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Pokémon 5!

Howdy, folks! Yes, whether it makes you jump in joy or hang yourself in horror, another Pokémon movie is underway... and this one sounds like a doozy! Can you say romance!?

I better not get ahead of myself, though. Hope hangs high with this baby, though, so read on and see why rumors about love will be flying fast and thick!

That's right folks, here you have it! The spoiler to the 5th movie *Trumpets play, confetti falls, and everyone goes "Yay!"* ...Dee is much much too lazy to post it on her site, so you can get it here: This site as the most spoiler/new information that I've ever seen... ever. Enjoy, minna! ^_^

U.S. Movie Info
Thanks to Gemma for all the great stuff below!

~Movie Title: Guardian Spirits of the Water Capital

~Lugia Ripoffs U.S Names: Latias and Latios (basically the Japanese names w/o the Japanese katakana spelling)

Oooh! Looky looky looky! An actual screenshot! *Everyone "oo"s and "aw"s*

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