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Rurouni Kenshin Shrine

Seijuurou Hiko
Seta Soujirou
Sagara Sanosuke
Yukishiro Enishi
Honji Kamatari
Yukishiro Tomoe
Shinomori Aoshi
Naughty gay-porn Fanart

THINGA ARE BACK UP AND RUNNING, FINALLY! I got the Sanosuke part goin' now and added the Aoshi section! ^_^ OH and I put a fanart of MY OWN creation up too, see the bottom of the list...

Rurouni Kenshin is propterty of Watsuki Nubihiro (spelled right?) so it's all his creation. And, most of the images were takend from other webpages, so they have ALL my thanks.. though they probably don't know about it. ^_^;; Anyway, the stuff here has copyrights and the fanart is all somones elses etc etc.
