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Who, what, why, and chicken-fried rice
Me and My Crap
Who Are You and What's Up With Your Site?

Well thats wonderful that you'd ask questions about me! Now I feel amazingly loved! ^_^ Okay, what all is there to say...?

My name is Dee... or at least that's what I want you to think- Mwahahaha! No, it really is. ^_^; Um, I'm 14-years old, single and looking ~_^ Just kidding. I'm having way to much fun with this, doncha think? Well, let me see, I love just about any animé (except the dirty kind- yuck!), Kansas Jayhawk basketball, Jeff Boschee, and- what? You don't wanna hear about ME? You want to know why I made the site and all that junk? Well, FINE, be that way *sniffle*

History- Basically my bud Haley and I got together and decided to make a Pokémon site about our favorite characters: she took Brock and I took Team Rocket. We called the site "Dee and Haley's Pokémon Partay!" and linked our own sites off of it. It all started out so innocent and friendly...

That was about a year and a half ago, and since then my "Rocket Corner" has been through a name change, a couple format makeovers, and MONTHS OF HAVING NO ONE VISIT! Well, that's how all sites start out ne? At any rate, the dark days are finally ending and I'm getting the respect I desoive!

Why? *Shrugs* Because Team Rocket rules! What other reason could there possibly be? Heh. Actually, what I basically wanted to do was make a TR shrine unlike any other out there, one where I could get out all my opinions and maybe, just maybe, make some people laugh. And, if they didn't like humor, then they could always go read some of my hella-sad fanfics! ^_^

And I also love James
Now, that doesn't mean I hate all the twerps or anything... okay, I DO hate Ash and the Narrator and Richie and Todd to the 10th power, but Misty and Brock and Tracey and Gary and Duplica and *deep breath* bunches of other people are pretty cool. I just happen to really really really like Team Rocket.

I support a lot of crap, and you'll notice it throughout my things. I'm a Rocketshipper and Gymshipper, I believe Giovanni is Ash's daddy, and I have a strong and almost unnatural hatred for the The Four Evils: namely Togepi, Pikachu, Professor Ivy-
Brock: THAT NAME...
Me: And Jessebelle-
James: THAT NAME...

Me: *Er-hem* Yes. So, anyway, that's about all I can say. If you read anything where I bash Tracey or Misty it was probably written during my "Tracey-and-Misty-hating" stage and I was too lazy to change it. If any comments offend you, such as the ones on Brock having no eyes, Ash being an incurably dense twerp, Giovanni being Ash's daddy, and, um... you know? Just anything that offends you, try to remember that it's all in fun... except the Ash stuff. He really is an incurably dense twerp ~_~

Dee ^_^

Oh, and here's another website to keep you entertained!
Shippers Anonymous: The Pokémon Ward

Now you can... Blast Back to Ii Kanjii!