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Under Rug Swept/ Enchanted Eevee. 


Jessie and James sat on a bed in Jessie’s room.

They were having their finals the next day, and were studying very hard.

Jessie looked from the corner of her eye at James. He looked so cute, concentrating like that on the book. His face was in a frown, his green eyes looked intently at the book, and his blue hair fell on his face. They were friends for a lot of time now, and she thought she was starting to feel something for him. They were 15. 

If it weren't for your maturity none of this would have happened 

If you weren't so wise beyond your years I would've been able to control myself.

She could see why girls liked him. He was handsome, looked maturer then the other guys, both mentally and physically. He wasn’t goofy and dumb like the other guys.

He lifted his eyes from the book and smiled at her.  

“O.K” he said, “Where do you find a Rattata?” 

Jessie smirked “Anywhere where Cassidy is.” 


“O.K, O.K. Hmmm…pretty much everywhere. Especially in forests and meadows and stuff like that.” 

“Good! Now you ask me.” He handed her the book. 

“Alright, that’s a good one. How much voltage a Pikachu uses?” 

“100 volts. I pity the person who’ll get shocked like that.” 

“Oh, come on! One shock like that and the guy’s a goner!” 

James frowned. “I sure don’t want to get shocked like that.” 

Jessie laughed. “And what are the odds for that to happen?” 

James smiled too. “Okay, now ask me another question.” 

“Which attack can make the Pokemon’s owner rich?” 

“Meowth’s Pay Day. I sure do want to have a Meowth like that.” 

Jessie frowned. Why does he have to be always right? “No.” 

“What? But that’s the right answer!” 

“Nope. Sorry, you’re wrong.” 

James narrowed his eyes.“You’re doing it on purpose.Give me the book.” 

Jessie smiled maliciously. “Come and get it.” 

James reached for the book, but Jessie raised her hand so the book will be out of his reach. He tried to get it, but he wasn’t very successful. Jessie laughed, and James giggled too. He got closer to her, but she put her hand backwards.

Suddenly, they found their faces very close to one another. The laughter stopped. Jessie held her breath. She felt his hot breath on her face. His eyes were full of wonder. After something that seemed like forever, he reached and kissed her.

Jessie had kissed before, but it was something that she never felt. It was a sweet, yet passionate. Innocent and pure. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close to him. She felt like she was melting, and never wanted the kiss to end.

Suddenly, they heard the doorknob turn. Quickly, they ended the kiss, and leaped apart as much as possible. Both of them panting and blushing furiously. Jessie grabbed the book that fell to the floor in the meantime.

She tried to make out the sentences on the page, but it was all a big blur to her. The door opened and her friend and roommate, Amanda entered. 

“You’re right. It’s Pay Day.” Jessie answered shakily. 

“I knew it.” James said in an unnaturally high-pitched voice.  

Amanda looked at them like they were mental. 

“Well, I guess I should be going now.” James said after he regained his voice. “Have to get lots of rest before the big test. Goodnight, Amanda” James nodded at her, “Jessica.”  

“James.” She nodded back. He looked at her and left the room.

Amanda stared at them, her eyebrows raised. 

“I’m going to take a shower,” Amanda said finally. “Oh, and by the way, you’re holding the book upside down.”


Jessie couldn’t fall asleep that night. Whenever she closed her eyes she saw him. She could still feel his touch. Jessie sighed in the dark. Why is she making such a big deal out of this? She was kissed before, and she never was THAT excited. She couldn’t lie to herself. She kissed her BEST FRIEND! It was James! She told him everything, even when she got her period for the first time! What will be tomorrow? She didn’t want to lose him as a friend, but she thought she liked him…very much.

The clock on her bed flashed 3:00 P.M. She sighed heavily, and fell asleep to the sound of Amanda’s rhythmical breathing.  


Jessie ran into the class. She overslept, and still was very tired. The teacher was already there. She tried to concentrate on the exam, but it was all so blurry. All she wanted to do was to fall asleep.  


If it weren't for my attention you wouldn't have been successful and 

If it weren't for me you would never have amounted to very much


Jessie looked at James’ form. “How much voltage a Pikachu uses?”

He circled B. 50 volts. James knew that one! 

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve failed too.” She said quietly. 

James was in tears.”I’ve failed…when my parents will hear about this…they’ll make me come home! I don’t wanna come home Jessie!”

Jessie leaned over to hug him. She felt herself blush and she knew that he was blushing too. Jessie got over herself. She decided that James needs her as a friend and not as a girlfriend. Some kids that were passing sniggered.  

Ooh this could be messy 

But you don't seem to mind 

Ooh don't go telling everybody 

And overlook this supposed crime


We'll fast forward to a few years later 

And no one knows except the both of us 

And I have honored your request for silence 

And you've washed your hands clean of this

“Prepare for trouble!” 

“And make it double!” 

“Oh no.” Ash muttered. “Not them again.” 

“Shut up twerp!” Jessie yelled, “And give us that Pikachu!” 

“Yeah!” James added. 

“Never!” Ahs yelled. Jessie rolled her eyes. Here we go again.  

“Pikachu, thundershock!” Ash yelled. 

You're essentially an employee and I like you having to depend on me 

You're kind of my protege and one day you'll say you learned all you know from me 

I know you depend on me like a young thing would to a guardian

“Jessie, what are we going to do?” James whined. 

“Plan B.” Jessie answered. “Run!” The three of them ran quickly into the forest. They ran until they were deep into the forest. It was very dark, and Jessie thought she heard…things. Instinctively, she grabbed hold of James and they clung to each other.

Meowth sniggered. “Anoda kissy kissy moment?” 

What part of our history's reinvented and under rug swept? 

What part of your memory is selective and tends to forget?  

What with this distance it seems so obvious?

“Shut up!” James snapped. “We’re lost here and that’s all you have to say? You know there’s nothing between Jessie and me, so stop! It’s really getting on my nerves!” Meowth looked skeptically at them, who were hugging so closely there wasn’t an inch of space between their bodies. “And stop staring!” James added.  

Meowth was taken aback. James wasn’t usually that way. “Jeez”, he muttered, “Calm down, Grumpy.” Jessie felt a little bit angry and sad. Did he really forget? ‘I guess it was a good idea to stay just friends’ she thought to herself. But now she knew she really wanted more.


They found their way back to the camp (like always). Jessie pulled her sleeping bag away from James’s and turned the other way so he would see only her back. She felt angry, depressed and sad. He obviously doesn’t love her. He loved her just as a friend. He didn’t blush when Meowth snickered, that means that he doesn’t remember, or doesn’t care.

Did he love her then? What did this kiss mean?  

Just make sure you don't tell on me especially to members of your family 

We best keep this to ourselves and not tell any members of our inner posse

Maybe he doesn’t like me because of her, Jessie thought bitterly. Jessiebelle looked exactly like her. Of course he couldn’t love someone that looks like his worst enemy.

And if Mouth will find out about this…he’d be having the time of his life. 

I wish I could tell the world cuz you're such a pretty thing when you're done up properly 

I might want to marry you one day if you watch that weight and keep your firm body

She discovered that she really loved him. This deep, undying love.

Jessie felt the tears coming up in her throat. It was so horrible, loving him, being with him each and every day, and him not loving her back.

She wanted him so much! 

“Jessie?” James’s voice sounded behind her. He sounded anxious. ‘The man of the hour’, she thought bitterly.

“Jessie, are you not talking to me?” 

“Go away” she gritted between her teeth, trying not to show the fact that she was crying. “Go away.”  

Instead, James got closer to her. “Jessie!” he gasped, “you’re crying!” 

“Go away James!” Jessie yelled, “Just…don’t be near me!” 

James looked a little bit hurt, but stood his ground. “Tell me what is it.” 

“I said go away! I don’t want to see you!” 

James lifted Jessie gently by the arms to sitting position. He tried to hug her, but she pulled away. James looked at her with surprise and hurt in his eyes. “What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with YOU, that’s the question!” Jessie yelled angrily. “It’s you!” she didn’t think what she was saying, she just wanted to get it out. “It’s like…like you forgot! I thought that it meant something to you, that kiss when we were 15. But it doesn’t! I love you James, and the thing is that you don’t love me back! It’s like you’re ashamed of what happened that night! It’s hard James, you’re denying us, and…and…I love you, and…and…” Jessie blushed furiously as she understood what she just said. “And…and that’s kind of it.” She whispered. 

James looked at her intently. Jessie lowered her gaze. She felt so embarrassed. James raised her head with his finger and gazed at her eyes. Then, he kissed her. It was like that old kiss, but only better. She felt like she was driven to him like a moth to a flame. When the kiss ended, James gazed at her eyes. His eyes reflected happiness. His eyes laughed and smiled. 

“So…” Jessie said tentatively, “What does that mean?” 

James just laughed and kissed her again. 


Author’s Notes: WOW! It’s the shortest fic I have ever written! And it only took me somethin’ like a day and a half. I’m proud of myself, I think this is a cute fic! XD.

Lyrics are from Alanis Morissette’s ‘Hands Clean’.