ࡱ>    !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJRoot Entry FdpKWordDocument CompObjnghs* Yes he is, twerpo. He always beats you. *defensively* Ash IS a good trainer! Ooh, looks like Mistys got a little CRUSH *slyly* Not half as bad as Brock and NURSE JOY *laughs* *laughs* *laughs* *laughs* You said it! Ash? Wheres Pikachu? I dont know, Misty He was with us in the waiting room *smiles* Oh, Pikachu? Hes in daycare with Mondo *laughs evilly* Whether or not you get to say goodbye before he goes to meet the Boss depends on how well you cooperate. *impressed* Shes good. *smiles* At long last Pikachus finally out of the way! Howd you do it? Oh, Mondo just grabbed him when the twerps were walking in. Piece of cake. Now, Misty, why is it that you treat Psyduck so badly? *whines* Its not my fault that Psyduck is weak and useless! WRONG! MAYBE IF YOU ACTUALLY TRAINED YOUR POKEMON ONCE IN A WHILE YOUR PSYDUCK WOULD BE USEABLE! AND YOU PURPOSELY GIVE IT HEADACHES TO MAKE IT BATTLE! YOURE A HORRIBLE TRAINER! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF, YOU LOUSY EXCUSE FOR A GYM LEADER! YOURE A PUSHOVER! EVEN ASH CAN BEAT YOU! WHAT DO YOU MEAN EVEN ME? WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM A PUSHOVER? WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM- oh, wait. You didnt say anything about me! *smiles* Yet. Meowth, why cant you use Pay Day? Because hes a lousy Pokemon! Shut up, twerp! *fury-swipes him* *mallet-whacks Ash* *hits Ash with frying pan* How dare you insult my friend! Leave Meowth alone! Dont hit Ash! *wailing* GIVE BACK MY PIKACHU!! WAAAAHHH!!! Dont be a crybaby, you lousy little brat! You know, Silver, you are pretty for a Rockethow about din- Dont even think about it, Squinty, I already have a boyfriend! Leave me alone- go hit on Misty! And what do you mean- for a Rocket? Do you think Team Rocket members are uglier than normal people? *pulls out mallet and hits Brock* Leave Misty alone! Ooh Ashy-boys got a GIRLFRIEND*evil grin* Wait till GARY OAK hears No! She isnt my girlfriend! And dont tell Gary anything! *looks pissed* *laughs* Looks like little Ashys SCARED *smiles* Actually, I cant use Pay Day because I used up so much strength learning to talk human and walk on two legs. Jessie, what do you think of Giovanni? I dont really know him that well, even though we were kids together. Giovannis evil! He runs Team Rocket! *pulls out her mallet* THATS MY BOSS YOURE INSULTING, BRAT-BOY! AND HES THE VIRIDIAN CITY GYM LEADER TOO! Nobody asked for your opinion, twerp! Keep your thoughts to yourself! *fury-swipes Ash* So Brock, what REALLY happened with Professor Ivy on Valencia Island? *curls up in corner groaning and turns blue* ThatnameDont say that name Whats with him? Guess well never know. Ok. Whatever. *checks watch* Oh GREAT. This is just wonderful. We still have two hours to go! Ok, so heres one for everybody. What do you think of *grimaces* Jessebelle? Aagh! No! I hate her! That stupid little Kentucky-fried freak! Shes horrible! Why do you hate her, Jessie? After all, she looks just like you. NO SHE DOES NOT!! SHE ISNT HALF AS BEAUTIFUL AS I AM! Shes an unholy terror! She DOES look like Jessie, actually. Same hair color, same persona- I AM NOT ONE BIT LIKE THAT LITTLE @#$%&!! Why are you so upset, Jess? Shes practically your twin. SHE IS NOT!!! Shes a @#$%&! I HATE HER! SHE IS EVIL! Anyway, Ash, are you EVER going to pay Misty back for her bike? You know, the one you totally destroyed? Fried? Smashed? Wrecked? Demolished? Mutilated? Hey, thanks for reminding me. *yelling* YOU BETTER PAY ME BACK FOR MY BROKEN BIKE, ASH KETCHUM!! I WILL, MISTY! I JUST DONT HAVE ENOUGH CASH RIGHT NOW!! Excuse me, but Misty, why are you following Ash around anyway? Why not just go home and wait for Ash to send you a check? Because if I dont remind him, hell forget to pay me! And Im not going home anyway. My sisters would just make fun of me. And he probably doesnt even have a bank account anyway. So he cant send a check. Why not buy yourself another one? Bikes arent that expensive. Because HE wrecked it! Yeah, Misty, buy yourself another one! You heard her, bikes arent that expensive. You wrecked it, so ܥe# A>,l,l i(T!> iTimes New Roman Symbol Arial ArialTimes New RomanTimes New RomanDisclaimer: I dont own Pokemon or Mistys Song. It belongs to Nintendo, 4Kids Entertainment, and the great Satoshi Tajiri. Mistys Song is property of Pikachu Music, Jigglypuff Music, Cherry Lane Music, and I forget who else. But I own the term Silvershipping! A/N: I (Silver11016) speak in black. Jessie speaks in red. James talks in blue, Ash will be green, Meowth is violet, Brock is turquoise, and Misty is pink. Mondo is teal. Any person who likes Team Twerp, leave now because this contains a healthy dose- Oh, who am I kidding? This contains an EXCESSIVE dose of twerp-bashing. This is also Rocketshippy, Gymshippy, and Silvershippy. Compliments and constructive criticism accepted, and flames will be extinguished by my Suicune. And thanks to Dee of Ii Kanjii for the age estimates on the twerps! Ok, hi everyone. Were here to interview the important characters in Pokemon *gestures to Jessie, James and Meowth*, the slightly less important characters *gestures to Misty and Brock*, and the totally useless filler character *gestures to Ash*. Important? Us? Were finally getting the recognition we deserve! Hey! Im not useless! Im important too! *scoffs* You wish, twerp! Youre just jealous because youre not as cool as us! If anyones useless, its Tracey! You guys have bad taste in replacements! We didnt want him! He invited himself so he could meet Professor Oak! *sobs* He was using us! *breaks down in tears* Geez. You dont have to get so emotional. Shut up, Ash Ketchum! YOU dont even HAVE emotions! That brings us to one of my questions. How did you guys feel about Tracey? I hate him! HE TOOK MY PLACE, THAT STUPID WATCHER! He wasnt that bad, Brock. *hopefully* Youre still a better cook. Dont give me that! You tried to replace me! He was ok, I guess. I sort of liked him. He always fell for everything. Thats because he was an idiot! So James- whats with the rose? Well, as you know, roses are the flowers of love. Plus theyre a good accessory. *snickers* Yeah, very fashionable. *pulls out mallet and hits Ash* You leave him alone, you little brat! *also pulls out mallet* You asked for it, twerp! Nobody insults Team Rocket! *whining* Hey! Why are you on their side? Im the good guy! Im the hero! Youre supposed to root for me! Me! Ash is right. Why are you standing up for Team Rocket? Were supposed to have the fans, not them! Yeah! Next youll be standing up for Tracey! *pouts* Yeah right, spikes! She only roots for the cool people and thats us! You cant say she has bad taste, you know. After all, Jess, she is on our side. *thoughtfully* Shes definitely Team Rocket material. And Boss says young recruits are best how old are you? Im thirteen, not that its any of your business. IM the interviewer here. Besides *grins* Im already a member. Team Rocket member #104. Mondos my partner. *laughs* Now lets get on with the interview. Team Twerp, why is it that even when Team Rocket tries to make a peaceful retreat, you just HAVE to blast them off, little mister Thundershock-is-neato? Mondo? MONDO has a partner? I only joined last week. *looks at the twerps* NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION, KETCHUM! Ok! Ok! *saintly look and preachy voice* Its because theyre the villains and theyre evil, thats why. I blast them off because they deserve it! Wrong answer! *pulls out mallet and hits him* *pulls out mallet and gives Ash a good wham* WE DO NOT DESERVE IT!! *veins start popping out on her forehead* *soothingly* Calm down, Jess, calm down THEY DO TOO DESERVE IT! DO NOT! DO TOO! DO NOT! SHUT UP! YOU CAN ARGUE ABOUT THAT LATER! *fury-swipes each twerp* Good job, Meowth. Now, moving on... Ash, why is it that Gary is a better trainer than you? *whines* He is not! *smirks* Denial isnt just a river in Egypt, Ketchum. *laughs* *laughs* *laughs* *lauYOU can buy me another. And youre apparently not that great at reminding Ashy-boy about it. I just had to remind you. So?! He STILL owes me! *choking back laughter* *rolling on the floor laughing* *laughing and crying from it* *laughs* Ok, the next question is for everybody. Whats your opinion on Pikachu? Pikachu is my best friend! WAAH! I WANT PIKACHU BACK!! I thought I was your best friend! Your best friend is a little yellow rat? GET A LIFE, KETCHUM! Pikachus ok, I guess. He always blasts Team Rocket off for us. I dont like Pikachu! When the twerps thought we had died when the St. Anne sank and then found out we were really alive, it snapped its fingers in that Darn it! way like it had wanted us dead! You cant blame him. *mallet whack* Shut up, twerp! *mallet whack* WHAT WAS THAT? Nothing! Nothing! It better be nothing, brat-boy! Ok, ok. So what are your REAL Pokemon signs? I am a Pokemon. I dont got a sign. Im a Pikachu! *wailing* Waah! I want Pikachu back! *sighs* Can we have him removed from the interview? Im afraid not. If he gets out, our perfect plan may be ruined. Plus we cant torture him but I wish I didnt have to put up with him. *wearily* Join the club. And by the way, Im not telling my sign. The twerps will laugh at me. *snickers* So what else is new? *pulls out mallet and hits Misty* Leave him alone, brat! And what are YOU? You probably arent so great yourself! Im *shamefully* a Psyduck. *bursts out laughing* *laughs* *laughs* *laughs* Im an Arbok. *smiles smugly* Im a Jigglypuff. *smiles hopefully at Silver11016* Bug off, Squinty. And Im a Suicune. *smiles at her Suicune, who is sitting by Silvers chair* Alright, next question. How old is everyone? 17. 17. I dunno. I dont keep track. 15. 12. 10. Ash, is it true that your father is Giovanni? Or is hePROFESSOR OAK? *ominous music* What? No! At least I dont THINK so. I dont know who my dad is. Or so you claim. No! I really dont know! Thats what you want us to think. No! Ew! If Professor Oak were my father, Id be related to Gary! Youd be his uncle, actually. EW! GROSS! But you havent said if Boss was your dad. Inquiring minds want to know. *defensively* Thats none of your business! *smugly* Oh, yeah, Ash DEFINITELY has a girlfriend. Gary will love this *panicking* Dont tell Gary anything! *opens door and pokes head into the room* Hey Silver, what do you want me to do with the tape when this is over? This is a laugh riot! WERE ON TAPE!?!?! Keep it. Itll be great next time theres nothing on TV. *grins and laughs evilly* Ok. *looks around* Hi Jessie. Hi James, Meowth. Hi. Hlo. Hello. *waves* *enters, closes door, locks it, and sits down in an extra chair* Uh, Mondo? Wheres the rat? Its in storage. Some of the minions are Pokemon-sitting it. So whats up? I WANT MY PIKACHU!! WAAH! Ok, so thats Misty *points to Misty, who is looking at Ash concernedly*, Brock *indicates Brock, who is still gazing at her*- *shoots glare at Brock* -and Ash is the one having the nervous breakdown. Uh, yeah *edges his chair away from Ash* GIVE BACK MY PIKACHU!!! I WANT MY POKEMON!! *shares an evil smile with her fellow Rockets* Oh, Ash Yeah? I have something here that might interest you. *pulls out a tape player* Jessie, James, and Meowth were kind enough to make this very, um interesting tape for me. *presses the play button and smiles* *sweatdrops* *feigns sympathy* Why, whats wrong, Misty? Dont you want to hear this? *tape begins with Ash, Misty, and Brock saying good night to each other. Then, Misty begins to sing.* (Tape-Misty) I wanna tell you what Im feeling but I dont know how to start. I wanna tell you but now Im afraid that you might break my heart. Oh, why should anything so easy ever be so hard to do? I wanna tell you what Im feeling and to say that- I love you. (Real Misty) That isnt me! I- Ive never heard that song before! Really! And my singing voice doesnt sound a bit like that! *smirks* Care to prove it? *shrinks down in her chair* I didnt think so. *checks her Pokegear* Oh, man. I dont believe this. Weve only killed forty-five minutes! However, I have news that will comfort Jessie and James. Domino, Butch and Cassidy are currently experiencing the same torture at the hands of my little sister Angel. Two other twerps by the names Duplica and Richie are also suffering in there. Duplica and Richie? How are they? *smiles* I doubt theyre enjoying themselves. Now, you guys do know what Rocketshipping is, right? *sweatdrops and blushes* *sweatdrops and blushes* Uhwhats Rocketshipping? *facefaults* You dont KNOW? Are you that ignorant? You actually DONT KNOW what Rocketshipping IS? So? I dont know either! Rocketshipping is only THE most important, most widely recognized, relationship! Rocketshipping is an INSTITUTION! Rocketshipping is CLASSIC! SO WHAT IS IT? Rocketshipping is Jessie-and-James relationshipping, you twerpy little dolt! They cant be in LOVE! She always hits him! *mallets Ash* Shut up! *snickers* Like I said, you always hurt the one you love! Thank you, Meowth. Well, I personally prefer Silvershipping. *smiles at Silver* *blushes* Are there any good ships with ME in them? Preferably involving you too? *glares at Brock* *malletwhacks Brock* Lets see, Brock shipswell, theres Sissyshipping- thats you and Wilhelmina- Ah *hearts replace eyes* Wilhelmina Brocketshipping- you and Jessie- *gags* *gags* *chokes* Over my dead body! -Gymshipping/Jarishipping- you and Misty- *smiles* *smiles* *chokes* NO! *singing* Ash likes Misty, Ash likes Misty! Koishipping- thats you and James- *screams* *screams* *mallets Brock* *to Brock* You scream like a girl, you know that? And theres Bouldershipping, which is you and Ash- *gags* *screams* You stay away from Ash! *mallets Brock* *holding head in hands* Today is NOT my day *singing* Misty and Ash, sitting in a tree! *also singing* K-I-S-S-I-N-G! *also singing* First comes love, then comes marriage- *still singing* Then comes Ashy with a baby carriage! *laughs* -Succubushipping- you and Professor Ivy- *curls up in corner groaning and turns blue* That nameDONT SAY THAT NAME! -and finally, Hellshipping. That would be you and Gary Oak. EW! *makes puking sounds* GARY? EW! So who here is a Rocketshipper? *blushes and sweatdrops* Maybe. *blushes* Maybe. *snickers* *mallets Ash* Shut up, twerp! Cant you live without spoiling a perfectly good semi-Rocketshippy moment? No. *singing* Wrong answer Definitely! And Arbok, Weezing, Wobuffet, and Victreebel are all Rocketshippers too; I introduced them to the term ages ago! Well, I think its sweet. So youre a Rocketshipper? Hmmmaybe youll turn out all right after all. No, its not sweet! Theyre evil! Evil people dont HAVE feelings like that! Hey! Were bad, not insensitive! Evil! Something that Team Rocket IS! Heres a little news flash for you, twerp. Team + Rocket = evil. Got that? UhI think so. *writes it down* *facefaults and checks watch* We have half an hour left. Good. I cant take much more of this. Why dont we go out for coffee after this? Sure. Ash, why dont you ever train your Pokemon? *whining* I do too train! Oh yeah? When? Tell me, when was the last time you trained? UmI dunno. See? You never train! You havent trained since before your match for the Plain Badge! She has a point, Ash. Thank you, Misty! Now go out for coffee and take Brock with you. NOOOO! Misty and Brock cant go out together! Well, maybe I DO want to be with Brock! Im leaving! Come on, Brock, lets go. *exits with Brock* Cool. Score two for Silver. Thats the first time I chased out my interviewees. *thoughtfully* Yknow, that was kinda fun. Mind if we go too? *takes Jamess hand* Were going for lunch now. Bye! Were walking off again! *exits with Jessie and Meowth* Lets go, Mondo. We can get the rat out of storage, take it to Boss, and then get our much-deserved coffee. *looks at Ash, who is whining about Pikachu* And maybe some aspirin while were at it. *exits hand-in-hand with Mondo* *whining* Hey! What about me? Doesnt anyone care about me? $%67<=DETWhlzþytnic^X U]b cU]c U]b cU]c U]bcU]c U]bcU]c U]b cU]c U]bcU]c U]bcU]c U]bcU]c]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]c >?@ST78IJxy  ½ysoic]W U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]b c]c U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bcU]c0 U]bc U]bc U]bc]cU]cU]cU]c]c]cU]c U]^cU]c <=DE  [ \   G H ý~xrlhb^XT]c U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]cU]c]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc H L M g h v w B C 8 9 ` a o p yuoic_YS U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]cU]c]c U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]cU]cU]cU]c]c U]b c U]b c U]b c p , - ? @ ,-KL ¼{vqmgb\X]c U]bcU]c0 U]bc]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]c]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]b c U]b c U]b cU]c$ U]bc mn01"#;<yuojd`[W]cU]c]c U]b cU]c$ U]bc]c U]bcU]c$ U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bcU]cU]c]c U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]cU]c ,-QRgh}~ľ|vrlf`\V U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]b c]c U]bc]c U]bc]cU]cU]c0 U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]c U]b c]c U]bc]c U]b c]c U]bc]cU]cU]cU]c]c U]bc!  ./GHMNUV-.12>?{upjd^ZT U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]bc U]bc]c U]b c U]b c U]b c]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]cU]c]c U]bcU]c U]bc U]bc  !:;MN[\no"#\]¼}wsmic^XT]c U]bc]bc U]bc]c U]b c]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]pqtuvwWXcd|}ÿ~xsmga[U U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bcBCijop CDjkſ|vpjd_YU]c U]bc]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]bc U]bc]c U]b c U]b c U]b c]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]ck./34?@HIWXFGST¾{uqkga[U U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]bc U]bc]c U]b c)*TUtu]^s t ſ~ztoic]W U]bc U]bc U]bc U]bc]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc U]bc U]bc]c U]bc]c U]bc]c U]b c U]b c U]b c]c !!2!3!B!C!o!p!!!!!!!!!""" 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