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Spoiling Plots- my one goal in life
A Peek Into the Future:
Sweet Glorious Spoilers!

Dee has three things she loves doing online. One, downloading music; two, working on my sites; aaaaand three: FINDING SPOILERS! I've been putting off making a big spoilers page 'cause I couldn't find a decent site to steal from, but... DA DA DA DAAAAAA! Voila! I finally found one! I'd like thank this TR Site for most of the info I have, and for the very nice founder who indulges me by answering my questions on various episodes! I also got some of my info from So anyway... ON TO THE SPOILERS!

5/2/01: IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! It shall be known that the owner of this illustrious website (that's me, no da) has decided that Spoilers Are Evil and will no longer be continuing to update this spoilers page. The Devils that are Spoilers can be seen at this website (where I got all my info in the first place) and pretty much anywhere else around the web. I'll keep up the ones I have below for you, but I won't be adding on. Don't worry now, I'll let you know what I know about PKMN 5 and other little tidbits, but full spoilers have now said sayonara! So sayonara back and move on! They're evil anyway...

They're arranged in a somewhat orderly fashion... scroll down, or use my Table of Contents.

Orderly Episode Spoilers!
Best Spoilers (Mosty TR and Brock-ish)
Pokémon Balloon Race! Pass Through the Storm
Miltank's Real Mother! Desert Secret!
Lugia Trilogy- B&C Are Back-a!
End of the year special! ^_^

Other Episode News'n'Stuff

The End of Pokémon!?

Orderly Episode Spoilers!

Here's a list of the episodes to come.Some have info, some don't. I'll try to find more, but this is it for now!

Capture at the Herb Farm

Fortune Telling Natu! Foreshadow Future's Mystery!
-Ugh, that Magikarp man shows up again, and almost cons James AGAIN! When will the madness end? Oh, and no one we cared about gets their fortune told in this episode; just a bunch of stupid little kids. Blah.

Pokemon Big Ballon Race! Pass Through The Storm!
-Ash enters a balloon race with a Pikachu balloon. Meowth also really wants to enter so he can win first price: a balloon burner (what the heck-o is that?). Jess and Jim sabatoge all the other balloons at night, and Meowth gets really pissed off 'cause... get this: he wanted to win fairly. When has Meowth EVER wanted to be fair!? I mean, of the trio he's probably one of the biggest cheaters! Anyway, J&J get tired of his annoying whining and tie him up.
-From what I understand, this is also a really violent episode! James shoots a missile launcher (several times!) at Ash's balloon. He hits Cyndaquil and INJURES ASH! Go Jimmy-boy! He's so devious!

Pokemon School Superhero Love!
-Someone else falls in love with Pikachu! This time it's a Smoochum, the baby form of Jynx. How scary is this ep gonna be?

Surfing Rhydon! Lake Battle!

Kakureon is Somewhere! Pokemon that cannot be seen!
-Kakureon (whichever Poképeep that is) uses Psybeam and has camouflage that makes it completely invisible. Freaky deaky.

Nurse Joy Who Doesn't Like Water Pokemon! Misty's Wrath!
-Nurse Joy locks up all the water Pokémon in cages because she hates them. Isn't that nice? She pisses Misty off because of this, since Joy refuses to treat any water Pokémon. It turns out that she hates water types because of some sort of Remoraid accident that happened when she was little. Also, Team Rocket has a nifty Tentacruel submarine in this ep, and do their motto with some water acrobatics! They just never lose their creativity!

Miltank's Real Mother! Desert Secret!
-Meowth goodness! Okay, here's the basic plot: Ash's Cyndaquil and Meowth get beat up. They're carried off by a Dugtrio to an oasis for injured Pokémon. A Miltank lives there, and it heals Pokémon with her hoof... that's really gay, but what else do you expect from a Miltank? Meowth's the hero is this 'un. He actually tries to stop his Rocket buds from stealing Miltank- he even gets their other Pokémon to turn on them! *Wags finger* That wasn't very nice Nyasu! In the end, naturally, stupid Ash saves the day. Blech.
-NASTY MOMENT ALERT! At one point Miltank suggests they have some milk from her, so Cyndaquil immediately starts drinking straight from the udder! Meowth doesn't really want to, but he ends up suckling also. That's so... dirty... I think Haley's right about Miltank being the scariest Pokémon out there...

We Pichu Brothers!

Restoration! Meowth's Room!

Lighthouse Radiance! Olivine City Battle!!
-TR finally catches something successfully... sadly, tis no Pokémon... tis Brock. ^_^;;

Cianwood Gym! Incense Wrestling Match Showdown!!
-Ash wins the Storm Badge in Cianwood City, against Chuck (what a name)

Whirl Islands! Reaching A New Challenge!!
-The psychotic Seamore is back, this time to study water Pokémon! No, not Seamore!

Pidgey and the Detective Pidgey! Heard Yet Not Seen!

Travelling the Open Sea! Chinchou Parade
-Ash might help a Chinchou get back to the sea... though I'm not sure how much he wants to... -_-

Corsola Fifth Encounter! Pursue the Fifth of the Group!
-Oh goody, Misty catches a Corsola. I forget; aren't those those funny pink things with horns? I think I have one of those on my Silver version...

Mantine and the Sinking Bottlecap!! Secret Pokémon Riddle!!

Octillery & Remoraid! Whirlpool Cup Qualifying Round!!
Part One of a three part battle crapic.

Whirlpool Cup! Great Battle in the Water Colosseum!!
Part Two...

Ash vs. Misty! Whirlpool Cup Final Battle!!
-Okay, here's the facts: Only 2 Pokémon per trainer, and you fight till you can't fight no more! Misty claims since she's a water Master she'll win, but Ash is just as confident. Neither are ever gonna give in, being the stubborn kids they are. Misty wins in the end. (HAHA ASH-HOLE!) Oh, and it was rumored that Misty and Ash kiss at the end... well, folks, that's all it is. A rumor. Sorry twerpshippers. Now, pardon me while I go throw a party. Gymshipping forever!

Protect Diglett Village! Great Pitfall Strategy!?

Legend of the Silver Feather! Battle of Silver Rock Island!!
-Butch and Cassidy are baaaaaaack! They're dressed as doctors, and are working on some Lugia Project. Yay! Roketto Dan's second team!

Riddle of Pokemon X!
-Richie and Ash battle Butch and Cassidy, who's Pokémon (Houndoom and Hitmontop this time) have these enhancer headbands, and the "twoips" get their ketsu whipped.
-I guess at the end of this TR gets caught in some explosion, and we don't know what happened to them! *Gasp* Also, there's some sort of Dr. Nanba from TR in this one, but we won't find out too much about him until...

Captive Lugia!
-TEAM ROCKET LIVES! They're shown covered in bandages (yana kanjii), but I have no clue what else they do) Dr. Nanba and his Team Rocket, well, team, have captured Pimpy Lugia's little kid. Lugia and his "Lovah" (gah, too much SNL) get pissed off and make a big storm...
-The baby's name is Silver! HOW CREATIVE!

Agreement with Lugia!
-Ash-tachi chase after Nanba and sneak into his base. Uh-oh though... they get caught in a trap Nanba set up, and PIMP DADDY LUGIA'S CAUGHT TOO! *cries* Well, I'm sure by the end of the ep everything turns out Peachy, but still... DR. NANBA SUCKS! HE CAUGHT PIMPY!
-Jess and Jim fight Butch and Cass and actually beat 'em! Lord only knows how... Wobuffet and Victreebell beat some Hitmonbooty! This doesn't make them heroes, sadly; they merely want Lugia for themselves and make absolutely no secret of the fact. ^_^;;
-It's rumored that Giovanni might appear! Wowie! And all this time I thought he'd gone and died on us... ^_^;;

Fly Proud Hoothoot! Aim for Olivine!
-Ash saves TR in a storm and they're forced to thank him. Pooey. But, then they "forget" *cough cough* and try to steal Pikachu. Golly gee, ya think they succeed? Hyuck hyuck!? *Slaps self*

Olivine Gym! VS. Steelix!!
-Ash goes up to the gym and there's a statue of a giant Wobbuffet. The statue says "place your pokemon on the podium to bless its health and safety." So Ash of course does it (BAKA!) and of course it's a Team Rocket trap!
-This Indestructible Wobbuffet is really important to Jessie because apparently back during her school days everyone had an indestructible pencil case (go fig)... except for her. Poor Musashi-chan! So the robot Wobbuffet made up for it.
-Ash gets the badge at the end (DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!) when Pikachu beats Steelix. And we won't even go into how impossible that would be... Goodbye Bulbasaur! Adventure at Oak's Residence!!
-The Pokémon back at Oak's Love Shack are getting a little too rowdy, so Ash sends Bulbasaur back to help solve the problem! Tracey's in this episode! Yeehaw! Maybe he'll even have some lines! Go Kenji!

Espeon & Sakura! Ecruteak City Again!!
-The title pretty much says all I know about this one. I guess Sakura evolved her Eevee into an Espeon... that'd make sense since none of the other sisters had one...

Suicune and Minaki! Legend of Houou!!
-The sexy gym leader on crack- Morty- is back with his friend Minaki. I saw a pic of Minaki and in a word: scawy. At any rate, Suicune and Minaki's Alakazam battle, and the battle's supposed to be really impressive. *Yawn* Whatever. Battles bore me. And they annoy me too. Why the hecko does Ash use water gun!? It's like one of the weakest attacks! Narg!

Pokémon Ride Race!!
-YAY! GARY'S BACK! *jumps around dancing* YAYAYAYAYAY! He's entering his Arcanine in a big race! Gary-chan is BAAAAAAAACK! ^_^

Detective Joy! Mystery of the Egg thats Missing!

Egg, Hatch!
-Ash has an egg, and it hatches. Yes, that's right, another devil-from-an-egg has come to haunt our screens and attempt to take over the world and someone's mind. Maybe this one'll go for Ash! ^_^;

Team Rocket and delibird!!

Ninetales in the Fog!!

Tyrogue and Karate King Nobuhiko!!

Xatu's Great Prophecy!!

Lance and the Red Gyarados!!

Rage of the Red Gyarados!!

Piloswine and the Pryce of the Winter!

Mahogany Town Gym! Ice Battle!!

Bellossom vs Vileplume! Peace of the Grassy Meadow

Magcargo! Catch in the Hot Spirit!!

Pokémon Magic! A Great Change!

Zapdos and the Crystal! Secret of the Lake!

Pokemon Crystal! Legend of Raikou's Thunder!
-This is the hour and a half-long end of the year special that is gonna kick Poké-arse! The ep has a bunch of new characters including TWO NEW TEAM ROCKET MEMBERS! Skippy diddle dee day! Meet Bashou and Buson (who will wind up being, what, Calamity and Jane? Nrr...) It also stars Marina and Kenta (?) from New Bark Town.
-Bashou and Buson are making a secret facility out in the woods near a Pokémon Center. Something goes wrong with this "Crystal system" thing and a lot of electric Pokémon start coming to the site. Go fig. They use a Mecha Chicken Walker (which is literally it's name) to catch 'em all! GOTTA CATCH EM ALL! *Slaps self* Bah, the subliminal messages are getting to me.
-Kenta (?) tries to save the Poképeeps from Roketto Dan, but he's sent flying back by a bolt of lighting and some trees burst into flames. Then a silhouette appears, and it's our good buddy Raikou! That's all I know at the moment, but it sounds groovy, don't it? NEW TR MEMBERS! YEEHAW!
-Oh, dear. I heard that this thing is actually a snooze-fest! It's just battle battle battle, puke, battle battle battle. You know, the sort of episodes that make Dee want to hang herself! Gack! Pooie. Well, there is one bright spot, according to sources- Bashou and Buson are totally ruthless (is that really a bright spot?)! Of course, in the WB version anything violent they do'll get thrown out the window... *Sigh again*

Other Episode News'n'Rumors
I wasn't sure what episodes this stuff was from, but here it is!

-When Ash first gets to Olivine City, there's no Gym Leader. Sound like the Gameboy game, no?

-Bayleaf starts obeying Ash, but she's still in love with him so it messes up her judgement

-Salon Rocket returns, as another master scheme to catch Pikachu!

-The woman from "Whirlpool Cup! Great Battle Colloseum!" (right) is NOT Miyamato or Lorelei. Her name's Maya. I don't know why this one site I found thought they looked alike, since Miyamato has purple hair and Lorelei was already introduced on Pokémon (for some reason they called her Prima...)

The End of Pokémon?
Actually, no. Had ya scared for a sec, didn't I? I've *heard* that the 5th season is Ash's last season, which- HUZZAH- means I won't have to watch the show till I'm a Senior!
But, for those of you who can't get enough Pokees, fear not! Another series will start up shortly after Ash's. I THINK it's set quite a few years into the future, and all our favorite characters (well, at least Ash, Misty and Brock) make an appearance at some time or another! I can safely say I WON'T be watching this ^_^; simply because, well, without J&J it would just be a hollow experience. But then again, if another sexy Rocket boy comes along...

More News and Rumors!