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Animé Muyo!
*Manga Magic!*
The Pokémon Manga (comic books), written by Toshiro Ono, are somethin' special. I've only read the first four, and bits of others, but from what Dee read, Dee like. It's really good, and since 4Kids never got ahold of it, they're pretty much dubbed exactly like the originals!

Team Rocket isn't in it yet... but that's actually okay, because I'm willing to wait! ^_^ You know it's gotta be good if I'm willing to wait for TR!

So anyway, I've scanned up some pics and am comparing the amazing Manga to the Animé, so look around and check it out. And if you've never read the comic books- read it! Go out and buy them NOW!

Manga Vs. Animé
Manga Piccies

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