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Animé News and Rumors
News and Rumors

Last Update: August 14, 2002

Welcome, seekers of spoilers! I've gathered together some really great information on upcoming Pokémon and other animé events from all over the web, and am ready to share it with you! You should be warned, though: There WILL be some spoilers, so if you like everything to be a surprise, don't go any further!
With that said...

Kinda Important Announcement Yeah, due to extreme laziness, I won't be adding anymore spoilers, movie info, or pretty much anything other than rumors that people decide to send me. Don't worry, though, I'd never ever ever leave you with nothing! This site has more spoilers 'n' such than I've ever seen, so... check it out!!

Pokémon Four- News and Full Spoiler

Future Episode Spoilers (Including a special announcement)

Da Da Daaaa! Rumors!

Pokémon... The FIFTH Movie!?- Link to Spoiler Site!

My Pal Pokékec
He's this dude-o who says he works for the company and knows lotsa stuff about the series! Come check it out, but be warned: it may all end up being lies! ^_^;

Other Animé News
For you Tenchi fans out there, there's supposed to be a third "Tenchi Muyo" series revolving around Tenchi, Dr. Clay (remember him?) and the Three Goddesses of Power (Washu, Lady Tokimi and Tsunami) with the others playing minor rolls. I don't know too much about it, except that it's said to end with Tenchi finally picking a girl *crosses fingers and screams "RYOKO"*. I recently found out that this series won't be out for some time, as the creator will first be writing a series on the Galaxy Police, which *sniff* won't feature, like, ANY of the characters we know and love! We're going to have to be very patient Tenchi fans... *Sigh*

Anyone out there like Outlaw Star? Of course ya do! ^_^ Well, I got some info on a somewhat popular OS site that said there may be a second series! Yeeeeehaw! Let's see, I think this is what I read, something like... Melfina goes to college, and I forget where Gene goes, but Jim meets up with this scientist guy. ^_^;;; And dat's all I rememberz! I think it'll really focus around Jim, which is by no means a bad thing, but *sniffle* Fred and Harry and Suzuka and Aisha... my favorites... *sigh*

Oh yaa, and I was nosing around the 'net and I found something about a rumored fourth series to Slayers, called "Slayers Again." Is that just some rumor someone's spreading, or is it for real? SOMEONE E-MAIL ME PLEASE AND TELL ME!

That's all the great news I have this time! I'll update regularly, and try to give you the information you so crave! If you have something you'd like to know, e-mail me and I'll see what I can do about it Or, if you know something I DON'T know, e-mail me so we can share the knowledge with the rest of the Pokéworld. Erg, that sounded corny...

'Till next time...

"Scrambling around for information is dirty work, but it's all worth it to see you smack your head and say 'Well, THAT just spoiled the whole series!'"

Blast Back to Ii Kanjii!