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Manga Scan-O-Rama!
Manga Piccies
These are all my own scanned images... feel free to take whatever you want, but don't forget to worship me soundly for giving these to you. I like to feel loved, ya know...

They aren't in any real order, just have a blast sorting through the small (but maybe soon-to-be-large) archive. I didn't scan up a whole lot 'cause I'm lazy... just some of my fav pics.

Gary's First Appearance... Mm, he's yummy in the comic book
Gary's Got a Moped! How Cool!
I just scanned this 'cause Ash looks funny
Hehe, Ash has a crush on Gary's sister May
Bill! And oo, he cute in the manga!
Officer Jenny!? Weird panty hose... makes her look like a hooker
I'm pretty sure this is Joy. She's behind the counter at the Pokémon Center, anyway
Misty's First Appearance!
I like the funny faces Misty makes...
Cool outfit, ne?
Misty's Sisters- manga style!
I do like the nicknames for Ash's Pokémon! How horribly punny!
Brock's First Appearance (Scary!)
Brock's quite popular with the ladies ~_^
Ash meets up with Brock after the gym battle... Sabrina sure is a lot nicer in the manga
Brock and Ash have a little bonding moment
Brock's sensitive about being "just friends" with Sabrina
Meet Professor Oak! Oo, he's young and rugged...
Prof Oak's, um, odd VERY FIRST appearance
Oak and Bill chill in the back of a truck
One of my favorites... I circled the reason why
Gary taunts Ash *snicker*
Ash imagines Gary bowing to him... only in your dreams, Ashyboy.
Giselle's first and only appearace... Ash thinks about going back home
Misty teases Ash about liking "older women"
Now Ash teases MISTY about liking "younger men"
Bill, Professor Oak and Ash with feathers on their heads... don't ask
Brock makes such funny facial expressions
While Brock tries to comfort Sabrina, Ash gets emotional too
Another pic of Brock's scary first appearance
Gary teases Ash about having caught no Pokémon yet
May's First Appearance
Ash assures Misty he's not interested in her... Wow, expensive bike, Misty
Misty's Manga outfit is so much cooler than her animé one

I'll get more eventually! Promise!

More Manga Magic!