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Da Tree Main Membahs
Character Bios:
Jessie, James and Meowth

Cuz I'm too lazy to make a separate page for each of our lovely Rocket friends, I decided to put the main members on one page and the not-so-famous members on another. Enjoy!


Ahh, James! Everyone's favorite cross-dressing feminist! hot... so yummy... as my dear cousin would say: "I'd jump him!" ^_^

Full Name: James Morgan (I heard somewhere that that's his last name)
Japanese name: Kojiro
Age: 17, pretty close to 18
Height: about 6'0"
Hair color: Lavender/Periwinkle (though some people think it's blue... HALEY!)
Eye color: Emerald green
Best friends: Jessie and Meowth
Mortal enemies: The twerps, Butch and Cassidy
Voice actor: Eric Stuart
Seiyuu: Miki Sinichirou

James was filthy stinkin' rich as a kid. We're talkin' Bill Gates money. But his parents were tyrannical snots and drove him to the brink of insanity (His whip-weilding, sweet-talking fiancee Jessebelle couldn't have helped either) so he ran away and went to Pokémon Tech. There he met Jessie, and the two flunked out together and joined a bike gang. James later became known as "Little Jim" or "Trainer James." Okay, trainer James I get, cuz he had to use training wheels, but little Jim? He's taller than Jessie! Hmm... Anyway, for reasons we'll probably never know, they left the bike gang (where they were legends) and joined Team Rocket (where they were nobodys). Kinda a kick in the face, doncha think?

In the early episodes James was a stuck-up, mean, greedy and whiny. Man, was he an unloveable snot back then, huh? Well, most of that's changed for the better, and he currently lives as everyone's favorite sex-symbol of the Pokémon world. I mean, how could you not love this kawaii li'l Rocketboy? Long live our transvestite fiend!


Jessie, the emotionally unsure abusive best friend. There's one in every TV show, right? Don't get me wrong, I love Jessie! I took a test once and it said I was most like her! ...Is that a good thing?

Full Name: Jessica ^_^
Japanese Name: Musashi
Age: Same as James, maybe a couple months older
Height: about 5'10"
Hair color: Red. Really, really, red
Eye color: Blue
Best friends: James (or could he be more than a friend...) and Meowth
Mortal enemies: The Brat Pack, Butch, and Cassidy
Voice actor: Rachel Lillis
Seiyuu: The Amazing and Wonderful Megumi Hayashibara

Hey, you wanna know what rules? When you find a translation to a CD Drama that reveals so much new information it's almost scary! I now know that Jessie's mother Miyamato actually put her in a foster home, because she didn't have enough money to care for her. I assume she was gonna get her after she got rich, but we'll never know 'cause Miyamato supposedly died. After this early childhood (where Jessie at snow, poor thing), there's a period where Jessie-chan tried to become a Pokémon Nurse- but couldn't 'cause her name's not Joy- and then goes to Pokémon Tech. Next, she meets James (the only ray of sunshine so far) but they flunk out of Pokémon Tech and join a Bike Gang. Jessie later becomes a legend; "Chainer Jess," or "Big Jess." Apparently she swung a chain around, and probably belted James a few (hundred) times. She joins Team Rocket and meets a claw-happy Meowth, then starts her TR career chasing after Ash-tachi and his electric rat. Good times, good times!

Jessie is right up there on my Fav Char List with James and Brock. She rules, and I have NO IDEA why! She's vain, violent, couldn't smell a potential love scene from a mile away (I mean, really, "I'll always remember what a wonderful dresser you were"?) and sometimes just downright mean... BUT I LIKES HER NONETHELESS! One of these days- hopefully before I'm twenty-one- she and her Jimmyboy will kiss and run away to London and... did I mention I'm a Rocketshipper?


Meowth is our resident feline, and also my favorite Pokémon. He bites, he claws, in the japanese version he cusses... just your average, sweet Poképal.

Name: Meowth
Japanese Name: Nyasu
Age: Unknown. Probably, like, five in human years
Height: 1'4"
Fur color: Cream-colored, brown, and black
Eye color: Black
Best friends: Jessie and James
Mortal enemies: Twerp Troupe, Butch, Cassidy, and Persian
Voice actor: Here's something I bet you didn't know! I was having a crisis about this 'cause I was finding Adam, Addie and Maddie Blaustein, and I finally know! Meowth is played by Madeline Blaustein, a WOMAN! Now, who saw that one coming, eh?
Seiyuu: Inuko Inuyama

Meowth was a street-cat that decided to move to Hollywood for the food. There he met a Persian Gang and a pretty little cat named Meowzy. Never let people tell you Pokémon don't have genders, cuz this proves it. Anyway, to impress Meowzy he learned to talk and walk on two feet. The way he figured, if she loved people so much he'd be the next best thing! Unfortunately, his plan back-fired. Horribly. She fell for a Persian and Meowth joined Team Rocket cuz "Rocket" was the first word he learned. He was top cat, but got replaced by a stupid Persian and now hangs with Jessie and James, our Team losers. Giovanni's loss, the stupid ba... guy.

Meowth's tempermental, like any other cat in the world, and his only wish is to finally be top cat again. But, for that to happen, they'll actually have to succeed (which I think they'll do pretty soon). Until then, we get to watch the playful antics of our Team Rocket trio for the rest of eternity! Woohoo!

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