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The Top 10 TR Quotes
"Alas, poor Yorik..." Aah, who cares about Shakespeare? All you need is Team Rocket for a good quotable, laughable saying!

10. "It is said that no man is an island."
"Well James, you are no man!"

9. "Shake 'em up Jimmyboy!"

8. "We believe in love power- that's because we love power! MWAHAHAHA!"

7. "It's times like these that make me wanna go straight!"

6. "Prepare for trouble and a dance!"
"And we're in tights instead of pants!"

5. "Like, wow, don't I make like the COOOOOLEST girl!?"

4. "You're... looking good Chopper."

3. "I want my lawyer!"
"I want my mommy!"

2. "Bad human! Bad human! Don't you ever raise your voice to me again you bad, bad human!!"

1. "I don't think... I'm tough enough to be a woman."

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