9. His friends consist of a gym leader who feels sorry for him, a gym leader whose bike he destroyed, a watcher who follows him around to meet a cooky old dude, and 50 other people who are constantly annoyed by him
8. He wins most of his badges out of pure sympathy
7. Most of the pokemon he owns follow him around because Brock probably gave them some poison that attracts them to Ash
6. His mom hates him so much she stuffed about 10,000 pairs of underwear in his smelly backpack and a number of useless items, but forgot to pack him clothes and deoderant
5. He's as blind as Brock; Team Rocket's wearing hats and he's like "Duh, do i know you?"
4. He tried to catch a pidgey with his crusty shirt
3. The animators despise him so they gave him zigzags under his eyes so he'll look even dirtier than he already is
2. Ash has a knack for pointing out the obvious "Duh, look guys, there's a tree there yonder, yep, hyuk"
1. The first thing he always does is stupidly throw a pokeball and wonder why it doesn't work
Note to Pui-chan from Dee: If you read this (and hopefully you will) I wanted to let you know that I tried to e-mail you back and tell you how much I LOVED this list, and your address didn't work! AH! Anyway, even though I couldn't say it in an e-mail, nice job!
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