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An Interview with a Twerp
An Interview with the Twerp

Summary: After seeing the writers cheat for Ash for only the ten millionth time, I summon him back for another (and slightly more violent and insane) interview with the help of my “little sister” Angel!

Disclaimer: Angie owns herself; I own me; other than that we own squat. Ash and all the Pokemon are © Nintendo, 4Kids Entertainment, and a whole bunch of rich people.

(Angie is in the interview room, waiting for Ash and Silver. The door opens and Silver enters, dragging Ash by the ear.)

Angel: What took you?

Ash: Misty and Brock told me not to come back- and they were right! Last time I came here, you took away my best friend, made my girlfriend dump me for Brock, bruised the heck out of me, and humiliated me! I only came back because she (points to Silver) made me!

Silver: Cool. Angie, we’re getting a rep.

(Silver and Ash each take a seat.)

Angel: Yeah. Let’s get right to the point. How much are you paying the writers to cheat for you?

Ash: I’m not paying them anything!

Silver: Cut the crap, Ketchum. Spill your guts or we’ll spill them for you.

Ash: Ew. Honestly, I’m not paying them anything!

Angel: (snorts) Oh, yeah. We believe you.

Silver: (takes a sip of her coffee) Then why are the writers cheating for you?

Ash: I’m not paying them. My dad is; he’s really rich because he runs Team Rocket.

(Silver and Angel look at each other.)

Silver and Angel: Jackpot!

Silver: Ash, since you’re here anyway, we have a few more questions for you.

Ash: What? No! I told you why the writers cheat for me; I’m leaving! (Silver reaches behind her chair and takes out her shotgun. She locks it and points it directly at Ash’s head.)


Silver: This shotgun is locked, loaded, the safety is off, and it’s pointed at you, Ketchum. You’re not going anywhere. Sit down.

(Ash sits back down.)

Ash: Wh-what are you going to do to me?

Silver: Ever wonder what it feels like to get shot, Ash? Imagine. You’d be dead before you felt it. The bullet would just hit your brain and keep going.

Ash: Did you bring me here just so you could kill me?

Angel: Maybe yes, maybe no.

Silver: Maybe it’s a mystery.

Angel: And maybe it will remain that way.

Silver: For eternity.

(Ash swallows nervously and backs away a little.)

Silver: Did you ever wonder what it’s like to die, Ash? What Heaven looks like?

Ash: Is that a threat?

Angel and Silver: What do you think?

Ash: Are you threatening me or not?

Silver: Maybe. Maybe I just like the gun. Maybe I just enjoy scaring people.

Or it might be that I really intend to kill you.

Angel: Ever seen an angel besides me, Ash? Ever talked to God?…Ever WANTED to?

Ash: You’re SICK! I knew YOU were- (points to Silver)- but now I know your entire FAMILY is SICK!

Silver: Angie, lock the door.

(Ash darts out of his chair and bolts for the door. He opens it and runs out. Silver lowers the shotgun.)

Angel: Bye, jackass!

Silver: Oh, YEAH! SCORE!

Angel: We have to do this more often!