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Contrast and Compare. Bah, sounds like school stuff
Manga Vs. Animé
There are some very distinct differences between manga and animé. Of course, I still don't know them all, but here's what I've seen...

-Ash doesn't get Pikachu from Professor Oak, he finds it in his house

-Ash has a crush on Gary's sister; Gary's sister isn't even mentioned in the TV show

-Professor Oak doesn't even KNOW Ash! He meets him on MT. Moon in "Clefairy and the Moon Stone." He is, though, still Gary's grandpa

-Professor Oak is young and rugged, a stark contrast to the Old Fart we all know and love

-We meet Bill in the same episode we meet Prof. Oak. As far as I know, there's no such thing as Seamore (yay!)

-Where's Team Rocket!? Not in the first four issues, that's for sure!

-Misty and Ash first meet on a fluke: Misty sees someone getting thundershocked, goes to check it out and starts hugging Pikachu. The whole bike thing happens about a page later.

-Ash catches a Fearow

-Brock doesn't come with Ash right after the gym badge; he appears an issue later. There's nothing on Brock's family, either

-Sabrina is a very nice psychic gym leader, not all evil and, you know, "play with me" like in the show

-Brock's known Sabrina since childhood, and is somewhat sensitive about them still being "just friends."

-Gary drives a mo-ped! ^_^

-Ash really isn't that annoying! It's almost disturbing, but it IS a good thing...

Erm... there's a lot more, but I'm too lazy to write all the little ones right now. Maybe later. Maybe... when I get more mangas I'll put some more stuff up.

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