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Rumors, pooey!
(And the utter stupidity of them)
Aaaah, rumors! There's always lots of those circling the net about Pokémon! Oftentimes they're rumors of love, romance, and drama...

and they're usually complete and utter B.S.

Ya wanna know what rumors do? Rumors get your hopes up, get you jumping around in excitement like a kangaroo on pixi stix, and then when the truth makes itself known... you fall back to the ground with a sickening thud. Boom.
My point? RUMORS SUCK! They're the spawn of all evil and doom and the reason why people go insane and end up being committed! *Runs around screaming*

Deep healing breath... even so, some people apparently LIKE reading them (I, sadly, like reading them even if it kills me every time), so to boost ratings here at "Ii Kanjii," I've created a rumors section. Yes, that's right, I'm officially a sell-out. *Sigh*

But here's the difference between my rumors and "their" rumors:

Like I said, I dun like rumors too much. They're rather stupid, though they are pretty good entertainment at times (see the one about Gio and Jessie being an item for further details). So anyway, to prove to the world just how stupid rumors are, I've made up my own rumors! They are based on nothing more than the vaguest of information and my own imagination, but I wanna see just how far these circulate on the web before people start to figure out that it's all utter B.S.
The thing is, I'm not going to tell you which one of the ones below are fake and which are real. This way, people will post them all, and they'll circle around for ever and ever until someone finally figures out they're fake fakedy fake! I love causing chaos. ^_^

1. Jessebelle returns! I've heard this at different places, and usually if I hear a rumor more than twice I accept it as POSSIBLE truth. I know she appears for sure in a flashback in the episode where Chikoria evolves (the name slips me at the moment), but she may ALSO come back when and IF Growly returns in "Arcanine and the Fire Stone." This has been "proven" according to one site, unless of course the source was an idiot, which they said was also likely. So who knows? I've heard two things about the episode she MIGHT be in: one was that it'd be shipper than "Holy Matrimony" but a lot goofier, and then I heard that it wouldn't be very shippy AT ALL. Did I mention that rumors suck?

2. Okay here's one that you should DEFINITELY take with a grain of salt or you'll just wind up having a heart attack in the end... I've heard from a couple places that James is rumored to kiss Jessie in the fourth season. Like I said, I've heard this more than just one site... so anyway, it's like, Jessie gets all depressed at one point and James just sorta *shrugs* kisses her. To make her feel better, or something. I know it'd make me feel better ~_^ But I won't believe it till I hear it as rock solid honest-to-God truth... to be honest, it if happens at all, I think it'll be the fifth season. We're in the fourth in the US right now and I'm sure someone with "connections" would know for sure if that happened by now...

3. I've heard this 'um around too, and I'm sure lotsa hard-core TR fans have as well... Jess and Jim get married in the last eppy. Now, since the show hasn't ended in Japan, this rumor seems kinda hard to swallow that anyone would know it... but maybe some director spilled the ending to his little kid and then they told their friend and they told their friend and they told their friend and they got online and told their German friend and they told their American friend and... I'll stop before I have a seizure. ^_^;;;

4. Butch and Cassidy might get fired in that Lugia Trilogy... it could happen, I guess... I mean, I know Gio shows up at the end. I kinda hope they don't get fired, but them's the breaks I guess.

5. There MIGHT be a Pokémon Gameboy game "Pokémon Black," where you get to play as a Rocket. Another rumor that I've heard around, so it COULD be true. I know I'd buy that baby. But you know what bites? I THOUGHT UP A TR POKEMON GAME ABOUT TWO YEARS AGO! People always seem to take my ideas (though I guess it really isn't a bad thing). First I thought, "wouldn't it be cool to have a Sim City game where you could control people and make a neighborhood?" and BADA BIG! The Sims! Now this... My ideas just rule so much, I guess ^_^

6. Hey, get this messed-up rumor... you know the little boy in the picture Jessie has from "Ditto's Mysterious Mansion"? Well, apparently it's "rumored" that it's Giovanni. According to the site the two are only a couple years apart, and Miyamato and Madame Boss used to be friends so they coulda played together. That's according to the site of course. Personally, I think it's crap. Scandelous, but crap. See, Giovanni has wrinkle lines, therefore making him AT LEAST Jessie's at the most 21. See the age gap? Also, if Madame Boss was such a great friend to Miyamato, why DA HELL did she send her to her death in the frosty arctic mountains to find a stupid Mew? Can you say, "Suicide Mission"? Argh. So anyway, it's crap. Trust me on this.

7. I've heard around that the next Pokémon series will take place ten years after the one going on right now. That'd make J&J like somewhere between 27 and 30... woah... and "reportedly" Ash is married to Misty... pardon me while I go throw up.

8. It's rumored that Pikachu beloved bottle of ketchup is coming back for another episode! Ash-tachi are in a restaurant when Pikachu spots the ketchup and refuses to let go of it. Later, Team Rocket kidnap the ketchup in order to get Pikachu to follow them, but their plan backfires as Ash reminds Pikachu that it's only a bottle of ketchup and TR goes blasting off again. Poor Mr. Heinz...

9. Professor Ivy returns! Yes, that's right, and we'll finally find out what happened to Brock! After Ash wins the Johto League they all go back to Pallet Town and guess who's having tea with Professor Oak?! No other information about this at the moment, but when I find out more I'll let you know!

10. Misty and Brock have a brief fling! Yup, you heard me! After Ash pisses Misty off by unintentionally insulting her on a lot of levels, she gets depressed and goes off. Brock finds her and they start talking (not sure exactly about what), and the two look like they're about to kiss when they hear Ash really close by looking for them. Nothing else yet on the possible romance, but Ash'll probably get her in the end. *Grumbles curse words under breath*

11. James and Brock fall for the same girl and end up getting in a huge fight over it! I've also heard that Jessie continues to tell James how stupid it is and seems to be kinda jealous. Sounds like an interesting piece of episode for we Rocketshippers, eh?

This was submitted by Rocketbaby! ^_^
12. Jessie and James would end up in a big fight over being blasted off again and the only one who could put them back together is meowth with the help of team twerp

This was submitted by Tracey Stott!
13. i'm not quite shure about this, but i read in this magazine that mondo worked with three other girls, lauren, danielle and jenny. Jenny is short and has short ginger hair and she like mondo a lot. in the picture i saw, she was hugging mondo, who ws looking into space. i don't know weather of not this will be of much imortance, 'cos i haven't read anything on the internet about the 'Chibi Rocket Gang' but i do know mondo exists

This was submitted by Ali!
14. I have a friend, Mai, who moved from Japan 'bout 1 and a half years ago. So, GREAT news. Miyamoto 'aint dead! Yahooooooo! *Does victory dance* We knew she wasn't dead. *yells from atop a hill* She's ALIVE! It turns out that Mew saved her, but erased her memory, so when Jessie bumbs into her on the street Miyamoto doesn't know who she is. *Cries* So James sees Jess is disturbed so he talks to her (aww... Kojiro is just so damn sweet) and Jessie says she thinks it she knows her and so they go up to her and do this whole battle thing but once Jessie realizes that it's her mom, she's gone.

This was submitted by Puichan the Great:
I heard this (somewhere), but there is supposed to be a season after the 5th season of Pokemon with Ash's and Misty's children @_@ and Jess & James' children ^-^. I dunno, i heard it from this girl who is a friend of my friend who is from Japan, and she told me as well.

Here's a Crazy One Submitted by Silver
Ash's dad ain't Gio. And it ain't Oak either. I know this is barfworthy but I have this from a respectable source... It's JAMES. So here's the deal (I got this from a friend, he has the whole series, including unreleased eppies, subtitled on VCD and he found out by watching it. He'll loan me the VCD of this ep so I can make sure it's true. Oh, and in Japan, TR is a lot older, duh.). James's family used to be dirt poor, hard as that is to believe. So to get some fast cash, he did a sperm donation. That made the family filthy-rich (?) and got him engaged to you-know-who (NOT Voldemort!'s a Harry Potter thing). And the recipient of the donation was Delia Ketchum, therefore makng our Kojiro-chan the twerp's dad! *gags and faints*
Now, Dee must get her 2 cents in: *Ah-hem* I do not believe this rumor. One bit. Usually, I try to come some margin of belief in all rumors, because I'd hate to feel really stupid when they turn out to be true, but the truth is I cannot believe this, no matter how hard I try. And it's not just because of the utter absurdity of the entire thing, its because of this: There ARE no subtitled Pokémon tapes! Well, okay, I'll take that back; you MIGHT- and its still a very slim chance- MIGHT be able to find them fan-subbed on Ebay or something like that, but they'd be bootlegs, and they might be inaccurate. Anyway, this is the sort of thing that I figure would be all over the web by now if it was true, and seeing as how I've heard it nowhere else, I have to conclude that the information given is slim to not true. Sorry, Silver for bashing your rumor- we still cool? ^_^;;

Those're all the rumors I felt were worth the time to put up. The others were either just plain no-way weird or not interesting enough. If you've got a "real" (and I use the term loosely) rumor or a "fake" (but aren't they all fake?) rumor, send 'em to me and I'll go on and post 'em up!

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