and if she started crying Kojiro was going to lose it. She had to be the tough one, which meant no tears... and without tears there'd be no apology, unless she could get her emotions under control.
Musashi came back to reality with a start, realizing she'd zoned out just when Kojiro needed her the most. Fighting back the tears she choked out. "Hey, Kojiro?"
There was no answer.
Musashi squeezed his hand, "Ko-" she stopped mid-call. His hand was too limp; too cold. "No." She pulled her eyes away from the sky and back down to her partner. He was as white as a ghost... white as a... "Kojiro!? Koji!?" Musashi checked his wrist for a pulse, but couldn't find a thing. "Kojiro!?"
No answer. There wasn't going to be one.
Musashi pounded the ground in frustration. "Shimatta!" she swore, not able to get any more words out. "Shimatta!" she cried again, feeling her eyes mist over with tears. "Be tough, Musa." She blinked hurriedly. No. She couldn't break down. She had to be strong, like she'd told him she would. Musashi clenched her fist, partly in anger, partly in sadness. "Kojiro."

"Are you sure you want to do this, Musashi?" Nyasu asked for the twelfth time.
It was a week after the small funeral of their dead partner and friend. Musashi and Nyasu were at the local library, looking at a 3D globe on the computer.
Musashi didn't look at her companion. "I'm sure."
"Positive? 'Cause if you don't really want to we don't have to..."
"Just hit the button, Nyasu," she interrupted, though not in her usual snappish way. Her sad blue eyes met his for a moment, and the cat knew her mind had been made up. There was no use trying to argue with Musashi, especially now.
Nyasu clicked the mouse once; the 3-dimensional globe began spinning on the screen. "Now," he said more to himself than his friend, clicking randomly at a spot. The globe stopped immediately; the area where the cat had clicked was highlighted with a red dot. "Looks to be somewhere in America."
"America?" Musashi repeated, turning to look over his shoulder at the screen.
"Hai," he agreed, zooming in on the exact spot. "Stroke of luck, really; it's the only other language I know well enough to get around..." he read the name of the town closest to where the highlight was. "Silver Falls, Colorado." He clicked for a decription. "Small mountain town with a rich historical past and many turn-of-the-century homes." Nyasu managed a chuckle. "No 'Silver Falls,' though."
Musashi nodded resolutely. "Then that's that, I s'pose."
"Are you SURE you want to do this...?"
The female Rocket stood, heading for the exit. "Come on, Nyasu. The hardest part comes next."
"Yana kanjii," he muttered, exiting the program and padding after his friend.

Sakaki looked down at the papers Musashi had pushed in front of him. "What are these?"
"My resignation, sempai."
One eyebrow raised. "Resignation?"
She nodded, keeping her eyes on the floor. "Yes, sempai. I'm sorry, but Nyasu and I are quitting the team."
"You're sure about this?" he asked, similar to how the cat Pokémon had done. "I wouldn't have expected such a fast decision. It seems so sudden."
"So was Kojiro's death," Musashi said quietly.
Sakaki nodded in understanding; so that's what it was about. "I heard about that. There's nothing worse than seeing a Team member... well... " He coughed, not sure exactly what to say. "Do you know what you'll be doing, now?"
"Not exactly, sempai. Not at all, actually," she admitted. "I suppose once we get to our destination I'll find something."
"Where will you go?"
"Silver Falls Colorado, in America. Nyasu... it was something of a random choice, you see," Musashi did her best to explain.
Sakaki's eyes widened. "It seems like an awfully long way from home. If it's a matter of finding an apartment I'm sure I could do something-"
Her head shook quickly. "It's nothing like that. I just... I need some time to myself, some time to think... reflect a little. Start over. And to do that, I need to go somewhere that my record isn't going to haunt me. Someplace where nobody's even heard of Roketto Dan."
'Or Kojiro,' Sakaki finished silently to himself. "I hate to see you ago," it was only a partial lie; Musashi had always been persistent if not successful, "but if that's your choice there's nothing left to say. Do you need anything, is there something I can do to give you a good start?"
Nyasu finally cut in. "Actually, Boss Rocket, I was wondering if... well..." he rubbed his paws together timidly. "Silver Falls is a long distance, and travelling isn't cheap... I'd hate to ask too much of you, Sempai..."
Sakaki grunted unhappily. "Money, is it?" Two nods. "A donation to a team that's never put a yen in my pocket?" Two more miserable nods. Sakaki was about to tell them to get out, but stopped. He knew the past week had been hard on them, and this decision to leave home would be even harder. No, they didn't deserve to have another door slammed in their faces. "Very well. How much do you need?"
Musashi looked up, a small spark in her eyes. "Could you repeat that?"
"How much do you need? I'd say airfare plus the bus, and your first month's rent... how does 500 American dollars sound to you? Would that be enough?"
The Rocket's recently sad eyes now shone slightly. "Yes, I'm sure it would. Domo arigatou gozaimasu! But why-?"
"I'm tough, not heartless," he reminded her, grudgingly sifting through his safe, which had just about every sort of money you could think of. Rich or not, pennypinching was still a business Sakaki didn't give up easily. "In light of the recent events... it just seems appropriate..." the Boss coughed again; two awkward situations in one day. "Anyway, this should be enough," he counted out 600- pretending to have accidentally stuck the extra hundred in- and walked the duo to the door. "Oh, and Musashi-kun?"
She turned to look at him. "Sempai?"
He hesitated; it'd been a while since he'd felt sympathy. "I'm sorry for your losses, Musashi-kun. Kojiro... Kojiro was a good person. It's a shame the world had to lose him."
"Not so much the world as I," she whispered quietly. "Arigatou again, sempai. I won't forget this. If I can ever pay you back..."
He cut her off, shutting the door as he did. "Ah-hem, er, think nothing of it. You just happened to be lucky that you came in on a particularly good money-making day... mm, well, ganbare, Musashi-kun."
The door closed in their faces with a click. Nyasu sighed. "That's it then."
Musashi looked at the tall office building in front of her; the Headquarters she'd known for so long... but no, it was just a building, just another cold, meaningless building. It meant nothing without a partner, without Kojiro. The now ex-Rocket's eyes stung suddenly with tears.
Nyasu put a paw on her leg. "Musashi..."
She squared her shoulders. She had to be tough. She'd promised Kojiro. "Come on, Nyasu. With a bit of luck we may be able to catch a plane today."
The Pokémon watched her walk off, puzzled by her actions. 'Why doesn't she just let it out?' he thought curiously. 'There's no glory in holding in tears.'
"Coming, Musashi," he said. Sighing and deciding it was useless to figure out his redheaded companion, the cat padded silently after her, not liking the way she squared her shoulders so resolutely.

Where am I? I can't see anything. It's so dark, are my eyes even open? Yes, they must be; there's a pinion of light in the distance, but it's so small it could be my imagination. It doesn't seem like a dream. Where am I? Could it be the hospital, did they manage to save me? No, can't be, there's no pain. That's a plus, anyway. It hurt so bad, not that I could tell Musashi that and let her worry... Musashi! Where's Musashi!? Am I sleeping while she's so concerned about me? Can I wake up? Is it a dream? Where is she? Where am I?
Don't you know?
Huh? Know what? Who're you? WHERE are you? And where am I?
You don't know, then? Strange, can't you remember?
I remember a crash. I remember pain, unbearable pain. And fear. And I remember Musashi, and her warm hand. It gave me courage. I remember a haze. Then numbness. Now this... blackness. Where am I?
You are in the place that is no place at all. A land where time stands still, the day never comes, yet no stars or moon shine. You are in the world between worlds, the Bridge between lands. In short, you are in the what is called The Rift.
The Rift? What's that? And what are you?
The Rift is the place between Life... and Death. I am it's Keeper, the Overseer of this blank space
Why can't I see you? It's disturbing, talking to a voice without an owner. Oh, there you are. Funny, but you look like a human. I suppose I always thought Divine Beings would seem different
I have no real shape. I merely took this form because I knew it would be most comforting for you. Now, do you understand what is going on? No, I can see by your look that you do not. Questions?
How... how did I get here? I almost don't want to know, but I'll go crazy if I don't learn.
You died.
What!? I died!? Are you sure? Is it possible that I'm just hanging on the edge of life; that I still have a chance?
There are only two ways to pass into the Rift. One is through one of the few, shall we say, glitches that can be found in places of the world. The other is death. You entered through a path very different from the glitch roads. One must assume you are dead.
Dead!? No! I can' t be dead! I don't want to be dead! I'm only twenty-four! Musashi didn't want me to die! If I'm dead, I'll bring her pain. I don't want to hurt Musashi!
Why are you crying? Your troubles are over. There's no pain once you pass through the Gates. If you only follow that point of light, you'll find that there's nothing to cry about. Sorrow couldn't possibly be felt. Why aren't you happy? Don't you want eternal life, joy and pleasure?
No! I don't want eternal anything! All I want is to be back with Musashi!
To be with this Musashi... would that make you happy? Would it stop you from sobbing like that?
Yes, yes! As long as I'm with her I can never be truly miserable. If I could just be with her, hold her hand, make a joke... that's all I'd ever need in life.
Or death?
Or death.
...Very well, then. If that's the way you feel.
Huh? What do you mean?
I am the Keeper of the Rift, but I have other duties. It's my job to see that those who make it to the Gates are given what would truly make them happy. If being with Musashi is all you want, then it can be granted.
How? Can you take me back to earth? Can I actually be with Musashi? It isn't too late?
It's never too late, given the right technique.
Technique? What if they've already buried me? How do you do it?
I have my ways. Rest for now. Before long you'll be back with this woman you hold so dear.
Rest? Funny, but I don't feel in the least bit tired. Does a soul get tired? What? Where are you going? The darkness is getting blacker... don't leave! It's so lonely, so quiet here... the silence is almost unbearable. Hm? I feel like I'm fading out... hey! What's this? Even the darkness seems to be getting fuzzy. I feel disconnected from everything... Oh, Musashi...

Nyasu stared out the window of the bus leading to Silver Falls. His eyes roved over all the landscape, from the tall, snow-capped mountains to the pleasant pine trees lining the road. Everywhere he looked there was snow; the branches of the trees, the tips of the mountains, drifting through the air, and several feet on the ground. "Look at this place. It's gorgeous. Lots of snow, too, Musashi, I know how much you love snow."
Musashi was sitting behind her friend, arms draped over the seat. She followed his gaze, nodding drearily. Under normal circumstances, she would have been overjoyed at this winter paradise; a person could get lost in the brutal beauty of it all. Unfortunately these were no normal circumstances. "It's all right."
"All right? This is the sort of weather you love."
"It's nice, Nyasu," she admitted, sighing. "But there'll be no cherry blossoms in the spring, no Midsummer's festival, no Girls' Day." No Kojiro.
Nyasu gave it up as a hopeless cause and went back to reading a pamphlet on Silver Falls. "Hm.. lots of historical hotels up here, I bet we can get a job at one of them. Sounds like they get quite a few tourists year-round, too. Oh, and look at this: there's a Japanese steakhouse not too far from main street. Lucky us, no da?"
"Can't you at least pretend to be excited? It was your idea to come here," Nyasu said irritably. He knew the past week and a half had been hard on his partner- it'd been tough on him, too- but she should try to make the best of it.
"Gomen Nyasu, it's that time of the month," Musashi lied, knowing that would get him to shut up. With another sigh she pulled out her CD player, deciding that the sweet vocals of Maaya Sakamoto were just what she needed.
If I let go of your hand clasped in mine,
With that, it would all probably come to an end right now.

Musashi flicked quickly to the next song- normally she would have loved the slow, beautiful words of "Hikari no Naka e," but it was just much too sad at a time like this. Remembering that most of Sakamoto-san's songs were like this, she quickly changed CDs and allowed a faster-paced Masami Okui to bring her into Silver Falls.
"Silver Falls, if you're stayin' this is your stop!" the driver called. Nearly half the passengers stood to leave, Musashi and Nyasu among them. Grabbing their few bags and stepping down, the duo looked around.
The streets were actually fairly quiet- a stark contrast to places like Tokyo- and the few people who were out and about strolled down the lane as if they didn't have a care in the world. Chatting amiably in English- which both Nyasu and Musashi spoke well enough to get around- they walked on to their destinations in the same slow, even way they spoke. This was quite clearly a place of relaxation, of little hurry and need of time; you'd get to where you wanted to be eventually, right?
"This seems like a good place to heal some wounds," Nyasu thought aloud. He tapped Musashi's knee. "Headphones off. We need to find a place to stay for the night."
The ex-Rocket flipped the CD off halfway through "Niji no Youbi" and followed her feline companion as he made his way down the snow-covered main street.
They hadn't gone far before an old, rustic hotel caught Musashi's eye at once. She wasn't sure what about the old building had caught her attention- it wasn't much different from two or three they had already passed- but she felt somewhat drawn to it. "Say, Nyasu, why not stay here for the night?"
The cat read the sign posted above the hotel's door. "Spirit Inn. Funny name. Why this place?"
"I'm not completely sure. I just like it for some reason." Musashi ran a hand along the polished metal gate. "What do you suppose they mean by 'Spirit'?"
He shrugged. "I suppose it could be a place to raise your spirits- how you feel about things and all- or, it might be one of those famous old haunted houses."
She smiled a little. "Yeah, right."
Nyasu pointed to a line in the pamphlet. "I'm not kidding. See here? Oh, I'll read it to you, my English is better. It says 'Silver Falls is also home to some alleged haunted houses, including an Inn and a tavern'- that's like a bar. Maybe it's just a publicity stunt, but sometimes these stories have truth behind them." He noticed a Help Wanted sign in the window. "Hey, and a job too! Good luck, ne? Want to check it out?"
Musashi was already heading up the brick steps. Pulling open the door, she stepped quietly inside, glancing around. The main room had a low-ceiling, turn-of-the-century style. The shined wood floors looked in good condition, and the flames burning low in the fireplace gave the building an immediate homey touch. "Hello? Is anyone here?"
The ex-Rocket jumped as a head popped up behind the counter. "Ah, customers! Welcome to the Spirit Inn, home of seven ghostly spirits and countless wandering souls. How may I help you?"
Musashi blinked, trying to let it all sink in. "Uh, we'd like a room for the night, please." Nyasu elbowed her. "Well, actually, I saw your help wanted sign in the window and wanted to apply."
The woman's face broke into a smile. "Wonderful! An applicant and it's only my first day with the offer! You must have just gotten into town, from..." a pause. "Japan, I'm guessing?"
Musashi managed a small, embarassed smile. "Is my accent really that bad?"
"I've heard worse," she said with a chuckle. "Hm, let's see, how do you want to go about this? Do you have any credentials with you?"
Nyasu rummaged in his friend's bag until he pulled out some information. "Will this help?"
The woman gave the cat a warm grin. "Hai, arigatou." The two ex-Rockets exchanged looks of surprise and delight. "Hm..." she skimmed over the sheet- Musashi cringed when she came to the part about Roketto Dan, but the hotel manager simply went right over it. "Sounds pretty good," she said in nearly perfect Japanese. "Can you cook, clean, keep the books, be friendly to customers?"
"All but the cooking part," Musashi said a little sheepishly. "I am fairly good with numbers, though- at least they're the same in English and Japanese."
"Makes life a bit easier, doesn't it?" she said, switching back to her native language. "Hope you don't mind if I stick to this. I know Japanese all right but the rolling r's get stuck on my tongue sometimes."
Nyasu laughed and said it was fine. "So, think Musashi can take the job?"
"One moment..." the woman shot off several questions that Musashi answered to the best of her ability; her answers seemed to be going over well. "Hm, hm... yes, everything looks to be in good order... Miss Kawamura, I think it's safe to say you've got the job."
Musashi bowed hurriedly. "Thank you, and please, just Musashi will be fine."
She smiled warmly again. "Musashi, then. You can call me Alana. I'm the owner of the hotel and in desperate need of an extra hand, especially during the busy months. Welcome to the small Spirit Team."
Musashi and Nyasu both blinked at the ironic name. 'From one team to another,' Musashi thought dryly. "Thanks again, Miss Alana," it came out sounding more like "Al'rana." She frowned- what was it with English and it's damn L's and R's? Wasn't one mixed sound enough to cover for both?
Alana laughed. "Don't worry, you'll catch on. Would you like me to show you to your room? There's a nice room on the second floor that would be perfect for my partner in business."
Musashi nodded in agreement, and was led to the very odd elevator in the corner of the room. It was one of those old-fashioned kinds, like back when they had just been invented. "Is this thing stable?"
"It's been around practically since the hotel was built," Alana said with a dangerous smirk. "But it's safe enough."
Musashi stepped in, watching as Alana hit the button labeled two and the elevator began moving. Her eyes caught something that puzzled her. "Miss Alana?"
"Just Alana is fine."
It seemed odd to be on first-name terms with your boss and not use some sort of prefix or suffix, but if that was how she wanted to do things... "Alana, that thing that's above the elevator- the thing that tells what floor your on... I don't know what you call it..."
"Mostly I just call it that thing that tells you what floor the elevator is on," Alana chuckled. "What about it?"
"There's four floors. But on the button here there are only three..." she noticed a spot that had been covered in duct tape. "Is that to the fourth floor?" A nod. "Why is it covered up?"
"The hotel only has three floors," Nyasu reminded her. "When we were coming in I noticed that." He paused. "Seems odd to install four buttons..."
"You mean you didn't read up about Spirit Inn before you got here?" Two head-shakes. "Then I guess I'll have to tell you the story, won't I?"
Musashi and Nyasu watched as her eyes seemed to nearly glaze over; Alana's voice took on a slightly lower note. "Once, there were four floors at this hotel. This was way back, when the elevator had just been installed. The guests on the fourth floor were a very happy, joyful group of three families, seven people total. They loved to throw parties of all sorts, no matter what the season was. It led to their undoing. One day the seven were having an unusually loud shindig- er, it's a slang term for a party- when one of the men accidentally tossed his cigarette into the trashcan before it was completely out. The fire began in the kitchen, where few people were at the time, and once it was noticed it was too late for the poor fools.
"The fire department was able to save the rest of the hotel, but the three families and the fourth floor were gone. Burned to death amid their own happiness, some still drunkenly singing as they went down." Nyasu and Musashi shuddered. "The owner at the time didn't have enough money to build the floor back, so he just stuck a roof over the ashes and taped up the fourth floor button."
"So, what happens if you press it?" Musashi wondered.
Alana shrugged. "Probably nothing; I'm sure it's been disabled. We keep the tape over, though, for dramatic emphasis."
"Do the families really haunt the Inn?" Nyasu queried.
"More than just the families. Because of their hospitality and good-nature, the 4th Floor is said to be a haven for the lost souls who can't find their way to the Gates. Many people think that the seven decided to stay on earth as spirits forever, guiding those who had lost their way on to the afterlife." She finally stepped out of the elevator, which had been on the 2nd floor for quite some time.
"Do you believe it?" Musashi wanted to know.
Alana nodded. "Completely. Once in a while I'll find things out of place, or feel a slight breeze at my back, or see a shape of a person that shouldn't be there. Sometimes at night- especially if you're on the 3rd floor- you can hear the faint sounds of music and laughter from upstairs."
"Do you suppose we'll get a glimpse of them?" Nyasu wondered curiously.
Alana chuckled at his eagerness. "Perhaps. You never know, but they usually only toy around with the owner of the Inn- visitors will occasionally hear the parties on the 4th, but there's really only one thing that's reported a lot..." she paused for emphasis. "I've had more than half the guests tell me that, late in the evening, if they've been hanging out in the lounge, they'll see a tabby Meowth- er, Nyasu, I suppose to you- pad his way across the wooden floor. Some have even heard him meow, and others have even gotten as lucky as to pet the phantom beast. He always disappears up the elevator, as if by some unseen force..." another pause. "The Johnsons had a tabby Meowth."
There was a long silence, then Musashi broke in, "Is this our room?" she pointed to the door they'd been standing in front of for a while.
Alana snapped out of her storytelling phase, and was once again her usual self. "Oh! So it is! Here," she fumbled with a set of keys, then handed one to the former Rocket. "That should be right..." the key turned in the lock. "Good, I don't have to keep searching. Well, I'll come in with you, show you around- it's quite spacious for what looks like a small room, isn't it- and help you get unpacked. Then, if you'd like, I can show you around town. I rarely get customers at this time of the year, as it is. Sound like a good idea?"
Musashi's face broke into a quick, small smile- around this woman's cheerful personality it was impossible to feel too miserable. "I'd really like that. Arigatou, er thanks."
"Doo itashimashite."

Musashi and Nyasu soon found Silver Falls to their liking, as well as their new position in life and boss. She was almost an exact opposite from their previous superior- not that that was a bad thing- which made the two even more grateful to her kind nature and generous ways.
"Oh? You're going out to dinner? Here, take some cash. I know I don't pay you nearly enough for you to go to one of the really nice places."
"Not feeling well, Musashi? Don't worry, I know what it's like to be a little down sometimes. Go on upstairs or sit on the couch and get some rest. I'll take over. There isn't much business today as it is."
"I have to head out for the evening, keep an eye on things, please. If you get tired of just sitting around, feel free to lock the front door and go on upstairs. I've got a key, and if there's business this late it can wait."
Yes, Spirit Inn was just the thing the two needed to get back on their feet and sew up some old wounds.
There was only one thing still bothering Musashi's mind. It was that blasted fourth floor. For some reason, everytime she got into the elevator she had an impulse to jam her finger on the taped fourth button. "I know it won't do anything," she had told Alana, "but I guess my curiousity to see what it DOES do is getting to me."
Alana laughed, as was her custom. "Plenty of people say that; I even had the urge for a while."
"Well, if it doesn't work, than can I just give it a push, to ease my curiousity?"
"No, most certainly not!" Alana had become serious and snappish so suddenly Musashi jumped. "I've never pressed it myself, but I've heard some awful rumors that the elevator leads to someplace... unknown. A place without a place. I don't understand the stories much myself, but it's nowhere any of us want to go."
"Sounds like an old wives' tale to me," Musashi muttered.
"Maybe, but maybe not. I'd keep away from it if I were you. In fact, as your boss I directly order you not to mess around with things you don't know. The urge'll pass in a few more weeks, I'm sure." She smiled again. "Oh, I only just now noticed that you'd put on one of your Japanese CDs. It sounds nice coming out of the speakers in the lobby. What song is this?"
Musashi listened to the faint sound of Maaya Sakamoto's "Hikari no Naka e":
The treasure of memories that we've made
will always live on deep inside my heart.

Musashi went over and quickly switched to the next one. "Nevermind, it isn't a very good song. Too slow, too sad, if you understand. Brings back bad memories."
Alana nodded. "What sort of bad memories?"
"A... a friend I had back in Japan," Musashi hesitated, not really wanting to talk about it. "There was this accident... well anyway, Kojiro's dead now, so I suppose I can'y dwell on it anymore."
Alana's ears perked up at the name 'Kojiro,' though Musashi had no idea why. She nodded again, this time sympathetically. "I'm sorry about that."
Musashi tried a smile that fell short. "Well, at least I know he's in a better place, right?"
The hotel owner had an odd, thoughtful look on her face. "Hm. Yes. Soon, with a bit of luck, anyway." She looked up at her friend and partner. "Oh, ignore me, I was thinking of something from a few weeks ago. I'm sorry, I completely zoned out there for a moment. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not especially, sem- er, Alana. Thanks for the offer."
"No problem. Don't hesitate to spill your guts to me."
Yeah, right, Musashi thought. "I'll keep that in mind."

Over a month's time had passed since Kojiro's death; the seemingly endless Colorado winter had at last faded into a short, peaceful spring. It was on a night during one of these spring weeks that Musashi was assigned the later shift.
"I hate to do this to you, but customers start coming in as soon as the snow melts. We need to have people watching the door until at least ten o'clock. You don't mind?"
"No, of course not. It'll give me some time to myself. I could use a bit of that."
So, here she was, working over a few bills at nine in the evening. Musashi sat up, cracked her back and yawned. "Hm, I'm not usually this tired. I was up a bit later than usual last night."
Tuesdays were always bad nights for Musashi, no matter what the week; Kojiro had died on a Tuesday, and it always brought back the memories and feelings of guilt stronger than usual. Musashi sighed, bending over her papers and yawning again. "Why can't I just move on? God, though, I miss you Koji..."
She must have fallen asleep, for the next thing she remembered it was ten and the books still weren't done. "Alana's gonna kill me. Maybe with luck she won't find out... oh, but I'm exhausted... there's still so many forms left."
Musashi looked up, jumping in surprise. A small, tabby Nyasu stood in front of the counter, looking up at her and mewing sweetly. Musashi smiled; she loved cats. "Hello there. Who're you? How in the world did you get in here?" The former Rocket got off her chair and kneeled down, bading the animal to come closer.
"Nya," she said again, trotting up daintily and rubbing her head along Musashi's hand.
"Friendly little thing, aren't you? Sometimes I with Nyasu was more like that." The Pokémon clambered into her lap and rubbed it's head happily along her chin. Musashi chuckled. "You really know how to make a person feel needed, don't you? This is just what I needed to cheer me up a little. Sometimes I get so lonely, what with Alana off on errands and Nyasu with his own job..." she sighed unhappily. "I never used to get lonely, you know, but that seems like an awfully long time ago."
"Nya?" the little animal looked back towards the front door. She scrambled out of Musashi's lap, heading towards the elevator.
"Hey, don't leave! Please come back, you really made me feel a lot better." Musashi shivered as a chill breeze seemed to pass by her. She blinked, rubbing hard at her eyes. It LOOKED like two human shapes were standing next to the Nyasu- it certainly looked up happily at someone. One, a female by the looks of her long brown hair, moved and disappeared as quickly as she had come. Then the other, a male by stature...
Musashi's hand flew to her mouth. The second figure was gone in a moment- as was the Nyasu- but... but had she seen a flash of lavender hair?
'I'm dreaming,' she told herself, not daring to speak aloud, 'the phantom cat, the ghosts, the breezes... no, those are just stories. They aren't real... and that guy, well, it had to have been a trick of my eyes, if I'm not dreaming. Of course it wasn't-'
She stopped short, watching the floor meter- as she decided to call it- click slowly upwards. Strange, how could someone be riding the elevator, unless... she gulped and gasped: the meter had reached up to the fourth floor. "What in the world is going on?" the ex-Rocket thought uneasily. "I must be dreaming, I have to be..."
She pressed the button for the elevator to come back down. In moments the doors had opened. She stepped in; the elevator felt perfectly normal, anyway. Her hand roved over the fourth button, feeling the edge curiously... she pushed the one for the second floor. "I need to get some sleep, in my own bed. Alana will understand; those apparitions can shake a person up."
The doors opened out onto the second floor. She could see the door to her apartment at the end of the hall: a warm bed and safety would be waiting for her there. She'd go to bed, and wake up, and things would be as they should...
Musashi's finger slammed down on the fourth floor button. "Safety is fine, but I'll drive myself insane if I don't find out once and for all." The elevator moved. Not just moved- moved up! "It'll probably drop me off at the third floor..." but no, she'd been moving upwards far too long.
The elevator shook a little. "Huh? What's going on? Will it actually take to the area under the roof? Or maybe to that place Alana mentioned once..." the doors opened. Musashi tried to peer through the impenetrable blackness, but saw nothing. The smart thing to do would be hit the second floor button- she'd seen what she wanted to see, and the sight terrified her enough already. "But if I don't find out what's past this darkness, I'll never be able to rest. I may not have another chance where I'm brave enough. Well, Musashi, here it goes. Yana kanjii!"
She stepped out into the dead air, and was immediately consumed in complete gloom.

Hm? Where am I? This place is darker than anything I've ever seen... so quiet, too. Isn't there anyone else here?
What are you doing here?
Oh, someone else! Thank God, a person could lose their mind in this murky world. Can you tell me where we are? Do you know?
Of course I know. I am the Keeper of this place, am I not?
You are? Oh, well, that's certainly a good thing. Where am I?
You are in the place that is no place at all. A land where time stands still, the day never comes, yet no stars or moon shine. You are in the world between worlds, the Bridge between lands. In short, you are in the what is called The Rift, the Rift between life and death.
That doesn't sound very promising. How did I get here?
That's what I would like to know. You certainly aren't dead... Ah, I see now. You entered through one of the glitches; the one in Colorado, correct?
The last thing I remember was stepping out of an elevator into this. I was in Colorado at the time, yes. What's a... a glitch?
It's a place where time and space has been damaged. It can take a living person into the Rift... Thankfully, there are only seven in the world. I'll have to talk to the Soilwatcher of the Spirit Glitch; this is the third person she's allowed into the Rift. What a nuisance it all is.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause you any trouble... uh... oh, there you are. You're human? Well, that works for me. If you'd like, I suppose I can just go back home. Oh, where'd that blasted elevator go? I could have sworn it was behind me, but of course I can't see anything in this mess. Can't you light the place up a bit? Nevermind, just get me back home.
Is there anything you would like before you leave? Something to make life better?
Nani? What do you mean?
Those who enter the Rift... by glitches or death... well, it happens to be a very powerful law that I do what I can to grant them happiness. Originally, it was only meant for the dead who had made it to the Gates, but what with these damned glitches... So, what would make you a truly happy person?
Truly happy? Hm. I wonder. I haven't been truly happy in so long, the nearest thing to it was when...
I can see you've thought of something. Go ahead. Don't be afraid.
Oh, what's the use? The one thing that would make me happy would be to have Kojiro back, but that's impossible. Kojiro's dead, I was there, I saw it myself. There's nothing besides that; you may as well just send me home.
... Kojiro? Hm, a dead man, Kojiro...
Why are you smiling? Your smile is actually kind of scary. What's amusing you?
Nothing for you to worry about. I can give you what you desire.
How? There's no way you could to that. Kojiro's been buried for... well, it seems like an awfully long time, that's for sure.
I have my methods. Rest for now; you'll soon have what you need to be happy.
Nani!? Hey, where are you going!? Don't I at least get a few answers!? How can you bring back a dead person? Wait! Can't you stay! Oh, he's gone, and now it's just me with this empty blackness again. I wish there was someone to talk to, even that impossible Keeper. Hm, what's this? I feel all hazy. Could he really bring Kojiro back? I wonder...

Musashi woke up with a start. Looking around, she saw the lobby clock chiming ten. The ex-Rocket sat up with a yawn and cracked her back. Remembering all that had happened, she came awake completely, glancing around. "Was it... could it have all been a dream? It seemed so real, though, especially that horrible world of shadows." She sighed, looking down at her books. "I knew I missed Kojiro, but I didn't know it was to the point of having strange dreams about him."
The former Rocket's body stiffened. That voice... she knew it... knew it so well... but it couldn't be...
She couldn't look up. If she did, she'd find out it was just her imagination, and that would be an even bigger blow. It sounded so real, though...
"Musashi," he had to be moving towards her. "C'mon, Musashi, won't you look at me?"
At the request her head came up, slowly and reluctantly, but pulled as if by some unseen force. If it wasn't real... but what if it was? Would that be worse, or better? 'I don't want to know, I just want to wake up from this!'
She looked into a pair of green eyes and nearly cried. "Kojiro?"
"Musashi! I'm so glad I found you! I've been looking around for you for so long!"
"What-" she tried to stand up, but her legs turned to jelly and she had to sit down hard.
"Don't bother asking, I'll explain everything." She could only nod numbly, too weak with shock to say anything. "When I got back from the mall and found both you and Nyasu gone, I knew right away that I had to find you and apologize. I felt so horrible about insulting your mother like that! I went to Boss Sakaki to ask if he knew where the two of you were, and he told me you'd QUIT Team Rocket and gone to some town in America: Silver Falls Colorado. It took me a long time to work up the money to get a plane ticket, but I finally made it over a couple days ago. It's so weird, you and I picking the same hotel!" He grabbed her hands, looking down in shame. "Musashi, I'm sorry I said that about your mother. I had no right; and you had every right to yell right back at me." He looked up. "Let's never fight again, all right?"
Musashi just sat there for a moment, wondering what was going on. Had her dream... had it been reality? Or was this just another dream? It couldn't be, though: it seemed so terribly real. Maybe, maybe that Keeper fellow had done what he said he would. Could Divine Beings alter time? Had the crash even happened?
"Musashi? You aren't still mad at me, are you?"
She blinked her eyes against tears of joy, then looked back at him. "Of course not, Kojiro! I forgive you completely." She grabbed his hand and stood up. "Let's just pretend it never happened! Have you been in Silver Falls for long?"
"Iie, just a couple days." He laughed a little. "It's been a major PIA for me to get around- my English isn't nearly as good as yours or Nyasu's."
Musashi glanced at the clock- it was only ten fifteen, and despite her earlier sleepiness she now felt perfectly alive. "Would you like me to show you around? We can pick up something to eat, on the way. I know of this wonderful Japanese restaurant."
"I'm not hungry, I just ate. The family I'm staying with cooks exquisite meals. But if you want to take me on a tour that'd be great." Musashi pulled up along by the arm and out the door. "You really aren't mad at me?"
"How could I be?" she asked, leading him down the small street and pointing out different buildings. Leaving Japan wasn't the biggest mistake of my life, and neither was quitting Roketto Dan. In fact, I'm probably better off in this place where nobody knows me. But deserting you, Kojiro, was the stupidest thing I've ever done. Just because I was a little pissed off! I've been so lonely these past couple months. You're wonderful, to come all the way out here to apologize!"
He blushed a little. "I was lonely too, Musashi. But I guess none of that matters now, right?"
She turned around and flashed him a smile. "My thoughts exactly."

"This is where you're staying?" Kojiro asked, nodding at the door.
"Hai," she whispered, getting ready to turn the key. "Nyasu's probably asleep, so it'd be in your best interests not to come in. You know how he gets when you wake him up."
Kojiro laughed. "Okay." He paused. "Hey, I've got a pretty busy work schedule in the daytime, so I probably won't be able to talk to you until around eight or nine tomorrow night. Is that all right?"
As long as she could see him, it wasn't a problem. "Perfect. We'll have another late evening out. Maybe I can take you to that Japanese steakhouse I mentioned."
"Sounds great. Tomorrow, then?"
"Hai," she said again, opening the door and waving to Kojiro as he went down the hall. She closed the door silently behind her, sighing happily.
"Who were you saying goodnight to?"
Musashi jumped. It was Nyasu. "Ah, cat! You're still up?"
"I woke up around eleven and noticed you weren't in yet. I got a little worried," the cat wasn't a very good liar; he'd obviously been more than a little worried. "So, who was that?"
Nyasu looked at his friend, concern in his black eyes. "Musashi..." he began gently, "Kojiro's been dead for almost two months."
The female ex-Rocket stood there for a moment. Dead? But if time had been switched around... Nyasu couldn't remember what had never been... right? The past HAD been changed... otherwise how could Kojiro come back... she was right, wasn't she? Musashi managed a blush and an embarassed smile. "Did I say that? Stupid me, I meant Colby. He checked into the hotel a little while ago, and wanted to know if I could show him around. I can't believe Kojiro popped out!"
Nyasu gave her another skeptical, yet altogether worried look. "If you say so, Musashi." He yawned. "I need to get to bed. It's hard work at that Pokémon clinic I'm workin' at. They need me, though, since I'm the only one who can understand the Pokémon. See you tomorrow, probably later in the evening. Oyasuminasai, Musashi."
She gave him a quick wave and a fake smile, but her heart was troubled. Why did Nyasu still remember the wreck, but Kojiro didn't? What was going on, and what had the Keeper meant when he said "I have my methods"?

Musashi met up with Kojiro the next day around nine, like he'd said. "You must be tired if you work all day," the female ex-Rocket commented. "Are you sure you want to go out? Nyasu's still busy at the clinic so we could go up to my room if you want."
Kojiro shrugged. "I'm really not tired at all. Funny, I don't get tired too much these days." He smiled. "But I am pretty hungry. What do you want to do? Anyplace special you'd like to go?"
"Actually, I was thinking maybe we could swing by McDonalds and just pick up something, then maybe head on over to the movie theatres. Black Hawk Down is out. Sound like a good idea?"
Kojiro smiled. Lord, had Musashi missed that. "Perfect." As they started down the street, Kojiro blushed a little. "Er, do you think you can do all the ordering for me? People don't seem to be able to understand my accent very well; either that or they just like to be rude."
"What do you mean?" Musashi asked, putting her hands behind her head. "I've always found pretty much everyone to be friendly around here."
He frowned. "Well, it's really odd, but everytime I try to get directions or ask someone a question they just ignore me. I didn't mind it so much at first but it's been going on ever since I got here."
"I wonder why they'd ignore you," Musashi thought aloud. "No one's ever done that to me, or any other tourist I've seen come to town."
He shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine. Anyway, will you do the ordering?" A thoughtful nod. "Thanks. Um, let's see... I guess I'll have a couple Big Macs, a large fry, Dr. Pepper..."
Musashi momentarily forgot her puzzlements about Kojiro being ignored and laughed. "Well, your appetite certainly hasn't changed since we last spoke."
"Any chance they sell Onigiri here?"
"Too bad. I could've used a couple dozen of those."

Musashi stepped up to the man at the movie theater window. "Um, two for Black Hawk Down, please."
He gave her a skeptical look. "Two, ma'am?" She nodded; he chuckled. "You got a mouse in your pocket?"
"No, I-" Musashi stopped, glancing over to where Kojiro lounged by the doors. "Just, two tickets, please."
"No problem, didn't mean to seem rude for asking, miss," he said politely, handing her what she requested.
Musashi took the ticket stubs and gave one to Kojiro, walking quickly into the theater. What was wrong with that man? Hadn't he seen Kojiro? He'd been standing right next to her... 'It's all very strange,' she thought to herself, trying not to seem concerned in front of her friend.
The movie was good, though Musashi could tell Kojiro had a little trouble with the quick English dialogue. They had the theater mostly to themselves, since it was a late night showing. Musashi liked the privacy. In spite of her troubled thoughts, she was happier than she had been in a long while. The female ex-Rocket snuggled up next to her friend in an unexpected sign of affection, whispering in his ear. "I'm really happy that we can do this kind of stuff."
He blushed a little but didn't protest. Coughing a bit awkwardly, he even slid his arm around her shoulders. "That makes two of us."
Once the movie was over they headed back home; Musashi allowed Kojiro to slip his hand into hers as they walked towards the Spirit Inn. She sighed happily. "So, Kojiro, where are you staying? What floor?"
"The fourth."
Her relaxed body stiffened suddenly. "Excuse me?"
"Fourth floor. I didn't have much cash when I got here, but a nice family let me stay with them. They've been really great- I'm working for this small business they have, to pay my rent and make a little extra cash," Kojiro explained.
"But that's impossible, the fourth floor-" Musashi stopped short, seeing how perfectly serious he was. "Nevermind. Does it pay well?"
"Pretty well. Keeps me busy, though. But at least I get free room, board and feeding," he smiled, "You should come up sometime. Johnson-san's cooking is to die for."
Johnson? Wasn't that the name... Musashi turned her head from Kojiro's direction and frowned. Something very strange was going on, and she was going to find out what.

Alana was nowhere to be found when Musashi and Kojiro got back around midnight, but there was a little girl of about seven or so impatiently waiting at the foot of the elevator. She glared hard at Kojiro. "Where have you been? Mom's worried sick! You should have told us you were going out for the evening!"
Kojiro rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry, I thought I mentioned something to Mr. Johnson..."
"Oh, you know how bad Dad's memory is," the girl said. "Anyway, glad to see you back. Can we go back upstairs?"
"Kojiro, aren't you going to introduce us?" Musashi whispered in his ear.
The former Rocket nodded. "Right. Erin, I want you to meet Musashi. She's the friend I was telling you about. Musashi, this is Erin. She's Jerry and Rita Johnson's daughter."
Erin's hazel eyes went over Musashi. "Pleased to meet you, miss." She snapped her fingers. "Oh, I left Whiskers out for the night! Kojiro, do you think you could go find him? Mom and Dad don't want me going out back alone."
"Hai, I'll be right back," he let go of Musashi's hand and trotted out the back door.
Once he was gone, Erin smiled pleasantly at Musashi. "So, you're Kojiro's friend from life? How come you can see us? That's really weird."
Musashi frowned. "Why shouldn't I be able to see you?"
"Prob'ly 'cause I'm not really alive, silly!" she said with a small giggle. "I figured you'd know that, most people with Sight do."
"Sight? Not alive?" Musashi shook her head; kids could be annoying sometimes. "Forget it, I don't want to know. Can you tell me something, though?" Erin nodded. "Kojiro said he was staying on the fourth floor."
"He is. Same as I am."
"That's impossible. The fourth floor was burned down years ago, and seven people with it. No one can live in a place that doesn't exist."
"Well, yeah, that's true I s'pose, but see the fourth floor does exist, just not to living people like you," Erin explained, trying to be helpful. "Anyone who lives up there is a spirit."
"Yeah, you know the hotel history right? My mom and dad and I are part of the original seven. We've lived here for decades, helping lost souls- people who can't get to the Gates- find their way."
"But I don't understand. If that's true than why does Kojiro live up there?"
She giggled again. "'Cause he's a ghost of course! He's one of our newer ones that Mom and Dad have to help get to, um, you know, heaven I guess."
Musashi took a step away from her. "Nani? But, but... no, that's not true! It's not possible! Kojiro couldn't be a, a-"
"Ghost? Sure he can. I am. We all are, up there."
"There's no way!" she denied furociously. "He's way to real to be a ghost! I've held his hand, heard him laugh, seen him eat... he's alive, all right! I know he must be!"
Erin shook her head almost pityingly and put her hand in Musashi's. "I feel real, don't I?" A disbeliving nod. "I'm sorry that you didn't know, but that's really weird. Kinda like how you can see us. Not everyone can do that. Weird."
"Found her!" Kojiro called, toting in a mewing Nyasu. He handed the animal over to Erin, who scratched her ears fiercely.
"C'mon Whiskers, we need to get back upstairs." She turned to Musashi. "It was nice meeting you, miss. Maybe I'll see you again."
Kojiro waved a good-bye. "Osaki ni, Musashi. Same time tomorrow?"
She shook her head, looking at him and wondering what he REALLY was. Her old friend, her dead friend... no, it just couldn't be true. "I can't wait. Osaki ni, Kojiro."

"Say, Alana, you know a lot about spirits, don't you?"
"Oh, I suppose I know my share," she remarked, not glancing up from whatever she was reading. "Why? Something you want to know?" Alana laughed a little. "Did you hear the 4th Floor party?"
Musashi shook her head quickly. She was a bit reluctant to ask her question- Alana might get suspicious- but she had to know or she'd never sleep well at night. "You know that stuff about helping lost souls get to the Gates?"
"If a person wishes hard enough to be with another person- a dead person- will that dead person leave the Gates and look for the other person?"
Now Alana looked up. She fixed Musashi with a curious stare, closing her book as she did. "Now, there's an odd question if I ever heard one. And in answer to it, no, I've never heard of that happening." Musashi breathed a sigh of relief. At least she knew she wasn't guilty for Kojiro's- that was to say, if he really was one of those... "Why do you ask?"
Musashi looked down and played with the couch's apolstry. "What if I told you I thought Kojiro was haunting me?" One of Alana's eyebrows raised. Musashi chuckled weakly. "Just, just kidding Alana. I wanted to see what your reaction was."
"Mm," was all she said, and went back to her book. Musashi coughed uneasily. The book went down. "Anything else you want to know?"
"Er, yeah, I s'pose... um, how exactly does a person become a lost soul?"
Alana chewed on a hangnail, thinking the question over long and hard. "I think, if I were to give you that information, I'd have to tell you a myth about a place that is no place at all-"
"The Rift," Musashi supplied. She regretted it as soon as it came out.
The hotel owner shot her a look. "How do you know about that?" Her voice had taken on a slightly suspicious tone.
Lies were one thing the ex-Rocket knew how to do. "Er, I think I read about it in a book once. The place where time stands still, bla bla bla. It's called the Rift. People are, well, when they die they get taken there and they get asked what would make them truly happy."
"Indeed," Alana agreed, though that note of suspicion hadn't left her voice, "most of the dead choose to go through the Gates- into heaven. Some, however, pick something from earth that'll make them content, and back to earth they go, wandering as lost souls, sometimes for eternity. Many of them know they're ghosts- typically the ones who 'haunt' buildings. Others, however, don't realize they're dead. These are the ones that, as the stories go, are the lost souls."
"So they can't remember their death? The past they remember is... different from what really happened?"
Musashi chewed on her lip and looked away. So, that was it. Kojiro didn't know he was dead. Obviously the families upstairs would be trying to slowly lead him up to this fact- if he found out all at once it would probably be a major blow. "What happens once they figure it out?"
Alana shrugged. "I wouldn't know, I've never been dead. But I'd guess they, you know, pass on."
"One more thing."
"What's Sight? With a capital S?"
"The ability to see ghosts," Alana answered cooly. "Really see them, and talk to them; not just catch a passing shape out of the corner of your eye."
"Hm," Musashi put her chin on her hands, thinking over all that she now knew. She could see ghosts- the Keeper must have had something to do with that- the fourth floor was home to several families of spirits, and Kojiro was living with them as... as a...
The female ex-Rocket said a hasty good-bye to her friend and dashed up the stairs to her room. She flung herself onto her bed, grabbing the picture of she and Kojiro that sat on the nightstand and hugging it tightly. That Keeper had granted her wish, all right... but what a way to do it!
"I can't tell him! It'd hurt him too much to know that he's, he's... well, I can't tell him! If I tell him he'll be crushed, and he'll have to leave, and I'll... God, losing him once was enough! Damn that Keeper, why couldn't he have TOLD me what he was doing before he went and did it!"
Musashi hurriedly blinked back tears, hugging the photo tighter. She had to be strong, though, she couldn't break down. And she couldn't tell him. No matter what, she wouldn't tell him.
"I'll forget all that, and I'll just have fun. I know it won't last- those Johnsons will let him down easy- but for the time being I'll just have to be careful where I take him. No reason to speed up what's bound to happen eventually. Damn that Keeper! Poor Kojiro..."

The next couple weeks passed so quickly Musashi would later look back and think that it was just a dream. She and Kojiro did so much in those evenings, whether it was a movie, or a quiet walk through a park, or just hanging out in Musashi's room, the night; everything was filled with a lazy, wonderful happiness.
Musashi was always wary about where the two went. She tried to keep Kojiro away from crowded areas, and they never dined in. When they stayed home for the evening, Nyasu was never around, which Kojiro mentioned once or twice, but Musashi told him not to worry, the workaholic cat gave Kojiro his regards.
Every night, when the three or fours hours they spent together had ended, Musashi stood watching the elevator move to the fourth floor, her heart aching and wishing for just a few more minutes. Every extra second would have been a blessing, for who knew how many more she'd have left with him?
One day in late April, after a particularly refreshing walk through Silver Falls Park, Kojiro and Musashi stood outside her room door. Musashi was reluctant to go in, as she always was; she leaned back against the wall and looked at her friend. "I'm not ready to go in yet. Can't we just go out for another quick stroll?"
"I really need to get some sleep," he told her. "And so do you. I think these latenight outings are hurting you a lot worse than me."
Musashi covered a yawn. "Of course they aren't. Spending time with you is much more important than a little thing like sleep."
Kojiro chuckled. "You really believe that?"
"I do," she said with a small, content smile.
"I think I feel the same way, Musashi-sama," she blinked in surprise at the suffix. "Oh? Sorry, do you mind that? If Musashi is better-"
"No," she interrupted immediately, blushing a little. "I like it." She looked at her door sadly. "I'd invite you in, but what with Nyasu and his need for sleep..."
"I understand. Like I said, we should both rest up." Kojiro moved almost dangerously close to his friend's face- Musashi thought she felt her heart stop- but he pulled away at the last second. "Osaki ni, Musashi-sama."
She numbly watched him turn away. "Wait!" For a moment, she had a strange desire to tell him the truth- the truth about what was going on in the world, and why she refused to tell him. Didn't he deserve honesty, even if it hurt more than lies? Should you keep secrets from the person who you... who you...
He must have sensed the panicky note in her voice. "What's the matter?"
Musashi paused. The words were on her tongue, but she couldn't say them. In the end, it would just bring more pain to Kojiro... and to herself. "Nothing. Osaki ni, Kojiro...sama."
Before she could change her mind again, the ex-Rocket was in her hotel with the door shut tight. For once, Nyasu was actually up, watching latenight television. "Oh, you're home. That's good. You certainly are out late with that new boyfriend of yours a lot." He paused, noticing that she looked distressed. "Is something wrong?"
Musashi looked at the cat, as if just noticing him there. "What? Wrong? Something... no, nothing."
Nyasu frowned. "You've been acting awfully odd since you met that guy... Colby, right? Is he treating you okay? Most of the time you're excited to meet him, but then you come home so..."
"I'm fine, Nyasu. Nothing's wrong," she said, squaring her shoulders and hurrying to her bedroom. Once she had the door closed behind her, Musashi lay down on the bed, looking up at the ceiling miserably. "Nothing, except that I'm in love with a ghost."

Some of the spirits have been expressing some concerns to me, Soilwatcher. There's a lost soul by the name of Kojiro... they say they can't get through to him. It's been nearly two weeks. What do you suspect?
Sir, I believe it has something to do with the human girl, Musashi. She and he have been... unsually close, these past weeks.
Musashi? Yes, I remember her.
You've met Musashi?
Oh, yes. She stumbled upon the Rift by accident, I think. You know the custom: I asked what she wanted and she said the only thing that would make her happy was to be with Kojiro. When he came, he wanted to be with her. Neither knew what I had in mind though...
You enjoy tormenting heart-broken youths too much, Sir. Had they known about your "methods," I'm sure this never would have happened.
Maybe, but maybe not. And what right do you have to correct me? Maybe it was cruel, but it was only what they asked for! I can't bring a person back from the dead; you know that. This was the best I could do.
Yes, Sir. I apologize. I just... nevermind. It's not my place. What do you propose we do?
We? Nothing. Kojiro will never pass through the Gates unless someone gets through to him, and Musashi seems to be the only person who can reach our friend.
He may figure it out himself.
Let's hope he doesn't! We've seen what that does to people! Which is exactly why you must talk to Musashi, and soon. It's been too long- much too long for comfort.
Me, Sir? Do you really think it's necessary that I blow my cover? Granted, she knows me well enough that I might make her see reason but... it just seems like I should be the last resort, you know?
Hm. You have a good point. Well, then, why not have Rita Johnson talk to her? Rita is a very straight-forward woman, and she knows Kojiro fairly well. Oh, don't chuckle so hard, I know she's a bit tactless but that may be exactly what we need. If that doesn't work...
Understood. I won't let you down, Sir.
Let's see that you don't. Oh, here comes another load of people to the gates- my job is never done. Goodbye, Soilwatcher of Spirit Glitch.
Until next time...

Musashi and Kojiro came home from another late night movie, still laughing at their favorite parts and quoting lines. Hand in hand and so indulged in their conversation, they didn't even see the ghostly woman until they were practically on top of her.
"Kojiro, there you are dear!" she was a tall, stately woman, not quite twenty-eight, with long brown hair and a stubborn jaw. "That impossible cat of ours has gotten himself lost again. Do you think you could...?"
"Oh, no problem Rita," Kojiro agreed- he'd long since gotten on first-name terms with the family. Pulling somewhat reluctantly out of Musashi's hold, he disappeared out the back door.
As soon as the ex-Rocket was gone, Rita fixed Musashi with a hard, piercing glare. "Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?"
"Nursing this idea of Kojiro's that he's still alive! He'll never be able to pass on this way, you know!"
Musashi took a step back, surprised by the harshness in the delicate woman's voice. "M-my job isn't to ease him into the truth, that's yours. It's not my fault if you aren't doing it right."
"Doing it right!?" it looked like Rita might hit her, but she stopped suddenly. "We can't do anything while Kojiro still spends time with you! Everytime I try to bring up the fact that no one in town seems to notice him, he always says 'Musashi notices me, and that's all I need.' As long as you keep seeing him, he's going to be stuck here!"
Musashi bristled. "Well, I can't very well stop seeing him- we both live in the same hotel, and I'm not going to move- so what do you expect me to do?"
"I expect you to tell him the truth. You're obviously the only person who can get through to the poor boy. He came back here for you, you know. He said 'As long as I can be with Musashi I'll be happy.' Now look where it's gotten him!"
"I don't see what the problem is," Musashi argued. "He's happy, and so am I. Why can't it just continue this way?"
"These sort of things can be kept secret for a time, but not forever. Sooner or later Kojiro's going to want to go out and buy something on his own, and no one's going to even glance at him. What happens if he gets in a crowded area somewhere? People may go right through him. He'll find out sooner or later."
Rita slapped Musashi hard across the cheek. "You fool! Do you know what HAPPENS to people who figure it out for themselves!? It feels just like what I did to you, multiplied by ten. The shock can last for weeks; Kojiro would be crushed, depressed, Lord only knows what else! It's unlikely that he'd ever heal!"
Musashi felt a few tears spring to her eyes at the thought. How horrible! And to see it happen to Kojiro would be... she shook her head hard. She had to be tough; no tears. "I can't tell him, I wouldn't be able to stand it. Kojiro would be so hurt; I don't want to cause him any pain."
"Maybe that's your reason. Maybe it's partly for him..." Rita's voice had dropped several octaves. "But isn't the real reason because YOU don't want to lose him again?"
"Of... of course not," Musashi insisted, sounding unsure. "I mean, yes, it'd be bad for me too, but... but... I love Kojiro, if it was a question of his happiness than I'd-"
"If you really love him as much as I think you do," Rita said, "then you'll tell him the truth. I've seen a lost soul go bad too many times in my life. Kojiro is a sweet person. Don't you think he deserves happiness?"
The selfish part of Musashi got the best of her. "Well, what about my happiness!? Once Kojiro's gone, that's it for him, he gets heaven and eternity! And what do I get, huh Rita?! Tell me that!"
"You selfish idiot!" Rita snarled, grabbing her by the collar. "My boss is damn unhappy with the situation, and I'm getting tired of your attitude! Now you listen to me: Kojiro's starting to figure it out. He came home the other day and said to me, 'Rita, do you ever feel like you don't exist?' and even though he talked happily about his time with you, his eyes were troubled. Do you want to see him become one of THOSE!?"
Musashi's eyes dropped to the floor. "No. No, that's the last thing I want."
"I- I suppose I'll have to..."
"What the hell is going on here!?"
Rita and Musashi both looked up to see a thoroughly angry-looking Kojiro standing at the back door, Whiskers on the floor by his feet. Rita let go of Musashi fast, not making eye contact with the male ex-Rocket. "I was, I was only..."
"Yeah, I saw what you were ONLY doing," Kojiro snapped, striding across the floor and shoving the Nyasu none-too-lightly into Rita's hands. "Just who do you think you are!?" He slid an arm around Musashi's waist and pulled her in next to him. "What gives you the right to do that to Musashi!?" "Kojiro, you have to understand, it isn't nearly as bad as it may look."
He snorted. "True, it's ten times worse." He looked to Musashi. "You all right?" She nodded; he noticed the red mark on her cheek. "Rita!"
"Just drop it Kojiro," Musashi said dejectedly; pulling out of his hold. "It really isn't as bad as it seems. We were just... it was nothing, trust me."
His eyes flared briefly as he looked at the defiant Rita. "I'll take your word on that. Rita, I know that you've been a little against my late-night outings, but that's still no reason to..."
Rita fumbled with the elevator button, lips pursed angrily. "I'm going upstairs! I don't have time to stand around and be insulted!" Her eyes went past Kojiro to Musashi. "Soon."
Musashi met her eyes unhappily, dreading what she was going to have to tell her friend before the week was out. Once Rita had gone, Kojiro sighed. "What is wrong with her? She's normally a nice person, but that streak of hers..." he turned back to Musashi. "You're sure everything's okay? If she's going to be a jerk like that, I can move out, you just say the word-" he noticed the tears at the corners of her eyes, "Oh, Musashi-sama, please don't cry. I hate it when you cry. Here, we'll get some ice for that. I apologize for her; I don't know what could've gotten into her."
The female ex-Rocket swallowed hard. He cared so much for her, all he wanted was her to be happy. She had to do the same thing for him, even if it killed her. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the tears to disappear. She had to be strong. "No, really, Kojiro, it's fine. It's not Rita. It's just... look, I'm really tired. Do you mind if I go up to my room?"
"Oh." He seemed almost hurt that she'd turned down his offer to help. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, then?"
"Hai. Osaki ni, Kojiro-sama."

"Musashi, are you okay?"
"I'm fine Nyasu."
"You always say that, but I'm starting to doubt it. Hey! Where'd you get that red mark? Is that Colby guy doing that? I think you really oughta stop seeing that guy-"
"Nyasu there IS no Colby!" Musashi snapped, "there's never BEEN in Colby! Oh, you're so dense sometimes..."
He watched her run past and into her room, wondering what he'd said wrong. "Musashi-"
"I'm really not in the mood to talk!" she shouted through her locked door.
Musashi sat down on her bed and turned on whatever CD she'd last had in her stereo.
Even though I should want to wish
for you to find happiness,
I can't, I'm too immature.

She slammed the off button; "Hikari no Naka e" again. "I HATE this song!" Too tired to find something else, she lay back on her bed, eyes half-closed. "Oh, now what am I gonna do?"

"Alana, do you mind if I take Saturday afternoon and evening off?"
"Right in the middle of the busy season? That's pushing it a bit Musa-" she stopped short; the ex-Rocket was chewing on her lip; she looked near tears, "oh, it must be important?"
"I need to talk to a friend. I have to tell them something... that I don't really want to tell them. It's very important. Onegai, Alana."
The hotel owner's look softened. "I understand. Take the whole day off if you'd like. Ganbare, with whatever it is you need to do."
"Arigatou gozaimasu."

"Kojiro, do you think you can get Saturday afternoon and evening off?"
Kojiro sensed that something was bothering Musashi. He put his arm around her shoulders as they walked down the street towards the park. "What do you want to do Saturday afternoon?"
"I want to have a date with you that's not in moonlight. Plus, I... I really need to talk to you about something. It's important."
"Oh?" Kojiro wasn't going to pry, but whatever it was was obviously troubling her. "Well, if it's that important, I'm sure I can get some time off."
"I know Rita works you hard, but if you tell her it's something I need to talk to you about-"
His voice got icy for a moment. "Even if she said no I'd still come. Rita isn't my keeper Musashi-sama, and you're much more important than her." He hesitated. "What is it, anyway?"
Musashi sounded about as dreary as she felt. "You'll just have to wait and see."

"Konnichi wa, Musashi-sama!"
In spite of her recent problems, the ex-Rocket couldn't help but laugh. Kojiro had really gone all-out for this one; he presented her with a sweet smile and a bouquet of roses, which she gladly took. "Wow, that's so nice of you Koji. I should put these back up in my room..." she thought of Nyasu, lounging about on his day off. "No, wait, I'll get a vase and put them in the lobby."
After she'd taken care of the flowers, Musashi grabbed her friend's hand and drug him outself. "I know of the perfect place to go. I found it when I first came to Silver Falls. I think you'll really like it."
Laughing and demanding a hint, Kojiro followed her down the backstreets and between several buildings. "We're taking a funny way to get there. Wouldn't the main street be quicker?"
Musashi frowned, once again being reminded of how fake these past few weeks had been. She kept her voice tone cheerful. "I felt like a change of scenery." She pulled up suddenly; they had reached the outskirts of town.
Kojiro looked out to see a gently sloping hill leading down to the road far below. The entire thing was covered in soft spring grass and mountain flowers; a large pine tree shaded half of the area in cool shadows.
Musashi chose a spot in the sunlight, laying down in the grass and bading Kojiro to do the same. He did as she said, slipping his hand into hers as he did. "Don't you think this place is nice?" Musashi asked. Kojiro smiled. "Hai. You don't see the sky this blue very much."
The female ex-Rocket followed his gaze upwards. The sky was indeed an unusually brilliant blue; there were only a few tufts of clouds, whipping away through the breeze. A pidgey circled lazily, dropping into the nearby pine tree. The scene took her back to another lovely day with her companion... a day that ended in misery.
"You know, it really is a beautiful day," he remarked.
Musashi bit her lip hard; they were Kojiro's last words alive. She closed her eyes halfway, sighing. It was now, or never. "It was on a day, a lot like this, when you..." she stopped; she couldn't say it.
"When I...?" Kojiro waited for her to finish.
She turned her eyes to the ground. In a barely audible whisper, she murmured, "When you died."
Musashi felt his eyes on her. "When I died? What do you mean? Musashi, I never..."
The former Rocket knew as soon as she started the story she was going to cry. "Remember, Kojiro? We got into that fight, that really bad one. I fell asleep, and when I woke up Nyasu said you'd gone to the mall. I knew you were still mad at me, so I followed, hoping to catch you before you got to Blackthorn's shopping center."
"Musashi..." she could tell by his frightened voice that it was coming back.
She bit back a sob; she couldn't cry, not now. She had to be the strong one. "Only, only you never got the mall. Some drunk driver slammed into a truck, and there was a huge wreck. By the time I got there, doctors and policeman were swarming the place. I heard you were in the crash, so I went to find you. You told me you didn't have any chance, that you were going to..." she trailed off.
"I was in so much pain, and I was terrified of death. You were scared, too, but you promised you'd be tough." He lowered his voice. "You held my hand. You gave me a little bit of courage in those last moments. Then, then things started hazing out, and I..."
"You died," Musashi finished unhappily, choking on the words.
"I died," he repeated. "Why did I forget that until just now? But, but there was more. I went to this place... it was so dark, and so quiet, and I missed you and Nyasu terribly. The Keeper of this, this Rift, came to me, and asked me if I wanted eternity. But all I wanted was to be with you. He said he could grant that, and then he left and... Does that mean I'm a ghost?"
Musashi nodded miserably. "I'm the only person who can see you. I went to the Rift, too, Kojiro, and asked to have you back. The Keeper gave us what we wanted, only... only not the way we wanted!"
"Why did you try to hide it from me?" Kojiro asked; he sat up, sounding almost angry. "Musashi, we've been doing this for nearly three weeks. Why did you wait so long to tell me?"
Musashi sat up to face her old partner. She felt tears spring to her eyes again. "I didn't want to. I didn't want to hurt..." she shook her head hard; that wasn't the truth, she knew it as well as Rita had. "I didn't want to lose you! I'd heard that when a lost soul found out they were dead, they passed on. Went back to that Rift, and on to heaven. The thought of losing you again..."
Kojiro put an arm around her shoulders. "Musa..."
"Rita showed me reason, though. Someone had to tell you, 'cause if you found out for yourself- well, you just couldn't, is all. I thought I was protecting you, but all along I was just screwing everything up even more! Worse still, the two of us have been getting closer these past weeks. Two months ago, if someone had asked what my relationship with you was, I'd have said 'my partner and best friend.' Only now... Shimatta! I'm such a baka!"
Musashi halfway wanted Kojiro to smack her and tell her how pissed off he was; halfway wanted him to hug her and say it wasn't her fault at all. He did neither. "So, what happens now?"
"I don't know," she whispered. "I would assume that once you go back up the elevator... well, that's it. You'll probably go back to the Rift."
He shivered. "That horrible place?" She nodded. "I hate that Rift; I'd sooner stay here than go there."
"Well, from there you can go on to the Gates," Musashi reminded him. "You'll be a lot happier once you get there, I'm sure. You do want to go to heaven, right?"
"No! Well, yes! I mean... can't I just stay here with you? Who says I have to go back to the 4th floor? Is it possible that I..." he stopped for a moment. "That's odd."
Musashi sat up with a start. "What? Are you okay? Koji, you don't look too good! Paler than usual."
He shook his head. "God, I'm tired. Not physically exhausted, but... wow, mentally I feel like I could rest for an eternity."
She squeezed his hand. "That's it, then. Now that you know, you have to go back. You'll just exhaust yourself if you try to stay here. You have to go back, Kojiro."
"Musashi-sama... don't you want me to stay?"
"Of course I do!" she cried. "Don't ever think I wouldn't! But not if you're going to be miserable. Besides, you know as well as I do that we can't keep this up. Koji, I... well, I..."
"I know what you mean. It can't last." He paused, looking up. "So, now what?" he asked again.
"We still have the rest of the day," Musashi said timidly. "Is there anything in particular that you want to do?"
"You think, you think maybe we can just stay here? It's so beautiful, so peaceful, no one's going to bother us. For dinner, we- er, you- could go get some Japanese, maybe? If it isn't too much trouble."
At that moment, fetching the moon wouldn't have been too much trouble. "Not at all. It's a good plan. I want to enjoy this, and I want you to enjoy it too. It's the last few hours..."
"I know," he cut off. "Don't think about it. Let's just be happy for the moment."
Musashi lay back down, Kojiro next to her. He was right. She couldn't think about what would happen later. Not now, anyway. She smiled slightly, closing her eyes against the sunlight. "It really is a beautiful day, isn't it?"

Musashi looked at the elevator doors and had a strange desire to dismantle every button in the damned thing. This was it. There was no going back. Kojiro knew what he was, and what he had to do. He'd be happier in the end, she knew. As for herself...
"Twice! Once was bad enough, but now I'm losing you again! And all because of that Rift..." Musashi clenched her fist in anger, pulling away from the arm Kojiro tried to slip around her waist. "It's worse than time too! Before I loved you, but now I love you! This isn't fair!"
"Musashi-sama, I know what you mean. I'm losing you, too."
"It's different for you!" she argued fiercely. "You get eternity! Heaven, Kojiro! How can a person be sad there? What do I get? Just one more loss to my list of hundreds!"
"You aren't making this any easier on me, Musa," Kojiro told her firmly. He gripped her shoulders, making her look at him. Though his face was the picture of decisiveness, his eyes gave away how much this hurt him. "There's no way I'm going to be happy anywhere without you, you know that. But I'll see you again."
"We're in our early twenties, Kojiro-sama. It's an awfully long time. God, I can't stand this!" Musashi felt tears leapt into her eyes for more than the first time that day.
"Please, don't cry Musa. I hate it when you cry. This is going to be hard for both of us, but you have to be tough. You've got to be strong, Musashi-sama."
Musashi beat a fist into his chest- Kojiro winced but didn't say anything. "That's what I've been telling myself since you died! 'Be strong, Musashi, you promised Kojiro.' 'Don't cry, you have to be strong.' I'm sick of being strong! I'm sick of being so damn tough all the time!"
"What do you want to be, then?" he asked softly.
"I just... I just..." Musashi finally gave it up and burst into tears. "I don't know what the hell I want to be! I don't want to be WITHOUT you, though!"
Kojiro paused, unsure of what to do. Musashi didn't just break down like this. After a moment's hesitation he let instict take over; Kojiro pulled his companion in close and just let her cry it out. "I'm sorry, Musashi. I'm sorry this is going to happen, but I can't help it." She wasn't stopping.
'This is the last thing I wanted!' Kojiro thought, distraught at his helplessness. 'When I asked to come back, I wanted to stop from hurting Musashi, not hurt her even more!'
He felt the sharp sense of exhaustion- the same he'd been pleagued with all day. "I have to go, Musashi-sama. I don't want to, but..." he sighed heavily. "I'm tired. I need some rest."
She looked up, tears still running freely. "This is it, then?"
"I'm afraid so," he smiled a little. "Don't cry. We'll meet again, right?"
The words rang so familiar in Musashi's head; they were lyrics to that accursed "Hikari no Naka e." She sniffed, but couldn't stop the flow. "But not being able to see you is something that only I know about," she whispered, completing the line.
"Sayonara," he whispered, touching his lips to hers in one final farewell. Musashi watched numbly as the doors opened. Kojiro stepped in, waving once more. "Aishite-iru," he called as the doors closed.
Musashi kept her eyes on the metal panels, thinking, hoping beyond hope that he might come back; might have decided to risk it for her. Nothing. She sniffed and turned to go.
She jumped; turning around quickly. Nyasu was standing there, looking with puzzlement at the elevator doors. "Was that- I could have sworn- but it couldn't have been-" he saw Musashi's tear-stained face. "Musashi? Is everything all right?"
She shook her head. "Everything is perfectly horrible, Nyasu. Oh, Kojiro."
He looked back at the elevator. "Then I- it wasn't a- is that who-?"
Nyasu wasn't sure whether he was worried or relieved to see Musashi still crying freely, not trying to keep it in. She started for the stairs. "I'll explain later. Right now I just need to go to bed. I'm exhausted."

Where am I? This seems familiar. I know this darkness too well... I must be in the Rift again. Then this is it, then? Oh, how horrible! This isn't how I wanted it to end at all! I only wanted to prevent Musashi from getting hurt... she was crying so hard, like she'd never stop. I was so tired, I didn't even think about what I could have done to help her! I should have stayed, just for a few more minutes, if only to dry her eyes and walk her to her door! But it's come out all wrong! Musashi-sama, I'm sorry!
You're crying again.
You again! Why don't you just go away and leave me!? You've messed things all up, I've messed things all up! Oh, Musashi, if I could only go back just ten minutes to comfort you, it'd be enough! But no one can change time.
I can't anyway. Why are you crying now? And why are you back? Didn't you want to stay with her, with Musashi? Isn't that what she wanted as well?
You shut up! You know damn well I couldn't have stayed! I was so tired, so spiritually exhausted... and even if I had stayed, it would have only brought Musashi more pain than I already gave her! Shimatta, she loved me! Don't you understand that!? She can't be with a dead man... a spirit... Why did you do it like that!?
You said you wanted to be with her. She felt the same way. I cannot change time, nor make dead men live again. I did what I could. It was your choice to leave
Oh, go away, you sick, twisted Keeper! Had you told me what my options were...
Were you not with her?
Yes! I mean, no! I mean, I was, but... not in body! That wasn't what I meant at all! When I said I wanted to be with Musashi, I meant... well, I didn't mean like this. No, never like this. You say your duty is to make people happy, yet all you did was make the both of us even more miserable! Now why don't you go away and torment somebody else?
Impossible. I can't leave you here. No one can remain in the Rift. The Gates are that way; you're welcome to enter.
I'm staying right here, and I'll wait for Musashi!
A very long wait. Sixty years and then some, if there are no accidents. That can seem like a painful eternity in the Land of Darkness
I don't care! I'm not moving! I'm not going through any Gates without Musashi!
...You remain firm on this decision? That is what you want?
Yes! I won't go anywhere without Musashi! That's final! Wait. Why are you chuckling? I don't like that sound. What are you doing?
If that's what you want, than that is most certainly what you will get. Musashi will join you at the Gates... soon. In the meantime, you'll have to go back to Earth. I can't have lost souls wandering around the Rift, now can I?
Huh? Wait! What do you mean by 'soon'? How can Musashi... no, you can' t mean what I think you mean! Come back here! Riftkeeper, COME BACK! I didn't mean it at all like that... oh no, here's that hazy feeling again... I must be going back... but maybe I can save her before... damn that Riftkeeper! If I ever see him again... Musashi, hang on, I'm coming...

Kojiro found himself once more in the main lobby of the hotel. He glanced around, blinking hard and trying to remember what had happened. He sucked in air. Musashi!
The former Rocket practically flew up the two flights of stairs and to the door of Musashi's room. He knocked twice, then, remembering what he was, took a breath and plunged through the wood.
"Musashi!" he called, looking around frantically. As long as he caught her before she went out, out to where some dangerous "accident" could end her life, then maybe he could stop that Keeper's plans from happening.
Kojiro noticed that the back bedroom door was closed. With another deep breath, he dived once more through the door; it didn't feel quite so odd this time. There she was, lying in bed! But wait, something wasn't right. "Musashi-sama?" he called, hoping she'd still be able to see him.
There wasn't any movement to the covers. Kojiro moved closer, moving back the coverlet. "Musa?"
He'd found Musashi, but not in the condition he'd hoped for. His redheaded angel was curled up tightly in a ball, pale and shivering violently. "Damn that Riftkeeper! He got to her before I did, and not only that, but in a way I can't do anything about."
Kojiro put a hand on Musashi's head. She was on fire. "Poor Musashi. But what can I do? Oh, where is that stupid cat? How could he leave her like this?" Kojiro leaned down near her. "Musashi-sama, I'm going to go make you something to eat, does that sound like a good idea?"
One blue eye opened halfway. "Koji?"
He nodded. "Listen, I don't have time to explain, but I'm going to do what I can to help you. So just sit tight and-"
She sat up, ignoring her sickness for a moment. "Kojiro! My God, I can't believe you came back! But, but how? How in the world did you..." she fell back to bed with a slight thump.
"Don't ask questions, if you get through this I'll explain. Is there any kind of soup in the house?"
"Chicken noodle in the cabinet," she murmured sleepily. "I'm so drained. I feel like I couldn't even lift a pair of chopsticks. Ever since I woke up yesterday morning..."
Yesterday!? Kojiro bit his lip; he wondered how long it would take the Keeper's illness to kill her. "Okay, all right, I'll go make you something." She shivered again. "Blankets, too, right."
"What's going on? You seem to know a lot more than me about this."
He smiled weakly. "Going on? You're sick, that's all that's going on, and all that matters right now. Please, just try to rest a bit while I go get what you need." As soon as her eyes closed Kojiro was through the door. Once on the other side, tears sprang into his eyes. "There I go again, having that Keeper take what I say the wrong way. Oh, Musashi, I'm sorry! This isn't what I meant at all!"

Nyasu came home an hour or so later, loaded down with groceries and several different kinds of medication. "Musashi, we got a load of great things from the store, and plenty of stuff for your flu... or whatever it is..." Nyasu stopped, looking around the room. That was strange; there was an empty bowl on Musashi's nightstand, along with several extra blankets piled on her bed. "That's odd. I wonder how..." the cat shivered as a chill breeze seemed to pass from his head to his tail. "Brr!"
Kojiro ran his hand along the animal's back again; he'd nearly forgotten how much he'd missed the cat. "You're worried about Musashi too, huh Nyasu?" he asked, though he knew the Pokémon couldn't hear him.
Nyasu took a seat next to his friend's bed. "Hey, Musashi? Wake up, c'mon, I got something to keep the fever down."
Her eyes opened a bit. "Welcome back, Nyasu. What was that you say you've got?"
"Some medicine. By the way, did you get up to get the blankets and soup? You shouldn't strain yourself, you know, it's not good for you. You're way to weak to be moving around, you know that..."
"Wasn't me. Was Kojiro..."
Nyasu obviously thought the fever was making her dilirious. "Right, Kojiro, of course. He's a great guy, always looking out for you..."
Kojiro snorted, sitting on the other side of Musashi's bed and stroking her hand lightly. "Fine job I've done of it, too."

"Alana, could you please come with me?"
"Um, sure Nyasu. What's the problem?"
"It's Musashi. I think she's taken a turn for the worse. Anyway, I don't like it. I wondered if maybe you could just take a quick look; you know an awful lot about pretty much everything."
"Thanks for the compliment. How many days has it been?"
"Just four. She already looks white as a ghost, though, like she's at death's door. I just don't understand how anything could hit this fast. Musashi's a pretty tough person too..." by now they'd reached the door to Nyasu and Musashi's room.
The cat led Alana to the back room, where Kojiro sat stroking Musashi's hand and whispering anything comforting he could think of. Nyasu noticed that almost immediately Alana's face seemed to take on a look concern and surprise. "Is it that bad?"
She didn't bother looking up. "It's pretty bad, all right." Kojiro happened to glance up at the two; he realized with a start that Alana's eyes were fixed right on him- not through him, but on him. "Nyasu, could you run down to the local pharmacy and ask for a bottle of Motrin?"
"I think I've already got one-"
"We're going to need more," she said sharply. Hearing the edge in her voice, the Pokémon quickly padded out of the room. Her stare remained on Kojiro. "What are you doing back here?"
He didn't answer. Kojiro was so used to no one but Musashi being able to see him that he just assumed the question was delivered at someone else.
"Kojiro!" she snapped. "What are you doing back here? I was informed that you passed on a few days ago."
He jumped at her tone, startled by the anger that was in it. "You can see me?"
"Of course I can! A body doesn't become the Soilwatcher without having Sight! Now, tell me why you aren't at the Rift, or past the Gates?"
He shook his head sadly; Alana noticed how exhausted he looked. "Not for long, though. I'll be going back before the week is out, if that Keeper has his way. I never meant for it to turn out like this, but it's all gone to hell, as usual. Oh, Musashi!"
"What are you talking about? I know you're tired- you must be, if you've been hanging around here for nearly four days- but I need to understand this."
So Kojiro told her the entire story, from front to back, as best as he could without getting choked up. "I never meant it like that, I only wanted to wait for her. It never turns out the way you want it, does it though? Poor Musashi-sama, if I'd just entered those Gates from the beginning..."
Alana pursed her lips unhappily. "That tears it. I'm sick of seeing that Riftkeeper do this to people! Come along, Kojiro, we're going to have a nice, long talk with that wretched boss of mine!"
Alana had a hand around his wrist, when Kojiro felt a strange feeling hit him deep in his stomach. Kojiro doubled over; it was like when he'd been back at that crash, so long ago; the pain was that unbearable.
"Oh, no," Alana whispered. Before Kojiro could get a word out she had disappeared down the hall.
'Everything's going hazy,' he thought. 'Does this mean I'm going back? But, if I am, then Musashi is... Oh, Musashi!'

Here I am again. Even though it's my third time I'm still not at all used to it. This darkness is so thick, it practically chokes you. Why am I here this time? It's a bit of a blur.
Huh? What was that? I know that voice! Could it be... is it possible that it's...
Kojiro! Kojiro thank God, I found you! I thought I'd be lost in this gloom forever, but I heard your voice and I followed it! Kojiro, I'm so happy, we're together again! What? What's wrong? Aren't you glad to see me?
It's not supposed to happen like this! I didn't mean for you to... for this to... Musashi-sama, there's only one way you can be here. You're dead, do you realize that? Oh, and I did it, too! I said, "I won't enter the Gates without Musashi." But I never meant it like this! No, never like this!
Kojiro, I don't understand. Why're you so unhappy? This is what we both wanted... right? Aren't you glad to see me?
Of course I'm glad to see you, Musashi-sama, I always am. But... please, no, don't hug me, it makes things even worse! Musashi, you're DEAD, and if you aren't you're very close. Don't you understand that?
So? If I'm dead I'm dead, there's nothing we can do about that. And if I'm very close, then, well, I'll just have to walk that road, right? You shouldn't be so sad. We're together again. Isn't that what matters?
Musashi, you can't die like this! Don't you get it? Just to be with me... it isn't right, it can't happen like this. Your life would've ended for me... I can't stand the thought! No! Not this way!
Oh, now, Musa, don't cry, I hate it when you cry. Here, come here. See, that's better, isn't it?
But... but you WANT me to go back? You want me to go back to that, that horrible miserable world? Koji, how can you ask me to do that!? This is the first chance that I've had to end this the right way, and I'm not about to give that up!
Musashi, please. Kojiro's right. This isn't the way it should be.
Huh? That voice. I know that voice. Not the Keeper though... why won't you show yourself?
It's best that you don't know. Musashi, listen to me. Kojiro's right. You have to go back. It isn't too late, but in a few minutes it will be.
No! I refuse! I'm sick of being so strong, so tough! You asked me what I wanted to be, Kojiro! Well, I want to be with you! I don't want to have to worry about being strong or tough or anything but who I am.
Musashi-sama... I... NO! You need to go back to Earth!
It's killing you to say that, it's so obvious. Kojiro, why are you just bringing yourself and me more pain?
Because... because... Musashi, as much as I want to be with you, I can't, not right now. That was decided when my mo-ped hit a semi. That was pure chance, a coincidental something that could happen to anyone. This, though... this isn't. This is playing with fate. It's all that damn Riftkeepers fault!
How impolite to insult someone in their own land.
You! Show yourself, you bastard! Just because this is the place that isn't a place doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!
Touchy, touchy, I gave you what you wanted, didn't I? Musashi's here, and the two of you can spend the rest of eternity together.
But I wouldn't be happy, not really and truly, because I'd always know I killed her before she was supposed to go!
Musashi, you know I love you, but this... this isn't right. It can't be done in this way. It just... can't.
Damn it, NO! I refuse to go back to a place where you AREN'T! I couldn't stand it, and I know you couldn't stand being here alone, too! Oh, isn't there anything we can do!?
Hm... perhaps there is. Sir, I believe I may have a compromise to this problem.
YOU have no authority on this! These are my personal matters, Soilwatcher, and I suggest you stay out of them.
Perhaps I shouldn't get involved, but this has gone on far too long. You Superior put you in charge of this place to give people a chance at happiness- you know how much He hates sadness- and you've done a positively horrible job at it.
What do you propose I do then, SUBordinate? I've tried everything I can think of to give these two some bit of happiness, but they refuse each time.
You really are a very sick, twisted Being, Sir. And you haven't tried everything... there's always...
What!? But it's used so few times! We really aren't into that kind of thing!
Is that so? Well, then, I suppose I should take this to Him as an official complaint; He'll be quite concerned to know you've been abusing your power.
Would you? What am I saying, of course you would. Well, this is a tricky thing to do. And how can you be sure it's the best thing?
You'll have to take my word on it, Sir. Now, Musashi you need to go back. I'm sorry, but this is how things need to be.

Without Kojiro!? NO! I'm not going to do it!
Musashi-sama. Please.
Koji, I just...
For me?
Kojiro, I... oh, damn, you had to go and kiss me. Fine, then I'll do it for you. But won't you be awfully unhappy?
No more than you, I'm sure.
Please, neither of you worry about it. My boss and I will do the best thing we can do. Everything will be taken care of. Now, both of you, just get some rest.
Rest!? How could I rest now!? These are my last moments with you then, Kojiro?
Not last. Wait for that White Tomorrow, Musa.
Shimatta, I'm gonna miss you.
Oh, Musashi, everything's hazing out. I love you, Musashi-sama!
Koji! I love you too! Be strong!
Be yourself! Sayonara, Musashi...

"Oh! Musashi! You bought a Meowth! How adorable!"
"Yes, I'm rather fond of him myself, Alana," she said with a smile, gently sliding the kitten into Alana's arms.
"This was so sudden though. How in the world..." Alana laughed as the little animal tried to scramble out of her hands.
"Well, I'd been thinking of getting a pet for quite some time now, but I'd just never really found anything that suited me. Then, today when Nyasu and I were at the mall I spotted this sweet siamese. I've always been fond of cats, and the little boy looked right at me with those eyes of his and I flat-out couldn't resist him."
The Nyasu managed to get away from Alana, running over to Musashi and practically jumping into her arms. "He's certainly fond of you."
Musashi held the Pokémon up in front of her. "Yes. You know, it's almost as if we were made for each other, strange as it sounds." She kissed him on the nose, giggling as he mewed and gave her a lick back. Alana watched the two, smiling happily. "Say, Musashi, do you believe in reincarnation?"
"No. Why do you ask?"
The Nyasu blinked it's green eyes sleepily. Giving a big yawn, it snuggled it's head under Musashi's chin, purring loudly. "Hm. No reason." Alana's ears perked up as the familiar Maaya Sakamoto song came on. "Oh, Musashi, aren't you going to flip to the next one?"
"No, let it run through."
Alana, who had never gotten to hear the lyrics that Musashi used to despise, listened intently to the soft, beautiful Japanese song:

If I let go of your hand clasped in mine,
with that, it would all probably come to an end right now.
What I wanted to know, and even what hurts me-
even those were left undone.
Even though I should want to wish
for you to find happiness,
I can't, I'm too immature.
I wipe the tears, but they still keep flowing.

I love you more than anyone else.
Even more deeply than the sky.
Don't cry. We'll meet again, right?
But not being able to see you is something that only I know about

. This fate that we've chosen...
someday you too will understand its true meaning.
The treasure of memories that we've made
will always live on deep inside my heart.
I thought it was a beautiful thing,
the word called hope.
In an almost painful embrace,
I'm looking up at you

. Thank you.
I love you more than anyone else.
Even more strongly than dreams.
Hold me. Don't let go.
But don't utter even a single thing...
Don't cry. I love you.
Even though we're separated far apart,
I can still live with you.

Alana smiled again, blinking rapidly. "That's a beautiful song."
Musashi was crying, but there was a soft smile on her face. "Yes. I think it's one of my favorites."

Author's Note: Bah, I know the ending was a bit odd, but I really hate sad endings and this was the best I could do without making it too horribly unrealistic (a.k.a magically bringing Koji back to life). I'm sort of unsure about this one, so I'd really appreciate praise or criticism. But please- if you must bash, do it safely ^_^; E-mail me, onegai! Arigatou gozaimasu!