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Pokémon Four!
Celebii's Timeless Encounter

My opinion on this movie has changed dramatically in the past couple days. At first, I found a spoiler that gave the basic plot, nothing more, and made the movie sound like it was all battle, battle, rip-off Princess Mononoke, battle, battle. Where was the personality? Where was the thick plot? WHERE WAS THE SHIPPING!?

I was devastated, disappointed, and above all PISSED OFF!

But no more... I've learned some new goodies about this movie, which put it in an all new perspective! *Big, stupid grin* Now Dee can't wait for PokéFour to come out into theatres!

Anyway, for the spoiler, you can click here. If you want the cool info I recently found, then keep on readin'!

Yummy Shipping Goodness!
After reading the synopsis (spoiler above) I was shocked to find absolutely no shipping whatsoever! Not even freaking Twerpshipping! Thankfully, all my fears were in vain...
It turns out the movie really is rather ROCKETSHIPPY! If you read the spoiler (which you should by now) you'll know that Jessie gets kidnapped and stuck in that whirling grass thingy Bisashu makes. Well, from what I understand, when this happens James gets so scared and worried about her! All he keeps saying is, "Musashi..." I'm not sure if the twerps let them come, or if they sneak on, but Meowth and James go on the balloon with them to get nearer to Bisashu. And, like, the whole time, he's just saying, "Musashi left..." THAT IS SO DAMN SWEET! Someone, please, pass me a tissue! Oh, now I'm feelin' all ferklempt... talk amongst yourselves... I'll give you a topic: Rode Island is neither a road nor an island, discuss... all right, I'm okay now, I'm good.
Also, in the spoiler it says Team Rocket fights at the end, but I don't think James does, because he was so happy! Not sure what he did say... but I think Meowth and Jessie do fight about something.

Okay, I was totally confused about whether Bisashu was from the future, the past, the present, another planet called Neblar where everyone speaks in farts... anyway, I'm STILL not completely sure, but I'm almost positive he's from the here and now, the present. At one point he says, "I want to be the future of Team Rocket," which is what confused everybody. Also, I guess at the end his mask falls off, we see his face, and he looks freakishly like Giovanni. Could he be the boss' *dun dun dun* SON!? Maybe Ash has a brother! ~_^

-EEEEEEW! Bisashu captures Jessie 'cause he's in love with her! That's sick, and, and, SICK! He's like, thirty! Agh! *Runs to bathroom to hurl*

Other Shtick
-Dubbed title... I don't know when this 'un's coming out in the US, but I do know one thing about the American version: they're changing the name to "Celebii's Time Adventure." Now, me, I find that kinda stupid. The English title makes it sound like a lovely romp through a meadow, not a serious movie about life, death, and Princess Mononoke Rip-offs. But whatever.
-When's it comin' oot... Um, I heard around April, but it isn't definite. Let's hope tis earlier!
-How da movie ends... this one ends like all the others, with Team Rocket very happy and saying "Ii Kanjii!" or "Good Feeling!" rather than the usual "yana kanjii," "bad feeling." Here, it'll end with them saying something like "Team Rocket's signing off again!" or to that effect. They're happy in this one 'cause they're in the springs and the healing power feels really nice. Ii kanjii, Team Rocket, and *sings*
Always look on the bright side... of life!

Okay, me done! ^_^

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