FAQ Darien: I am hosting this page. Luna424: WHAT??? WHO DID THIS!!!!! NO! NOT HIM! Darien: Serena wanted me to host something. Lun424: Oh, now is she in charge of the page? She is not president, yet, she doesn't have any votes yet, and NEITHER DO YOU!! Darien: Hey, why is there no picture of me at the top? Luna424: I couldn't stand to look at your ugly booty face! Darien: Uh-uh-uh, (holds up MITS form) <Mamoru Is Totally Sexy, it took all my strength to type that> Luna424: Why would I care about that? Darien: Because they know where you sleep! Luna424: DO NOT!!!! Darien: DO TOO! Luna424: Oh just host the stinking page! Darien: FINE! Luna424: FINE!
Q~ How many hits do you have?
A~ Um, well, hehe, I'm not quite sure....sorry. I am working on getting a counter, but it's mostly my friends and me, so probably about 50-70? That's kind of pitiful, sigh.
Q~ picture doesn't work!! Fix it!!
A~ I will know if a picture doesn't work. Either, your timing is bad and I'm updating that very second or I'm just having problems. Sorry, deal with it! K?
Q~ Did you know that your pictures in Picture Captions are out of line?
A~ Yup. I am gonna put them in cells, so they'll work, but now, I have other stuff to do.
Q~ Your site stinks! You stink! BLAH!
A~ HUMPH!!! Well first of all you can't smell over the computer, and if you can;t say something nice... (slaps hands over mouth) AHH! I'm turning into my mother!! HELP!!
Q~ You make a lot of typos, stop.
A~ I type fast, make lot of errors, probably made one in that sentence. I do not proof read, I have better things to do.
Q~ How often do you update?
A~ I don't know, depends, usually AT LEAST every week.
Q~ Who are all these "friends" you talk about?
A~ Well my list is... Sarah- Goes to my school, moonie Erin- Lives in my dad's state, see her when I see him, some what of a computer friend, moonie. Rachel- Best friend, doesn't even know about site ^_^, non-moonie. Katy- 2nd best friend, HATES SAILOR MOON, ack. Amy- My other best friend, non-moonie, she's smart, it's confusing... Crystal- On line friend, MOONIE!, appears a lot. Alina- Crystals friend (origonally) My on-line friend too, Star Wars person (is there a name?), little bit of a moonie (1/4 or something) Sailor Neo Star- On-line chat friend, moonie. Hawaii_v_babe- chat friend, online, moonie. Silent Angel- On-line, site based, moonie. Emily- School, non-moonie, WEATHER MANS DAUGHTER! Cool, ne?
Q~ What's your real name?
A~ I'M NOT TELLING!!! MUHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! I'm.....ok.......
Q~ Do you have a life?
A~ Yes, do I use it? No. Hehe. The awnser to that, see above, friends. I also act, paint, play violin (I am a blossoming Mirchiru) Annual Staff, web site (wait a second) helping my mom on the puter (BLAH!!!!) HOMEWORK! Sleeping, eating, whatching SM, Watching Tenchi, and other stuff....
Q~ Why did you make a FAQ?
A~ Darien wanted to host something, the butt-head.
Darien: I'm not a butt-head! Luna424: ARE TOO!!!!!!!! Darien: ARE NOT!!!!! Crystal: ARE TOOO! Serena: ARE NOT!!!!!! Everyone: Are too!!!!! Darien: Are not!!!! |