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Disclaimer: I don't own Everclear, and I don't own this song (no matter how much I wish I did) and Nintendo owns everything else.

Rating: PG, just because

Other: I like journeying back in time... I guess this is no exception! Feel free to e-mail me at

by Dee ~_^

I close my eyes when I get too sad
I think thoughts that I know are bad

A 7-year-old Jessie sat in her bedroom, pillow over her head, trying to drown out the sounds coming from below.

Close my eyes and I count to ten
Hope it's over when I open them

They were fighting again. They always were nowadays, it seemed. Ever since her mother's paycheck had been halved and her work doubled the two never seemed to be on good terms with each other.

I want the things that I had before
Like a Star Wars poster on my bedroom door

True, things had never been good at their home, but at least there had been food on the table and enough extra cash to buy some clothing. Now they were reduced to a couple outfits each and barely enough food to feed a single person.

I wish I could count to ten
Make everything be wonderful again

"You have a daughter at home who needs you! You have got to quit this stupid team!" her father yelled from downstairs.
"I'm the only reason that any of us are alive! If you got off your ass and got a job then maybe I wouldn't have to be a part of Team Rocket!" her mother shouted back.

I hope my mom and I hope my dad
Will figure out why they get so mad

"You know I'm trying to find a job-"
"Oh, as if they're going to hire you down at the local bar!"

I hear them scream, I hear them fight
They say bad words that make me wanna cry

Jessie didn't want to hear any of it. It was always the same thing, and somehow she felt responsible. Most of the time they were yelling about her.

Close my eyes when I go to bed and I
Dream of angels who make me smile

Her mother, Miyamato, told her it was only a matter of time before Madame Boss raised her salary. Even that woman wasn't cold enough to ignore a family of three who were practically living on the streets.

I feel better when I hear them say
Everything will be wonderful someday

Jessie knew her mom had to leave tomorrow to go up in the mountains on what her dad called a "suicide mission." That was the whole reason they were fighting again. Miyamato promised she would come back, and after that things would really start looking up for them. Jessie could only hope she was right.

Promises mean everything when you're little
And the world is so big

That night, her mom came up to say good-bye.
"Is everything okay?" Jessie wondered.
Her mother nodded. "Oh, yeah. Just perfect."

I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now

"I'll see you in a couple weeks," she said, tucking her only daughter in. "Good night, hun."
"Love you."
"You too. And don't worry about a thing. Everything'll be just fine when I come back," Miyamato said. "Just wonderful."

Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now.

School. James' only place of actual peace and quiet. He didn't have many friends, seeing as how being the richest kid in school kind of earns you the title of "snob," but at least he was away from her.

I go to school and I run and play
I tell the kids that it's all okay

Jessebelle. Why had his parents even made this engagement? Any idiot could see James was miserable with her.

I laugh a lot so my friends won't know
When the bell rings I just don't wanna go home

James always walked particularly slow on his way back to his mansion. The later he got there, the less time he would have to spend with that terror.

I go to my room and I close my eyes
I make believe that I have a new life.

Jessebelle found him, like she always did. "James, there you are! You're late again!" James ran up to his room and slammed and locked the door behind him. He was so sick of her, it was almost unbearable. His parents said that in a few years he'd understand that what they were doing was the right thing, but he knew they were wrong.

I don't believe you when you say
Everything will be wonderful someday.

Jessie knew from her father's face that the news was bad. Her mother had been missing for almost a month, and still no word from Team Rocket or from the search party.

Promises mean everything when you're little
And the world is so big

"She said she'd be back," Jessie justified. "She promised!"
Her father nodded, sighing. "Sometimes you can't keep promises." He smiled falsely, hugging his daughter tightly. "It's okay, though. I'll find a job, and we'll move on. Everything'll be fine."

I just don't understand how
You can smile with all those tears in your eyes
When you tell me everything is wonderful now.

"James! Come out of there!" his mother snapped. "Dinner's on the table and it's not proper for you to be late!"

I don't wanna hear you say
That I will understand someday

"I'm not coming if she's there!" he told her.

No, no, no, no

"James, get out here. NOW!" That came from his father.
James opened the door, ran past the two, and was almost immediately intercepted by Jessebelle.

I don't wanna hear you say
You both have grown in a different way

"Come along now, James!" she said. "Ah brought some friends to dinnah. We can have an old- fashioned dinnah party if you like!"

No, no, no, no

James shoved past her and went out the front door at a full run. Before long Growly was on his heels. Jessebelle called after him, but he kept going.

I don't wanna meet your friends

Jessie and her father stood at the train station.
"It'll be better for you at Pokémon Tech," he said. "Until I can make enough money to support us."

I don't wanna start over again

Jessie didn't answer. Her dad tried to hug her, but she pulled away.

I just want everything to be the same
Just like it used to be.


Somedays I hate everything

"James, where are you going!?"

I hate everything

"Just get away from me!"

Everyone and everything
Please don't tell me everything is wonderful now

On a train leaving for Pokémon Tech, and in the back of a dark alley, two children broke down crying.

I don't wanna hear you tell me everything is wonderful now.

They brushed the tears away from their faces, and looked up at the stars.
"Things will be perfect," they thought. "Someday."